August 30, 2006




FROM:                        SAMUEL W. BODMAN


SUBJECT:                  Establishment of the Office of Health, Safety and Security


By this memorandum, I hereby disestablish the Office of Security and Safety Performance Assurance (SSA) and the Office of Environment, Safety and Health

(EH).  I am hereby establishing the Office of Health, Safety and Security (HSS) to perform many of the functions formerly performed by EH and SSA.  The new HSS office will report directly to the Office of the Secretary and will be headed by Glenn S. Podonsky, who will be the Department’s Chief Health, Safety and Security Officer.


The following specific EH and SSA functions will not become part of HSS, and instead will transfer to other program offices or Department officials.  For functions that I am directing to be transferred to one or more of the three Under Secretaries, and except as otherwise specified below, the respective Under Secretary will be responsible for determining whether the transferred function should be carried out by his immediate office or by one of the program offices under his cognizance.  These decisions should be made after consultation with the Deputy Secretary.



In addition, I am directing that the Office of the Departmental Representative to the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board transfer to HSS.


These actions are to be made effective immediately.  The Deputy Secretary will oversee the implementation of this reorganization.  I expect Mr. Podonsky, the three Under Secretaries, the General Counsel, and the Director of the Office of Management to prepare appropriate organizational change packages and to determine subordinate employee assignments and related actions in accordance with all applicable Collective Bargaining Agreements.