Legal Webliography




FIRSTGOV is the World Wide Web information portal for the United States Federal Government. This website is intended to be the first resource for finding any government information on the Internet, with topics ranging from business and economy, to money and benefits, to science and technology—and everything in between. For the purposes of this webliography, the Library and References link provides the part of FIRSTGOV that deals with legal and legislative information. 

FIRSTGOV-Library & Reference

This website contains:

  • Federal law and regulations
  • Legislative and federal judiciary links
  • Federal Administrative Decisions
  • The U.S. Constitution
  • Statistics from over 100 Federal Agencies
  • Links to the Executive, Legislative & Judicial Branches of the Federal Government


GPO Access

GPO Access is a service of the U.S. Government Printing Office that provides free electronic access to a wealth of important information products produced by the federal Government.  The information provided on this site is the official, published version and the information retrieved from GPO Access can be used without restriction, unless specifically noted. While GPO Access has a wide range of free electronic services that can be accessed via its home page, the Database List provides a wealth of legal and legislative information appropriate to this webliography. 

Government Information Databases

These databases include the following:

  • Popular regulatory materials such as: The Federal Register and the Code of Federal Regulations
  • Critical Congressional products such as: The Congressional Record and Congressional Bills
  • Public Laws and the U.S. Code, 2000 Edition
  • Supreme Court decisions
  • GAO Comptroller General Decisions and GAO Reports


Law Library of Congress

The Guide to Law Online, prepared by the Law Library of Congress Public Services Division, is an annotated guide to sources of information on government and law available online. It includes selected links to useful and reliable sites for legal information.

Guide to Law Online

This site provides access to:

  • Searchable databases of selected decisions from the U.S. Supreme Court, the Appellate Courts, and Special Federal Courts
  • Federal Court Procedure including the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure, the Federal Rules of Civil and Criminal Procedure and the Federal Rules of Evidence
  • Approximately 70 Law Reviews in full text
  • Selected International Treaties and Agreements
  • Other Online U.S. Law Guides
  • Criminal Law and Procedure, State and Federal
  • U.S. Constitution (Annotated to June 2004)
  • Federalist Papers
  • Laws of the U.S. States and Territories


This website, named in honor of Thomas Jefferson, is probably the best site on the web for accessing the full text of legislation from the U.S. Congress. The contents of the site includes bills, Congressional Record, Congressional Advisory Board reports, the legislative process, legislative branch, internet sites, and U.S. Government internet sites.

Thomas: The U.S. Congress on the Internet

This site provides access to:

  • The full text of all of the documents created during preliminary consideration of legislation or part of the legislative process, including the Senate Calendar, House Calendar, and the Congressional Record
  • Databases with a summary and status of bills
  • New legislation that can be searched by topic, by popular title, by bill number, bill type and time of enactment or discussion
  • The Congressional Record database includes a searchable database to the proceedings of the House and Senate floors


Supreme Court of the United States 

This is the official website of the U.S. Supreme Court.  

Supreme Court of the United States

This site includes access to:

  • Recent Supreme Court decisions
  • Court docket information
  • Merits Briefs
  • Court rules


United States House of Representatives

This is the official website for the U.S. House of Representatives, one of the two chambers of the Congress of the United States.  The site is searchable by keyword, and users can also browse by broad categories: Congressional Schedule Information, Legislative Information, and General Information.

United States House of Representatives

This site provides access to:

  • Committee offices
  • Leadership offices
  • U.S. Code via the Office of Law Revision Counsel
  • Congressional voting information


United States Senate

This is the official website for the U.S. Senate, one of two chambers of the Congress of the United States.  The site is searchable by keyword and users can also browse by broad categories: Senators, Committees, Legislation and Records, and Reference.

United States Senate

This site provides access to:

  • Congressional session schedule
  • Biographical Directory of the United States Congress, 1774-2005
  • Congressional statistics and lists
  • Subject specific bibliographies



DocLaw WWW

            This website, entitled “Agency Index” is a component of (Washburn University School of Law) and acts as a gateway to federal government Internet resources and other government related material.


Federal Information by Agency

USLinks, a site maintained by Public Documents and Maps Department at Duke University is designed to provide access to web sites of and brief descriptive information about the major agencies of the United States federal government. This site includes links to executive agencies, departments, independent establishments and government corporations, and quasi-official agencies with sites on the Internet, which are accessible via the WWW by agency, title and subject.


FindLaw—Federal Resources

This site divides federal agencies into the three branches (legislative, executive and judicial) as well as Independent Agencies, Federal Boards and Commissions and Quasi-Government Organizations and Miscellaneous Non-Government. Each of these categories can be browsed alphabetically or searched by keyword.


Official Federal Government Web Sites—Executive Branch

This Library of Congress web page provides a very straightforward presentation of a hypertext, alphabetical list of the executive branch departments divided by executive agencies, independent agencies, boards, commissions and committees and quasi-official agencies.  Links to the specific offices of each department are also provided.



Bureau of Transportation Statistics

The Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) is responsible for data collection, analysis, and reporting to ensure the most cost-effective use of transportation-monitoring resources.  BTS strives to increase public awareness of the nation’s transportation system and improve the transportation knowledge base of decisionmakers. 

Directory of Transportation Libraries & Information Centers

This web site contains links to 130 transportation libraries in the United States, Canada and other countries.  While this is by no means a complete listing of transportation libraries, it certainly includes the important institutions in this field. Any of these listed libraries can be searched directly.  All entries provide address and contact information, collection size and scope, and of course, a link to each library’s website.


Hieros Gamos—The Comprehensive Legal and Government Site

This site, maintained by a consortium of 131 law firms is the largest and only comprehensive legal site dealing with 200 practice areas and containing more than 10,000 links. For the purposes of this section of the webliography, the practice area of transportation was chosen.


This site includes:

  • All forms of transportation including space, aviation, rail and maritime
  • Treaties
  • Transportation laws and regulations of the United States
  • European Union transportation laws and regulations
  • Transportation laws and regulations of other countries
  • Links to U.S. transportation agencies and programs
  • Transportation Law News
  • FAA websites
  • Associations involved with transportation


Transportation Library, University of California Berkeley

Established in 1948, the Harmer E. Davis Transportation Library houses one of the pre-eminent transportation collections in the U.S., and is the country’s oldest transportation library. The library holds over 165,000 volumes and serves the research needs of the Institute of transportation Studies, a research unit which conducts research related to transportation system operations, technology, and policy, and interrelations of these systems with social, economic, and environmental matters.

Transportation Resources

This site provides access to:

  • Statistical, financial and policy information from the ATA, FAA, BTS and DOT
  • FAA Manuals on air traffic, flight services and NOTAMS
  • Airport, aircraft and freight and passenger data from the FAA, ATA and DOT
  • Highway statistics
  • California highway manuals


Transportation Library, Northwestern University

This Transportation Library was founded in 1958 to support the curricula and research programs of the Northwestern University Transportation Center and the Center for Public Safety of Northwestern University.  With over 400,000 volumes, the Transportation Library of Northwestern university is one of the largest transportation information centers in the world, encompassing information on all forms of transportation, including: air, rail, highway, pipeline, water, urban transport and logistics. It includes a significant collection on law enforcement, police management and traffic enforcement.  Its collection of environmental impact statements is one of the most complete in the world.

Air Transportation On the Internet

This site includes numerous links to other transportation related web sites such as:

  • Business Logistics
  • Highway Transportation
  • Motor Vehicles and Drivers
  • Pipelines
  • Rail Transportation
  • Urban Transportation




This is a very comprehensive directory and search site. The FindLaw Index of Legal Resources is organized into categories of directories, including legal subject index, judicial opinions and case law, statutes and laws, state government resources, and legal associations and organizations.


Yahoo Law

This is a searchable directory of government and legal information sources divided into sub-directories.  Users can browse the identified pages or use the searchable index.


Google U.S. Government Search

This search engine limits Google search results to pages from U.S. government websites.


This site is referred to as the “catalog of catalogs of law on the Net.” The “Complete Site Map” page describes and offers links to listings according to “Legal Topics,” “Regional Law,” and “Extra Information.”


This is a free portal produced by Lexis that includes links to free case law, forms, and most important, with a simple click, the Legal Internet Guide lets you link to more than 20,000 law –related internet sites. 

Internet Law Library

The Internet Law Library (formerly the U.S. House of Representatives Internet Law Library) was originally provided to the public courtesy of the Office of the Law Revision Counsel of the U.S. House of Representatives.  The website provides links to federal and state law, federal regulations, treaties and international law, and attorney directories.

ALSO: American Law Sources On-Line

This site provides a comprehensive, uniform, and useful compilation of links to freely accessible online sources of law for the United States, Canada, and Mexico.  American Law Sources On-line also contains additional links to sources of commentary and practice aids that are available without charge.



Cornell Law School

The Legal Information Institute at Cornell University was one of the first legal resources site on the Internet when it started in 1992.  This site contains links to recent Supreme Court Decisions, the full U.S. Code, and hundreds of other sites. 

Legal Information Institute

This site provides access to:

  • The U.S. Code and Code of Federal Regulations
  • Recent Federal and State Court Opinions
  • State Constitutions and Codes
  • Federal Rules of Civil Procedure
  • Federal Rules of Evidence
  • Employment Law
  • Family Law
  • Governmental Organizations and Agencies


University of Michigan Documents Center

This site is a central reference and referral point for government information at the local, state, federal, foreign, or international levels.  The web pages serve as a reference tool for government, political science, statistical data, and news.  The web page, “Federal Government Resources on the Web” will be the focus of this webliography.

Federal Government Resources on the Web

This site provides access to:

  • Federal agency websites
  • Legislative histories in the U.S. Congress (1993 to present)
  • Federal laws and regulations
  • Executive Orders
  • Congressional directories
  • Federal budget information
  • Administrative law
  • Complete Federal court information
  • Federal Administrative Decisions
Updated 01:03 PM EST, November 05, 2012

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