Transportation Libraries and Information Centers

NAME:Transportation Policy, Operations and Logistics Program, University Libraries


Date of Last Update:

Name of library or information center:
Transportation Policy, Operations and Logistics Program, University Libraries

Name of parent organization (if applicable):
George Mason University

Title of person to which library or information center director reports:

Is your information center a member of a Transportation Knowledge Network?:
Not a TKN Member

Do you provide access to your information collection to the general public (either on-site or on-line, with or without a fee)?:

Describe any special conditions for accessing your resources or services (e.g. by appointment, affiliations required):

Provide a description of your information collection:
The Arlington Campus Library collects materials that support the academic programs offered on the Arlington Campus of George Mason University. Resources cover a wide range of applied social science disciplinary areas, including public policy, public administration, social services, nonprofit management, business, economics, and transportation. Additional relevant materials can be found on the University's Fairfax Campus, at Fenwick Library. The Libraries offer access to a variety of resources, including print and electronic materials, over 500 electronic databases, and various media collections.

What are the particular subject strengths of your collection?:
Mason's Special Collections contains many distinct collections of differing sizes, subjects, and scopes, featuring manuscript, photography, and audiovisual materials pertaining. Relevant collections, such as the Mertz, McDonnell, Francois, and Deen papers, center on planned communities and city planning, transportation and travel, politics, and northern Virginia.

# Professional Staff:

# Support Staff :

Special notes or comments about your library or information center:

Contact Information

Name of Primary Contact:
Dr. Roger R. Stough


The School of Public Policy MS 2C9 , 4400 University Drive





Mailing Address (if different):

Main phone:
(703) 993-2280

Fax Number:
(703) 993-1574

Main email:


Do you provide online training courses?: No

Do you provide onsite training courses?:

Do you maintain a knowledge base of lessons learned or best practices?: No

Do you maintain a directory of experts or provide referrals to experts as part of your services?:No

Are any of your training materials catalogued into OCLC?: No

If you are affiliated with a library, please provide its name:

What types of data sets do you provide?:

What export formats do you offer?:

What types of metadata do you provide to help users locate or interpret data sets?:

Organization Type:Academic/Research Institution

Detailed Collection Information:

Please estimate the number of items in your information collection:

1.05 million print monographs

Journal, magazine and newspaper titles (print or digital, current or discontinued):
43,000 (current print and online)

Printed technical reports, plans, manuals, standards:

Digital documents (e.g. PDF's or e-books):

Microfiche/microfilm items:
1.83 million

Photographs or image files:
146,892 print images, 10,000 image files

Videotapes and CDs:

Other items (e.g. schedules, maps, drawings, etc.):

Does your staff have access to commercial (for fee) information databases – either directly or through your parent organization?:

Do you offer your patrons access to commercial (for fee) information databases – either remotely or within your library?:

Please list the major commercial information databases to which your library subscribes.:

Library Services and Affiliations

In what year was the library first established?:

What days and hours are library services provided?:

If your library produces an online newsletter or other form of outreach publication, please provide a link or enter the name of the publication.:

OCLC Code (if applicable):

What percentage of your collection is cataloged in OCLC with your library’s symbol?:

With which OCLC Groups is your library affiliated?:

Please list names of other library consortia or networks to which your library belongs:

Do you offer interlibrary loans?:

Do you lend through OCLC?:

What is your lending policy (briefly describe or provide a link)?:

What fees do you charge for lending?:

What fees do you charge for supplying photocopies?:
8 cents per photocopy

What fees do you charge for research or other services?:

Library Resources and Facilities

What is your library’s approximate annual budget – excluding staffing and facilities costs?:
$100,000 or above

What is your library’s primary funding source?:
State funding

Does your library have access to conference/meeting space?:

Do you offer use of computers with internet access to your users?:

Do you have access to digitization and OCR hardware/software?:

What specialized software do you have access to? (e.g. web publishing, desktop publishing, multimedia):

Special Collections

Please list any special collections that you maintain

Francis C. Steinbauer Reston Development and Planning Collection

Virginians for Dulles Records

American Public Transportation Association (APTA) Records

Thomas B. Deen Papers

James J. McDonnell Papers

William L. Mertz Transportation Collection

Planned Community Archives Collection

Joseph Lyman Fisher Papers

Stephen Fuller Collection of Planning and Public Policy

C.Harrison Mann Collection

Catalogs: Please list any online catalogs that you maintain:


Catalog Name:

Catalog Type:
General Integrated Library System (ILS)

Name of software used for catalog (enter “none”, ‘home grown”, or name of commercial package):

Is your catalog accessible outside of your organization?:

Please provide a link to your catalog:

Staff person name :
Beth Roszkowski

Staff person title:
Public Policy & Management Studies Liaison Librarian

Staff person phone:

Staff person email:

Full or Part Time:
Full Time


Collection Development


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