NTL / MARC Data Mappings

Mappings from NTL fields to MARC
NTL Field MARC Field Notes
Title 245 $a $b $n $p( $h[electronic resource])  
Alternate Title 246 $a $b $n $p  
Conference Title 111 $a $c $d $e $n
711 $a $c $d $e $n
If Resource Type is "Proceedings", use 111 otherwise use 711.
Journal Title 773 $t $g $w $x $z  
Creator (Personal) 100 $a $c $q $d (first one ONLY)
245 $c
700 $a $c $q $d  (do not include creator listed in  100 field)
for 245 $c format: <first name> <space><last name>
Corporate Creator 110 $a $b (only if no 100 field)
245 $c (only if no 100 field)
500 $a (only if 100 field exists)
710 $a $b (do not include creator listed in 110 field)
Classification 690 $a <level1> $x <level2>  
TRT Keywords 650 $a $2 trt  
General Subjects 690 $a  
Abstract 520 $a  
Table of Contents Not Included  
Notes 500 $a  
Publisher (Personal) 260 $b $a from city/state in Authority record
$c from Publication date (year only)
Corporate Publisher 260 $b $a from city/state in Authority record
$c from Publication date (year only)
Contributor (Personal) 500 $a
700 $a $c $q $d
for 500 $a format: <first name> <space><last name>
Corporate Contributor 500 $a
710 $a $b 
Contracting Officer’s Technical Representative 500 $a
700 $a $c $q $d
for 500 $a format: <first name> <space><last name>
Publication Date 260 $c  
Copyright 260 $c format: <comma><space>c<date>
Resource Type Leader position 06  
Format 856 $q
Physical Description 300 $a $b  
Resource Identifier 856 $u  
NTL Record ID 001 (fixed field) Need code for 003 (like OCoLC)
Report Number 088 $a  
NTIS Number 088 $a  
TRIS Accession Number 088 $a  
OCLC Number 035 $a  
ISBN 020 $a  
ISSN 022 $a  
Contract Number 088 $a  
Digital Object Identifier 856 $u  
Source  Not Included  
Language  008 position 35-37  
is Version of 775 $t $g $w $x $z  
is Part of 773 $t $g $w $x $z  
Contains 774 $t $g $w $x $z  
is Format Of 787 $t $g $w  
has Format 787 $t $g $w  
Requires 787 $t $g $w  
is Required By 787 $t $g $w  
References 787 $t $g $w  
Succeeding Title 785 $t $w  
Preceding Entry 780 $t $w  
Period Covered 513 $b  
Geographical Coverage 043 $a  
Copyright Info 540 $a  
Edition 500 $a  

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