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Investigations and Assistance

The Inspector General serves the Commander by executing three major IG Functions - Investigations, Assistance, and Oversight (See Oversight Program link for more information).


Through management and oversight of the Hotline Program, the IG conducts investigations and inquiries into allegations of administrative wrongdoing by military or civilian members of the command.

The purpose of the CNIC IG Hotline Program is to strengthen and focus efforts to combat fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement by providing the opportunity to report significant instances of mismanagement and alleged wrongdoing in all naval programs and operations. 

The CNIC IG Hotline Program strives to ensure that allegations brought to our attention are properly evaluated and examined, and that appropriate remedial /corrective actions are taken and systemic problems are addressed.  This program is available to all military personnel, DoD civilian employees, and members of the civilian community. 


Several channels exist for registering complaints, grievances and suspected mismanagement.  You should first attempt to resolve problems using the chain of command and available avenues of redress.  If you have attempted to resolve your issue using an available process and can provide the IG evidence that the process was either flawed or lacked independence, we will review the process to determine whether proper procedures were followed.

The CNIC IG reserves the right to decline to investigate any matter brought to our attention if it does not fall under the purview of the IG’s mission.