Welcome to FedLoan Servicing!

We are your student loan servicer and we have one goal: to help you successfully repay your loans.

Tax Time is Here!

Your 2016 tax information is now available online. View your personalized tax info in Account Access today.

Image of Two College Students on Campus
In School
Most borrowers don't need to make payments on their loans while in school; but, we still give you the tools to stay informed on loan balance, interest accrual, and more.
Image of a Family at Graduation
In Grace
Now that you're done with school, review the available resources to help you get ready for when you have to start paying back your student loans.
Image of a Mother and her Child
In Repayment
Now that you're paying back your student loans, use this resource center to find information on the various topics you'll need during repayment.
Lifecycle of a Loan
Where do you stand?
Understanding the Life Cycle of a loan will help you in the long run when making decisions about your student loans.