Monthly Archives: June 2012

Lone Star State Continues Rapid Population Growth

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Tweet Written by: David Dixon Texas was one of the five fastest growing states between 2000 and 2010, growing at double the national rate (20.6 percent compared with 9.7 percent). That growth has continued into the start of this decade. … Continue reading

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Census Bureau Releases Demographic Estimates and Projections for Countries of the World

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Tweet Written by: Amin Vafa How large is the population of the world’s newest country? When will India overtake China as most populous country? Is the world growing younger or older? The latest update of the U.S. Census Bureau’s International … Continue reading

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A Busy Season of Population Estimates

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Tweet Note: Join us Thursday, June 28, 2012, for a Twitter chat with our experts looking at What’s Trending on the Nation’s Population since the 2010 Census (#population). More details below. Written by: Victoria Velkoff During the past few months, … Continue reading

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Education Funding: Where do Schools Get Their Money? How do They Spend it?

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Tweet Written by: Lisa Blumerman Our children represent our future — and a good education is essential to theirs. Children use the skills and knowledge they learn in school to establish a firm foundation for their — and in turn … Continue reading

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Changes in Household Net Worth from 2005 to 2010

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Tweet Written by: Alfred Gottschalck and Marina Vornovytskyy Household net worth or wealth is an important defining factor of economic well-being in the United States.  In times of economic hardship, such as unemployment, illness, or divorce, a person’s or household’s … Continue reading

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