Documents & Requirements
Contract Provisions
These files are posted for reference only. The applicable document identified with revision number and date specified in the contract will apply. The most current version is posted. Contact the cognizant Contracting Officer to obtain a previous version. Contractors are responsible to download, review and comply with the specified provisions.

NOTE: Attached files may be in Word or Excel format. Attached files may also be in Portable Document Format: (PDF) format. [PDF] files require a PDF File reader available from Adobe.

General Provisions

GP (Rev 5, 12/14/2012)

GP-COM, Commercial Items (Rev 4, 1/13/2012)

GP-CL, Contracted Labor (Rev 5, 12/6/2012)

  Special Provisions

SP-2, Cost Reimbursement Contracts (Rev 2, 2/26/2010)

SP-3, Application of Federal Accounting Standards (Rev 0, 11/10/2008)

SP-4, Construction Contracts (Rev 4, 12/4/2012)

SP-5, On Site Services (Rev 10, 01/21/2013)

SP-7, Rights in Data (Rev 1, 12/14/2010)

SP-8, Patent Rights (Rev 1, 2/26/2010)

SP-9, Organizational Conflict of Interest (Rev 0, 11/10/2008)

SP-10, Classification/Security/Foreign Control (Rev 1, 03/15/2011)

SP-11, Subcontracting Plan (Rev 3, 9/25/2012)

SP-13, General Transportation Instructions (Rev 1, 04/06/2011)

SP-14, Hazardous Waste Transportation and Disposal (Rev 0, 11/10/2008)

SP-16, Representations and Certifications (Rev 4, 9/25/2012)

SP-18, Software License Agreements (Rev 0, 11/10/2008)

SP-19, Time & Materials Labor Hour Contract Types (Rev 0, 12/23/2008)

SP-20, Contracted Labor Time Recording (Rev 1, 7/23/2012)
Last Updated 01/21/2013 11:17 AM