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CHPRC Environmental Policy

The CHPRC is committed to safely and sustainably protecting the environment and the public while meeting the goals of cleaning up the Hanford Central Plateau and ensuring protection of the Columbia River.  Our Integrated Safety Management System and Environmental Management System provide the framework to accomplish these goals.  To achieve our environmental and safety goals, we will work collaboratively with the U.S. Department of Energy, Site contractors, regulatory agencies, Tribal Nations, stakeholders, and the public to:

  • Comply with applicable environmental laws, regulations, directives, and other binding requirements that affect environmental aspects.
  • Promote a “Target Zero” culture to minimize environmental impacts.
  • Establish objectives and targets for environmental improvement.
  • Conduct periodic self-assessments to monitor progress against our goals and measure environmental performance.
  • Continually improve our environmental performance and the performance of our Environmental Management System, while emphasizing pollution prevention and efficient use of resources.
  • Minimize environmental impacts by considering and utilizing cost-effective waste minimization and pollution prevention, energy and chemical management, and resource conservation opportunities during work planning, decision-making, procurement, design, training, and daily work activities.
  • Identify and employ a risk-based approach to mitigate existing adverse environmental conditions.  Anticipate, eliminate, or mitigate future environmental impacts before they pose a threat to our environment.
  • Promptly report and seek to correct environmental incidents and deficiencies.
  • Share information with our employees and stakeholders that is timely, accurate, and meaningfully relates to our environmental cleanup mission activities and goals.
  • Ensure this environmental policy is effectively communicated to and understood by our/all employees.

All CHPRC managers are responsible for implementing this environmental policy within their areas of responsibility.  All employees and persons working on behalf of the organization are responsible for conducting work consistent with this policy and are accountable for conforming to this policy.  Senior management is responsible for reviewing performance against this policy and is committed to its successful implementation.