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FAO/RAO & FAS/RAS Community Updates
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FAO/RAO + FAS/RAS Community,

11 updates today


a.  FY13 FAO/RAO slate update

b.  FY13 1st Quarter FAO/RAO experience track board

c.  MARCENT request for ME/NA - Arabic speaking FAO/FAS support

d.  What has a RAO done for me lately: Australia MRF

e.  What has a FAO done for me lately: Mexico JODC

f.  What has a FAO done for me lately: published a book

g.  EUCOM/SACEUR comments on language needs in DoD

h.  Johns Hopkins 2nd Hertog Summer Study Program - China

i.  Civil Affairs Roundtable - Foreign Area Engagement Teaming


k.  Annual FAO Report




a.  FY13 FAO/RAO slate update:

52 FAOs/RAOs have been recommended for FAO/RAO billets this summer.

The monitors at MMOA have taken results from promotion, career designation, SERB, school, and special assignment lists, and are balancing those against retirements/seperations, PCS guidance and needs of each occfield as they chew through the recommended slate.  Each move has 2nd + 3rd order effects.  It's my intention to publish the results in a MARADMIN as soon as they are available.  Many orders are being funded and cut as short as 4-months prior to PCS due to budget constraints.  For those who need updates on future assignments before I have the 100% solution to publish, feel free to contact your monitor.  MMOA is shooting for confirmation of assignments by end of Feb.




b.  FY13 1st Quarter FAO/RAO experience track board:

MARADMIN 077/13 was released today with official results from our latest Quarterly FAO/RAO experience track board.

7 FAOs + 5 RAOs were designated.  Please welcome to the FAO/RAO community:

    Name                       PMOS/AMOS   Region       Note: 

1.  Capt  Emre Albayrak       (0203/8247)  W.Eur  FAO   Turkish

2.  Maj   David Bann          (0302/8224)  ME/NA  RAO   Hebrew

3.  Maj   Luke Esposito       (7509/8247)  W.Eur  FAO*  Spanish, PEP

4.  Maj   Jose Fuentes        (7566/8241)  LATAM  FAO*  Spanish, Portuguese

5.  Capt  Yves Geoffrey       (0802/8245)  Africa FAO   Swahili, French

6.  Capt  David Keltner       (0302/8224)  ME/NA  RAO   Arabic

7.  Maj   John Kolb           (7202/8243)  N.E.Asia FAO Korean, FPME

8.  Maj   Constantinos Koutsoukos (7557/8247) W.Eur FAO Greek, Italian

9.  1stLt Jeffrey Randall     (0802/8241)  LATAM  FAO   Spanish

10. LtCol Leland Suttee       (0802/8228)  S.E.Asia RAO Australia FPME, USAID

11. Maj   Justin Wilhelmsen   (1803/8221)  LATAM  RAO   Spanish

12. Capt  Stanley Wisniewski  (0402/8224)  ME/NA  RAO  

* pending constructive credit waiver




c.  MARCENT request for ME/NA - Arabic speaking FAO/FAS support:

Who:    ~7 Arabic speakers (FAOs + FASs)

What:   support MARCENT TSC Exercise EAGER LION

Where:  Jordan

When:   9-20 Jun, 2013

Why:    augment MEU with LREC skills in support of CENTCOM priority/premier event

Details: 3 of 7 assigned to SECFOR.  4 of 7 assigned to Dep MARCENT Commander + Staff.

Limited funding assistance available from MARCENT. 

Field conditions with MARCENT (FWD) in ground ops of JTF HQ.

Partner nations participating in EAGER LION include Jordan, Saudi, and UK.

POC:  Mr. Jeff Hibbard, Chief, MARCENT G-5 Exercises / 813-827-7036.




d.  What has a RAO done for me lately: Australia MRF

Who:    Capt Francisco Vega, Asia RAO

What:   OpsO to 1st Forward Coordination Element (FCE) of 1st Marine Rotational Force-Darwin

Where:  Darwin, Australia

When:   03Apr-25Sep 2012

Why:    Combination of PMOS + RAO skills made him the best choice to serve in high visibility role on MRF-Darwin staff during strategic movement of Marines to Australia.  AAR (attached) highlights the operational impact of FAO/RAO education and skill sets.




e.  What has a FAO done for me lately: Mexico JODC:

Who:   4 LATAM FAOs

         LtCol William Fearn, Maj Paul Sotomayor, Capt Armando Daviu and Capt Callon Nichols

What:  FAO support to MEXMAR Junior Officer Development Course (JODC)

Where: MCRD-San Diego + Camp Pendleton

When:  26Nov-15Dec 2012

Why:   Support MARFORNORTH + MCSCG efforts to build partner capacity + maintain mil-mil relationships with Mexican Marine Corps (MEXMAR).  FAO support to major event with NORTHCOM priority country.

See MEXMAR JODC AAR for details.




f.  What has a FAO done for me lately: published a book

Who:   Maj Peter Munson, ME/NA FAO

What:  War, Welfare & Democracy: Rethinking America's Quest for the End of History


When:  after hours

Why:   thinking a lot.  Needed an outlet.  Always wanted to write another thesis.

Review of book in Time Magazine -  Great job.




g.  EUCOM/SACEUR comments on language needs in DoD:

Who:   ADM Stavridis, EUCOM/SACEUR

What:  public comments on building a culturally savvy, multi-lingual military

Where: Stars & Stipes

       From the Bridge blog

When:  5Feb2013




h.  Johns Hopkins 2nd Hertog Summer Study Program - China:

Who:   N.E.Asia/China FAO/RAO

What:  Opportunity to attend Johns Hopkins SAIS 2nd Hertog Summer Study Program

       Study of Long-term Competition in Asia, China as a Strategic Actor, and U.S. Strategies

Where: La Jolla, CA

When:  11-21 Aug 2013

       15 Mar = application deadline

Why:   Current updates on China; supports strategic pivot to Asia; lifelong learning opportunity

Details:  travel to/from San Diego at own expense.  Food/lodging/tuition covered on-site.

POC:  Program Assistant, Ms. Qivon Annan / (202) 663-5911 

Mission of promoting excellence in the teaching of strategic studies.  The Summer Study will take place in a small seminar environment (approximately thirty attendees in total) and is by invitation only. It will be composed of a mixture of young scholars and practitioners as well as established scholars and current and former government leaders.

The first portion of the summer study will include lectures, panel discussions, and roundtables on strategy, the Asian security environment, and China as a strategic actor. During the second portion of the summer study, participants will be divided into teams to develop alternative strategies for preserving American interests in the growing Chinese political influence and military power and examine how the United States can exploit its enduring strengths against China's enduring weaknesses. These teams will then game out their strategies in a two-day interactive simulation that will help them think strategically about the topic. They will revise their strategies based on the results of the simulation. In the final portion of the summer study, the participants will reassemble as a single group for an intensive, structured discussion of the Sino-American strategic competition, leading a set of findings and recommendations. The summer study will conclude with a briefing of results to, and feedback from, a group of senior and former policy makers and scholars.  See website for application details.

LtCol Ivan Kanapathy attended 2012 Hertog Summer Study.




i.  Civil Affairs Roundtable - Foreign Area Engagement Teaming:

Who:    anyone interested

What:   18th Civil Affairs Roundtable on Foreign Area Engagement Teaming

Where:  George Mason University

        Founders Hall, room 134

        3351 Fairfax Dr.

        Arlington, VA 22201

When:   Fri, 22 March 2013


Why:    Security cooperation increasingly predominates the steady state of U.S. foreign and security engagements.  Complex and comprehensive challenges in the face of limited resources call for a greater teaming approach that brings together disparate capabilities along political-military, civil-military, interagency, public-private, and international lines.

This Roundtable takes a look at how country teams may better leverage Active and Reserve Civil Affairs, Foreign Area Officers, and other military capabilities in support of whole-of-government efforts to bring peace, stability, and security to partner nations and regions. The aim is to open an ongoing dialogue among represented organizations on this critical coordination need.

Key speakers and panelists will be from the U.S. State Department, the U.S. Agency for International Development, the Office of the Secretary of Defense and other Defense agencies and commands, as well as the U.S. Institute of Peace, United Nations, and the Alliance for Peacebuilding.

A detailed agenda will be posted at our website in late February. Registration information is forthcoming.

POC:  Mr. Jon Dunn, FAOA Vice President,





Who:   FAOs/RAOs + FASs/RASs in I MEF

What:  PME

Where: Camp Pendleton Golf Course, Eagle's Landing

When:  Fri, 1 March 1500

Why:   Quarterly PME series & local FAO/RAO + FAS/RAS community building.

Col Steve Hanson (LATAM FAO) will discuss the political-military situation in Argentina, an overview of the FPME curriculum at la Escuela de Defensa Nacional and life in Argentina in general, followed by Q&A.




k.  Annual FAO Report:

The FY12 Annual FAO report is posted on the IAP website in the "hip pocket briefs" link.


Rotational Force-Australia AAR 1.doc

FAO/RAO + FAS/RAS Community,

3 updates today


a.  FY13 study track FAOs + RAOs

b.  SECNAV Instruction 1301.7

c.  Joint Personnel Recovery Agency (JPRA) opportunity




a.  FY13 study track FAOs + RAOs:

MARADMIN 047/13 was released 24Jan with CCLEB results.

MARADMIN 048/13 was released 5 minutes later with CPIB results.

From the Commandant’s Career-Level Education Board (CCLEB) and Commandant’s Professional Intermediate-level education Board (CPIB), 30 FAOs and 10 RAOs were slated. 

6 of 9 Olmsted Scholar candidates will become FAOs.

9 of 12 FPME will become FAOs; 3 of 12 will become RAOs.

Please welcome to the FAO/RAO Community:


Maj   Zachariah Anthony  (7523)  E. Europe/Turkish

Capt  Michelle Augustine (7208)  LATAM/Spanish

1stLt Benjamin Baker     (0206)  ME/NA/Arabic

1stLt Mark Brokaw        (0802)  N.E. Asia/Korean

Capt  Michael Clark      (7525)  S.S. Africa/French

Capt  Robin Fonseca      (6002)  S.S. Africa/French

Capt  Reese Johnson      (0180)  LATAM/Portuguese

Capt  Ryan Morgan        (7562)  S. Asia/Hindi

Capt  Ross Norman        (3002)  N.E. Asia/Chinese

Capt  Yuliya Omarov      (0402)  Eurasia/Russian

1stLt John Powell        (0302)  ME/NA/Farsi

1stLt Johnathon Rice     (0206)  S.E. Asia/Tagalog

Capt  Joseph Sweat       (7557)  ME/NA/Arabic

Capt  Matthew Wartenbe   (0204)  S. Asia/Urdu

Capt  Alex Woodward      (0207)  N.E. Asia/Chinese



Capt  Michelle Avila     (0402)  Africa

Capt  Andre Karpowich    (7562)  Eurasia

Maj   David Lancaster    (0602)  W. Europe

Capt  Patrick Lavoie     (0302)  ME/NA

Capt  Luis Mejia         (0602)  N.E. Asia

Capt  Dustin Rowland     (3002)  S.E. Asia

Maj   Temi Songonuga     (3002)  Africa



Capt  James Armstrong    (0302) 

Capt  Theodore Ehlert    (1802)

Capt  Alexander George   (0302)

Capt  Zachary Jones      (7562)

1stLt Ruth Kelty         (1302)

Capt  Chad Summerville   (0202)

Capt  Bering Tsang       (0202)

Capt  Michael Walls      (0802)

Capt  Stanley Zivanovich (0802)



Maj   Christopher Kinsey (6002)  Australia C&S

Maj   Christopher Boese  (7525)  Brazil C&S

Maj   Andrew Graham      (7563)  Canadian C&S

Capt  George Fleming     (7565)  French C&S

Maj   Michael Long       (0180)  Japan C&S

Maj   Thomas Smolensky   (7523)  Japan C&S

Maj   Gregory Swarthout  (7566)  Japan C&S

Capt  Steven Pederson    (0602)  Korean C&S

Maj   Greer Chambless    (7509)  Norwegian C&S

Maj   Joseph McAlarnen   (7565)  Spanish C&S

Maj   Jay Lappe          (0302)  UK C&S

Maj   Jesus Chapagarcia  (7523)  Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (WHINSEC)




b.  SECNAV Instruction 1301.7:

Secretary Mabus signed SECNAV Instruction 1301.7 on Wednesday, 23 Jan, prescribing policy and guidance on Department of the Navy FAO programs. 

The FAO/RAO community helps DoD achieve national security objectives with an expanding number of coalition partners in a diverse set of geopolitical conditions around the world.  Success on asymmetric battlefields of the future requires specialized officers with a sophisticated understanding of the international security environment.  FAOs provide critical war fighting capabilities to influence plans and operations, build and strengthen international partnerships, and serve as key enablers for joint, maritime and expeditionary forces.




c.  Joint Personnel Recovery Agency (JPRA) opportunity

Who:   Reserve or Civilian FAOs/RAOs

What:  Develop Joint PR doctrine and TTPs for 'whole of government' PR operations

       Full-time or Part-time work opportunity for civilian or reserve FAO/RAO, preferably with embassy experience

Where: Ft Belvoir, VA

When:  1 Mar 2013 start date

       27 Jan 2013 application deadline

       28 month project


Background:  Bevilaqua Research Corp ( is working on a proposal for a 28 month Joint Test and Evaluation designed to write and test doctrine, tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP) for personnel recovery (PR) in inter-agency environments. Current DoD PR doctrine is combat focused, that is it is designed for a theater or location where DoD is the lead entity. However, in 190 of 191 foreign countries where US personnel are located, the Chief of Mission (COM) is “in charge.”  We will be tasked to assist the Joint Personnel Recovery Agency (JPRA) to develop joint PR doctrine and TTPs that stress a “whole of government approach” to PR operations.  These TTPs will be written to be used in areas where COM is in charge. We will be working hand-in-hand with DoS country teams. Once we have the TTP drafts, we will run two “test” exercises with about 12 embassies, the Geographic Combatant Commands and the JPRA to validate the TTP. Our travel schedule may take us to embassies in Asia, Europe, Africa, Central and South America, Canada and Mexico. Salary/Benefits: TBD (but the pay is good).

Start date (if contract awarded): 1 Mar 2013

POC:  Mr. Steve Chill / 703 881 2680



SecNav Instruction 1301.7

Ladies, gents,

6 updates today:


a.  FY13 Language sustainment funding

b.  FAOweb

c.  What has a FAO done for me lately:  China

d.  What has a RAO done for me lately:  Burma

e.  Defense Language Corps

f.  University of Indiana summer language workshops


a.  FY13 language sustainment funding:

Defense Language & National Security Education Office (DLNSEO) has made a substantial chunk of language sustainment funds available to the FAO community to help keep our language skills sharp.  Our community represents the Language, Regional Expertise, and Culture (LREC) professionals in DoD and USMC.  The DoD Foreign Language Proficiency report to Congress in FY11 identified 7.92% of the Total Force with any foreign language proficiency; including self-assessed.  The attached info paper + sample request identify how to apply for funding to support language tuition, regional TAD, tutoring, and/or local language school.  There are 8 months left in FY13; start putting plans together for improving language proficiency. 




b.  FAOweb:

FAOweb was turned-off the week before Christmas. 

FAOweb is back on-line as of Monday, this week.  That includes funding for the Joint FAO courses, Economist, STRATFOR, the language tools made available to us at no cost, Joint FAO chatrooms, etc.  I encourage you to take a look at the new format. 

More details about Joint FAO courses will be released in the near future.

NPS + Navy + DLNSEO are working to keep the LATAM course alive for early next month.

On-line resources available to Marine Corps FAOs include:

   (1)  Transparent Language CL-150

   (2)  Global Language Online Support System (GLOSS)  

   (3)  LangNet  

   (4)  Transparent Language CL-150

   (5)  Tactical Language Training Systems (TLTS)

   (6)  Broadband Language Training System (BLTS)

   (7)  Special Operations Forces language Training on-line (SOFTS) 

   (8)  SCOLA 

   (9)  Joint Language University (JLU) Online

   (10) Rosetta Stone

For access questions, contact Brian Boulware / (831) 656-1080




c.  What has a FAO done for me lately:  China

Who:   Maj Anna Voyne (China FAO)

What:  FAO support for SECNAV visit to China

Where: Beijing + Ningbo, China

When:  26-30 Nov 2012

Why:   support to USDAO during SECNAV visit. 

Details:  an ICT FAO helped plan/coordinate a high visibility SECNAV visit to China.  While helping the U.S. Embassy and DAO team, Maj Voyne made an impact on a successful visit, which included discussion with PLAN leaders and multiple PLAN ship visits.  An AAR is attached with releasable details.




d.  What has a RAO done for me lately:  Burma

Who:   Maj Roberto Ibarra

What:  RAO support for GO visit to Burma

Where: Rangoon, Burma

When:  3-6 Dec 2012

Why:   Marine Ball + 1st USMC General Officer engagement with Burmese official

Details: This trip represents a first:  GO visit to Burma + GO discussion with Burmese military officials.

Maj Ibarra coordinated and helped execute the visit.  AAR is attached with details.




e.  Defense Language Corps:


What:  looking for language volunteers

      (good opportunity for spouses & family members)

Where: across CONUS + overseas

Why:   Translators make up the 4,000-member Defense Language Corps. They volunteer their second-language skills and cultural knowledge when the need arises across the Defense Department and the federal government. 





f.  University of Indiana summer language workshops:

Registration for the Language Training Center (LTC) at Indiana University is now open.

Arabic courses are offered for 5 or 9 weeks from May 27 – June 26, 2013.

Russian courses are offered for 4 or 8 weeks from June 3 – July 26, 2013.

Those wishing to participate can:

1) Register with the Summer Language Workshop (SWSEEL): 

2) Apply as a non-degree seeking student to Indiana University:

3) Send a transcript showing proof of undergraduate degree to:


Attn: Mitchell Farmer

Indiana University

1217 E Atwater Ave

Bloomington, IN 47401-3703

FY13 Language Sustainment Info Paper.docx
SAMPLE Language Sustainment Request.docx
TRIP REPORT Burma.docx.docx.docx

FAO/RAO + FAS/RAS Community,

Hope everyone had a great Christmas & New Years holiday!

9 updates today:


a.  FY13 slating update

b.  FY14 Col selects in the FAO/RAO community: 8

c.  FY14 Maj selects in the FAO/RAO community: 8

d.  AY13-14 Top Level School (TLS) selects in the FAO/RAO community: 8

e.  Japan FAO opportunity to support 13MEU + MCSCG

f.  FAO Association Happy Hour + National Language Service Corps discussion

g.  Asia Pacific Center

h.  China workshop #1

i.  China workshop #2



a.  FY13 slating update:

PLU is working with the monitors at MMOA to complete 59 slate recommendations.

MMOA will factor in promotion, Top Level Schools (TLS), CPIB/CCLEB results, MOS shortfalls, coordinated assignments, family constraints, Marine requests, etc into the mix for each assignment.

The draft we have now will get chewed up, stretched out, and turned into sausage a few times.  Anticipate late January as a realistic timeframe to see a final draft.




b.  FY14 Col selects in the FAO/RAO community: 8

ALNAV 077/12 was released 18Dec12.

5 FAOs + 3 RAOs were selected for promotion to Col.

Promotion rate service average:  45.5%

Promotion rates for FAOs: 55.5%

Promotion rates for RAOs: 50.0%

Congratulations to:

         Name             PMOS/AMOS  Track

1  LtCol Ian Clark        (7565/8228) ST

2. LtCol Jaime Collazo    (3002/8241) ET FPME

3. LtCol Drew Cukor       (0202/8241) ET

4. LtCol James Harp       (7566/8226) ET AFPAK Hand

5. LtCol David Jones      (0402/8241) ET Olmsted

6. LtCol Sekou Karega     (0402/8244) ST

7. LtCol Daniel Kazmier   (4402/8241) ET

8. LtCol Robert Plevell   (0202/8225) ET




c.  FY14 Maj selects in the FAO/RAO community: 8

ALNAV 073/12 was released 10Dec12.

4 FAOs + 4 RAOs were selected for promotion to Maj.

Promotion rate service average:  72.0%

Promotion rates for FAOs: 100%

Promotion rates for RAOs: 100%

Congratulations to:

        Name              PMOS/AMOS  Track

1. Capt Casey Benefield  (7523/8242) ST

2. Capt Blaise McFadden  (0402/8226) ET AFPAK Hand

3. Capt Jason Moore      (6602/8226) ET AFPAK Hand

4. Capt James Neagle     (7565/8220) ET PEP

5. Capt Daniel Schierling(7562/8242) ST

6. Capt Douglas Shores   (7523/8220) ET Olmsted

7. Capt Robert Spalla    (1302/8246) ST

8. Capt Scott Wilson     (4402/8243) ST




d.  AY13-14 Top Level School (TLS) selects in the FAO/RAO community: 8

MARADMIN 740/12 was released 21Dec12.

5 FAOs + 3 RAOs were selected for TLS.

Congratulations to:

         Name             PMOS/AMOS  Track

1. LtCol Kevin Hutchison  (0302/8241) ET

2. LtCol Drew Cukor       (0202/8241) ET

3. LtCol Robert Plevell   (0202/8225) ET

4. LtCol Vincent Yasaki   (6002/8248) ET

5. LtCol Ryan Gutzwiller  (0202/8224) ST

6. LtCol George David     (0202/8247) ET

7. LtCol Justin Dunne     (0302/8226) ST

8. LtCol Jason Perry      (0302/8248) ST




e.  Japan FAO opportunity to support 13MEU + MCSCG:

Who:   13thMEU/I MEF + MCSCG

What:  Request for N.E. Asia/Japanese FAO support in cultural advisor role to CO, 13MEU during Ex IRON FIST

Where: Camp Pendleton, CA (2 weeks) and 29 Palms, CA (1 week)

When:  20Jan-13Feb 2013

Why:  Operating forces request for FAO support

Background:  Exercise IRON FIST is a USPACOM/MARFORPAC directed bi-lateral amphibious training exercise between USMC and Japanese Ground Self Defense Force (JGSDF).  I MEF has conducted similar training since 2006.  Exercise objectives include improving mil-mil relations between U.S. and Japan; enhancing interoperability between USMC and JGSDF; exercising USMC/USN amphib ops core competencies with JGSDF; improving amphibious planning capabilities for JGSDF HQ Staff; and improving amphibious operations capability of JGSDF.

Details:  TAD funding provided by I MEF G-3.  Japanese Speaking Level 1+ or higher desired.

Primary POC:  Maj Ryan Crais, MCSCG PACOM CLAT OIC ( / (757) 962-4157)

Funding POC:  Mr. James Whitlatch, I MEF G-3 TSC Exercise Planner ( / (760) 725-9282).




f.  FAO Association Happy Hour + National Language Service Corps discussion:

Who:    all FAOs/RAOs invited

        Guest speaker:  Dr. Michael Nugent, Director DLNSEO

What:   FAO Association Happy Hour + discussion of National Language Service Corps (NLSC)

Where:  Army-Navy Country Clubhouse (Williamsburg Room)

        1700 Army Navy Dr

        Arlington, VA

When:   Thursday, 17 Jan 2013; 1730-2000

Why:    bring the joint FAO/RAO community together + inform everyone about NLSC

Details: The event will feature an update by the Defense Language and National Security Education Office (DLNSEO), which serves as the DoD FAO and foreign language policy and oversight office, on the rejuvenation of the National Language Service Corps (NLSC).   Established as a pilot program in 2006, the NLSC is a volunteer cadre of bilingual and former language specialists whose participants make their special language, region, culture skills available to DoD and other government agencies in times of national and international crises and emergencies.  Dr. Michael Nugent, the DLNSEO Director, and his staff will be available throughout the event to discuss the program and how to support or become a part of this national security asset (

The event will include light appetizers and complimentary drinks.

More information and online registration at the FAOA website,




g.  Asia Pacific Center:

Who:    interested Marines

What:   Asia Pacific Center for Strategic Studies (APCSS) programs

Where:  Honolulu, HI

When:   see details 

Why:    improve regional knowledge + establish mil-mil & civ-mil relationships

POC:    Maj Doug Krugman / 808 971-4072

        Capt Jennifer Proudfoot 

List of available courses in FY13:

1.  Jan13:  Asia Pacific Orientation Course (APOC 13-1) 28Jan-01Feb 2013

2.  Feb13:  Senior Asia-Pacific Orientation Course (SEAPOC 13-1) 06Feb-08Feb 2013

3.  Feb13:  Comprehensive Security Responses to Terrorism (CSRT 13-1) 21Feb-22Mar 2013

4.  Mar13:  China-U.S. Bilateral Security Dialogue 01Mar 2013

5.  Mar13:  South Asia Partnerships in Disaster Risk Management 01Mar 2013

6.  Apr13:  U.S-South Asia Leader Engagement: Security Implications of Water Resource Scarcity 01Apr 2013

7.  Apr13:  Advanced Security Cooperation (ASC 13-1) 04Apr-08May 2013

8.  May13:  Securing Shared Prosperity: India, China, and US Maritime Perspectives 01May 2013

9.  Jun13:  Asia-Pacific Orientation Course (APOC 13-2) 03Jun-07Jun 2013

10. Jun13:  Transnational Security Cooperation (TSC 13-1) 17Jun-21Jun 2013

11. Jul13:  Security Sector Development 01Jul 2013

12. Jul13:  Malaysia and Philippine Workshop: Exploiting the Crime-Terror Nexus 01Jul 2013




h.  China workshop #1: 

Who:   China FAOs/RAOs

What:  2-day workshop:  China's Defense Science, Technology, and Innovation System

                        Current State and Development Prospects over the Next Decade

Where: Washington, DC

When:  Mon-Tue, 14-15 Jan 2013

Why:   UCSD / IGCC Project

This workshop provides a broad overview of the current state of China's growing defense technological and innovation transformation in the aftermath of leadership adjustments to the country's approach to innovation strategy and the 18th Communist Party Congress. This workshop draws upon the expertise of the DOD-funded Minerva Project on the Study of Innovation and Technology in China and bringing together leading China and strategic studies scholars. Lunch will be provided. Dress is business casual.

POC:  Heidi Serochi, Project Manager, UC Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation, /





i.  China workshop #2:

Who:   China FAOs/RAOs

What:  2-week summer workshop:  Relationship between National Security and Technology in China

Where: UCSD campus

       La Jolla, CA

When:  21Jul-02Aug 2013

       Applications due 31Mar

Why:   To participate in a cohort of 24 Ph.D. students, UCSD faculty, DoD and other government officials, analysts and think tank staff.  This two-week workshop examines the relationship between national security, technology, innovation, and China's rise as a world power. Of central interest is how China is mobilizing and applying its economic, political, strategic, corporate, financial, intellectual, and scientific capabilities in conjunction with leveraging external resources to achieve its grand ambition of catching up technologically with the world's advanced powers within the next one to two generations.

Details:  Admission to this program is competitive. Contact POC for an application and other information.

POC:  Heidi Serochi, Project Manager, UC Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation, / 858-534-8602


See flier for additional details.



SITCSummerWorkshopFlyerwodates2013 lb.pdf.pdf.pdf

FAO/RAO + FAS/RAS Community,

Enjoy your weekend!

5 updates today.


a.  FY14 LtCol selects in the FAO/RAO community: 24

b.  FY13 Joint FAO phase II Courses

c.  language sustainment opportunity at Indiana U

d.  China leadership in transition, Capitol Hill forum

e.  access to SAPR training




a.  FY14 LtCol selects in the FAO/RAO community: 24

ALNAV 071/12 was released 5Dec12.

14 FAOs + 10 RAOs were selected for promotion to LtCol.

10 study track (ST), 14 experience track (ET).

Promotion rate service average:  66.7%

Promotion rates for FAOs: 77.7%

Promotion rates for RAOs: 62.5%

Congratulations to:

       Name               PMOS/AMOS  Track

1  Maj Sherif Aziz       (0202/8244) ET

2  Maj Brad Carr         (0302/8227) ET

3  Maj Josh Chartier     (0802/8244) ST

4  Maj Roberto Cuevas    (6602/8241) ST

5  Maj Greg Curtis       (7564/8223) ET

6  Maj Andrew DelGaudio  (0302/8222) ET

7  Maj Kevin Doherty     (6002/8220) ET

8  Maj Lina Downing      (3404/8241) ET

9  Maj MaryKate Flatley  (0180/8241/8247) ET

10 Maj Maxx Godsey       (0180/8243) ST

11 Maj Brad Hitchcock    (7202/8243) ST

12 Maj Kimberly Johnson  (0180/8243) ST

13 Maj Gregory Joseph    (0302/8240) ET

14 Maj Peter Lang        (0802/8220) ET

15 Maj Lance Langfeldt   (1802/8220) ET

16 Maj Adam Lefringhouse (0402/8244) ST

17 Maj Jeffrey McCormack (0302/8221) ST

18 Maj Amy McGrath       (7523/8220) ET

19 Maj Peter Munson      (7557/8244) ST

20 Maj Nicholas Nuzzo    (0302/8247) ET

21 Maj Derek Ost         (0202/8247) ET

22 Maj Aaron Samsel      (0180/8245) ST

23 Maj Randal Turner     (0602/8224) ST

24 Maj Roman Vitkovitsky (0602/8240) ET




b.  FY13 Joint FAO phase II Courses:

Five x 1-week courses are funded by DLNSEO to sustain regional knowledge of senior FAOs/RAOs.

The courses were condensed from 2 to 1 week to facilitate participation (easier to escape work for 7 days) and reduce costs.  See concept paper for details in the attachment:

    Region           Dates        Location        

1.  Latin America    04Feb-08Feb  Washington, DC  (registration deadline 15Dec)

2.  Africa           25Feb-01Mar  Washington, DC  (registration deadline 04Jan)

3.  Near East        18Mar-22Mar  Washington, DC  (registration deadline 18Jan)

4.  Asia Pacific     17Jun-21Jun  TBD, in theatre (registration deadline 19Apr)

5.  Eurasia          16Sep-20Sep  Washington, DC  (registration deadline 15Jun)

POC:  Mr. Robert Lucius, LtCol USMC (Ret.) / (831) 656-1810

      FAO Course Operations Manager

      Naval Postgraduate School

      Ms. Ashley Dusenbury / 831-656-7527

      Associate Operations Manager




c.  language sustainment opportunity at Indiana U:

Who:   Any FAO/FAS

What:  Language Sustainment courses

       Summer Language Workshop (SWSEEL)

       - Arabic

       - Russian

       intensive language programs at the 2/2 and 3/3 levels

Where: Indiana University

       Bloomington, IN

When:  27May-26Jul 2013 - Arabic

       03Jun-26Jul 2013 - Russian

       31Dec 2012 = registration deadline

Why:   improve language skills & sustain DoD goal 3/3.

Description: SWSEEL intensive summer language courses provide the equivalent of one academic year of instruction in 9 weeks. Students are in class 4-5 hours daily M-F and have about 3 hours of homework each evening. Extracurricular programming (including language tables, films, and lectures) provide additional exposure to the target language. Students of Russian study the fours skills and grammar 3 hours daily with a main instructor and also have dedicated instruction in phonetics, listening and speaking/conversation, each taught by a different instructor.  Participants will do OPIs at the start and end of the program.


Funding:  tuition funded by DLNSEO.

          TAD funded by unit.

          For those interested & available to attend, please let us know soonest.

POC:  Mr. Mitchell Farmer, Indiana University Language Training Center Coordinator / 812-855-6721

      Ms. Ariann Stern-Gottschalk, PhD. Director, SWSEEL / 812-855-1648




d.  China leadership in transition, Capitol Hill forum:

Who:    Dr. Jeffrey Bader, Brookings Institution

        Ms. Susan Lawrence, Congressional Research Service

What:   Capitol Hill forum:  China leadership in transition

Where:  U.S. Capitol Building

When:   Monday, 10Dec  1400-1500

Why:    Just after the U.S. elections, China began its once-in-a-decade leadership transition.  With the selection of the new Politburo Standing Committee, including Xu Jinping as President of China, Party Secretary General, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, what does this mean for the future of China? Dr. Jeffrey Bader will join us to explain the Chinese political system and to discuss the new leadership and what these changes might mean for Sino-U.S. relations as well as China policy domestically and regionally. 

Details:  use Independence Ave entrance to the Capitol Building.

POC:  Ms. Mary Sue Bissell, Vice President and Executive Director of US-Asia Institute / 202-544-3181



e.  access to SAPR training:

For those at the farthest corners of the empire and unable to get to the Sexual Assault Prevention & Response (SAPR) material any other way.  This link allows Marines with access to internet/Google to download all the training materials as a ZIP file. 

MARFORSOUTH G-6 will provide tech support for users in SOUTHCOM AOR.  Users should go through respective MARFOR G-6s to get technical support and to track training.

POC:  Capt Roger Arenas, MFS G6 / (305)-437-2603


FAO/RAO + FAS/RAS Community,

Happy Thanksgiving! 

6 updates today:


a. SAPR training

b. FY13 FAO/RAO billets

c. updated FLPP policy

d. The Asia-Pacific Moving Forward:  Unrest, Uncertainty, and the Pivot

e. Managing Instability After the Arab Spring

f. job offer in UAE for retired/reserve Marine



a.  Sexual Assault Prevention & Response (SAPR) training:

BLUF:  CMC intends for ALL Marines to accomplish this training ASAP. 

Issue: Many Marines have not completed CMC-directed SAPR training yet, particularly FAOs-in-training, PEPs, Olmsted Scholars, FPME, LNOs, Reservists, etc who are spread to the winds across dozens of countries with varying access to .mil websites (Marine Net), depending on host country.

       CMC has been tracking SAPR training completion rates, and is not satisfied.  Front office wants this training done; partial MARINE NET training, at a minimum.

Reference:  MARADMIN 379/12


   1.  active duty (non deployed):  9Nov was our deadline.

   2.  active duty (deployed):  90 days from end of deployment to complete SAPR training.  Those of you overseas on ICT, PEP, Olmsted Scholarship, FPME, LNO, etc. are considered "deployed".

   3.  reservists:  30Sep2013 is the deadline.

   4.  All commanders/OICs are required to conduct face-to-face discussion with every Marine to complete training.

For those of you at remote locations, we recommend completing SAPR training on Marine Net soonest.  Your training record will automatically update the partial training requirement.  Visit your embassy if local internet will not facilitate Marine Net access.  If Embassy visit is impractical, make time to accomplish SAPR training on your next trip to CONUS, to a U.S. Embassy or base.  Let us know if you have questions!




b.  FY13 FAO/RAO billets:

MARADMIN 665/12 was released today.

61 FAO/RAO billets are available in FY13.

4 substance changes from the list I released to you on 5Nov:

  a.  billet #6  QAQ 8240 O5 PP&O    FAO/RAO PROGRAM MGR   DC                 JUL  (added billet)

  b.  billet #45 TA8 8245 O4 AFRICOM J-5 STRAT COMMS PLNR  STUTTGART, GERMANY JUN  (added billet)

  c.  billet #55 NE5 8247 O4 NATO    STAFF OFFICER AMPHIB  LISBON, PORTUGAL   JAN  (location update from Naples, Italy)

  d.  billet #56 NFU 8247 O4 NATO    STAFF OFFICER MARITI  IZMIR, TURKEY      JUN  (location update from Madrid, Spain)




c.  updated FLPP policy:

MARADMIN 645/12 = Marine Corps Foreign Language Proficiency Pay (FLPP) Exception Entitlements.

This outlines eligibility for FLPP at the 1/1 level (DLPT or OPI) based on unit assignment and operational requirements.

Missions have highlighted a need for foreign language proficiency at levels below 2/2. 


MARADMIN 646/12 = USMC FLPP Entitlements and Eligible Languages.

This policy is effective 1Nov 2012 and outlines normal eligibility for FLPP at the 2/2 level (DLPT or OPI).

FLPP is authorized for Marines, regardless of rank or billet, who have a current proficiency score, with the exception of languages identified as "prevalent in the force."  Marines with specific language requirements, such as FAOs, will receive FLPP for "prevalent in the force" languages.

This MARADMIN identifies languages on the immediate investment, strategic stronghold, and all other language lists for payscale purposes. 

Both MARADMINs are For Official Use Only, which is why the substance is truncated on the website.

Intel Dept (IOP) manages USMC FLPP policy, and determines which combination of languages and units qualify for FLPP.  POC is Capt Mark Powers ( / 703 614-3938) or MSgt Jerome Krejcha ( / 703 614-1161).

PLU can provide copies upon request.




d.  The Asia-Pacific Moving Forward:  Unrest, Uncertainty, and the Pivot:

Who:    US-Asia Institute

        Ben Doven, Congressional Research Service (moderator)

        Dr. Michael Green, CSIS + Georgetown (Japan expert)

        Mr. Michael Mazza, AEI (China expert)

What:   Moderated discussion to address recent tensions in the Asia-Pacific

Where:  US-Asia Institute

        232 East Capitol St. NE

        Washington, DC

When:   Mon, 3 Dec  1400-1530

Why:    off-the-record discussion of recent tensions in the Asia Pacific, including the territorial conflicts of the South China Sea and the Senkaku/Diaoyu islands, how these are affected by the US pivot towards the Asia Pacific, and what are some potential outcomes moving forward.






e.  Managing Instability After the Arab Spring:

Who:    NPS

What:   3-day workshop to discuss political, social, and security implications of the "Arab Spring"

Where:  Washington, DC

        Venue to be announced upon registration

When:   Tue-Thu, 11-13 Dec 0900-1700

Why:    opportunity to learn and contribute to DoD, interagency, think-tank, NGO, and academia discussion to better understand the complex events and implications of the Arab Spring throughout the Middle East.

Details:  Free.  For those available & interested.  No funding provided from PLU.  Participants limited to 40.

Application deadline = 30Nov.  See details (attached).

POC:  Mr. Nick Tomb / 831 656-1829

Center for Stabilization and Reconstruction Studies (CSRS)/ Collaborative & Adaptive Security Initiative (CASI)/ Naval Postgraduate School (NPS)




f.  job offer in UAE for retired/reserve Marine:

Who:    TechWise

What:   job opportunity for retired/reserve Marine officer

        TechWise Global Primary Doctrine writer for Amphibious and Riverine Operations

Where:  UAE

When:   2013 (6-month duration)

Details: job involves writing amphibious and maritime operations orders in joint, combined, interagency environment.

Housing plan is to provide a spacious fully furnished apartment with weekends and local national holidays off. Work in the UAE will be full-time with a base salary and bonus potential. Specific qualifications and related information for these and other opportunities are described on the TechWise web site at

POC:  Mr. Conor T. Cusick, PMP

      Talent Manager and Business Development Associate


      6 North Tejon Street, Suite 501

      Colorado Springs, CO  80903

      Office:  719.955.3627

      Reception:  719.591.9966

      Cell:  719.360.6905


Arab Spring Announcement.pdf

FAO/RAO + FAS/RAS Community,

Happy 237th Birthday + Veterans Day! 

8 updates today:


a.  FY13 Language Sustainment Funds

b.  What has a FAO done for me lately: FSI lectures/LtCol Duke

c.  What has a RAO done for me lately: 1st female Australia JTAC grad/Capt Tucker

d.  What has a FAS done for me lately: MAREX CROCODILO/GySgt Hodges

e.  FBI Translation & Interpretation workshops


g.  IAP website

h.  FAOA luncheon - FAOs & Special Forces: Foreign Engagement and Building Partner Capacity



a.  FY13 Language Sustainment Funds:

Who:   Defense Language and National Security Education Office (DLNSEO)

What:  FY13 funds now available


When:  anticipate in the next 1-2 weeks, the MIPR of funds will be complete.

Why:   to support language sustainment of the FAO/RAO + FAS/RAS community

Details: more info to come, but we encourage you to start planning to take advantage of language sustainment opportunities in FY13.  I'll republish the rules of the road we used last year when funds are in hand & the light is officially green.




b.  What has a FAS done for me lately: FSI lectures:

Who:   LtCol J. Darren Duke, ME/NA FAO & former MARA to Israel

What:  guest lecture "Working with the U.S. Military at Post"

Where: Foreign Service Institute (FSI)

       "Political/Economic Tradecraft" class

       Arlington, VA

When:  Summer 2012

Why:   Opportunity to make an early and positive investment in DoD-State relations

Details:  LtCol Duke, study track ME/NA FAO, former MARA to Israel, and recent CO of 3d MSOB, has conducted this lecture to three successive iterations of the FSI "Political/Economic Tradecraft" class.  Each class of ~40 students provides training on working in American embassies abroad in the political and economic sections to junior (pre-first tour and post-second tour) Foreign Service Officers (FSOs) and Interagency staff.  LtCol Duke focused on the basics of the military culture and perspectives on foreign policy, as well as the various manifestations of the U.S. military presence at American diplomatic posts, their functions and roles.  Feedback from FSI has been positive and there is a desire to continue the program.  Any FAO with at least one embassy tour would be qualified to provide this brief in the future.  This is an opportunity to build DoD-State relationships, particularly as the Marine Corps emerges from OEF-A and opportunities to engage larger number of country teams emerge.  To volunteer, or for more details on the course, contact LtCol Duke: / 703 275-2846.




c.  What has a RAO done for me lately: 1st female JTAC grad in Australia/USMC Capt Tucker:

Who:   Capt Emma Tucker, 7220-Air Traffic Control Officer

       USMC Personnel Exchange Program (PEP) officer to Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) Squadron 4

What:  completed Joint Terminal Attack Controller (JTAC) course

       1st female to do so

Where: RAAF Base Williamtown

       Newcastle, New South Wales


When:  Oct 2012

Why:   In preparation to deploy to OEF with Australian unit

Details:  Air Force news article JTAC, attached.  Gender diversity takes another step forward as a U.S. Marine becomes the first female JTAC graduate from Australia's course.  It's rare for the Air Control (72xx) community to get the opportunity to qualify as JTACs.  PEP assignments offer a broad diversity of challenges and opportunities.  Outstanding performance and a solid foundation in the MAGTF basics while embedded with a partner nation Army have resulted in personal requests from CO, RAAF Squadron 4 for Capt Tucker to deploy.




d.  What has a FAS done for me lately: MAREX CROCODILO/GySgt Hodges:

Who:   GySgt Andrew Hodges, ME/NA FAS currently deployed with 15MEU

What:  FAS support to 15MEU during Marine Exercise CROCODILO

Where: East Timor

When:  10-16 Oct 2012

Why:   FAS Beta Test; proving concept of LREC professionals improving outcomes of mission planning and execution at the tactical level.

Details:  MAREX CROCODILO After Action Report attached.  GySgt Hodges made a positive impact on 15MEU's 1st Theatre Security Cooperation (TSC) engagement of their deployment.  East Timor is outside of his ME/NA region of focus, but with support from CAOCL, GySgt Hodges applied a professional focus on LREC principles through CCTV briefs, smart cards, and language material to inform Marines and Sailors of 15MEU + Peleliu ARG.  By securing a position on the Forward Command Element (FCE), GySgt Hodges improved the interaction of the MEU with the Embassy, interagency representatives, and the armed forces of a partner nation, and gained valuable experience which will help 15MEU build off these lessons learned through the rest of the deployment.




e.  FBI Translation & Interpretation workshops:

Who:   FAOs/FASs & Marines with language ability

What:  FBI Language Services Translation + Interpretation Workshops

       - Chinese

       - Korean

       - Arabic

Where: The Woodies Bldg

       1025 F St. NW  Room WB-603

       Washington, DC 20005

When:  Chinese: 14-16 Jan 2013

                23-25 Jan 2013

       Korean: 29-31 Jan 2013

               11-13 Feb 2013

       Arabic: 11-13 Mar 2013

               25-27 Mar 2013

       Nov 2012 = Registration due

Why:   Opportunity to improve & build upon specific language skills.

Details:  Seats available; course is free of charge.  coordinate registration with MSgt Jerome Krejcha, Intel Dept (IOP) / (703) 614-1161. 

Prerequisite for course admission is 3/3 language score.





Who:   I MEF FAO/RAO + FAS/RAS community

What:  PME series #3

Where: Pacific Views Event Center

       Compass Room

       Camp Pendleton, CA

When:  Fri, 30Nov


Why:   Strengthening relationships among FAOs/RAOs and FAS Marines assigned in I MEF and west coast bases & stations.

Details:  Coordinated by Maj Robyn Mestemacher / (760) 725-9218 at I MEF G-1 Ops.

1st PME:  Northern Distribution Network (Eurasia focus)

2nd PME:  South China Sea and East China Sea friction points, and the growth of the Chinese middle class

3rd PME:  open for volunteers

The PMEs are geared specifically toward Operational Culture, hitting the major learning objective wickets which might be found in a standard ICT trip report.  PMEs might also cover current events in a particular region/country and provide context as to how that might impact the Marines, or how Marines are currently engaged in the area, etc.  There are no attendance rosters or

efforts to intimidate Marines into participating; strictly those who want to and are able to attend, please attend.




g.  IAP website:

The new International Affairs Program (IAP) website address is:

You may have noticed a recent change in the appearance of website.  The DoD Media Department at DMA has migrated their data into a new platform, which data dumped a significant part of our site.  Not to worry,,, I'm whipping Nimish until he manually updates & transfers the old content to the new link. 

This skeleton site can still be accessed in the meantime.  As always, send us pics of you in action with a caption of FAOs/RAOs + FASs/RASs making a difference and we'll upload it.




h.  FAOA luncheon - FAOs and Special Forces: Foreign Engagement and Building Partner Capacity:

Who:   FAO Association + Guest speaker, MajGen Michael Nagata, USA, Deputy Director for Special Ops Forces, J-3/7, Joint Staff

What:  luncheon event

Where: Fort McNair Officers Club

       Washington, DC

When:  Thu, 29Nov


Why:   discussion

Details: $25 for FAOA members, $30 for non-members.  Register by 23Nov.

Lunch starts at 1130.

FAOA is a professional organization serving the interests of Foreign Area Officers in all services of the U.S. Armed Forces: active duty, reserve component, and retired. Founded in 1995, FAOA provides advocacy, networking, and mentorship.

POC:  Mr. Jon Dunn, FAOA Vice President

See FAOA Membership invitation for membership details.

Air Force News Article.docx
FAS Timor Leste Execution AAR.pptx
FAOA Membership Invitation to Joint Service FAOs, 14 Oct 2012.docx

FAO/RAO + FAS/RAS Community,

5 updates today:


a.  FY13 FAO/RAO billets

b.  UAE Presidential Guard advisor opportunity

c.  Pakistani Bn advisor opportunity

d.  FY12 4th Quarter FAO/RAO Experience Track board

e.  What has a FAS done for me lately: Guatemala/OP MARTILLO



a.  FY13 FAO/RAO billets:

Here is a look at the 59 billets I see coming available in FY13.

54 FAO + 5 RAO billets. 

Keep in mind that 157 of 171 FAO/RAO billets are coded for FAO, but only 8 have a specific language requirement that we can't assign RAOs against; so we assign FAOs/RAOs to billets based on regional specialization inter-changeably. 

We will continue to work to release this list as a MARADMIN (hence, the format), and triple check all details with MMOA.  This list is 99% accurate, and I think the community is better served with more time to look it over than waiting for me to nail down 100% accuracy.

In the spirit of learning from the past, this list is based on the latest Staffing Goal report, which is the sheet of music the monitors use to determine where they can make assignments, factoring in draw-down plans, PCS timelines, etc.  You will see a lot of "Jan" dates here.  Does not mean that we have to move somebody off-cycle.  This is largely an indication of billets currently vacant & available for staffing anytime in FY13.  We have a lot of new structure + billets that did not make Staffing Goal in previous years opening up.

Billets are grouped from HQMC to the Joint billets.  An acronym guide is included as the final note.  I'll find a way to make that a bit cleaner for you.  I included an FY13 FAO/RAO utilization request form.  Makes our job simpler, sorting out your skill sets, prioritized requests, and balancing that against our billet list so we get best & most qualified in each assignment.  As more details come out, we'll push them as usual.  Please shoot us your questions.




b.  UAE Presidential Guard advisor opportunity:

A solicitation for Individual Augments (IA) will be pushed from Marine Manpower Force Augmentation (MMFA) + Marine Forces Command soon in an effort to source volunteers to Build Partner Capacity of our UAE partners.  Through a Foreign Military Sales (FMS) case, the government of UAE is developing its Presidential Guard unit with the help of U.S. Marines.  The skill sets they're looking for are predominantly ground combat arms-centric.  Great opportunity for FAOs/RAOs & future FAS/RAS Marines to apply their skills & trade + reinforce your experience in support of a mission given to USMC. 

Officer billets will look something like:

1.  O6  8041  OIC                

2.  O5  8007  MCTM Deputy         MCSCG training Jun13 (combat arms)

3.  O5  8007  KBZ Cell OIC        LAD = Jul13 in UAE AE

4.  O5  0302  PGRG Cell OIC       LAD = Jul13 in U

5.  O5  0302  PGMG Cell OIC       LAD = Jul13 in UAE

6.  O4  8007  PGMG Cell Asst OIC  MCSCG training Jun13 (combat arms)

7.  O4  0302  PGRG Asst OIC       MCSCG training Jun13 (combat arms)

8.  O4  8007  SEN SPT Staff SEC   LAD = Jun13 in UAE

9.  O4  8007  MechInf Bn Trainer  MCSCG training Jun13 (combat arms)

10. O4  8007  MechInf Bn Trainer  MCSCG training Jun13 (combat arms)

11. O4  8007  MechInf Bn Trainer  MCSCG training Jun13 (combat arms)

12. O4  8007  MechInf Bn Trainer  MCSCG training Jun13 (combat arms)

13. O4  8007  MechInf Bn Trainer  MCSCG training Jun13 (combat arms)

Key leaders rotate in May

Main body rotates in Aug

LAD = latest arrival date

MCSCG = Marine Corps Security Cooperation Group




c.  Pakistani Bn advisor opportunity:

Who:   FAO/RAO field grade, combat arms (required)

       Urdu or Hindi speaker desired

What:  UNMIL Plans Officer

       12-month TAD with United Nations (UN) Mission in Liberia

       In support of U.S. Military Observer Group (USMOG)

Where: Liberia

When:  Oct13 PTP in DC + Quantico

       Nov13-Nov14 in Liberia

Why:   UN Mission assigned by Joint Staff to USMC

Details: Male only.  Assignment with Pakistani Bn on UN Mission in Liberia (UNMIL).  Duty involves preparing operational orders, contingency plans, reviewing subordinate unit plans, deployment details, conferences, and joint border ops.  Staff experience and PME complete for grade desired.  Active Duty preferred; Reservists eligible who can complete 1 year assignment.  Austere living conditions, eat, sleep and live with the Pakistanis.  Assignment will involve frequent travel around African continent and interaction with local

citizens/coalition forces/NGOs/gov't officials/UN observers.  12-month unaccompanied TAD includes per diem.

See link to UNMIL:

Pre-deployment training:

POC for more details:  Maj Bill Matory, USMOG J-3/7 FP/Training Officer / (703) 545-7067




d.  FY12 4th Quarter FAO/RAO Experience Track board:

MARADMIN 634/12 was released today with official results from our latest Quarterly FAO/RAO experience track board.

8 FAOs + 7 RAOs were designated.  Please welcome to the FAO/RAO community:

    Name                       PMOS / AMOS   Region          Note: 

1.  Col   David Coggins       (8041 / 8227)  W. Eur RAO      [NATO + UK Defense Academy]

2.  Maj   Chris Curran        (0302 / 8225)  S.S. Africa RAO [MA in National Security Affairs, MSG Ivory Coast]

3.  LtCol G. John David       (0202 / 8224)  ME/NA RAO       [MA Strategic Intel, MCESG Region 2]

4.  Capt  Matthew Davidhizar  (4402 / 8241)  LATAM  FAO      [JD U. Washington, Mexico + Venezuela study/law firm]

5.  LtCol Jonathan Dunne      (0302 / 8225)  S.S. Africa RAO [MS MCU, MARFORAF G-5]

6.  Capt  Benjamin Finkelstein(0204 / 8224)  ME/NA RAO       [MS Homeland Sec + ME Terrorism, RSO + reserve Attaché]

7.  LtCol Anthony Frasco      (3002 / 8221)  LATAM RAO       [MS in National Security Affairs, MSG + MCESG Region 4]

8.  Maj   John Havener        (7509 / 8227)  W. Eur RAO      [PEP UK]

9.  Maj   John Keenan         (0602 / 8240)  in-training     [2 MA in progress, Spain study abroad]

10. Capt  Chris Kennedy       (7509 / 8240)  in-training     [PEP Italy]

11. Col   Sean Killeen        (8042 / 8240)  in-training     [FMPE + PEP Brazil, SOUTHCOM Chief LNO to OSD/JS, White House LNO to Chile]

12. Capt  Blaise McFadden     (0402 / 8240)  in-training     [AFPAK Hands, MA in progress]

13. 1stLt Jacob Raver         (0204 / 8244)  ME/NA FAO       [MA Hebrew Univ, Israel + Egypt study abroad]

14. 2ndLt Victor Castro*      (0601 / 8249)  E. Eur FAO      [Missionary in Romania, 2 years]

15. Maj   Michael Murphy*     (7509 / 8247)  W. Eur FAO      [PEP Spain] 

* pending constructive credit waiver




e.  What has a FAS done for me lately: Guatemala/OP MARTILLO:

Who:   Capt Manuel Bueno 

       (LATAM FAO-in-training) finished NPS Jun12, starts DLI-Portuguese (Nov12-Jun13) + ICT/Brazil 2013-14.

What:  FAO support to MCSCG + MFS during Operation MARTILLO

Where: Guatemala

When:  26Sep-17Oct 2012

Why:   Effective capitalization on training gap between NPS & DLI, apply native Spanish skills + NPS education in support of MFS mission; gain exposure + familiarization with MCSCG; gain experience in region.

Details:  See BUENO_GUATEMALA, attached.

CO MCSCG has identified future utility of available FAOs/RAOs to augment MCSCG activities in support of MARFORs as a top priority.  Opportunities to operationalize & leverage FAO/RAO skill sets to accomplish Security Cooperation (SC) missions is important.  More opportunities to follow.

Col Baker's comments:  It's hard to quantify the role guys like Bueno, Daivu and Moffett play in country.  To many (including yours truly not so long ago) the accomplishments listed (emergency passports, etc) seem trivial.  They are not.  More important, there is no way to quantify the goodwill garnered with the SCO team, SDO, country team, etc.

TAB A - FY13 FAO-RAO Billed solicitation MARADMIN.txt
Capt Bueno AAR Guatemala AAR.doc
FY13 FAO-RAO Utilization Request Form.docx

FAO/RAO + FAS/RAS Community,

5 updates today:


a.  South Asia FAO/RAO opportunity

b.  What has a FAS done for me lately:  Panama/MTT instructor

c.  What has a FAO done for me lately:  France/partner nation visit to I MEF/MCAGCC

d.  CCLEB results

e.  Conference, "Rebalance to Asia, Refocus on Okinawa"



a.  South Asia FAO/RAO opportunity

Who:   South Asia FAOs/RAOs

       O4-O5, Urdu speaker preferred

What:  LNO to Pakistani Infantry Bn with United Nations (UN) Mission in Liberia

       11-month TAD

       In support of U.S. Military Observer Group (USMOG)

Where: Monrovia, Liberia

When:  Jan training in Quantico

       Feb-Nov13 in Liberia

Why:   UN Mission

Details: Maj-LtCol eligible.  Active Duty preferred; Reservists eligible who can complete 1 year assignment.  Female not eligible.  Austere living conditions, eat, sleep and live with the Pakistanis.  Assignment will

involve frequent travel around African continent and interaction with local citizens/coalition forces/NGOs/gov't officials/UN observers.  11-month unaccompanied TAD includes per diem. 

Contact: Maj Bill Matory ( 703 545-7067 [U.S. Military Observer Group (USMOG) J-37 Force Protection / Training Officer] or

Maj Kristopher Poirier ( for billet details.




b.  What has a FAS done for me lately:  Panama/MTT instructor:

Who:   MSgt L.A. Godoy, LATAM FAS (reservist)

What:  FAS support for MCSCG + MARFORSOUTH Leadership MTT

Where: Panama City, Panama

When:  15-22 Sep 2012

Why:   support MCSCG + MARFORSOUTH efforts to build capacity + develop mil-mil relationships in Panama.

       Represents FAS support to a SOUTHCOM priority country.

AAR:   Reservist FAS, MSgt Godoy, was activated by MARFORSOUTH to augment a Military Training Team (MTT) engagement with the 2,300 personnel National Air Service of Panama (SENAN) with Marines from MCSCG.  The 300-man Marine Infantry (INFAMAR) force within SENAN is responsible for carrying out naval operations to include protection, surveillance, security and defense of Panama.  This MTT Leadership course was incorporated into Panama's new direct commissioning & advanced enlisted promotion training program; 9-months long.  The program is being conducted for the first time, allowing highly qualified INFAMAR Marine Sergeants to get commissioned, and junior enlisted to promote to the highest enlisted rank of Sargento Primero upon graduation.  The MTT was tasked with providing leadership training to newly commissioned Panamanian officers; predominantly prior enlisted with 11 years experience on average.  The 3-man USMC MTT lead was a native Spanish speaker, but inexperienced in providing training to foreign audiences.  MSgt Godoy functioned as an effective mentor to the MTT lead, helped develop and execute the course of instruction while translating material and facilitating smooth cultural integration.  MSgt Godoy's positive example as a senior SNCO, familiarity with the country and MTT material generated very positive feedback from Panamanian forces and the U.S. Embassy staff.  Language skills alone were not sufficient in this case.  Regional expertise and cultural knowledge, mixed with credibility in PMOS skill sets, made a LATAM FAS an extremely valuable member of this team.  MSgt Godoy's efforts improved the success enjoyed by this MTT, MARFORSOUTH, and ultimately SOUTHCOM.

See AAR attached.




c.  What has a FAO done for me lately:  France/partner nation visit to I MEF/MCAGCC:

Who:   Maj Jean Patrick Exantus, French PEP + Western Europe/France FAO-in-training

       Maj Marc Beaudreau, LATAM/Brazil FAO (French speaker)

What:  FAO support for French Land Forces Command visit to I MEF + MCAGCC

Where: Camp Pendleton (HQ, I MEF)

       29 Palms       (MCAGCC)

When:  11-14 Sep 2012

Why:   ACMC invitation

AAR:   2 FAOs effectively used their language, regional expertise, and current billet assignments as personnel exchange program (PEP) officer + GCE Training Officer at MAGTF Training Center to facilitate a partner nation visit and fulfill an ACMC request.  French Land Forces Command was interested to see how USMC conducts pre-deployment training and Enhanced Mojave Viper at 29 Palms facilities.  The French capabilities of 2 Marine officers facilitated smoother interaction during the visit, which included force management briefs, role of Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center (MCAGCC), Marine Corps Tactics and Operations Group (MCTOG) command brief, and tours of MOUT facilities, Infantry Immersion Trainers, Convoy Trainers, CAS simulation, IED training, and company live-fire exercises at 29 Palms.  The French highlighted several similarities in their approach to training and force management, and took home new ideas in applying existing technologies in effective simulation training.

See AAR attached.




d.  CCLEB results:

MARADMIN 566/12 was released 9Oct12, announcing FY13 CCLEB results.

2,100 company grade officers were screened; 390 were selected.  This represents an extremely competitive 17% selection rate.  A separate slating panel will be conducted in December to assign selected Marines for one of 7 education & special programs:  FAO/RAO, Olmsted Scholar, Congressional Fellowship, Resident PME, Special Education Program (SEP), Advanced Degree Program (ADP), and funded law programs.




e.  Conference, "Rebalance to Asia, Refocus on Okinawa":

Who:   Honorable Hirokazu Nakaima, Governor of Okinawa

       Mr. Patrick Cronin, Senior Advisor/Director Asia-Pacific Security Program

       Mr. Narushige Michishita, Director of Security and Int'l Studies Program

       Mr. Michael O'Hanlon, Brookings Institution

       Mr. Akio Takahara, University of Tokyo

       Honorable Jim Webb, Senator from VA

What:  Conference, "Rebalance to Asia, Refocus on Okinawa"

Where: The Willard Hotel

       1401 Pennsylvania Ave NW

       Washington, DC 20004

When:  Tue, 23 Oct


Why:   Discussion will cover possible solutions to the current impasse over the Futenma relocation plan, security and cooperation in East Asia, and Okinawa's future role in the U.S. balance to Asia.

Details:  Free.  Lunch + brief breakfast provided.  Luncheon keynote address by Sen Jim Webb.



Panama MTT AAR 1 Oct 12.doc
French Visit AAR.doc

FAO/RAO + FAS/RAS Community,

6 updates today:


a.  MCO 5710.6B  Marine Corps Security Cooperation

b.  USMC Security Cooperation narrative

c.  MARADMIN 526/12 = cancellation of Transparent Languages CL-150 contract

d.  FAOweb & how our community keeps access to CL-150

e.  Fitrep PME Info Paper + CNA study

f.  PLU hail & farewell



a.  MCO 5710.6B  Marine Corps Security Cooperation:

MCO 5710.6B was released 20Sep.

As a tool of national security, foreign policy, and an integral element of the DoD mission, Security Cooperation (SC) contributes to preventing conflict, enhances interoperability with international partners, and establishes the partnerships, access, and infrastructure that supports larger military operations.  This order provides USMC policy guidance and oversight to support persistent forward naval engagement and related USMC SC activities.




b.  USMC Security Cooperation narrative:

"Forward Deployed and Forward Engaged:  The Marine Corps Approach to 21st Century Security Cooperation" 

This 20 page document details the USMC approach to achieving our Security Cooperation (SC) objectives.

The FAO/RAO + FAS/RAS community has a significant role in this, as our Services Language, Regional Expertise, and Culture (LREC) professionals.




c.  MARADMIN 526/12 = cancellation of Transparent Languages CL-150 contract:

MARADMIN 526/12 was released 20Sep and cancelled the USMC contract for CL-150, effective 26Sep2012. 

Access to this valuable language tool is no longer available to the General Purpose Forces (GPF) via MarineNet.

Like Rosetta Stone before it, not enough Marines were using it.  The $1.4M contract juice was not worth the 4% user squeeze.  All good toys & tools go away when unused.




d.  FAOweb & how our community keeps access to CL-150:

Who:   FAO/RAO + FAS/RAS community

What:  continued Tranparent Language CL-150 access

Where: FAOweb

When:  1Oct2012

Why:   USMC contract with CL-150 cancelled,

       DLNSEO paid to provide Joint FAO community access

Way ahead:  To retain access to CL-150, simply log into FAOweb.  You will notice no difference.

1,000 individual licenses were purchased on a first-come, first-served basis.  FAOs/RAOs + FASs/RASs are all eligible to establish FAOweb accounts and access language tools like FAOweb.


For help establishing a FAOweb account, reference MARADMIN 215/11.

POC:  Mr. James Howard, FAOweb Director / 831 656-1067

      Mr. Brian Boulware, FAOweb Manager / 831 656-1080




e.  Fitrep PME Info Paper + CNA study:

The experience of being a board member, and developing an appreciation for the significance of the USMC fitness reporting process, was invaluable.  Few Marines get the privilege; almost all feel compelled to provide PME to Marines back home.  I care about the FAO/RAO + FAS/RAS community, and your understanding of your OMPFs.

The Info Paper attached provides some insights.  Examples of breakout comments were withrdrawn by direction.

The CNA report is an official "Evaluation of the Fitrep System for Marine Officers", commissioned by Director, Manpower Management Division, M&RA.  Informative read, for those interested.

We will continue to make promotion/command/retention/school selection gouge available to you as it comes in.  Shoot us your questions.




f.  PLU hail & farewell:

Last, but not least, the face of your International Affairs Program management team is shifting.


Effective 15 Oct 2012, Mr. Clay Fisher will return to team PLU as our Assistant IAP Coordinator.

A former LATAM desk officer in PLU, Argentina Foreign PME grad, and Argentina PEP, LtCol(ret) Clay Fisher will soon become the humor, brains & continuity behind this outfit, helping us hold all the details together to drive this program as effectively as possible.  We're excited to have him as a GS.  You'll see his name on the cc line going forward.


Effective 30 Aug 2012, LtCol Che "Curly" Bolden moved on to greener fields as the inbound CO to VMU-2 in Cherry Point, NC.  He was indispensable to PLU-8 and shouldered a significant load on behalf of the IAP community, fighting for POM funds to sustain our FAO + PEP training budget; shaping and staffing our MCO 1520.11E update efforts which combine our PEP + FAO/RAO orders and create our FAS/RAS program; re-aligning our PEP laydown; proposing a re-structure of our RAO program to indroduce LREC skills to RAOs in the future; responding to multiple General Officer RFIs, and other drive-by taskings.  We miss him already & wish him the best at VMU-2.

Taking his place is LtCol Mike Purcell, who has been with us since May.


Fitrep PME Info Paper.docx

Enjoy Colombus Day weekend!

Semper Fi



FAO/RAO + FAS/RAS Community,
5 updates today:
a.  FAO/RAO billets
b.  Joint FAO Program - FY13 LATAM course
c.  language sustainment opportunity at Indiana U.
d.  What has a FAO done for me lately:  Korea/NAVAIR + DC Aviation
e.  What has a FAO done for me lately:  China/1stMarDiv
a.  FAO/RAO billets:
I know there's a lot of anxiety out there about FY13 billets.
Quick PME + way ahead:
   1.  ASR:
The Aug12 Authorized Strength Report (ASR) was published last week.  This document informs M&RA (manpower) how many Marines & T/O line numbers we can expect as a Service in FY13.  It's also a critical tool used by Manpower to develop the Staffing Goal (SG) Report. 
   2.  SG:
For those familiar with the concept of musical chairs, the SG Report determines which FY13 T/O billets will have a chair left when the music stops playing.  Monitors can't assign Marines to billets that aren't on the SG list.  It takes approx 5 weeks for M&RA to crunch the numbers & develop the FY13 SG report.  Should be out by mid Oct.  This list will tell us which FAO/RAO billets will be available for orders next year.
   3.  FAO/RAO billets:
I got MMOA to print an updated list of FAO/RAO billets in the system, by T/O.  see attached.
These are T/O line numbers.  Not all will make the Staffing Goal list.  There are additional billets not yet coded for FAO/RAO that I'm working on making available to you as well (Security Cooperation Officer (SCO) billets in embassies, MARSOC LNO billets, CCMD billets, etc).  I will release the list of FY13 FAO/RAO billets in mid Oct.
   4.  FAO/RAO slating:
We'll give you all at least 45 days to look over the list, hold an FY13 slating panel in Dec, and coordinate assignments with the monitors from there.  Those who need orders before then (off-cycle movers), contact me & your monitor, and we'll take care of you individually.
b.  Joint FAO Program - FY13 LATAM course, reminder:
What:  Joint FAO Program - LATAM course
Where: Washington, DC (5-9Nov)
       San Salvador (12-16Nov)
When:  5-16 Nov 2012
       Deadline to apply = Fri, 14Sep
Why:   To refresh & update LATAM FAO regional + language skills
Details:  funded by DLNSEO via NPS.
POC:  Mr. Bob Lucius, LtCol USMC (ret), FAO Course Operations Manager / (831) 656-1810
      Ms. Ashley Dusenbury, Associate Operations Manager / 831-656-7527
Send applications to me in PLU.
c.  language sustainment opportunity at Indiana U:
Who:   Any FAO/FAS
What:  Language Sustainment courses 
       Summer Language Workshop (SWSEEL)
       - Arabic
       - Russian
       intensive language programs at the 2/2 and 3/3 levels
Where: Indiana University
       Bloomington, IN
When:  27May-26Jul 2013 - Arabic
       03Jun-26Jul 2013 - Russian
       30Oct 2012 = registration deadline
Why:   improve language skills & sustain DoD goal 3/3.
Description: SWSEEL intensive summer language courses provide the equivalent of one academic year of instruction in 9 weeks. Students are in class 4-5 hours daily M-F and have about 3 hours of homework each evening. Extracurricular programming (including language tables, films, and lectures) provide additional exposure to the target language. Students of Russian study the fours skills and grammar 3 hours daily with a main instructor and also have dedicated instruction in phonetics, listening and speaking/conversation, each taught by a different instructor.  Participants will do OPIs at the start and end of the program.
Funding:  tuition funded by DLNSEO. 
          TAD funded by unit.
          For those interested & available to attend, please let us know soonest.
POC:  Ms. Ariann Stern-Gottschalk, PhD. Director, SWSEEL / 812-855-1648
d.  What has a FAO done for me lately:  Korea/NAVAIR + DC Aviation:
Who:   Maj Louis Simon + Maj Jin Kim  (8243:  N.E. Asia/Korea FAOs)
What:  FAO support for Korea Test & Evaluation (T&E) of USMC AH-1Z helicopter
Where: MAG-39
       Camp Pendleton, CA
When:  20Aug-7Sep
Why:   NAVAIR + DC Aviation requested FAO support.
       ROK is weighing a Foreign Military Sales (FMS) purchase decision of 36 AH-1Z Cobra helicopters worth $1.6 Billion.
AAR:   By facilitating smoother interaction between U.S. and Korean teams, FAOs improved the 3-week evaluation and potentially helped Korea decide to invest in UH-1Z helicopters, spare parts, maintenance efforts, and the details that come with a purchase of this magnitude.  This was also an opportunity for Reserve FAOs to engage their skill sets.
Korean FMS AAR attached for details.
e.  What has a FAO done for me lately:  China/1stMarDiv:
Who:   Capt Frank Alba, China FAO, 11th Marine Regiment
What:  FAO support during Khaan Quest, UN Peacekeeping Exercise
Where: Mongolia
When:  10-24 Aug 2012
Why:   11th Marines tasked to support international peacekeeping exercise.
       FAOs in regionally aligned PMOS tours were on hand & organic to the engaged force.
AAR:   Having recently been to Mongolia last year while on ICT, Capt Alba was familiar with the culture and the lay of the land. As the 11th Marine Regiment Intel Officer and China FAO, he engaged with Singapore, Indian, New Zealand, Mongolian, Russian, and Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) officers.  His Chinese language allowed him to communicate with the Singapore and Chinese officers in their native language.  This helped break the ice and opened up lines of communication as well as built relationships during the exercise.
Khaan Quest is a multilateral UN Peace Keeping Exercise held annually at Mongolian Armed Forces Peace Support Operation Training Center at the Five Hills Training Area in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.  The exercise is sponsored by U.S. Army Pacific and hosted by Mongolian Armed Forces.  The purpose of the exercise is to promote regional peace and security.  More than 10 countries and a thousand personnel participated in Khaan Quest 2012.  The exercise initially began as a unilateral exercise between the United States Marine Corps and Mongolian Armed Forces (MAF).  During the exercise the Secretary of the Army, Secretary of the Navy, and Commander U.S. Army Pacific all visited.  The Secretary of the Navy Honorable Ray Mabus spoke during the closing ceremony.   The Secretary of the Navy talked to Marine and Navy personnel separately before addressing the general audience and emphasized the strategic importance of Marines demonstrating our expeditionary nature during the exercise as we pivot toward Asia. The President of Mongolia spoke during the opening ceremony.  This year marked the 10th anniversary of the exercise.  Exploration and mining of commodity natural resources in Mongolia has gained the attention of many regional powers to include China, Russia, and the United States.  Mongolia’s geographic location sandwiched between Russia to the North and China to the South and its status as a democratic state makes it strategically significant as a key regional ally to the United States.  Mongolia, relative to its population of less than 3 million people, contributes a significant number of military personnel to UN Peace Keeping and Coalition Forces missions around the world to include OIF and OEF. 
Who:   Capt Frank Alba, China FAO, 11th Marine Regiment
What:  provided China PME to 1stMarDiv G-2
Where: Camp Pendleton
When:  29 Aug 2012
Why:   At request of 1st MarDiv G-2, upon learning there were China FAOs around
AAR:   While serving as 11th Marine Regiment Intelligence Officer, per the request of 1st Marine Division G-2, Capt Alba conducted a PME on China for G-2 Marines, providing background on historical, cultural, social, economic, political, and security aspects in context of China's rise and potential regional flashpoints.  The PME was well received.  As a result, the Division CG directed that a China PME be given to all officers in the Division.  Time TBD.  2 China FAOs in the Division, Capt Alba + Capt Harkema, will conduct the brief.
Who:   Capt Kaleb Harkema, China FAO, 1st LAR
What:  provided China PME to 3rd AAV Bn preparing for Okinawa UDP
Where: Camp Pendleton
When:  7 Sep 2012
Why:   Upon request
AAR:   While serving as 3rd LAR Bn Intelligence Officer, Capt. Kaleb Harkema conducted a China Brief for elements of 3rd Assault Amphibian Battalion deploying to Okinawa on UDP.  Capt. Harkema provided historical, cultural, social, economic, political, and security aspects in the context of China's rise and potential regional flashpoints.  The Marines provided good feedback and found the information to be relevant to their upcoming deployment to Okinawa and the Asia-Pacific region.
Semper Fi
FAO/RAO + FAS/RAS Community,
5 updates today:
a.  Attaché selection results
b.  I MEF FAO/RAO PME after action
c.  Cultural Understanding and Language Proficiency (CULP) Cadet team lead solicitation & opportunity
d.  CL-150 update
e.  new DLPT rollouts
a.  Attaché selection results:
MARADMIN 478/12 was released today, announcing FY14 Marine Attaché (MARA) selection results
FY14 MARA results are on-par with previous years.
  1.  6 of 12 selected attachés are FAOs/RAOs
      (50% rate was selected last year as well)
  2.  4 are FAOs; 2 are RAOs; 4 are regionally aligned; 2 are not regionally-aligned
      All 6 are Experience Track (ET)
      Congratulations to:
      1.  LtCol Drew Cukor       Mexico           (8241 LATAM FAO)      ET
      2.  LtCol Gert DeWet       Kenya            (8225 S.S.Africa RAO) ET
      3.  Maj Carrie Howe        Singapore        (8245 S.S.Africa FAO) ET
      4.  Maj Erick Koob         Senegal          (8241 LATAM FAO)      ET
      5.  Maj Cedric Lee         Philippines      (8243 N.E.Asia FAO)   ET
      6.  LtCol Brent Reiffer    Australia        (8223 N.E.Asia RAO)   ET
  3.  2 of 5 alternates are FAO/RAO (40%)
      1.  Maj Mark Broekhuizen   Philippines      (8248 S.E.Asia FAO)   ST
      2.  Maj Donald Porter      Russia           (8228 S.E.Asia RAO)   ST
  4.  The remaining 6 MARA selects will be joining the FAO/RAO community
      Pending their acceptance into the program
      Welcome to:
      7.  LtCol Nathan Huntington Russia                                ET
      8.  Maj Mark Kiehle         Pakistan                              ET
      9.  Maj Jason Lang          Azerbaijan                            ET
      10. Capt Christian Ortiz    Libya                                 ET
      11. Maj Kerry Quinby        Iraq                                  ET
      12. LtCol Matthew Sasse     Mexico                                ET
b.  I MEF FAO/RAO PME after action:
Who:   Capt Kaleb Harkema, currently serving as 1st LAR S-2 (N.E. Asia/China FAO)
What:  2nd Quarterly I MEF FAO/RAO PME
       "Friction points developing in South China Sea + East China Sea,
        and how they tie into China's hunt for resources and the growth of the Chinese middle class"
Where: Camp Pendleton
When:  Fri, 17 Aug 2012, 1500-1700
Why:   Familiarity among Southern California FAO/RAO community
After Action:  Capt Harkema volunteered to brief all comers about China.  30 Marines showed up, including 8 FAOs & 22 Marines interested in the FAO/RAO program.  Capt Harkema's brief hit a home run with the audience; very well received, with many requests to be put on his distro list.
This was another great opportunity to build rapport among our community, inform a broader cross-section of Marines about the program, and generate positive impressions about FAO/RAO capabilities resident within I MEF. 
Maj Robyn Mestemacher (I MEF G-1 Ops; Eurasia/Ukraine FAO) did the heavy lifting to coordinate and set this up.
LtCol Brian Peterson (CO, HMM-268; LATAM RAO) encouraged many of his Marines to come.
Many thanks to all who participated for making this PME a success.
Next I MEF quarterly PME is on track for December.
c.  Cultural Understanding and Language Proficiency (CULP) Cadet team lead solicitation & opportunity:
Who:   any interested/available FAO/RAO [O4-O5] or SNCO [E7-E8]
       Reservists eligible
       Good opportunity for ICT FAOs, FAOs awaiting language training, Reserve FAOs/RAOs & FAS/RAS, or anyone with 34 days available & interest to mentor future officers + work overseas at no cost to USMC.
What:  Cultural Understanding and Language Proficiency (CULP) Cadet team lead during summer training missions
        1.  English Language Training Teams (teaching English to foreign partners)
        2.  Military Exercise Support (joint exercises and interpreter support)
        3.  Humanitarian Assistance via NGO (Service learning projects)
        4.  U.S. State Dept support ("American Corners" program)
       Organize/mentor/lead participation in these Security Cooperation efforts
       Lead groups of (5-10) Army ROTC/cadets on 35-day missions overseas
       Efforts underway to expand this program to Navy/Marine Corps ROTC/midshipmen
       US Army desires to expand Joint efforts
Where: 43 nations include:
       - Mongolia  - Angola   - Bosnia   - Brazil     - Jordan
       - Korea     - Benin    - Bulgaria - Chile      - Kazakhstan
       - Indonesia - Burundi  - Croatia  - Costa Rica - Kyrgyzstan
       - Vietnam   - Ghana    - Georgia  - Paraguay  
       - Laos      - Senegal  - Ukraine  - Peru
       - Taiwan    - Tanzania - Estonia 
       - Thailand  - Tunisia  - Spain
When:  TBD
       Summer training begins early May, continuing through summer until last week in Aug.
       90% are between 15May and 1Aug start dates.
       Volunteer deadline = 1 Jan 2013
Why:   Funded immersion language + culture opportunity
       leadership opportunity for next generation
        1. US Army Cadet Command will fund TAD (travel/lodging/meals). 
           (ADOS needs to be coordinated separately for interested Reservists)
        2. US Army is looking to develop its future officer corps with increased appreciation & understanding of foreign language and culture.
        3. US Army interested in encouraging Joint efforts with volunteers from all Services.
        4. Foreign language ability = nice to have, not "need to have" for most countries.
           Spanish = need to have for Exercise Support in SOUTHCOM
           Polish = need to have for airborne missions in Poland
        5. 35 days = 8 day pre-deployment prep (Ft Knox, KY) + 23 days in country + 3-4 days post deployment (Ft Knox).
        6. For additional details & countries, see CULP Missions Short Brief on our IAP website.
  POC:  Mr. Windle Causey, Chief, Culture and Language Division, US Army Cadet Command / 502 624-5404.
d.  CL-150 update:
For SA, USMC will lose access to Transparent Language CL-150 language programs, effective 26Sep12.
This includes the following resources:
 - Rapid Rote applications
 - Language Familiarization courseware
 - Language Proficiency Tests + Diagnostic Assessments
 - Learner Guide
 - Mobile Language Guide
 - Language Pro
 - CL-150 portal, providing direct access via MarineNet, Joint Language University, or FAOweb.
See attached for further details.
e.  new DLPT rollouts:
The Very Low Range (VLR) tests measure proficiency up to (but no higher than) Interagency Language Roundtable (ILR) level 1+.
VLR provides a more accurate measure of proficiency at levels below 2 than the traditional Low Range (LR) test which focuses on ILR levels from 2-3.
DLPT rollouts in FY12 include:
French      VLR                           - 01AUG12
Spanish     VLR                           - 15SEP12
Scheduled DLPT rollouts in FY13 include:
Punjabi     LR (constructed response)     - 01OCT12
Pashto      VLR(multiple choice)          - 15NOV12
Azerbaijani LR (constructed response)     - 15APR13
Cambodian   LR (constructed response)     - 15APR13
Dari        LR (multiple choice)          - 15MAY13
Indonesian  LR (multiple choice)          - 15MAY13
Malay       LR (constructed response)     - 15MAY13
Tamil       LR (constructed response)     - 15MAY13
Uighur      LR (constructed response)     - 15MAY13
Kazak       LR (constructed response)     - 17JUN13
Yoruba      LR (constructed response)     - 17JUN13
Semper Fi!
FAO/RAO + FAS/RAS Community,
9 updates today:
a.  FY13 Command selection results
b.  FY13 Command selection board out-brief
c.  FAO/RAO population update
d.  attaché selection update
e.  language sustainment update
f.  FAOA Symposium
g.  FAOweb call for essays
h.  DC workshop:  Perspectives on Conflict Prevention
i.  Gazette article, "The Marine Attache"
a.  FY13 Command selection results:

    1.  MARADMIN 415/12 was released on 1Aug12, announcing LtCol Command selection results.
        FY13 LtCol command selection results are above average for FAOs/RAOs
        577 Marines were screened; 148 were selected (25.65%); 11 were FAOs/RAOs (24.4%)
        45 FAOs/RAOs were among the eligible population
        5 FAOs and 6 RAOs were selected for command.  4 Study Track; 7 Experience Track
        Congratulations to:
        1.  LtCol William DeLorenzo    MWHS-2       (8248 S.E.Asia FAO)   ST
        2.  LtCol Mark Elfers          VMA-214      (8247 W.Eur FAO)      ET
        3.  Maj John Griffin           I-I, v1/25   (8224 ME/NA RAO)      ET
        4.  LtCol Kevin Matthews       1st LAR      (8228 S.E.Asia RAO)   ET
        5.  LtCol Daron Mizell         1st LEB      (8224 ME/NA RAO)      ET
        6.  Maj Benjamin Pappas        2d MSOB      (8248 S.E.Asia FAO)   ST
        7.  Maj Lance Patrick          VMFA-115     (8223 N.E.Asia RAO)   ET
        8.  LtCol Robert Rice          v3/5         (8247 W.Eur FAO)      ET
        9.  LtCol Richard Schmidt      Support Bn, MSOSG (8241 LATAM FAO) ET
        10. LtCol John Vaughan         I-I, 4th AAV (8222 EurAsia RAO)    ST
        11. Maj Lawrence Walzer        I-I, LEB     (8224 ME/NA RAO)      ST
    2.  MARADMIN 424/12 was released on 2Aug12, announcing Col Command selection results.
        FY13 Col command selection results are below average for FAOs/RAOs
        175 Marines were screened; 56 were selected (32%); none were FAOs/RAOs
        4 FAOs/RAOs were among the eligible population
    3.  See Info paper (attached) for additional details
    4.  See Command selection history in FAO/RAO population update (attached) for 7 year overview
    5.  Recommended recent Gazette article on command by one of our own:
b.  FY13 Command selection board out-brief:
Col Kozeniesky (PP&O) was a board member on the FY13 command selection board (CSB), and provided a PME/out brief this week to Marines interested in better understanding the process, what makes Marines more competitive, what to look for on fitreps; and how we can serve our Marines better as Reporting Seniors & Reviewing Officers.  The ppt. slides are 3MB.  We'll post the brief on our IAP website on Tuesday, when Nimish gets back.  In the meantime, shoot me an email if you want a copy & don't mind me crushing your inbox.  Great brief.
c.  FAO/RAO population update:
  - active duty:  330
  - reserves:  58
  - active duty:  207
  - reserves:  17
  - active duty:  9
  - reserves:  6
Details outlined in "USMC FAO/RAO population update" (attached)
Next Experience Track FAO/RAO board will be held 10 Oct 2012
Current as of 23Aug12
d.  Attaché selection update:
The MARADMIN announcing the results is in the hopper, waiting for release.
A few Marines initially selected for attaché duty were picked up for command.  Alternates were fleeted up; the results are ready; the delay is unfortunate, but the MARADMIN should be hitting the street Monday.  Intel Department ran the board & is working to release the MARADMIN with the results; a deviation from previous years, when MMOA released the MARADMIN.
e.  FY12 funded Language Sustainment update:
44 requests for language sustainment have been approved to date; $217,177 has been obligated; and $96,798 remains available for FAOs/RAOs assigned within I/II/III MEF for the next few weeks until those funds are surrendered for end of FY close-out.  $132,889 has been returned to DLNSEO (prior to end of FY12 for re-allocation).
25 of 44 requests have been for local tutoring; 13 of 25 in CONUS.  18 of 44 requests included TAD/immersion + school.  See attached tracker for details.  I have received 6 After Action Reports.  We're interested in your follow-up DLPT scores & AARs to document what worked well & what didn't.  Shoot us an email with your updates/AARs when able.
I got 3/2+ on my Indonesian test after a few years of neglect, following my recent language sustainment TAD to Indonesia.  Still have an opportunity to nail that 2nd "3" on an OPI coming up!  you do too.  We encourage you to take the speaking test (OPI).
FY13 funds for language sustainment are being coordinated.  Recent history being our guide, normal FY budget turn-around time is ~ 2 months, meaning FY13 funds won't likely be in our hands until November.  We will likely have more language sustainment funds next year + more time to use it.  We don't want to return any funds next year!  Plan early; first come first served when the funding faucet gets turned on.  Expect same rules as this year. 
f.  FAOA Symposium:
Who:   All interested & available
What:  2-day symposium
       "Foreign Engagement and Global Coverage under the New Defense Plan: FAOs, Security Cooperation, and the Defense Attaché System"
       Hosted by:  National Military Intelligence Association (NMIA) + Foreign Area Officer Association (FAOA)
Where: TASC Heritage Center
       4805 Stonecroft Blvd
       Chantilly, VA 20151
When:  18-19 Sep 2012
       0800 - 1700
Why:   The symposium will explore, provide information on, and help shape the future of the missions, organization, and integration of the U.S. military presence at embassies around the world and the critical role played by joint service FAOs.
       In-depth discussion on the roles of FAOs in Security Cooperation, the Defense Attaché System, and at the Combatant Commands.
       Service FAO proponents will be represented, as well as reps from NPS, JMAS, DISAM, and DLI. 
Details: 2-day itinerary available on-line + registration:  This event will be held at the SECRET/NOFORN level.  Event fee = $100/military.
Speakers include:
       - RADM Bradley Gehrke, USN, Director, Defense Counterintel and HUMINT Center
       - MajGen Richard Lake, USMC, Deputy Director, National Clandestine Service for HUMINT
       - RADM Douglas Venlet, USN, SDO/DATT Moscow, Russia
       - SES Richard Genaille Jr, Deputy Director, Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA)
POC:  NMIA / 703 738-7487.
g.  FAOweb call for essays:
FAOweb will publish a special issue of the Joint FAO Proceedings this fall to address the perennial question of whether or not FAOs are worth the tremendous investment in time and resources.  The intent is not to rehash the same old arguments about single-track vs. dual-track systems, but rather to dig a little deeper into what it means to be a professionalized community and to explore the individual and collective expectations for those who claim membership.  Questions to be explored might include:
1)   Is FAO just another word for attaché or security assistance officer?
2)   What does it mean to be a professional community and is the Joint FAO community one?
3)   What are the "value-added" measures by which FAOs, both individually and collectively, should be evaluated by their services, as well as by their peers? In short, are FAOs worth the investment?
4)   Why do the contributions of FAOs seem to remain undervalued (or overvalued) more than a decade after 9/11?
5)   What skills do FAOs need most to meet the expectations of Commanders and policy-makers.and are FAOs trained and equipped properly to meet those expectations?
6)   Should FAOs be subject to re-certification or de-certification?
7)   How can FAOs better share their experience, knowledge and wisdom with their peers and those coming up behind them?
Author submission guidelines are in FAOweb Files or
Who:   article contributors
What:  call for essays:
Where: FAOweb
When:  deadline = 1 Oct
Why:   respond to questions posed above.
POC: / 831 656-1080
h.  DC workshop:  Perspectives on Conflict Prevention:
Who:   All interested & available
What:  3-day workshop
       "Perspectives on Conflict Prevention"
Where: U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP)
       Washington, DC
When:  24-26 Sep 2012
       Application deadline = 31 Aug (Fri)!casi/c1iu4
Why:   As the U.S. transitions from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and redefines its role infragile environments, the utility of conflict prevention is becoming increasingly relevant for the Department of Defense. As the Obama administration articulated in the 2012 Defense Strategic Guidance, entitled Sustaining U.S. Global Leadership: Priorities for 21st Century Defense, the military has an opportunity to engage all tools, including diplomacy and development, to promote regional and global security with its allies and partners. Preventive strategies that avoid violent conflict are at the forefront of these tools.  The purpose of this workshop is to facilitate timely and open dialogue about different conflict prevention frameworks andperspectives that exist among the DOD, non-governmental, and interagency communities.
Conflict prevention has a mixed history of success and failure - due in part to varying commitment by policymakers - nonetheless, advances in both thought and practice have continued to improve lessons learned and best practices for practitioners in the field. Participants in the workshop will explore these approaches and practices, debate their utility, and consider opportunities for future innovation in the conflict prevention field. Through interactive panel discussions, group-led vignettes, and facilitated dialogue participants will not only enrich the course but play an integral role in shaping its content. 
Details:  Free.  Workshops led by NPS/Collaborative & Adaptive Security Initiative + Academy of International Conflict Management and Peacebuilding (USIP)
POC:  Mr. Nicholas Tomb (NPS/CASI) / 831 656-1829
      Ms. Winnie Tsang (USIP) / 202 429-4740
i.  Gazette article, "The Marine Attache"
Who:   LtCol Scott McDonald (8243: Northeast Asia/China FAO)
What:  article published, "The Marine Attache"
Where: Marine Corps Gazette
When:  Aug 2012
Apologies for the quiet spell here in the FAO/RAO program management office while I was on language sustainment training in Indonesia for 3 weeks.
I know several recent FAO/RAO accomplishments & anecdotes have recently taken place or are in progress.
There are several other worthy projects & events worth mentioning...
I've got 930 emails to sort through as I parry the daily line-of-sight taskings.
As I un-earth meaningful correspondence, I'll keep the community informed in the next update.
Semper Fi & enjoy the weekend!
FAO/RAO + FAS/RAS Community,
9 updates today:
a.  Request for Korea FAO assistance with FMS case
b.  FY12 3rd Quarter Experience Track panel results
c.  DLPT prep + language sustainment tool
d.  Arabic class
e.  FY13 Joint FAO Programs
f.  East Africa Seminar
g.  Phase Zero:  How China Exploits It, Why the U.S. Does Not
h.  Egypt elections observations
i.  Red Teams:  Strengthening through challenge
a.  Request for Korea FAO assistance with FMS case:
Who:     NAVAIR + DC Aviation looking for 4 x Korea FAOs
What:    Support Republic of Korea (ROK) visit to MAG-39 for AH-1Z flight demonstration (test & evaluation) in potential FMS case; Language support
Where:   Camp Pendleton, CA
When:    20Aug-7Sep
Why:     ROK is weighing a Foreign Military Sales (FMS) purchase decision of USMC AH-1Z Cobra helicopters.  Big $$ decision.  See after action of last ROK visit, augmented by Korea FAO (attached).  
Details: TAD fully funded by NAVAIR.
POC:  LtCol Mark "Chains" Coppess, Attack/Utility Helicopter Requirements (APW-53), HQMC Aviation: / 703 693-7081.
Mr. Thomas Guercio (APW) / 703 693-7079.
b.  FY12 3rd Quarter Experience Track FAO/RAO board results:
MARADMIN 381/12 was released Tuesday. 
13 FAOs + 9 RAOs were designated.  Please welcome to the FAO/RAO community:
    Name                      PMOS / AMOS   Region          Note: 
1.  1stLt Chris Angevine     (0302 / 8224)  ME/NA RAO       [MA Yale, Lebanon]
2.  LtCol Jennifer Anthis    (3002 / 8247)  W. Eur FAO      [MA MIIS, France]
3.  Maj   Brad Carr          (0302 / 8227)  W. Eur RAO      [MS MCU, UK PEP]
4.  LtCol Anita Carroll      (0402 / 8247)  W. Eur FAO*     [MA AMU, Norway FPME + PEP]
5.  Maj   Greg Curtis        (7564 / 8223)  N.E.Asia RAO    [MA KS State, Korea]
6.  Capt  John Dunn          (4402 / 8241)  LATAM FAO       [JD CU + GW, Peace Corps in Dom Rep; Costa Rica]
7.  LtCol Jonathan Dunne     (0802 / 8224)  ME/NA RAO       [MA MCU, MARFORAF]
8.  Maj   Mary Kate Flatley  (0180 / 8247)  W. Eur FAO      [PhD Univ of Rockies, Spain FPME]
                                     8241   LATAM FAO       [MA Central Michigan Univ, Argentina]
9.  Col   Michael Flynn      (0402 / 8241)  LATAM FAO       [MA MCU, Colombia + Paraguay]
10. Maj   John Griffin       (0302 / 8224)  ME/NA RAO       [MA Harvard]
11. Col   Craig Kozeniesky   (8041 / 8227)  W. Eur RAO*     [UK PEP + Norway FPME + Norway PEP]
12. Maj   Amy McGrath        (7523 / 8220)  Pol-Mil/RAO     [MA John Hopkins, Georgetown, Congressional Fellow]
13. Maj   Michael Murphy     (7509 / 8247)  W. Eur FAO*     [Spain PEP]
14. Maj   Derek Ost          (0202 / 8247)  W. Eur FAO*     [France FPME]
15. LtCol Charles Preston    (0302 / 8245)  S.S. Africa FAO [MA VA Polytech, AFRICOM, Senegal]
16. Capt  Jose Quezada       (7208 / 8241)  LATAM FAO*      [MA AMU, Dom Rep, Colombia]
17. LtCol Brent Reiffer      (7563 / 8223)  N.E.Asia RAO    [MA Univ Oklahoma, Japan]
18. Capt  Lindsay Rodman     (4402 / 8241)  LATAM FAO       [MA Harvard, Chile]
19. Col   Victor Stover      (8042 / 8227)  W. Eur RAO      [MA Kings College, UK PEP + UK FPME]
20. Capt  Caleb Weiss        (0302 / 8221)  LATAM RAO       [MA Colombia]
21. Capt  Ali Yakub          (4402 / 8244)  ME/NA FAO       [JD Univ Miami, Syria]
                                     8247   W. Eur FAO      [BA UVA, France, UK]
22. Capt  Joseph Zane        (0602 / 8247)  W. Eur FAO      [MA Univ Heidelberg, Germany]
                                     8224   ME/NA RAO       [MA Univ Oklahoma]
* pending Constructive Credit Waiver
c.  DLPT prep + language sustainment tool:
Who:     all language professionals & those interested in learning/sustaining language skills
What:    language tools - Transparent Language CL-150
Where:   accessible via FAOweb or mobile devices (iPhone, iPad, Android, laptop...) as downloadable "app"
When:    24/7
Why:     language development + sustainment tool
POC:     for FAOweb access, contact Mr. Brian Boulware / 831 656-1080 or Mr. Jim Howard / 831 656-1067.
         Or reference MARADMIN 215/11
POC:     for CL-150 questions, contact Mr. Nasser Manasterli / 202 744-7989.
Tools:   There are dozens of tools available to ALL of you in CL-150 alone.  A few in particular will be very helpful in DLPT prep + vocab maintenance.
       1.  Rapid Rote:  digital flash card (pic, spelling, sound) builds vocab.  90 languages.  (online + mobil app).
       2.  Proficiency Assessment:  practice DLPT.  23 languages.  ILR scale, instant score, great practice test to see current proficiency.  Good DLPT warm-up.
       3.  Diagnostic Assessment:  practice OPI.  Probes vocab, sentence grammar, discourse.  Instant score.  Currently available in Arabic (MSA), and Farsi.
       4.  Beam:  real time language tool to assess slang meaning + native context.  Context for what you hear & see on the street, blogs, twitter, etc.  Uses continuous feeds from Twitter, Blogs, Facebook, You-tube, Flickr, Google, news, etc.
       5.  Learned Items:  comprehensive set of vocab words (some operational).  Refreshes & builds your vocab in long-term memory.
       6.  Learner Guide:  personalized language learning plan using 40+ government + commercial online language resources
       7.  Word of the Day:  automatic email sent to you daily with vocab word + grammar rule + use in sentence.  15 seconds of practice, pushed daily via email, RSS, or iPhone app.  No limit to number of languages.
d.  Arabic class:
Who:    anyone interested/available who wants to refresh their Arabic skills
What:   basic Arabic course (sub 2/2), 16 hours instruction + 16 hours individual tutoring
Where:  MCIA, Quantico, VA
When:   17Jul - 9 Aug (Tuesdays and Thursdays, 0900 - 1300) 
Why:    Develop basic Arabic proficiency and improve DLPT score
POC:    Mr. Alger T. James II, Command Language Program Manager, X Corp Solutions, Inc., / 703 432-7283
Detail: students must have TS/SCI clearance for access to MCIA.
e.  FY13 Joint FAO Programs:
Who:   FAOs with 1 "FAO tour" under their belt
What:  FY13 Joint FAO sustainment Programs
Where: Monterey + overseas location
When:  see below.  2-week courses
Why:   help senior FAOs maintain skills.
Details: Fully funded by DLNSEO.  Concept paper + application for each course will be available next week.
See "After Action" of FY12 Near East Course for an "Angies List" assessment of most recent course.  Attached.
POC:  Mr. Bob Lucius, FAO Cours Operations Manager / 831 656-1810.
Tentative FY13 Course dates:
       1.  Latin America Course:  05Nov-16Nov 2012
       2.  Africa Course:         28Jan-08Feb 2013
       3.  Near East Course:      19Mar-29Mar 2013
       4.  Eurasia Course:        13May-24May 2013
       5.  Asia-Pacific Course:   12Aug-23Aug 2013
f.  East Africa Seminar:
Who:   Africa FAOs/RAOs + FAS/RAS
What:  East Africa Seminar
          "Conflict, Regime Stability, and Security in East Africa:  Confronting internal and external threats"
          Hosted by: National Intelligence University (NIU) + Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)
Where: Center for Language, Regional Expertise and Culture (LREC)
           Bldg 351
           Joing Base Anacostia-Bolling (JBAB)
          Washington, DC
When:  17-21 September (0730-1700)
           07 Aug = registration deadline
Why:   Insights into East Africa.  See "GIS Africa call for participants," attached.
Details: this 5-day Geostrategic Intel Seminar is an accredited grad-level course worth 3 NIU credit hours.  No pre-requisites for this seminar.  Attendees should have TS/SCI clearance.
POC:  Mr. Eduardo Bonilla, Project Manager / 202 685-6159
g.  Phase Zero:  How China Exploits It, Why the U.S. Does Not:
Who:   LtCol Scott McDonald, China FAO
What:  China article published
Where: Naval War College Review
When:  Summer 2012
h.  Egypt elections observations:
Who:    Capt Andy Macak, ME/NA FAO on ICT in Egypt
What:   Egypt Presidential elections observations
Where:  Aswan, Egypt
When:   24 June 2012
Why:    Developing perspectives & understanding of a complex society in the Middle East.  This event was a culmination of Arab Spring overthrowing the old regime, achieving free/fair election results, and representing people seizing the initiative of their political fate for the 1st time.
Details: see Egypt Election Observations, attached.
i.  Red Teams:  Strengthening through challenge:
Who:    LtCol Brendan Mulvaney, N.E.Asia/China FAO & Director, CMC Red Team
What:   Red Teams article
Where:  MC Gazette
When:   July 2012
Why:    prevent group-think, challenge business practices & seek improvement
Details: see MarineCorpsGazette article, attached.
Semper Fi
FAO/RAO + FAS/RAS Community,
8 updates today:
a.  FY13 PEP + FY14 MARA panel results
b.  FY12 3d quarter Experience Track FAO/RAO panel
c.  FY12 funded Language Sustainment update
d.  FY13 FAO/RAO slating panel update
e.  FAS/RAS Program Manager on-board
f.  NATO Defense College opportunity
g.  National Defense University:  Military Energy Security Forum
h.  Eurasia Seminar at George C. Marshall Center
a.  FY13 PEP + FY14 MARA panel results:
Who:   FY13 PEP applicants
       FY14 MARA applicants
What:  delayed panel results
Where: MARADMIN-on-hold
When:  anticipate late Aug release
Why:   Concern of influencing FY13 Command selection.
Several candidates for PEP & MARA were eligible for command screening.  Selection to PEP/MARA does not make Marines ineligible for command screening; however in close-call scenarios, knowledge that some candidates may have been selected for other competitive programs may have swayed command screening decisions.  To prevent that possibility, PEP + MARA panel results will be held until FY13 Command selection results are released.
b.  FY12 3d quarter Experience Track FAO/RAO panel:
Strategy & Plans Division (PL) + Current Operations Division (PO) of HQMC held our latest quarterly Experience Track FAO/RAO panel this week.
28 applied; 22 were accepted.  13 FAOs, 9 RAOs; 2 reservist; 5 require construction credit waivers. 
I'll work to get the MARADMIN released early next week with the names, and push the CCW requests to DC PP&O and Assistant SecNav's office for approval.
Our community will grow to 629 FAOs/RAOs before factoring-in retirements & separations.
c.  FY12 funded Language Sustainment update:
30 requests for language sustainment have been approved to date; $150,460 has been obligated; $299,540 remains available.
13 of 30 requests have been for local tutoring; 8 of 13 in CONUS.  17 of 30 requests included TAD/immersion + tutoring.
The $450k that USMC FAOs/RAOs were offered by DLNSEO + Intel Dept in Feb are FY12 funds.  Requested funds must be spent by 30Sep.  Un-obligated funds will be returned in August if un-used. 
HQMC + DLNSEO remain motivated to help the maximum number of Marines in our FAO/RAO + FAS/RAS community sustain & improve language capability.  Looking to drive more FAOs to accomplish 3/3/3 DLPT + OPI scores & keep proficiency current.
FY13 funds for language sustainment are being coordinated.  Normal FY budget turn-around time is ~ 2 months, meaning FY13 funds won't likely be in our hands until November.  Heads up.  DLNSEO may increase the language sustainment funds made available to USMC, if we can rise to the challenge of using it all.  USMC has been the most aggressive service to date, employing language sustainment funds offered across the Services.  We got kudos from OSD.  Keep it up.
d.  FY13 FAO/RAO slating panel update:
BLUF:  Anticipate an FY13 FAO/RAO slating panel in Sep or Oct.
USMC is preparing for the draw-down in end strength from 202k to 182.1k. 
To figure out the broad details of the disestablishment of units, and realignment to remaining T/O structure, a Force Structure Review Group (FSRG) was convened in 2011.  A follow-up Force Optimization Review Group (FORG) will convene for the next 5 months to continue the effort.
The Authorized Strength Report (ASR) and Staffing Goal (SG) model identifies to the monitors which billets exist & are assignable.  Details for available FY13 billets will be released in August.  As soon as I can identify which FAO/RAO-coded billets will be available in FY13, I'll post the list in a community update + MARADMIN, give you ~ 45 days to look it over, receive assignment requests from those of you ready for a FAO/RAO tour in FY13, and staff a recommended slate through the monitors at MMOA-1 (ground) + MMOA-2 (aviation).
I recommend all of you keep your monitor informed on your assignment priorities.  Let me know if you have questions.
e.  FAS/RAS Program Manager on-board
Who:    MGySgt Reyes
What:   on-board & snapping-in as enlisted FAS/RAS Chief & Program Manager
Where:  HQMC/Pentagon (PLU-8)
When:   this week
Why:    so I don't mess up the enlisted FAS/RAS Program management, and 100% of his attention can focus on driving this initiative forward.
Updates: Tue, 10Jul, PLU briefed Army G3 SgtMaj, Army G2 SgtMaj, Army G1, USAREUR SgtMaj, and Army TRADOK on our FAS/RAS program.  Army is very interested in emulating USMC program for their senior NCOs.
Thu, 19Jul, PLU will brief USMC OpsChief Symposium on FAS/RAS program.  Beta Test remains on track.
f.  NATO Regional Cooperation Course (NRCC):
Who:    senior officers (LtCol - Gen)
        company grade opportunity to attend as course assistant/intern
Where:  Rome, Italy
When:   1Oct-7Dec 2012  (10-weeks)
        Registration deadline: 12Aug
Why:    study & participate in high level security challenge discussions, network & represent USMC in NRCC. 
        Certificate awarded by PhD faculty.
Details: funding options available for French/Arabic/Turk speakers
-     Course fee ($200) + apartment lodging ($5,000) + meals ($5,000) + travel ($2,000 est.) = $12,200
-     Simultaneous 3-way interpretation into English, French, and Arabic
-     Class trip to JFC Naples or NATO HQ
-     Eligibility:  any MOS
-     Limited to 4 seats
-     Fact sheet + point paper attached.  NATO Defense College brochure available on request.
NATO Defense College contact: Ms. Mary Lou Farah (course assistant)  
Joint Staff nomination POC: Ms. Marsha Hobley (J1): / 703 614-6467 or 703 451-2820
g.  National Defense University:  Military Energy Security Forum:
Who:   anyone interested/available
What:  Institute or National Strategic Studies hosts:  Military Energy Security-Threat & Opportunities forum
Where: NDU
       Fort McNair, Marshall Hall, rm 155
       Washington, DC
When:  Thu, 19 Jul  0830-1615
Why:   The fourth Admiral Moorer Forum will focus on threats to energy security in support of military missions and on opportunities for technology and DOD policy to address these threats. It will include presentations and discussions on strategic energy security, tactical energy security, and energy security for military installations in addition to analysis of the DOD Operational Energy Strategy Implementation Plan. 
Agenda: " target=_blank>>
POC:  INSS staff at / 202 685-2335
h.  Eurasia Seminar at George C. Marshall Center:
Who:   any available/interested Marine
What:  Eurasian Security Studies Seminar (ES3)
Where: Garmisch, Germany + travel to HQ EUCOM, USAREUR, DTRA, and NATO
When:  27Aug-14Sep
Why:   Regional security and country studies; familiarization with EUCOM, DTRA, and NATO priorities
Details:  self-funded.  Cost estimate $3,500 for lodging + local travel.
POC:   Col Philip Lark, CMC Chair at Marshall Center: / DSN 314 440-2362 and Maj Daryl Desimone, Marshall Center Dep. Director Terrorism + Security Studies: / DSN 314 440-2941.
Semper Fi
FAO/RAO + FAS/RAS Community,
7 updates today:
b.  French Amphibious Course opportunity
c.  Pashto language course
d.  Hip pocket briefs
e.  Culture articles
f.  SecDef comments discussing importance of Security Cooperation & LREC skills
g.  CJCS comments discussing the value of Security Cooperation, relationships, and understanding culture
MARADMIN 352/12 was released yesterday, 2 July, and announced the Commandant's Career-Level Education Board (CCLEB).  This board will meet in Sep to select the FY13 group of Study Track FAOs/RAOs.
Who:   all Company Grade officers eligible for PCS orders before 31 Oct 2013
What:  screened for 7 programs
       1.  Resident Career Level School (EWS, MCCC)
       2.  Olmsted Scholar
       3.  Congressional Fellowship
       4.  International Affairs Officer Program (FAO/RAO)
       5.  SEP-law / ADP
       6.  TJAGLCS-law
       7.  SEP / ADP
Where: Quantico
When:  10 Sep - TBD
Why:   To screen 2,000 eligible Marines, and select ~280 of the best and most fully qualified for school.    
b.  French Amphibious Course opportunity:
Who:    French-speaking FAOs
What:   French Amphibious Course opportunity
         - Stage de Qualifiction aux Operations Amphibies (SQOA-1): Platoon Leaders and Company CO's (company grade)
         - SQOA-2: Bn/MEU Staff Officers (field grade)
         - SQOA-3: Service-level HQ Staff (LtCol-Col)
Where:  Toulon, France
When:   SQOA-1:  3-7 Sep, and 1-5 Oct courses
        SQOA-2:  24-28 Sep, and 22-26 Oct courses
        SQOA-3:  19-29 Nov course
Why:    improve mil-mil contact with French/European partners.  Offer on the table.  Course takes place in Toulon + onboard ship in the spaces where French Marines plan, brief, and operate during amphibious missions; France's newest LHD, "DIXMUDE" (Mistral class). 
Details:  2/2 or better French speaker.  100% self-funded unless planning this as part of language sustainment efforts. 
POC:  Contact Maj Jason Smith, PLU-5 if interested in requesting a seat. / 703 692-4368.
c.  Pashto language course:
Who:   Any interested Marines
What:  16-week Pashto course; seats available
Where: Dam Neck, VA
When:  8Oct12 - 15Feb13
Why:   Navy Foreign Language Office is offering excess/open seats to all comers at their Language Training Detachment.  100% self-funded.
POC:   Ms. Gashaw Barzanji  and Capt Mark Powers, HQMC I Dept (IOP) / 703 614-3938
d.  Hip pocket briefs:
We have created a new link on our International Affairs Program (IAP) website to post useful 'hip pocket briefs.' 
recent additions include:
1.  FAS/RAS Brief
Unclassified, releasable from PLU.
21 slides.  Covers the guidance, mission, purpose, and capability sets of FAS/RAS Marines.
2.  FAO/RAO Brief
Unclassified, releasable from PLU
32 slides.  Covers the role of FAOs/RAOs, IAP mission, guiding documents, capability sets, applicable T&R's, dual-track career paths, billets, population data, command selection history (2009-2012), and current initiatives.
3.  USMC 101 Brief
Unclassified, releasable from Public Affairs Division.
28 slides, with briefing notes.  Great "cover all" presentation on the history, organization, size, scope, structure, capabilities and priorities of the Marine Corps.
4.  CMC's Current Ops Brief 7Jun12
unclassified, releasable copy of 7Jun12 CMC Current Ops Brief.
13 slides, with accompanying briefing notes in seperate word doc.
For those of you at the edge of the empire, who frequently come into contact with allies, partners, other services & interagency folks, who might be looking for a good hip-pocket brief to offer, this brief covers:
  1.  Role of USMC (from CMC's letter to SecDef)
  2.  USMC Personnel overview
  3.  Marines in Afghanistan
  4.  RC(SW) situational overview
  5.  RC(SW) counterinsurgency
  6.  Global Force Disposition
  7.  MEUs
  8.  11MEU
  9.  24MEU
  10. 31MEU
5.  MEU capability briefs
Unclassified, releasable copies of 5 separate briefs covering 3 separate MEUs + SOTG brief on MEU capabilities
3-18 slides.  Great presentation on what a MAGTF is, how it is outfitted (ships, vehicles, aircraft), size, scope, capability, and what we've done lately.
6.  DLI Brief
Unclassified, releasable from DLI.  Details DLI's progress overview, way ahead, academic results, support to the field, and testing.
27 slides.
7.  MCSCG Ops Summary 4Jun12:
Marine Corps Security Cooperation Group (MCSCG) is constantly engaged across all 6 geographic AORs.
Security Cooperation implies contact with foreign allies and partners.
They release a weekly summary of their activities.  See attached.  There are opportunities for win-win engagement, for those interested & available to leverage their LREC skills in support of MCSCG efforts.
To request to be included on the weekly MCSCG distro list, contact:
LtCol Chris Brown, MCSCG S-3 / 757 962-4430 x2262
Maj Walter Maessen, MCSCG S-3A / 757 962-4430 x2264
e.  Culture articles:
We posted 2 new articles on our IAP website under "FAO Related Articles" relating to anthropology & understanding culture.
1.  "Strategies for Developing and Practicing Cross Cultural Expertise in the Military" by Dr. Rasmussen, PhD, and Dr. Sieck, PhD
2.  "Cultural Relativism and the Convergence of Ethnography and 3C" by Dr. Sands, PhD
A lot of speakers emphasize the importance of language skills, without following-through to elaborate on the value of developing cultural awareness and sensitivity.  It's harder to identify and measure cultural awareness, but no less valuable to all of us as LREC professionals.
Interesting articles, worth a read.
f.  SecDef comments discussing importance of Security Cooperation & LREC skills:
Who:    SecDef Panetta
What:   "Building Partnership in the 21st Century" speech
        Dean Acheson Lecture
Where:  U.S. Institute of Peace
        Washington, DC
When:   Thu, 28 June, 2012
Why:    Strategic emphasis on building the security capabilities of others (allies and partner nations) to achieve our security goals.
Key points:  Strategy is built on 5 key elements:
             1.  DoD is getting leaner; must remain agile, flexible, quickly deployable, and on cutting edge of technology
             2.  DoD must remain strong enough to defeat more than one enemy at a time.
             3.  DoD must invest in capabilities of the future.
             4.  new strategy prioritizes Asia-Pacific and Middle East.
             5.  DoD will maintain presence elsewhere in the world; must use best skills to build new alliances and partnerships.
- In the past, the U.S. often assumed the primary role of defending others.  We assumed that others were not willing or capabile of defending themselves.  Our new strategy recognizes that this is not the world we live in anymore.
- Department-wide initiative "Building Partnerships in the 21st Century" is to improve security cooperation across 3 broad areas:
             1.  strategic approach to security cooperation; comprehensive and integrated capabilities in key regions
             2.  enhancing skill sets and capabilities needed to build and sustain partnerships
             3.  streamlining DoD and DoS internal processes to improve security cooperation programs
- "We have got to develop a 'partnering culture.'"
- "Security Cooperation capabilities and skill sets once considered the exclusive province of the special operations community will need to be built up and retained across the force.  In particular, it is critical that we invest in language training and in cultural expertise..." 
Who:    SecDef Panetta
What:   Shangri-La Dialogue
Where:  Singapore
When:   Sat, 2 June, 2012
Why:    To explain a new U.S. defense strategy, and our "pivot" to the Asia-Pacific region.
Key points:  U.S. approach to achieving long-term goals in the Asia-Pacific will follow 5 principles:
             1.  international rules and order; peaceful resolution of disputes.
             2.  partnerships; efforts to modernize and strengthen alliances and partnerships.
             3.  presence; enhancing our presence in Southeast Asia and the Indian Ocean.
             4.  China; our effort to renew and intensify our involvement in Asia is fully compatible with the development and growth of China.
             5.  force projection; replace older ships with more capable/advanced ships, increase number/size of exercises, increase port visits, reposture 60% of Navy to Pacific.
- "This is a world in which we have to engage with other countries to help develop their capabilities so that they can develop their own security and be able to defend themselves in the future.  That means a role where we engage with those countries, where we can develop rotational deployments and exercises where we can provide guidance and assistance, where we can develop their capabilities to provide a partnership in the effort to promote peace and prosperity." 
g.  CJCS comments discussing the value of Security Cooperation, relationships, and understanding culture
Who:   Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS), Gen Martin Dempsey
What:  Comments at National Defense University graduation
       Reported in AOL Defense
Where: NDU, Washington, DC
When:  Thu, 7 June, 2012
US Must Build Alliances In Asia With 'Science Of Human Relationships'
"Practicing the science of human relationships," said Gen. Martin Dempsey, "is crucial to the survival of civilization."
On a more mundane level, relationship-building is central to the administration's strategic guidance released in January. The new strategy scales down America's massive military presence overseas -- not only in the warzones of Afghanistan and Iraq, but also in Europe -- in favor of what it calls "innovative, low-cost, and small-footprint approaches to achieve our security objectives, relying on exercises, rotational presence, and advisory capabilities."  
Who:   CJCS + Study on lessons from a decade of combat
What:  "War Study: Troops had bad intel, worse spin"
Where: National Security article
When:  11 June, 2012
U.S. troops didn¹t understand the basic realities of society, culture and power structures in Iraq and Afghanistan, and couldn¹t explain what they were doing to skeptical populations.
³We were slow to recognize the importance of information and the battle for the narrative in achieving objectives at all levels,² according to a May 23 draft of the study, which InsideDefense obtained, ³[and] we were often ineffective in applying and aligning the narrative to goals and desired end states.²
the military¹s intelligence structure, once in Iraq and Afghanistan, was entirely focused on discovering and locating its enemies, which left it blind to the experiences of the local population, which nourished them.
The future military needs to ³leverage technology and social media² in order to consider ³all relevant actors¹ instruments of power; cultural, religious, and other demographic factors; and employ innovative, non-traditional methods and sources.² In other words, spin harder, and know what you¹re talking about.
Semper Fi & happy 4th of July to all!
FAO/RAO + FAS/RAS Community,
10 updates today:
a.  Nepal High Altitude and Mountain Warfare School opportunity
b.  CMC brief:  State of the Marine Corps
c.  What has a FAO done for me lately:  Vietnam/SecDef visit
d.  What has a FAO done for me lately:  Indonesia/III MEF
e.  Language Training Center panel member solicitation
f.  Language data point
g.  PCS season update request for POC list
h.  I MEF FAO/RAO community PME
i.  Vets helping Vets get jobs
j.  Senegal experience - job opportunity
a.  Nepal High Altitude and Mountain Warfare School opportunity:
Who:    anyone with stamina & endurance (E6 through O4)
What:   Nepal Mountain Warfare Course
Where:  Kesang, Nepal
        High Altitude and Mountain Warfare School
When:   5Aug12-17Sep12
        10Jul = application deadline
Why:    Invitation for U.S. servicemembers to train in Nepal and develop cross-cultural relationships
POC:    Maj Roberto Ibarra, MARFORPAC G-5, / 808 477-8889.
Details: Nepal will fund/provide training, lodging, meals, internal transportation, and local medical care.  Airfare/per diem 100% self-funded.  Male or female eligible.  III MEF/31MEU plans on sending 2 Lt's.  3rd seat possible.  RSVP soonest if interested.  Reference Nepal AAR, USA.JPG, and Financial Terms & Condition (attached). 
b.  CMC brief:  State of the Marine Corps:
CMC and SgtMaj of the Marine Corps (SMMC) are touring every major base & installation to give this brief personally.  We got it in the Pentagon on 30 May.  Many of you are at the edge of the empire, off the GAL, in embassies, schools, deployed, and won't get the opportunity to attend personally.  The attached letter, "State of the Marine Corps" covers the content of CMC's message on the challenges ahead and how we will meet them.
c.  What has a FAO done for me lately:  Vietnam/SecDef visit:
Who:   Maj Victor Chin (8228: S.E.Asia RAO/Marine Attaché Vietnam)
What:  FAO support for SecDef visit
Where: Hanoi, Vietnam
When:  3 Jun
Why:   1st SecDef level visit to Vietnam in 37 years.
       Reflects efforts by U.S. and Vietnam to deepen partnership, improve mutual understanding, and address growing influence of China.
AAR:   As Marine Attaché (MARA), Maj Chin coordinated the DV visit for the Embassy, and escorted SecDef Panetta aboard USNS Byrd in Cam Ranh Bay; former U.S. Navy base during the Vietnam War.  Maj Chin also participated in 1st ever Land Forces Talks between USARPAC and Vietnamese MND.  This visit, location, and follow-on actions are significant in terms of U.S. strategic pivot to Asia-Pacific.  Cam Ranh Bay provides direct access to the hotly disputed South China Seas, where multiple territorial claims overlap.  This trip followed a Defense Cooperation agreement signed in 2011, and strategy statement by SecDef Panetta to shift 60% of U.S. naval forces into the Pacific by 2020.  AP article:    Washington Post article:  
d.  What has a FAO done for me lately:  Indonesia/III MEF:
Who:    Maj Andres Caceres-Solari (8248:  S.E.Asia/Indonesia FAO)
What:   FAO support to 3d Marines during annual Indonesia MAGTF Tactical Warfare Simulation (MTWS)
Where:  Surabaya, Indonesia
When:   9-18 May
Why:    III MEF led annual Security Cooperation event to develop mil-mil relationship with Indonesia
        FAO engagement opportunity to improve 3d MarDiv planning and execution with Indonesian Marines (TNI, KorMar)
AAR:    1 Indonesia FAO was on hand to facilitate language translation, enhance mil-mil understanding, and improve cultural integration between USMC and Indonesian forces during the 5th iteration of this annual event.  KorMar was able to muster 4 fluent English speakers; USMC FAO was the only American with Indonesian language skills.  The event focused on a HA/DA scenario, employing MCPP principles.
Maj C-S also was published in the Joint Forces Quarterly in April:  "Between Democracy and Chaos: Indonesia at a Crossroads."
e.  Language Training Center panel member solicitation:
Who:   any FAO/RAO
What:  1-day LTC panel member
       DLNSEO is looking for a FAO to sit on this board, to inform OSD on what services would be useful to, and used by, active duty forces
Where: Washington, DC
When:  1 Aug, time TBD
Why:   Select Universities to receive grants to become Language Training Centers; servicing DoD needs for language sustainment.
Details:  Intent in advertising this to the community is to solicit buy-in, so FAOs/RAOs don't collectively take for granted the language sustainment efforts + services being offered in multiple venues.  See "LTCs" (attached).
f.  Language data point:
Who:    Total Force (active + reserve component + DoD civilians)
What:   7.92% of Total Force is foreign language capable
Reference:  NDAA Report to Congress FY11 (Mar 2012)
Data points:
        1.  Of the 3,269,543 personnel in the Total Force, DoD has identified 258,786 personnel with foreign language capability (tested or self-assessed), representing 7.92% of the Total Force. 
            That includes Spanish.
            This is an upward trend
        2.  Military assignments requiring foreign language proficiency increased from 33,759 (FY10) to 36,983 (FY11).
        3.  11,621 of 36,983 assignments (1 in 3) are filled by contractors
        4.  81% of 37k assignments were filled in FY11.
        5.  28% of 32k assignments were filled by personnel with required proficiency level (2/2) in FY10.
        6.  33% of assignments requiring foreign language are Intelligence Community billets (FY11)
Bottom line:  Language is important; DoD needs more foreign language capable personnel
g.  PCS season update request for POC list:
PCS season is in full swing, and a lot of you are moving around.  Please help me keep our Point of Contact (POC) list current by sending me your updates.  Please advise if location/unit/phone/email has changed.  Missing info = details I don't have yet.
This list is structured geographically & by major unit as best I could, so you'll know who's close by.  The point is to keep the community linked together.  As you scroll down, you'll find names listed alphabetically under the following 27 groups:
  a.  National Capital Region (DC + Quantico)
  b.  East Coast              (Marines not in II MEF, or in NCR)
  c.  West Coast              (Marines not in I MEF)
  d.  I MEF
  e.  II MEF
  f.  III MEF
  h.  PACOM                   (MARFORPAC/USFK/MARFORK)
  i.  EUCOM                   (MARFOREUR/GCMC/NATO/MCESG)
  j.  AFRICOM                 (MARFORAF)
  k.  SOUTHCOM                (MARFORSOUTH)
  m.  CENTCOM                 (MARCENT/MCESG)
  n.  SOCOM                   (MARSOC)
  o.  FAOs on ICT
  p.  FAOs at DLI
  q.  FAOs/RAOs at NPS
  r.  Attaches
  s.  Security Cooperation Officers
  t.  PEPs
  u.  Foreign PME
  v.  Olmsted Scholars
  w.  AFPAK Hands
      - Cohort 1
      - Cohort 2
      - Cohort 3
  x.  FAS/RAS
  y.  Reserve FAS/RAS
  z.  Reserve FAO/RAO
  aa. Civilian FAO/RAO
h.  I MEF FAO/RAO + FAS/RAS community PME:
Who:   any & all in the area welcome
What:  I MEF FAO/RAO + FAS/RAS community social + PME
Where: Pacific Views Event Center
       Camp Pendleton, CA
When:  Fri, 17 Aug  1500-
Why:   opportunity to meet the network of FAOs/RAOs + FAS/RAS Marines in/around San Diego.  Mentoring opportunity.  Opportunity for Marines interested in the FAO/RAO + FAS/RAS program to come talk to you all.  Opportunity for one brave soul to step up & put a PME together on their region of expertise, and make everyone collectively smarter.  Friendly audience; setting each other up for success.
Last I MEF PME discussed the Northern Distribution Network (NDN); supplying forces in Afghanistan from a Eurasia perspective.
Local community intent is to gather quarterly.  No requirement to come; but encouragement to take an interest in the community if you can make it.
POC:  Maj Robyn Mestemacher at I MEF G-1 Ops, (Eurasia/Ukraine FAO) / 760 725-9218.
i.  Vets helping Vets get jobs:
Who:   U.S. Chamber of Commerce + American Legion + Recruit Military
What:  Hiring event for military vets + spouses
Where: Nationals Park
       1500 S. Capitol St. SE
       Washington, DC 20003
When:  Thu, 28 Jun  1100-1500
Why:   Vets helping Vets get jobs
Details:  2,500 interviews & 1,000 job offers gained over 11 events.
See   Flyer - "image003" attached.
j.  Senegal experience - job opportunity
Who:   retired/separated/civilian FAO/RAO with experience in Senegal/West Africa
What:  instructor opportunity
Where: Norwich University
       Northfield, Vermont
When:  when able
Why:   LREC instruction for National Guard and DoD travelling to Senegal in support of U.S. Country Team.  8-week courses given four times/year.
Details:  contact Cesar Nader, / 831-917-8581
Semper Fi
FAO/RAO + FAS/RAS Community,
12 updates today about recent accomplishments & contributions in the community: 
a.  What has a FAO done for me lately:  China/II MEF
b.  What has a FAO done for me lately:  India/13MEU
c.  What has a FAO done for me lately:  Thailand/III MEF
d.  What has a FAO done for me lately:  France/ACMC
e.  What has a FAS done for me lately:  Morocco/24MEU
f.  What has a FAO done for me lately:  Afghanistan/ v2/6 + v1/8
g.  What has a FAO/RAO done for me lately:  Japan/III MEF
h.  FAO to Johns Hopkins SAIS Inaugural Hertog Summer Study Program
i.  FAO to UCSC Minerva Project
j.  FAOs to Joint FAO Eurasia Course
k.  FAOs to Joint FAO Asia Course
l.  FAO published in Naval War College Review
a.  What has a FAO done for me lately:  China/II MEF:
Who:   Maj Anna Voyne + Maj Chris Johnson (8243: N.E.Asia/China FAOs)
What:  FAO support for China Minister of Defense visit to II MEF
Where: Camp Lejeune, NC
When:  9 May
Why:   OSD-directed support of mil-mil relationship with China
       Secures U.S. SecDef invitation to visit China later this year
       FAO engagement opportunity to improve strategic interaction with foreign delegation
AAR:   2 China FAOs effectively used their language, regional expertise & culture skills to inform II MEF Marines about China, and the significance of the visitors.  They facilitated smoother interaction with the entire Chinese delegation (25 in all + 11), assisted conversation, and presented a tangible image of USMC taking our relationship with China seriously by producing officers who speak Mandarin-Chinese and understand China's culture.  The Chinese delegation included the Minister of National Defense, China's Ambassador to U.S. and 10 x general officers.  See "PRC Delegation to II MEF" AAR (attached above) for details.
b.  What has a FAO done for me lately:  India/13MEU:
Who:   Maj Ryan Crais (8246:  South Asia/India FAO)
What:  FAO support for 13MEU during Exercise SHATRUJEET
Where: Camp Pendleton, CA
When:  4-24 Apr
Why:   FAO engagement opportunity to improve tactical and operational engagement with foreign partner & allied nations.
AAR:   1 India FAO supported the planning (Feb) and execution (Apr) of a Brigade/MEU level amphibious training exercise and Security Cooperation effort between 13MEU and Indian Army 91st Amphibious Brigade.  Serving as Cultural Advisor, Maj Crais informed the MEU/ARG staff about Indian culture and capabilities, facilitated presentations and interaction with Indian officers, and demonstrated that USMC takes our relationship with India seriously, by producing a Hindi-speaking officer.  See "Ex Shatrujeet..." AAR (attached above) for details.
c.  What has a FAO done for me lately:  Thailand/III MEF:
Who:   Maj John Baseel (8248:  S.E.Asia/Thai FAO)
What:  FAO support for III MEF during Exercise COBRA GOLD
Where: Korat, Thailand
When:  3-25 Feb
Why:   FAO took advantage of opportunity to improve tactical and operational engagement with foreign partner & allied nation.  Language barriers with foreign partners continue to exist; no matter how long our relationships have been established.  It is just as embarrassing for foreign officers to admit when they don't fully understand, as it is for Americans who struggle with foreign languages.  The opportunity for immediate tactical, operational, and strategic implications is clear.  FAO interaction made immediate and positive impact.
See "Cobra Gold..." AAR (attached) for details.
d.  What has a FAO done for me lately:  France/ACMC:
Who:   Capt Chad Brooks (8247: W.Eur/France FAO)
What:  FAO support for ACMC mission to France
Where: Paris, France
When:  15-30 May
Why:   Support Memorial Day events in remembrance of WWI at Belleau Wood.  Capt Brooks engaged his FAO skills to support 300 Marines from five organizations who converged on Paris, France in support of ACMC for the 94th celebration of victory in WWI.  Organizations included HQMC office of ACMC, FASTEUR Rota, 5th Marine Regiment, Marine Barracks USMC Battle Color Detachment, and the U.S. Embassy in France.  Seven high visibility events took place, leading up to Memorial Day with French Joint HQ and the U.S. Ambassador's staff.  Capt Brooks facilitated 300 armed Marines navigating French customs, airport security, public transportation, and a variety of other logistical challenges.  None of the Marines spoke French, or understood French culture well enough to recognize how quickly Murphy's Law could derail plans and events.  See "Paris FAO" AAR (attached) for details.
e.  What has a FAS done for me lately:  Morocco/24MEU:
Who:   GySgt Richard Plummer  (ME/NA Foreign Area SNCO (FAS) executing Beta Test with 24MEU)
What:  FAS support for 24MEU during Exercise AFRICA LION
Where: Morocco
When:  9-17 Apr
Why:   FAS engaged early and often to leverage Language, Regional Expertise, and Culture (LREC) skills to improve the planning and execution of 24MEU security cooperation events.  GySgt Plummer participated in the White Cell, outside the Command Post Exercise (CPX) in a Humanitarian Civic Assisstance (HCA) event and Peace Support Operation.  He discusses 12 specific topics relating to his engagement of LREC skills in "African Lion" AAR (attached).
f.  What has a FAO done for me lately:  Afghanistan/ v2/6 + v1/8:
Who:    Maj Joe Jackson (8246 South Asia/Afghanistan FAO)
What:   FAO support for RCT-6, II MEF (Fwd) while attached with v2/6 and v1/8 during ICT (FAO training)
Where:  Kajaki District, Helmand Province, Afghanistan
When:   Oct11-Apr12
Why:    to complete FAO training by applying skills learned in school environment on the ground in Afghanistan, in support of DoD's #1 mission: success in Afghanistan.  Maj Jackson performed as lead governance and development advisor.  The motivated writer/editor weren't sharp enough to pick up or comment on the FAO education that prepared Maj Jackson to perform so effectively. 
g.  What has a FAO/RAO done for me lately:  Japan/III MEF:
Who:    LtCol Scott McDonald (8243 N.E.Asia/China FAO) currently at III MEF G-5 Regional Engagements Branch
        Maj Tyler Moore (8228 S.E.Asia RAO) currently at III MEF G-5 Regional Engagements Branch
        LtCol Robert Peterson (8247 W.Europe FAO) currently Marine Attaché in Tokyo, Japan
        LtCol Brendan Mulvaney (8243 N.E.Asia/China FAO) currently Director, CMC Red Team
        Maj Jason Murtha (8226 South Asia RAO) currently at Marine Corps Security Cooperation Group (MCSCG) PACOM CLAT
        Capt Amanda Coleman (8243 N.E.Asia/Japan FAO) currently executing ICT in Tokyo, Japan
        Capt Gary Sampson (8243 N.E.Asia/China FAO)
What:   FAO/RAO support for III MEF during exercise
Where:  Okinawa, Japan
When:   30Apr - 16May
Why:    III MEF requested FAO/RAO support.  The combined LREC insights and regional knowledge directly impacted the III MEF exercise design and execution.  These FAOs/RAOs produced innovative analysis and products which benefited the entire exercise and was briefed to III MEF CG in multiple formats.  III MEF G-5 reports that this FAO/RAO support assisted exercise success and will have a lasting impact on the MEF as it operates across the region.
h.  FAO to Johns Hopkins SAIS Inaugural Hertog Summer Study Program:
Who:   LtCol Ivan Kanapathy (8243: N.E.Asia/China FAO) and Marine Attaché select for Beijing, China
What:  Accepted to Johns Hopkins SAIS inaugural Hertog Summer Study Program
       Study of Long-term Competition in Asia, China as a Strategic Actor, and U.S. Strategies
Where: La Jolla, CA
When:  5-15 Aug
Why:   Current updates on China; supports strategic pivot to Asia; lifelong learning opportunity
i.  FAO to UCSC Minerva Project:
Who:   LtCol Brendan Mulvaney (8243:  N.E.Asia/China FAO)
What:  Accepted to UCSD Minerva Project
       Study of Innovation & Technology in China
Where: San Diego, CA
When:  9-20 July
Why:   The Minerva Research Initiative was announced in 2008 by SecDef Gates.  Minerva looks to tap into the community of area specialists and university researchers.  Minerva is a $50M DoD project which funds academic research on five themes: China, terrorism, Iraq, Islam, and the fifth is open.  The goal is to improve relations between DoD and academia, and develop knowledge that DoD can benefit from in the long term.
j.  FAOs to Joint FAO Eurasia Course:
Who:   LtCol Erich Wagner, (8220: basic RAO) 
       Maj Howard Beasey (8247: W.Eur/Turkey FAO)
       Maj Ben Pipes (8243 N.E.Asia/Korea FAO) and Marine Attaché select for Ankara, Turkey
What:  Accepted to Joint FAO Eurasia Course
Where: Monterey, CA + Brussels, Belgium
When:  10-21 Sep
Why:   Lifelong learning, language and regional sustainment opportunity funded by DLNSEO to keep DoD FAO community sharp.
k.  FAOs to Joint FAO Asia Course:
Who:   LtCol Ivan Kanapathy  (8243:  N.E.Asia/China FAO) and Marine Attaché select for Beijing, China
       Maj(sel) Paul Bartok  (8243:  N.E.Asia/Japan FAO)
       Maj Giuseppe Stavale  (8243:  N.E.Asia/Japan FAO)
What:  Accepted to Joint FAO Asia Pacific Course
Where: Monterey, CA + Tokyo, Japan
When:  20-31 Aug
Why:   Lifelong learning, language and regional sustainment opportunity funded by DLNSEO to keep DoD FAO community sharp.
l.  FAO published in Naval War College Review:
Who:   LtCol Scott McDonald (8243:  N.E.Asia/China FAO)
What:  "Phase Zero: How China Exploits It, Why the United States Does Not"
Where: Naval War College Review,-Why-the-United
Semper Fi
FAO/RAO + FAS/RAS Community,
6 updates today: 
a.  LREC reference "cheat sheet"
b.  IAP website
c.  2012 Open Source Analysis Symposium
d.  FAO Association on Tap "Happy Hour"
e.  LATAM Policy briefing: The Logic of Violence in Drug Wars - Cartel state conflict in Mex, Bra, and Col
f.  Civ FAO opportunities for separating/retiring Marines
a.  LREC reference "cheat sheet":
The attached Language, Regional Expertise, and Culture (LREC) reference document is intended to serve 3 purposes for the community:
    1.  Put strategic LREC references at your fingertips
    2.  make the FAO/RAO + FAS/RAS community (all grades/ranks) aware that these (and many more) exist
    3.  emphasize the importance of our skill sets to the effective accomplishment of DoD missions
17 of 20 pages are simply quotes pulled from 36 references
2  of 20 pages are a narrative (4 paragraphs) to pull some of the quotes together, put them up front, and make the rest seem interesting.
1  of 20 pages is a summary of the 36 references
For those of you at the doorstep of NPS; about to write finals; struggling to persuade your boss about the importance of the FAO/RAO + FAS program to the DoD mission; and why it's important to maintain your language skills, you can thank me later.
b.  IAP website:
All community updates are available on our International Affairs Program (IAP) website under the 'community update' link on the left.  
Send us photos & a caption of you in action, and we'll post it here.  The effort to communicate how we can bring LREC skills to bear effectively for the Marine Corps never ends.  There's always a need to tell the story, "what has a FAO/RAO or FAS/RAS done for us lately."  Need your help to tell your stories.
c.  2012 Open Source Analysis Symposium:
Who:    anyone interested
What:   Symposium on current issues: 
         Middle East: Democratic transition in Morocco; Algerian Opinion analysis; unemployment in Libya; online activity in Egypt...
         Turkey: Effects of political Islam on the economy + politics; plans to develop domestic fighter jet
         Iran: Iranian opposition; Iran's national internet; discontent among Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps
         Afghanistan:  Money laundering and criminal enterprises; impact of conflict on Pashtun adult education
         China:  Grand strategy; reaction to U.S. "Air-Sea Battle" concept; public position on South China Sea; public relations in Zambia
         East Africa:  impact of Chinese economic competition; Somali conceptions of religiosity; Al-Shabab connections, Kenya-Somalia...
         West Africa:  influential Nigerian diaspora; Nigerian response to Boko Haram...
Where:  Georgetown University - Gaston Hall
        Washington, DC
When:   18-19 June
        RSVP this week
Why:    Lifelong learning is always in style.
Details: see PDF attached.  Free to attend.
POC:  Ms. Patricia Wood  
d.  FAO Association on Tap "Happy Hour":
Who:    any FAO/RAO interested
What:   Happy Hour with Joint FAO community + book signing by Douglas Waller, author of "Wild Bill Donovan"
Where:  Sine Irish Pub, Pentagon City
When:   Thu, 21 June 1700
Why:    cash bar + heavy appetizers provided (compliments of FAOA)
Douglas Waller wrote a historical biography of WWII leader of the Office of Special Services (OSS) and the forerunner of today's CIA and US Special Operations Command (SOCOM).  For details see:  
e.  LATAM Policy briefing: The Logic of Violence in Drug Wars - Cartel state conflict in Mex, Bra, and Col:
Who:    anyone interested
What:   LATAM Policy briefing
Where:  University of California Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation (IGCC)
        UC Washington Center
        1608 Rhode Island Ave. NW
        Washington, DC
When:   Tue, 12 Jun 1000-1130
Why:    Dr. Vanda Felbab-Brown is a Fellow in Foreign Policy at Brookings and author of Shooting Up:  Counter-insurgency and the War on Drugs.  She will serve as discussant with Dr. Benjamin Lessing, from UC Berkeley.
RSVP:   Joseph McGhee / 202 974-6295
Why do drug traffickers fight states? In Mexico, Colombia and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, cartel-state conflict has been just as lethal, disruptive, and prolonged as civil war. Yet rebel insurgents fight for and sometimes winformal concessions or outright victory. Why fight the state if, like DTOs, you seek neither to topple nor secede from it? More puzzling, recent militarized state crackdowns on DTOs have led to sharply divergent outcomes: on one hand, the conflagration that has engulfed Mexico since 2006, on the other, the surprising success of Rio de Janeiro’s Pacification strategy. Why do some crackdowns lead to violent blowback, while others successfully curtail cartel-state conflict?  Dr. Lessing arguesthat the logic of violent lobbying—direct pressure on leaders to changede jure policy—has been less central than violent corruption—epitomized by drug lord Pablo Escobar’s phrase “plata o plomo?” (bribe or bullet?). A formal model illustrates how bribe negotiations can turn violent, and highlights a fundamental dilemma: states cannot crack down on traffickers without inadvertently giving corrupt enforcers additional leverage to extract illicit rents. When corruption is rampant and repression is not proportional to DTO’s use of violence, crackdowns give DTOs increased incentive to fight back.Lessing argues that Rio de Janeiro’s focus on violence reduction over eradication has induced DTOs to switch to more peaceful strategies, while Mexico’s insistence on pursuing all cartels without distinction has driven sharp increases in cartel-state violence.
f.  Civ FAO opportunities for separating/retiring Marines:
Who:    civilians, separating or retiring FAOs/RAOs or enlisted Marines with LREC skills & security clearance
What:   DIA jobs for linguists
         Chinese, Arabic, German, Spanish, Farsi, Italian, Korean, Dari, Pashto, Russian, Urdu
Where:  Quantico, VA
When:   July 2012
Why:    DIA is looking for talent.  Full benefits.  Salary range $65k-$85k.
        LREC skills do not cease to be useful when we take the uniform off someday.
Semper Fi
RAO + FAS/RAS Community,
2 updates today: 
a.  MARADMIN 279/12 FAO/RAO Designation
b.  USMOG-W billet openings
a.  MARADMIN 279/12:
MARADMIN 279/12 was released 22May12.
106 Marines were designated as RAOs, including:
    1.  29 Personnel Exchange Program (PEP)
    2.  27 Foreign Professional Military Education (FPME)
    3.  14 Olmsted Scholars
    4.  36 Afghanistan-Pakistan Hands (APH)
I know a few names were overlooked.  Our deepest apologies.
This MARADMIN serves 4 purposes:
    1.  Identify Marines with Language, Regional Expertise, and Culture (LREC) skills
    2.  Designate those Marines as FAOs/RAOs, per CMC-guidance
    3.  Publish this guidance while the policy is being staffed in the International Affairs Programs (IAP order (1520.11) we are working to update & release this summer.
    4.  Encourage Marines who have attended these programs prior to 24 Mar, 2011 to seek FAO/RAO designation by submitting Experience Track applications.
Marines from PEP, FPME, and Olmsted Scholar Programs with current foreign language DLPT scores (2/2 or better), should submit Experience Track FAO applications; see example in MCO 1520.11E (enclosure 5).  This is our mechanism to ensure we stay in line with DoD Directive 1315.17, which governs Joint FAO requirements.  Those without Masters Degrees require credit waivers, authorized by Assistant SecNav's office.  Our next quarterly Experience Track FAO/RAO board will be held 10 July.
Welcome Aboard letter attached.
b.  USMOG-W billet openings:
1.  Israel
Who:    Any Maj
What:   US Military Observer assigned as "HQ Staff, UN Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO)"
Where:  Jerusalem, Israel
When:   13-27 July: Pre-Deployment Training in Quantico, VA
        Sep12-May13 deployment
        15 June suspense date for applications
Why:    US Department of Defense Operational/Tactical-Level participation in UNTSO
        Regular contact with government personnel from Israel, Syria, Egypt, Lebanon, and Jordan.
2.  South Sudan
Who:    Any Maj
What:   US Military Observer assigned as "Operations Officer, Force Headquarters, UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS)"
Where:  Juba, South Sudan
When:   Oct: Pre-Deployment Training in Quantico, VA
        (6 month Nov12-May13 will be considered upon request)
Why:    US Department of Defense Operational/Tactical-Level participation in United Nations Peacekeeping Operations in South Sudan.
See attached SUSMO outbrief for details
3.  Liberia
Who:    Any LtCol
What:   US Military Observer assigned as "Deputy Plans Officer, UN Mission in Liberia (UNMIL)"
Where:  Monrovia, Liberia
When:   Oct:  Pre-Deployment Training in Quantico, VA
Why:    US DoD Operational/Tactical-level participation in UNMIL
        Support to UN Organization Mission in Ivory Coast (UNOCI)
        9 U.S. officers with Pakistan, China, India, Norway officers
-Major's Billet.  Maj(sel) are invited to apply.
Active Duty preferred; Reservists eligible who can complete 1
year assignment.  Male/Female eligible.  Any MOS.
-No Language requirement. 
-Similar to Ground Operations Officer at the MEF-Level.  National-level
current operations portfolio, Command and Control of third-country troop
contingents and various subordinate UN military liaison offices.
Pre-deployment training assessments of third-country troop contingents at
their respective home stations.
-Austere living conditions, deployment-style working hours (duty day varies
based on travel and contingency operations), frequent travel around African
continent and interaction with local citizens/coalition forces/NGOs/gov't
officials/UN observers as part of an international staff comprised of
Indian, Danish, Norwegian, and Canadian officers among other.
-Officer will deploy as a member of a 5-12 person US Contingent.  6 to 12-month
unaccompanied TAD includes per diem UN special pays. Officer will be able to
take Annual Leave based on approval of the Commander, US Military Observer
Group - Washington.
-Officer will be rated via the US Chain of Command for all US Officers in
the UN.
-Officer will rate 36 points of Joint Credit through self-nomination in the
Joint Qualification System (12 month tour).
-To volunteer for this billet contact Maj Ben Peryam, Joint IA Manager,
Manpower Management Force Augmentation (MMFA) via email at  or via telephone at 703-432-9177.
-For UN training, deployment, and operational questions contact Maj Bill
Matory, Operations Officer, US Military Observer Group - Washington via
email at  or, via telephone at 703 696-7842.
Semper Fi
FAO/RAO + FAS/RAS Community,
8 updates today: 
a.  24MEU FAO+FAS engagement - update
b.  FAO/RAO request in OSC Tripoli, Libya
c.  I MEF FAO/RAO social
d.  Japan FAO Conference
e.  Interagency & Fellows social
f.  George C. Marshall Center brief
g.  USMC Security Cooperation Planners Course
h.  FAO Heritage Display
a.  24MEU FAO+FAS engagement - update:
Who:   Capt Christy Ledridge (ME/NA FAO) + GySgt Richard Plummer (ME/NA FAS)
What:  Support to Exercise AFRICA LION 12
Where: Morocco
When:  April
Why:   Leveraging Language, Regional Expertise, and Culture (LREC) skills to improve tactical-level MAGTF performance during 24MEU Security Cooperation engagement in Africa. 
Details:  FAO + FAS + linguists + PAO put the attached MEU 101 smart card together, and participated in the exercise ashore.  FAO in the BLT TAC; FAS in the CPX.
Both are prepared to engage again in the next 24MEU TSC event:  Exercise EAGER LION.
b.  FAO/RAO request in OSC Tripoli, Libya:
Who:    ME/NA FAOs
What:   request for 1-2 month TAD in support of establishment of Office of Security Cooperation (OSC)
Where:  Tripoli, Libya
When:   When able.  Possible rotating opportunity.
Why:    To strengthen and increase Libya's current military force by developing, refining, and implementing robust 1206 programs in aiding what will be a successful new political and military structure.  FMS proposals being developed.  Security Cooperation Planners Course and/or DISAM training advised. (see below).
Details: Housing, AT/FP, and Medical requirements being developed by OSC Chief.  TAD funding details TBD.
POC:  LTC Gregory Arndt, USA, OSC Chief, Tripoli or Maj Nathan Morehouse, MARFORAF G-5, / DSN 314 431-2783.
c.  I MEF FAO/RAO social:
Who:   10 x FAOs/RAOs/FAS Marines from I MEF
What:  1st I MEF social
Where: CamPen
When:  20 Apr 2012
Why:   Strengthening relationships among FAOs/RAOs and FAS Marines assigned in I MEF and west coast bases & stations.
After Action points:
  1.  Community:
There's a lot of motivation for those of us in the FAO/RAO + FAS/RAS community to take an interest in each other, and get to know one another.  Mutual support becomes a LOT easier that way.  Pic will be hung on our website this week.
  2.  Language Sustainment:
Col Parker & DLNSEO have approved language sustainment funding for RAOs with valid DLPT scores on case-by-case basis.
  3.  Language tutor website:
For those of you needing a reputable/accredited local language tutor for sustainment to fit your busy schedule, a recommendation was offered: 
4.  Next I MEF FAO/RAO social:
Next I MEF FAO/RAO social will probably happen in 3 months (~Jul/Aug)
d.  Japan FAO Conference:
Who:   13 x Japan FAOs
What:  1st Japan FAO Conference
Where: Tokyo, Japan (New Sanno Hotel)
When:  21 Apr 2012
Why:   Strengthening relationships among Japan FAO/RAO Community + language/regional knowledge sustainment
After Action points:
  1.  Community:
As an unfunded effort to get Japan FAOs together to meet & learn from each other, and discus the changing U.S.-Japan environment after Op TOMODACHI last year, this conference remained small by design.  Consensus from participants was that these forums are highly beneficial, informative and refreshing.  The group would like to repeat this again, and expand the audience to all Northeast Asia FAOs/RAOs in the future. 
  2.  FAO/RAO billets & assignments:
The process of assigning FAOs/RAOs to optimum billets is not well understood by many FAOs/RAOs, and requires attention & improvement.  Some Northeast Asia FAOs with Japanese language felt inappropriately assigned to Northeast Asia FAO billets in Korea, for example.  Some billets that would clearly be best filled by Marines with FAO/RAO skills remain coded for any staff officer.  Recommend Billet MOS (BMOS) changes to the "structure owning organization", and keep me informed, if you see billets that should, or should-not be coded for FAOs/RAOs.  The challenge of effective utilization by Commanders remains universal.  It is in all of our interests to have senior leaders better understand how to leverage our LREC skills. 
e.  Inter-agency & Fellows social:
Who:   any interested & available FAOs/RAOs + CMC Fellows + Interagency
What:  National Capitol Region Marine Corps Fellows' Happy Hour
Where: The Dubliner, No. 4 F Street, Washington, D.C. 20001 
When:  Thursday, 10 May, 1730
Why:   Liberty Operations ISO Marine Corps Academic and Congressional Fellows' Professional Relationship Development.
Last event for 2011/12 Fellows as the Fellowships end this summer.  Hosted by 2012 Congressional Fellows on Capitol Hill.
POC:  Capt Brian O'Shea (BRIAN.M.O’SHEA@MAIL.HOUSE.GOV / 347 414-3688) or
      Maj Amy "Krusty" McGrath ( / 703 693-9766)
f.  George C. Marshall Center brief
Who:    any available/interested personnel
What:   George C. Marshall Center (GCMC) capabilities brief
Where:  Pentagon, Room 4B337
When:   Mon, 14 May 1000-1130
Why:    CMC Chair at GCMC, Col Philip Lark, will be here to provide a familiarization & capabilities brief.
GCMC provides access to the Partner Language Training Center, NATO schools in Oberammergau, and regional courses at GCMC to include the Eurasian Security Studies Seminar (3 weeks).  GCMC hosts a large number of foreign officers annually in Garmisch, Germany.  PLU is coordinating to base one FAO on ICT there, going forward.
g.  USMC Security Cooperation Planners Course (SCPC):
Who:    Any interested & available FAOs/RAOs
What:   SCPC 3-12
Where:  Bldg 3094, MCB Quantico, VA
When:   25-29 June
        18 May = registration suspense date
Why:    4 of every 5 FAO/RAO billets engages Security Cooperation principles.  This course is not a requirement to be a FAO/RAO or FAS/RAS, but provides familiarization with strategic level guidance, organizations, and principles to make each of us more effective.
Details: Course requires Secret Clearance.  Send visit request to SMO Code:  200031FN5.
Marine Corps Security Cooperation Group (MCSCG) runs three resident courses + one MTT annually.
Students should complete DISAM Security Cooperation Familiarization Course online (HTTP://WWW.DISAM.DSCA.MIL/).  Course takes 60 min.  Bring completion certificate.  Next course will be in Ft. Story, VA
Uniform is desert MARPAT.  Funding by participating commands.
POC:  Maj Andrew Martinez ( / 757 962-4430 x 2246) and LtCol Jennifer Anthis ( / 703 784-2938)
h.  FAO Heritage Display:
Who:   FAO Association + Defense Language & National Security Education Office (DLNSEO)
What:  Developing a FAO Heritage display & Hall of Fame in the Pentagon
       Request for volunteers on display committee
Where: Pentagon
When:  TBD
Why:   Strategic communications effort for the Joint FAO Community. 
Details: The display is envisioned to include three (3) primary segments:  1) a historical timeline of FAO and FAO-like functions in the U.S. military, replete with photos, stories, and anecdotes; 2) interesting and unique international memorabilia from FAOs, Attachés, and other international specialists; and 3) a FAO Hall of Fame. 
If interested in being on the Committee or contributing photos, stories, paraphernalia, please contact Col Kurt Marisa ( / 703 692-3249).
Semper Fi
FAO/RAO + FAS/RAS Community,
6 updates today: 
a.  MARADMIN 218/12 announced FY14 MARA
b.  FAO Association Journal, Apr 2012
c.  Africa Center for Strategic Studies (ACSS) "2012 Senior Leaders Seminar"
d.  U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP) Security Sector Governance conference
e.  FAO/RAO POC update
f.  Unseen Wound Friend Raiser
a.  MARADMIN 218/12 announced FY14 MARA:
MARADMIN was released yesterday (17Apr) FYI. 
b.  FAO Association Journal, Apr 2012:
The most recent FAO Journal was released this month, with articles from each service FAO proponent discussing the merits of single track vs. dual track FAO programs.  USMC perspective is outlined on Pg. 21.
Link via FAOweb:
If anyone needs help getting to the article, let me know; i'll send another link or the 4MB PDF.
c.  Africa Center for Strategic Studies (ACSS) "2012 Senior Leaders Seminar":
Who:    Africa FAOs/RAOs & interested personnel
What:   2-week seminar
Where:  Ft. McNair, Washington, DC
When:   17-29 June
        11 May = registration deadline
Why:    Senior Leaders Seminar will provide a forum for a broad cross-section of senior military officers and civilian officials from Africa, the United States, Europe, and the international community to review and analyze the evolving African security environment,  and to discuss strategies for addressing challenges and for enhancing Africa’s security.
This seminar will bring together approximately 60 senior-level participants, including military and civilian representatives from participating African countries.
Details:  Draft program/schedule attached.  No cost to attend.  No funding provided for TAD/Per Diem.
POC:  Mr. Kareem I. Oweiss, Director of Operations ( / 202 685-2792 or Ms. Dana Mascali, ACSS Registrar ( / 202 685-7351.
d.  U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP) Security Sector Governance conference:
Who:    any interested personnel
What:   1-day conference on security sector reform in North Africa and the Middle East
Where:  2301 Constitution Ave, NW, Washington, DC
When:   Thu, 10 May, 0830-1700
Why:    Much has changed in the last year.  Libya and Yemen joined Tunisia and Egypt on the path toward democratic reform.  Syria hangs in the balance.   The security challenges and needed reforms vary by country, from establishing street-level security and controlling warlordism to transitional justice and ministerial reform.   Across the region, transforming the mandate and institutions of the security forces and their oversight bodies will be a vital step toward establishing peace and democratic rule.
The morning session will be open to the public.  It will feature two panel discussions with former U.S. Ambassadors to the region.  Afternoon session will be closed-door roundtable with speakers and reps from U.S. and foreign governments, academia and international organizations.  Reception to follow.  Draft agenda + after action report on last year's conference attached.
POC for RSVP:  Ms. Alison Laporte-Oshiro ( / 202 457-1700
e.  FAO/RAO POC update:
I refer to this tracking tool all the time to remember where you are, what languages you speak, PMOS, contact info, etc.  I hope it's useful to you all as well.  If you see details that need to be corrected (promotions, PCS moves, new contact info...) please advise & I'll update. 
To improve upon this tool, I have added 3 columns on the right to keep track of FAO/RAO assignments.  I don't have time or access to your OMPF to build this, but I think the data will be useful.  When able, please indicate International Affairs assignments held.  Those who were Olmsted Scholars, Foreign PME, PEPs, AFPAK Hands, Attachés, Security Cooperation Officers (SCO's), etc, please indicate so in Column P.  Any follow-on FAO/RAO assignments in column Q, R, & S.
Recommend using the "find" function to locate your name, if having difficulty.
Appreciate your help updating this tool!
f.  Unseen Wound Friend Raiser:
Who:     Supporters of combat veterans
What:    Fund & Friend Raiser
Where:   Liberty Station, 2400 Cushing Rd, San Diego, CA
When:    Sat, 19 May, 1500-2000
Why:     introduction to The Unseen Wound program for young combat veterans
Details: Music, celebs, civic leaders, veterans (young and old), awesome food and world class local beer. Introduce your kids to the military and San Diego Youth Rugby. Bring your beach chairs, appetites, wallets of course, and learn how we are going to support our young combat veterans as they reintegrate into civilian life.
POC:  Event manager ( / 877 650-7873
Semper Fi
FAO/RAO + FAS/RAS Community,
5 updates today: 
a.  China FAO opportunity to support MoD visit
b.  French-speaking FAO opportunity to support ACMC
c.  Korea FAO impact on FMS case
d.  Spanish language, cultural and area studies
e.  Diplomatic Language Services (DLS) critical language program
a.  China FAO opportunity to support MoD visit:
Who:     Any China FAOs
What:    potential support for PRC Minister of Defense + 10 PRC General officers + 13 staff visit
Where:   Camp Lejeune, NC
When:    9 May 2012
Why:     Primary objective of this mil-mil engagement is to demonstrate the professionalism of our Marines & capabilities, without demonstrating "how" we attain/maintain those capabilities.
Details: More details to come.  TBD if Camp Lejeune can support.  Looking to identify available China FAOs.  PLU is working to identify funding to support FAO participation.  Expect FOS response early next week. 
POC:  Worf
b.  French-speaking FAO opportunity to support ACMC:
Who:     French-speaking officer (Capt-Col)
What:    Coordinator for ACMC mission to France
Where:   Paris + Aisne-Marne cemetery + Belleau Wood, France
When:    15-30 May 2012
Why:     In order to ensure success of ACMC’s mission to France, which includes the Memorial Day Ceremony at Belleau Wood and engagements with French Army leadership. 
Billet description: Coordinator for ACMC’s visit to France. Officer will augment the US Defense Attaché Office (DAO) in support of the Marine Corps Attaché. Duties will include ensuring the logistic support for units arriving in support of ACMC, including FASTEUR Rota, 5th Marine Regiment, and the USMC Battle Color Detachment.  Officer will work with US Embassy Paris personnel and French military authorities to track transportation, billeting, and messing for these supporting units. Officer will conduct advance site support, in conjunction with US and French security officials, of sites to be visited by ACMC. This includes the French Joint Headquarters (“Pentagon” equivalent). Officer will coordinate with Ambassador’s staff directly in advance of ambassadorial-level event featuring the USMC Battle Color Detachment at the Ambassador’s residence. Officer will perform escort duties of ACMC or other General Officer’s in support of DAO.
Amplifying Instructions: Secret clearance required in order to have unescorted access to embassy Controlled Access Area (CAA). Passport not required: In accordance with Foreign Clearance Guide, US military personnel may travel to France with military ID and orders. Working level of French highly desirable; although many French personnel speak English, not all do. Officer will have access to DAO vehicles / drivers for official use. Officer will be in a high-visibility position; will be seen by ACMC, Ambassador, and multiple other Flag Officers and civilian dignitaries. Uniforms required:  Blue-white dress "A" for Belleau Wood ceremony (Sam Browne optional), civilian business attire for embassy.   
POC:  LtCol Chris Pollard, MARA, France (
c.  Korea FAO impact on FMS case:
Who:     Maj Lou Simon (Korea FAO / UH-1Y Pilot) currently serving as OPSO, HMLA-267
What:    Republic of Korea (ROK) visit to MAG-39 for AH-1Z display + flight demonstration
Where:   Camp Pendleton, CA
When:    11 Apr 2012
Why:     As ROK weighs the Foreign Military Sales (FMS) purchase decision of USMC AH-1Z Cobra vs. USA AH-64D Apache helicopters, a Marine FAO made a difference with Korean media.  After action attached.
d.  Spanish language, cultural and area studies:
Who:     Spanish-speaking FAOs & interested personnel
What:    intensive 1-day seminar
         Recognizing Spanish Dialects, Regionalisms and Colloquialisms: Practical Applications for Today's Spanish Linguist
Where:   University of California, Washington Center, 1608 Rhode Island Ave. NW, Washington, DC
         Metro accessible; near DuPont Circle, Farragut West, or Farragut North
When:    11 May 2012
Why:     Spanish dialect variation in Latin America.
Details: Training will be conducted in Spanish and geared for students with DLPT 2+ or 3. 
Training provided by MultiLingual Solutions (MLS), a comprehensive foreign language services firm that provides language, cultural and area studies training for the U.S. Government. Since 2002, MLS's Professional Education and Training Division has focused on the development of instructional programs and materials in critical and less commonly taught languages for various agencies and Navy, Marine, Army and Air Force groups.
POC:  Ms. Abbe Goldstein, / (240) 406-1362
e.  Diplomatic Language Services (DLS) critical language program:
Who:     FAO/RAO + FAS/RAS community
What:    10-week foreign language program
Where:   Rosslyn, VA
When:    7May-17Jul 2012
         26Apr = enrollment deadline
Why:     Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) is funding 10-week introductory language acquisition courses at no charge to parent organizations.  Less than 8% of all DoD and National Security civilians have foreign language capability.
Details: The program consists of 10 languages: Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, Dari, Hindi, Pashto, Persian, Punjabi, Sindhi, and Urdu. In addition, a pilot “blended learning” course in Pashto is offered that requires just six hours of in-class training at DLS each week.  Registration and marketing forms are attached. 
POC:  Mr. Rusty Shughart, PhD, Manager, Foreign Language Education and Training Programs (ODNI) / (703) 874-8387.  Alternate POC:  Ms. Celia Durall / (703) 874-8402.
Semper Fi
FAO/RAO + FAS/RAS Community,
5 updates today: 
a.  FY12 2nd Quarter Experience Track FAO/RAO board results
b.  FY14 Marine Attaché preview
c.  language sustainment update
d.  MCO 1550.25A  Marine Corps Foreign Language Program
e.  Latin America Joint FAO Course report
a.  FY12 2nd Quarter Experience Track FAO/RAO board results:
MARADMIN 206/12 was released yesterday.
5 FAOs + 5 RAOs were designated.  Please welcome to the FAO/RAO community:
Name                      PMOS / AMOS   Region          Note: 
Maj Richard Allain       (7523 / 8227)  W. Europe RAO   [UK PEP]
1stLt Kristen Colley     (0204 / 8224)  ME/NA RAO       [Oxford]
                                 8227   W. Euroep RAO  
Maj Christopher Grasso   (0802 / 8228)  S.E. Asia RAO   [MARFORPAC + New Zealand FPME]
Maj Carrie Howe          (7562 / 8225)  S.S. Africa RAO [AFRICOM + South Sudan]
Maj Anthony Krockel      (7532 / 8221)  LATAM RAO       [foreign born]
Col Philippe Rogers      (8042 / 8247)  W. Europe FAO   [French FPME + EUCOM J5 + 4 Masters]
LtCol David Stohs        (7525 / 8242)  Eurasia FAO     [Russia MARA]
Capt Yuriy Tymoshenko    (0203 / 8242)  Eurasia FAO     [foreign born]
1stLt Callon Nichols     (0602 / 8240)  In Training     [study abroad + MCSCG]
1stLt Joon Lee           (3404 / 8240)  In Training     [foreign born + III MEF]
This increases our total active duty FAO population to 314; RAO population to 107
b.  FY14 Marine Attaché preview:
Release of the MARADMIN soliciting MARA applications has been delayed.  We are inside the 60-day window to submit applications.  With Intel Dept permission, I've attached the final draft announcement for 13 billets.  Application due date is listed as 15 May.  Applications will be accepted until mid June.  Recommend interested Marines begin the application process early.
    O-4 BILLETS:
    O-5 BILLETS:
c.  language sustainment update:
14 language sustainment requests have been approved to date, totaling $63,804. 
All funds have now been successfully transferred from DLNSEO + Intel Dept to all 3 MEFs. 
We have 5 1/2 months + $386k available to us for language sustainment in FY12.
We're identifying the measles as the planning makes contact with execution.  Appreciate the patience, pro-active use of the SF-182 forms & GTCC to ensure we can get you paid as efficiently as possible!
d.  MCO 1550.25A  Marine Corps Foreign Language Program:
The latest MCO on the Marine Corps Foreign Language Program has been signed and posted on at the below web address.  FYSA:
e.  Latin America Joint FAO Course report:
LtCol Wittkoff and LtCol Orellana provided the attached LATAM Joint FAO Course report.  For SA.
Applications for the Eurasia course are due Mon (16 Apr)
Applications for the Asia course are due Mon (7 May)
Semper Fi
FAO/RAO + FAS/RAS Community,
4 updates today: 
a.  FY13 Aviation & Ground PEP
b.  Photo call
c.  New look of FAOweb
d.  “Religion & Security in World Affairs” 3-day conference in DC
a.  FY13 Aviation & Ground PEP:
MARADMIN 204/12 was released today, soliciting 9 Marines (officer & enlisted) for personnel exchange program (PEP) tours abroad with foreign services from 6 partner nations, and 4 Marines for inter-service exchange (ISE) tours with the U.S. Air Force.  Application deadline to M&RA is 8 June.  Marines selected for PEP tours will become designated FAOs/RAOs as enlisted FASs.
b.  Photo call:
3 organizations are interested in using your photos + captions to project the value & tell the story of the FAO/RAO & FAS community.
   1.  Defense Language and National Security Education Office (DLNSEO) is looking for a few pictures that depict FAOs working in their AORs in their “building partnerships” roles.  Hopefully we can get some photos of FAOs working with high level senior military counterparts.  These photos will be used in the DLNSEO Program Review product that we are preparing for our leadership and folks on the Hill to let them know what we do as an organization, and more importantly, to highlight the importance of our programs.  Include caption & details in correspondence to the Joint FAO Program Manager, Col Humberto Rodriguez
   2.  The Joint FAO Program is looking for photos of FAOs/RAOs/FASs on the job around the world. Photos will be featured in upcoming issues of the program's new professional journal, the Joint FAO Proceedings, and on FAOweb.  Please consider submitting photos that highlight FAOs/RAOs/FASs in action. Submitted photos should be accompanied by a Photo Release Form (attached), indicating that you are the copyright holder for each submitted photo. You should also send us a line or two for each photo that provides the names of those featured in the photo, the date/location when and where the photo was taken and a brief description of what is depicted. We look forward to your submissions and thank you in advance for helping us tell the FAO story.
Submit photos and responses to the Joint FAO Program Course Director, Bob Lucius, at  
   3.  PLU will add new pics to our webpage as well, using YOU as our best resource to explain the value of our community to the Marine Corps.  Please keep me & Mr. Nimish Verma cc’d on all e-mails.  Thanks.    
c.  New look of FAOweb:
Interactive map interface + content categorized by country + family resources page + expanded language sustainment modules + access to Economist, STRATFOR, FAO Journal.  As secure as your bank account; as accessible as your iPhone.   If you need help establishing an account or re-discovering your password, contact Mr. Brian Boulware or Mr. James Howard at  
For those about to go overseas with nervous spouses or kids at home, I recommend this link: 
d.  “Religion & Security in World Affairs” 3-day conference in DC:
Who:   anyone interested
What:  “Religion & Security in World Affairs” conference
Where: Georgetown University, Washington, DC
When:  23-25 May
       Application period ends 1 May.
Why:   Free workshop, interesting participants, lifelong learning.
Details:  no cost to participate; no funding provided.
POC:  Mr. Nick Tomb / 831 656-1829; Ms. Erin Coleman / 202 687-5183.  To register, visit: 
Religion and security considerations intersect in multiple, complex ways across the globe and thus are consequential for government policy, strategy, and engagement.  Workshop participants will explore the multi-dimensional context of religion on the world stage, including its role in the phases of conflict, terrorism, peace operations, and development.  An enhanced perspective on these factors will inform what has largely been a neglected area in U.S.national security policy:  how stakeholders can understand and address urgent contemporary security challenges with religious implications.  The speakers, largely drawn from the Washington, DC policy community, will include academics, specialists, and individuals with a wide range of government andsecurity expertise.  In sum, this workshop is an opportunity to better understand religion as a set of factors that cannot be ignored in international security and to overcome resistance to engaging this sensitive topic in foreign policy conversations.  The workshop is co-sponsored by the Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs at Georgetown University, the Collaboration and Adaptive Security Initiative, and the Center for Stabilization and Reconstruction Studies, both of which are located at the US Naval Postgraduate School.  
4 objectives:
1.     Explore religious factors in conflict-affected societies.
2.     Identify patterns of reciprocal influence that religion and security have on one another, and how these patterns may influence development, governance, and peace-building.
3.     Develop tools and capacities for designing and implementing effective, religiously sensitive stabilization initiatives.
4.     Expand professional networks among the other practitioner communities that operate in highly religious contexts.
Approximately 60-70 participants (from the United States and abroad) from government civilian agencies, the armed forces, non-governmental organizations and inter-governmental organizations will attend.  The co-sponsors will attempt to obtain equal number of representatives from each community.  Participants should be mid- to senior-level representatives from their communities with policy-making and/or field experience.
Semper Fi
FAO/RAO + FAS/RAS Community,
3 updates today
a.  FY12 Language Sustainment funding
b.  iPod issue for FAOs/FASs
c.  Global Master of Arts Program II (GMAP II)
a.  FY12 Language Sustainment funding:
Who:   FAOs/FASs
What:  language sustainment funding opportunity
When:  now until 30Sep12
Why:   sustain & improve language skills
Details:  see info paper, sample request, and sample trip report (attached)
b.  iPod issue for FAOs/FASs
Who:   FAOs/FASs
What:  iPod issue
Where: Monterey + shipment to FAOs in the fleet
When:  summer 2012
Why:   help sustain & improve language skills and performance
Details: Intel Dept/IOP will be providing iPods specifically loaded with DLI language material for FAOs/FASs.
Distribution will begin at DLI.  IOP will fund shipment to FAOs upon request & provision of mailing address. 
Policy outlining distribution & return upon completion of service/retirement is being finalized now.  details to be released soon. 
POC:  Capt Mark Powers (703) 614-3938
c.  Global Master of Arts Program II (GMAP II)
Who:    any International Affairs Marine (FAO/RAO + FAS/RAS)
What:   Masters degree program opportunity
Where:  Tufts University, Fletcher School in Boston, MA
When:   15 Sep 2012 (applications due)
        Mar 2013 (next GMAP course begins)
Why:    opportunity to make Marines smarter about international affairs
Details: 12-month distance learning graduate degree program with 3 two-week sessions in residence (Boston & overseas).  Tuition funded by Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA), to include meals and housing for three residency periods.  Transportation to/from must be funded by individual's command or at own expense.  DSCA funding priority to Foreign Military Sales (FMS)/Security Cooperation Officer (SCO) billet holders; opportunity exists for expanded availability to all who qualify.  Seats limited; competitive application/selection process coordinated through Navy International Programs Office (NIPO) and DSCA.
Qualifications:  mid-career (8 year minimum) professionals with international affairs experience/responsibilities, Bachelors degree with 3.0 GPA or better, strong base in foreign language.  DISAM website detailing GMAP  Fletcher website detailing GMAP:
POC:  Mr. Dave Ehrlich (NIPO) 202 433-5606. 
Semper Fi
FAO/RAO + FAS/RAS Community,
9 updates today:  [2 gouge for all; 3 DC opportunities; 3 CA opportunities; 1 WI opportunity]
a.  FY12 Language sustainment funding
b.  CO’s primer
c.  CMC Fellows & Inter-Agency social - DC
d.  National Military Intel Association (NMIA) spring symposium - DC
e.  FAO Association Annual Black Tie Banquet - DC
f.  Minerva Project Study of Innovation & Technology in China - CA
g.  unseen wound volunteer opportunities - CA
h.  Center for Stabilization & Reconstruction Studies (SCRS) workshop - CA
i.  Guest speaker opportunity at Marquette University - WI
a.  FY12 Language sustainment funding:
HQMC Intel Dept + Defense Language & National Security Education Office (DLNSEO) are making a substantial chunk of language sustainment funds available to the FAO community to help keep our language skills sharp.  Our community represents the Language, Regional Expertise, and Culture (LREC) professionals in DoD and USMC.  The average % of FAOs with 3/3 DLPT scores across the 4 services is currently 40%.  With some effort, and funding, we can improve.  I am cleaning up 1 detail before releasing instruction on how to apply for language tuition, regional TAD, tutoring, and/or local language school funding.  There are only 6 months left in FY12; start putting plans together for improving language proficiency.  Instruction release when fund transfer locked on.
b.  CO’s primer:
Who:    all Marines
What:   career guidance & lessons learned for officers aspiring to command
Where:  e-mail inbox
When:   never too early in a career to review advice
Why:    successful careers allow opportunity to leave on your own terms & make a difference along the way.  Many successful Marines have jotted down notes & lessons learned; this “primer” consolidated a few of them for everyone’s benefit.
POC:  Col Philippe Rogers 703 692-4327
c.  CMC Fellows & Inter-Agency social:
Who:    any FAO/RAO (open invite)
What:   informal meet & greet among Inter-agency & International Affairs community
Where:  Sine Irish Pub, Pentagon Row, 1301 S. Joyce St. Arlington, VA 22202
When:   Thu, 22 Mar 1630- happy hour ends
Why:    opportunity to drink a beer, socialize & meet Marines serving in inter-agency exchange billets, think tanks, universities, Strategic Initiatives Group (SIG), MCIA, Office of Legislative Affairs (OLA), Civil-Military Integration Team (CMIT), PL, etc.  attached docs depict where several USMC fellowships/inter-agency billets are.
POC:  Maj Amy "Krusty" McGrath (Interagency Policy Coordinator/PLU-7) 703-693-9766
d.  National Military Intel Association (NMIA) spring symposium
Who:    any FAO/RAO
What:   opportunity to help at FAO Association booth and/or attend symposium
Where:  Fairfax, VA
When:   Wed-Thu, 21-22 Mar 2012
Why:    interesting opportunity to learn from Intel inter-agency community heavyweights.  Volunteers wanted.  Volunteers at FAOA booth get in free & man the booth only during breaks + lunch. 
POC:  Mr. Michael M. Ferguson,  (571) 235 5313
e.  FAO Association Annual Black Tie Banquet:
Who:    LtGen James Clapper, USAF(ret), 4th Director of National Intelligence
What:   FAOA Annual Black Tie Banquet
Where:  Army/Navy Club, Washington DC
When:   19 Apr 2012
Why:    opportunity to socialize with Joint FAO community & develop perspectives on why FAO/RAO skill sets are increasingly important & relevant across DoD & inter-agency.
Junior FAO from each service gets in free.  Let me know who's interested in coming.
Details: any FAOs/RAOs welcome.  Ticket price TBD.  To register, please visit  
f.  Minerva Project Study of Innovation & Technology in China:
Who:    any interested FAOs/RAOs
What:   Summer training workshop on relationship between National Security & Technology in China
Where:  UCSD, La Jolla, CA
When:   9-20 July 2012
        30 Mar = application deadline
Why:    to better understand how China is mobilizing and applying economic, political, strategic, corporate, financial, intellectual, and scientific capabilities in conjunction with external resources to catch up technologically
Application details:  6-8 slots reserved for DoD participation; 6 with tuition waiver.
POC:  Ms. Kathy Perry (project manager) or 858-534-8602
g.  unseen wound volunteer opportunities:
Who:    Marines
What:   opportunity to support wounded warriors
Where:  San Diego, CA
When:   anytime
Why:    young Marine veterans need help
How:    volunteer time, support, networks, material, etc.
Contact: Mr. Rick Collins at  877 650-7873
h.  Center for Stabilization & Reconstruction Studies (SCRS) workshop
Who:    mid-senior level officers
What:   3-day workshop “Models of Defense Governance”
Where:  Monterey, CA  (NPS)
When:   5-7 Jun
        30 Apr application deadline
Why:    brings together up to 45 defense & gov’t officials from broad mix of countries to compare defense governance models, identify challenges with defense structures, and facilitate networking.  Discus design & role of MoD, military HQ and legislative oversight.  Warsaw Initiative Fund (WIF) countries subsidized. 
Application details:
POC:  Nick Tomb  831-656-1829
i.  Guest speaker opportunity at Marquette University:
Who:    any FAO/RAO
What:   Marquette University NROTC guest speaker
Where:  Milwaukee, WI
When:   TBD
Why:    Opportunity to encourage NROTC midshipmen to participate in Project Global Officer (Project GO), which develops FAO/RAO skills through funded Study Abroad programs, and provides context to help future officers understand why these skills are becoming more important in Marine Corps operations.
Details: Marquette University NROTC funding TBD.
LtCol Albert Lagore
Executive Officer / Associate Professor
Marquette University NROTC
1532 W. Clybourn Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53233  
Semper Fi
FAO/RAO + FAS/RAS Community,
4 updates today
a.  Asia Pacific Center for Strategic Studies (APCSS) course
b.  FAOweb redesign + update
c.  Defense Language and National Security Education Office (DLNSEO)
d.  5 billet openings in the Embassy in Iraq
a.  Asia Pacific Center for Strategic Studies (APCSS) course:
Who:     Asia FAOs/RAOs + anyone interested in the region
What:    Asia Pacific Orientation Course (APOC)
Where:   Ballston, VA
When:    17-19 Apr 2012
Why:     Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) and APCSS are partnering to bring a tailored 3-day APOC to DC for Asia region specialists.  
Details: No cost for course attendance.  Approximately 45 seats available, first come first served.  See attachment.
POC:  Maj Doug Krugman  808 971-4072.
b.  FAOweb redesign + update:
On Thursday, 8 March, FAOweb will start a new look and feel, designed to streamline navigation.  The new FAOweb landing page will include an interactive word map that will take users to links specific to their region of interest.  A country-specific page includes every available FAOweb resource for that country including: language material, videos, FAOforum posts, FAOfiles, and CRS reports.
FAOweb will continue to add new resources and material as it becomes available.  Please forward any suggestions and recommendations.
Finally, you will no longer see "JFSSPP" on any FAOweb material.  The program is now officially called the Joint FAO Program.  The previous  and e-mail addresses are being forwarded to the new address.  FAOweb will continue to use for technical issues.
James L. Howard
LTC(Ret), 48G
FAOweb Director
Joint FAO Program
Naval Postgraduate School
(831) 656-1067 
c.  Defense Language and National Security Education Office (DLNSEO):
The entity within the Office of Secretary of Defense (OSD) responsible for the Joint FAO community & the DoD Directive that outlines the requirements has recently been redesignated.  This little tidbit may not mean much to those of you who don't read our annual FAO report, but I want you to know where $300K of language sustainment funding is about to come from when I announce it in my next community update.  Heads up.
d.  5 billet openings in the Embassy in Iraq:
1.  Office of Security Cooperation-Iraq (OSC-I)
Who:    any FAO/RAO / 7597 Rotary Wing pilot
What:   Ground Attack Liaison
Where:  Baghdad, Iraq
When:   01May12 - 01Jun12 Pre-Deployment Training in Quantico, VA
        15Jun12 - 15Jun13 based in Baghdad
Why:    US Forces Iraq training mission
-Capt Billet.  Active Duty preferred; Reservists eligible who can complete 1
year assignment in Iraq.  Male/Female eligible. 
-No Language requirement.  Iraqi dialect Arabic spoken regionally. 
-Austere living conditions, deployment-style working hours (duty day varies
based on travel and contingency operations), frequent travel around Iraq,
interaction with local citizens/coalition forces/NGOs/gov't
officials/ UN observers as part of an international staff.
-12-month unaccompanied TAD includes per diem and hazardous duty pay.
-Officer will rate 36 points of Joint Credit through self-nomination in the
Joint Qualification System.
-To volunteer for this billet contact Maj Ben Peryam, Joint IA Manager,
Manpower Management Force Augmentation (MMFA) via email at   703-432-9177.
2.  Office of Security Cooperation-Iraq (OSC-I)
Who:    any FAO/RAO / 3404 Comptroller-finance officer
What:   Comptroller-Finance Trainer
Where:  Baghdad, Iraq
When:   01Jun12 - 01Jul12 Pre-Deployment Training in Quantico, VA
        15Jul12 - 15Jul13 based in Baghdad
Why:    US Forces Iraq training mission
-Maj Billet.  Active Duty preferred; Reservists eligible who can complete 1
year assignment in Iraq.  Male/Female eligible. 
-No Language requirement.  Iraqi dialect Arabic spoken regionally. 
-Austere living conditions, deployment-style working hours (duty day varies
based on travel and contingency operations), interaction with local citizens/
coalition forces/NGOs/gov't officials/ UN observers as part of an international staff.
-12-month unaccompanied TAD includes per diem and hazardous duty pay.
-Officer will rate 36 points of Joint Credit through self-nomination in the
Joint Qualification System.
-To volunteer for this billet contact Maj Ben Peryam, Joint IA Manager,
Manpower Management Force Augmentation (MMFA) via email at   703-432-9177.
3.  Office of Security Cooperation-Iraq (OSC-I)
Who:    any FAO/RAO / 0602 CommO
What:   Communications Trainer
Where:  Baghdad, Iraq
When:   01May12 - 01Jun12 Pre-Deployment Training in Quantico, VA
        15Jun12 - 15Jun13 based in Baghdad
Why:    US Forces Iraq training mission
-Maj Billet.  Active Duty preferred; Reservists eligible who can complete 1
year assignment in Iraq.  Male/Female eligible. 
-No Language requirement.  Iraqi dialect Arabic spoken regionally. 
-Austere living conditions, deployment-style working hours (duty day varies
based on travel and contingency operations), frequent travel around Iraq,
interaction with local citizens/coalition forces/NGOs/gov't
officials/ UN observers as part of an international staff.
-12-month unaccompanied TAD includes per diem and hazardous duty pay.
-Officer will rate 36 points of Joint Credit through self-nomination in the
Joint Qualification System.
-To volunteer for this billet contact Maj Ben Peryam, Joint IA Manager,
Manpower Management Force Augmentation (MMFA) via email at   703-432-9177.
4.  Office of Security Cooperation-Iraq (OSC-I)
Who:    any FAO/RAO / 8007 ground combat arms
What:   SF Training Officer
Where:  Baghdad, Iraq
When:   01May12 - 01Jun12 Pre-Deployment Training in Quantico, VA
        08Jun12 - 08Jun13 based in Baghdad
Why:    US Forces Iraq training mission
-Maj Billet.  Active Duty preferred; Reservists eligible who can complete 1
year assignment in Iraq. 
-No Language requirement.  Iraqi dialect Arabic spoken regionally. 
-Austere living conditions, deployment-style working hours (duty day varies
based on travel and contingency operations), frequent travel around Iraq,
interaction with local citizens/coalition forces/NGOs/gov't
officials/ UN observers as part of an international staff.
-12-month unaccompanied TAD includes per diem and hazardous duty pay.
-Officer will rate 36 points of Joint Credit through self-nomination in the
Joint Qualification System.
-To volunteer for this billet contact Maj Ben Peryam, Joint IA Manager,
Manpower Management Force Augmentation (MMFA) via email at   703-432-9177.
5.  Office of Security Cooperation-Iraq (OSC-I)
Who:    any FAO/RAO / 0402
What:   Essential Unit Messing (EUM)
Where:  Baghdad, Iraq
When:   01Apr12 - 01May12 Pre-Deployment Training in Quantico, VA
        05May12 - 05May13 based in Baghdad
Why:    US Forces Iraq training mission
-Maj Billet.  Active Duty preferred; Reservists eligible who can complete 1
year assignment in Iraq.  Male/Female eligible. 
-No Language requirement.  Iraqi dialect Arabic spoken regionally. 
-Austere living conditions, deployment-style working hours (duty day varies
based on travel and contingency operations), interaction with local citizens/
coalition forces/NGOs/gov't officials/ UN observers as part of an international staff.
-12-month unaccompanied TAD includes per diem and hazardous duty pay.
-Officer will rate 36 points of Joint Credit through self-nomination in the
Joint Qualification System.
-To volunteer for this billet contact Maj Ben Peryam, Joint IA Manager,
Manpower Management Force Augmentation (MMFA) via email at   703-432-9177.
Semper Fi
Solicitation for volunteer
More opportunities to follow.
1.  South Sudan
Who:    Any FAO/RAO
What:   US Military Observer assigned as "Operations Officer, Force Headquarters,
        UN Mission in South Sudan"
Where:  UN Mission in Juba, South Sudan
When:   10Apr12 - 01May12 Pre-Deployment Training in Quantico, VA
        02May12 - 15May13 based in Juba, South Sudan
        o/a 15May13 RTB
Why:    US DoD Operational/Tactical-Level participation in United Nations Peacekeeping Operations in South Sudan.
-Major's Billet.  Lieutenant Colonels may receive UN Approval on a case by
case basis.  Active Duty preferred; Reservists eligible who can complete 1
year assignment in South Sudan.  Male/Female eligible.  Any MOS.
-No Language requirement.  At this time, English is the official language of
South Sudan.  Arabic spoken regionally.  Swahili also spoken and may become
the official language as the nation works to reassert African heritage.
-Work is similar to Operations Officer at the MEF-Level.  National-level
current operations portfolio, Command and Control of third-country troop
contingents and various subordinate UN military liaison offices.
Pre-deployment training assessments of third-country troop contingents at
their respective home stations.
-Austere living conditions, deployment-style working hours (duty day varies
based on travel and contingency operations), frequent travel around African
continent and interaction with local citizens/coalition forces/NGOs/gov't
officials/UN observers as part of an international staff comprised of
Indian, Danish, Norwegian, and Canadian officers among other.
-Officer will deploy as a member of a 5-person US Contingent.  12-month
unaccompanied TAD includes per diem UN special pays. Officer will be able to
take Annual Leave based on approval of the Commander, US Military Observer
Group - Washington.
-Officer will be rated (FITREP) via the US Chain of Command for all US Officers in
the UN.
-Officer will rate 36 points of Joint Credit through self-nomination in the
Joint Qualification System.
-To volunteer for this billet contact Maj Ben Peryam, Joint IA Manager,
Manpower Management Force Augmentation (MMFA) via email at  703-432-9177.
-For UN training, deployment, and operational questions contact Maj Bill
Matory, Operations Officer, US Military Observer Group - Washington via
email at  703 696-7842.
-Keep PLU on the cc line.
It goes without saying that Marines in UN Missions must be "solid" officers.
This billet and others is about as "independent" as it gets in a deployed
setting.  Our Marines cannot be the ones wearing cut-off cammies, a t-shirt,
and a beard when greeting Senior US Officers out in the bush.  (Yes, this
has happened with the other services.)  This is especially true in South
Sudan where American officers are held in high regard and serve as a
very visible presence in the capital city.
Semper Fi!
FAO/RAO + FAS/RAS Community,
4 updates today
a.  FY12 experience track FAOs/RAOs:
b.  International Career Advancement Program (ICAP)
c.  FAS Beta Test update
d.  FAO Association
a.  FY12 experience track FAOs/RAOs:
MARADMIN 096/12 was released 24Feb12.
22 Marines applied.  10 FAOs + 7 RAOs were identified & designated by the FY12 1st Quarter Experience Track FAO/RAO Board.  Please welcome to the FAO/RAO Community:
                            PMOS/FMOS Region
LtCol Sam Carrasco          0302/8241 LATAM FAO
Maj   Andres Caceres-Solari 0402/8247 Western Europe FAO
LtCol Douglas Cochran       0302/8228 Southeast Asia RAO
Capt  Naomi Dorren          4302/8241 LATAM FAO*^
Capt  Alexei Doudarev       0602/8242 Eurasia FAO *
Maj   Lina Downing          3404/8241 LATAM FAO
Maj   Ethan Harding         1802/8224 ME/NA RAO
Maj   Vincent Koopmann      0202/8228 Southeast Asia RAO
Maj   Oscar Marin           3404/8241 LATAM FAO
LtCol Keven Matthews        0302/8228 Southeast Asia RAO
LtCol Kenneth McRostie      0802/8245 Sub Saharan Africa FAO *^
                                 8247 Western Europe FAO *^
Maj   Thomas Merritt        4402/8247 Western Europe FAO
BGen  Michael Rocco         8003/8227 Western Europe RAO
Capt  Gary Sampson          0206/8243 Northeast Asia FAO
Maj   Wade Stanton          0202/8229 Eastern Europe RAO ^
Maj   Jeffrey Tennen        0302/8228 Southeast Asia RAO
Maj   Eric Wolf             0402/8241 LATAM FAO
* pending constructive credit waiver
^ Reserve Component
b.  International Career Advancement Program (ICAP):
Who:    mid-career professionals who work in International Affairs
What:   intensive, 1-week seminar/discussion & networking opportunity for future
        leaders in international affairs
Where:  Aspen, CO
When:   22-30 Sep 2012
        Applications due 30Apr.  selected candidates notified in July.
Why:    Career mentorship and international seminar/discussion opportunity
Two letters of recommendation required.  Only 20 slots are made available nationwide to public + private sector.
All expenses in Aspen are funded by ICAP except airfare + $200 registration fee. 
5 issues on the discussion agenda include:
   • Major international issues to be faced over the next decade
   • Credentials and experiences normally sought for senior appointments
   • Common career patterns of those achieving senior positions
   • Particular obstacles faced by minorities seeking advancement and how to overcome them
   • Programs or policies designed to increase diversity at senior levels
5 organizations sponsoring this event include:
   The Fetzer Institute <>  
   The Ford Foundation <>  
   United Negro College Fund Special Programs Corporation <>  
   University of Denver <>  
   The Aspen Institute <>  
c.  FAS Beta Test update:
9 FAS Marines currently attending Foreign Service Institute (FSI) courses in DC.
  Info Paper to SMMC (1Mar12)
  TAB A:  Info Paper (26May11)
  TAB B:  Memo for the Record (12Aug11)
  TAB C:  FAS Beta Test Training Calendar Attached for SA
Attached above
d.  FAO Association (FAOA):
Letter from FAOA President
Dear Fellow FAOs,
      As President of the FAO Association (FAOA), I’d like to invite you to become a member of the FAOA, so you don’t miss out on the outstanding new-format FAO Journal and our exciting social, educational, and professional activities.  FAOA is your professional association and advocate for the FAO and international affairs community.
      Membership in the FAOA is open to all active duty, reserve, retired, and in-training FAOs, Attachés, security cooperation professionals, and political-military staff personnel, as well as all other individuals interested in the three pillars of the FAO world:   political-military affairs, security cooperation, and intelligence.  
      FAOA membership benefits include receipt of the quarterly FAO Journal “International Affairs”; access to a members-only section of the FAOA website with a journal archive, FAO-targeted job classifieds, and a FAO blog; and discounts to all member events.  FAOA also has exciting plans for 2012:  continuing to develop the FAO Journal into a world class publication, initiating writing awards at the War Colleges and other national defense institutes, and launching a FAOA Scholarship Program.
      We are also looking forward to continuing to host the traditional FAOA speaker luncheons at Ft. McNair and our new “FAOs on Tap” Happy Hours, as well as our premier annual event—the FAOA Black Tie Dinner, which will be held on 19 April 2012 featuring the Director of National Intelligence, Lt Gen James R. Clapper, Jr., USAF (ret.), as the planned special guest speaker.  
      Membership sign up is easy at the FAOA website: We have also added a less expensive membership level for those who desire to receive the FAO Journal electronically only.  This E-Journal membership option for only $25 annually may be optimal for those who live overseas or prefer to read documents online.  All other membership categories include both the print and electronic copies of the Journal.   
      Complimentary copy of the December 2011 edition of “International Affairs” is available on request [3MB file] to see what you may be missing in the Joint FAO world!   We look forward to having you back as a member.  Please contact me at, or our Secretary/Webmaster, LT Graham Plaster, USN, at for any questions on membership.  We’d also love to help you become a published writer in the FAO Journal.  Contact our Senior Editor, Coyt Hargus, at for any questions on publishing.
Kurt M. Marisa, Colonel, USAF
President, FAO Association (
Semper Fi
FAO/RAO + FAS/RAS Community,
10 updates today
a.  Joint FAO Asia Course
b.  Joint FAO Near East Course
c.  Joing FAO Eurasia Course
d.  Speed Reading tool
e.  Colombia PEP hotfill (potential)
f.  III MEF FAO support request
g.  FAO Association Annual Black Tie Banquet
h.  Arabic instructor request
i.  Israeli-Palestinian Conflict panel discussion
j.  post career opportunities
a.  Joint FAO Asia Course:
Who:    Asia FAOs
What:   Asia Course
Where:  Monterey (19-24 Aug)
        Tokyo (27-31 Aug)
When:   19-31 Aug 2012
Why:    Advanced FAO sustainment education & language training
Details:  Fully funded by OSD.  Application deadline, Mon, 7 May.
Attached:  concept paper + application.  Reply to PLU if interested.
b.  Joint FAO Near East Course:
Who:    Middle East/North Africa (ME/NA) FAOs
What:   Near East Course
Where:  Washington, DC
When:   18-29 Jun 2012
Why:    Advanced FAO sustainment education & language training
Details:  Fully funded by OSD.  Application deadline, Mon 9 Apr.
Attached:  concept paper + application.  Reply to PLU if interested.
c.  Joing FAO Eurasia Course
Who:    Eurasia FAOs
What:   Eurasia Course
Where:  Monterey (16-21 Jul)
        Brussels (22-27 Jul)
When:   16-27 Jul 2012
Why:    Advanced FAO sustainment education & language training
Details:  Fully funded by OSD.  Application deadline, Mon 16 Apr.
Attached:  concept paper + application.  Reply to PLU if interested.
d.  Speed Reading tool
For those of you gearing up for NPS or looking for a leg up on the volume of reading that comes with being a life-long learner, this website is geared to help us read faster.  Useful tool: 
d.  Colombia PEP hotfill (potential):
Who:    solicitation for volunteer (active or reserve:  2/2 Spanish speaker)
What:   Colombia Personnel Exchange Program (PEP)
Where:  Covenas, Colombia
        (3.5 hour drive to Cartagena; 400 miles from Bogota)
When:   Summer 2012
Hotfill details:  2-year, unaccompanied tour as a combat arms instructor at Colombia's version of Infantry Officer Course (IOC).  Billet opportunity pending arrival of Colombian exchange officer at TBS.
Previous instructor experience and/or Afghanistan/Iraq COIN experience desired. 
Volunteer must be FY12 PCS mover; not CPIB/CCLEB designee.  If reservist, PLU will help coordinate mobilization details with MOBCOM and MARFORRES.
e.  III MEF FAO support request
Who:    Asia FAOs/RAOs
What:   Support III MEF Exercise
Where:  Okinawa, Camp Courtney
When:   6-16 May 2012
Why:    To provide knowledge & advice to III MEF planners based on understanding of the region.
Details: III MEF to provide travel to Okinawa & back.  Field orders to cover billeting/chow. 
POC:    LtCol Scott McDonald ( DSN 315 622-7722 and Maj Tyler Moore ( DSN 315 622-7047; III MEF G-5
f.  FAO Association Annual Black Tie Banquet:
Who:    LtGen James Clapper, USAF(ret), 4th Director of National Intelligence
What:   FAOA Annual Black Tie Banquet
Where:  Army/Navy Club, Washington DC
When:   19 Apr 2012
Details: any FAOs/RAOs welcome.  Ticket price TBD.  To register, please visit 
g.  Arabic instructor request:
Who:    3/3 Arabic speaker
What:   Arabic instructor with Henley-Putnam University
Where:  San Jose, CA (or online instruction)
When:   now-June
Requirements:  fluency in Arabic, experience teaching or using Arabic in strategic security setting, BS or MS degree and 2+ years of language in national security/diplomatic/intel capacity.
POC:  Ms. Amanda Morrow-Jensen ( 408 453-9900 x9960, Dean, Terrorism and Counterterrorism Studies Program
h.  Israeli-Palestinian Conflict panel discussion:
Who:    ME/NA community
What:   Preventing Incitement and Promoting Peace:
        Obstacles and Opportunities for Religious Peacemaking in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Where:  United States Institute of Peace
        2301 Constitution Ave, NW
        Washington, DC 20037
When:   28Feb, 1230-1430
RSVP:   <
i.  post-career job opportunity announcements:
job opportunities keyed towards FAO/RAO skill sets for consideration
Who:    Civilian Expeditionary Workforce (CEW) program
What:   hiring for temporary civilians positions in Afghanistan
Where:  Afghanistan
When:   2012 (6 or 12 month tours)
POC:    contact me if interested.  I’ll pass OSD-P&R contact info as requested.
Who:    X-Corp
What:   hiring ME/NA FAOs (and RAOs) to support role player contract to MCSCG   
        (1st contract looking for Jordanian experience)
Where:  Ft Story, VA
When:   3 times per year (Spring/Summer/Fall) for 10 days
Why:    To make training relevant and realistic for Marine Corps Security Cooperation Group (MCSCG) teams who will work with Jordanian military counterparts.
Details: Paycheck & funding comes with consultant (1099) benefits with X-Corp; an independent company founded & operated by retired USMC FAOs.  Work at Ft Story lasts approximately 10 days up to 3 times a year.  Lodging provided by X-Corp at JFTR rates.  X-Corp CEO will interview applicants.  See
POC:  Mr. Cesar Nader  831 917-8581
Who:    Military Virtual Career Fair
What:   Match retiring and separating military with civilian jobs
Where:  on-line:
When:   anytime
Semper Fi
FAO/RAO + FAS/RAS Community,
5 updates today
a.  FY12 selected study track FAOs
b.  FY12 selected study track RAOs
c.  FY12 selected Foreign PME
d.  FY12 Olmsted Scholar candidates
e.  FAO/RAO + FAS community POC list update
a.  FY12 selected study track FAOs:
MARADMIN 039/12 was released 20Jan12.
3 FAOs + 8 RAOs were slated from the Commandant’s Professional Intermediate-level Education Board (CPIB).  Please welcome to the FAO/RAO Community:
Capt Brian Briscoe     (7208)  LATAM/Portuguese
Maj  Saleh Dagher      (3404)  ME/NA/Persian-Farsi
Maj  Joseph Parker     (7557)  S.E. Asia/Indonesian
Maj  Carlos Barela     (0302)  E. Europe
Maj  Armando Budomo    (3002)  Eurasia
Maj  Luke Fabiunke     (0602)  S.S. Africa
Maj  Leo Gregory       (0202)  N.E. Asia
Maj  Jonathan Heskett  (3002)  E. Europe
Maj  Timothy Mayer     (7565)  ME/NA
Maj  Daniel O’Reilly   (0802)  S.S. Africa
Maj  Jake Urban        (1302)  ME/NA
b.  FY12 selected study track RAOs:
MARADMIN 078/12 was released 16Feb12.
15 FAOs were slated from the Commandant’s Career-Level Education Board (CCLEB).  Please welcome to the FAO/RAO Community:
1stLt Milad Afkhami       (0602)  ME/NA/Arabic
1stLt Daniel Beck         (0802)  N.E. Asia/Chinese
Capt  Richard Behrmann    (7523)  N.E. Asia/Chinese
Capt  Daniel Benson       (0602)  N.E. Asia/Japanese
Capt  Todd Boese II       (0602)  N.E. Asia/Korean
Capt  Kevin Canning       (0180)  Eurasia/Russian
Capt  Jeffrey Castiglione*(1302)  S.E. Asia/Tagalog
Capt  Robert Gibson       (4402)  S. Asia/Hindi
Capt  Marykitt Haugen     (0402)  S.S. Africa/French
Capt  Sasha Kuhlow        (0202)  ME/NA/Arabic
Capt  John Mahler         (0207)  LATAM/Spanish
Capt  Eric Moffit         (0203)  N.E. Asia/Chinese
Capt  Benjamin Neff       (0602)  S.E. Asia/Vietnamese
Capt  Adrian Rankine-Galloway  (4302)  S.S. Africa/French
1stLt Nicholas Smart      (0602)  S.E. Asia/Tagalog
Capt  Karl Wethe          (7563)  E. Europe/Serbo-Croatian
* 1 selected on FY11 study track board, deferred to FY12 for career designation
c.  FY12 selected Foreign PME:
MARADMIN 039/12 was released 20Jan12.
9 Marines were slated from the CPIB for Foreign Professional Military Education.  Please welcome to the FAO/RAO Community:
Capt  Catalina Kesler     (0402)  Argentina Command & Staff (C&S)
Maj   Warren Cook Jr.     (0302)  Australia C&S
Capt  Roger Holliday      (7565)  Canadian C&S
Maj   James Doyle         (7525)  French C&S
Maj   Lester Thompson     (7202)  Korean C&S
Maj   Christopher Grasso  (0802)  New Zealand C&S
Capt  Randall Nickel      (0402)  Norwegian C&S
Maj   Lance Langfeldt     (1802)  UK C&S
Maj   Roberto Falcon      (0602)  Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (WHINSEC)
d.  FY12 Olmsted Scholar candidates:
MARADMIN 078/12 was released 16Feb12.
9 Marines from the CCLEB will screen for Olmsted Scholarships.  USMC gets a maximum of 5 spots, as determined by the Olmsted Scholarship Board.  Selected Marines will study overseas 2 years and join the FAO/RAO Community:
Capt  Erin Berard         (0402)
Capt  Paul Brashier       (0302)
1stLt Christopher Devries (0302)
Capt  Edward Holton       (0302)
Capt  Kyle May            (0302)
Capt  Christopher Reardon (0202)
Capt  Carly Towers        (3002)
1stLt Christopher Woods   (0207)
Capt  Adam Yang           (0602)
e.  FAO/RAO + FAS community POC list update:
Updated point of contact list attached.
This is a tool to keep our small community engaged with each other.  If anyone sees a detail missing or not quite right, let me know.  I use outlook to find your contact details, and update as you e-mail me.  I have included the 17 FAO/RAO selects from our last Experience Track Board.  MARADMIN to be released shortly.
This list is structured geographically, so you'll know who's close by.  As you scroll down, you'll find names listed alphabetically under the following 28 groups:
  a.  National Capital Region (DC + Quantico):  87
  b.  East Coast:  16
  c.  West Coast:  10
  d.  I MEF:       54
  e.  II MEF:      22
  f.  III MEF:     31
  g.  MARFORCOM:   17
  h.  PACOM:       22
  i.  EUCOM:       16
  j.  AFRICOM:     10
  k.  SOUTHCOM:    5
  l.  CENTCOM:     8
  m.  NORTHCOM:    7
  n.  SOCOM:       8
  o.  FAOs on ICT: 25
  p.  FAOs at DLI: 22
  q.  FAOs/RAOs at NPS:  26
  r.  FY12 FAOs/RAOs:    27
  s.  Attaches:          41
  t.  Security Cooperation Officers: 7
  u.  PEPs:              32
  v.  Foreign PME:       30
  w.  Olmsted Scholars:  11+ prospective Olmsted
  x.  AFPAK Hands:       48
      - cohort 1:  12
      - cohort 2:  18
      - cohort 3:  18
  y.  FAS Marines:       9
  z.  FAS/RAS Reserves:  6
  aa. Reserve FAOs:      57
  bb. Civilian FAOs:     28
Enjoy the long weekend!
Semper Fi
Ladies, gents,
9 updates today
a.  FAO/RAO population + FLPP update
b.  Language sustainment: Language Training Centers (LTCs)
c.  FBI language courses in 2012
d.  Broadband Language Training System (BLTS) courses
e.  Monterey FAO Culture Ambassador Program (CAP)
f.  FAOweb portfolio update
g.  FAO Association policy lunch:  Senator Chuck Hagel, 16Feb
h.  Photo exhibition on overseas service
i.  post-career job opportunity announcements
a.  FAO/RAO population + FLPP update:
The USMC FAO/RAO population is quickly approaching 500.  Among 412 active duty are 310 FAOs + 102 RAOs.  Among 81 reservists are 66 FAOs + 15 RAOs. 
The latest Foreign Language Proficiency Pay (FLPP) chart is posted, with a breakdown of language categories.  Details in the attached brief.
I’ll welcome newest members from the latest Experience Track board & FY12 mega boards when all results are released by MARADMIN.
b.  Language Training Centers (LTCs):
There are 5 LTCs making language sustainment opportunities available to Marines (active + reserve).  Two are geographically located near concentrations of East & West coast Marines, and can welcome FAOs/RAOs as in-residence students on campus.  All can provide on-line access to language classes, like Skype with an instructor.  All programs fully funded; see details attached.
For interested FAOs/RAOs, please provide feedback on desired language, times & type courses desired.  Points of contact include:
San Diego State University: 
      Mr. Chris Brown –  619 594-7131
      Dr. Mary Ann Lyman-Hager –  619 594-5480
North Carolina State University:
      Dr. Dwight Stephens – 919 805-1100
University of Montana:
      Ms. Julie Brown – 406 243-3602
Please keep me cc’d so I can track USMC FAO/RAO interest & participation. 
c.  FBI language courses in 2012:
Application for remaining FBI language courses in FY12 attached.
Who:     FAOs/RAOs
What:    Translation (T) and Consecutive Interpretation (CI) workshops
   -     Arabic
   -     Russian
   -     Farsi
   -     Chinese
   -     Spanish
Where:   Washington, DC  FBI building
When:    schedule attached
Why:     Develop advanced language techniques
Notes:   Courses are free to attend.  No TAD funding provided by PLU.
         3/3 DLPT is language requirement for entry
         To register/attend, contact MSgt Ahmed – 703 614-1161
d.  Broadband Language Training System (BLTS) courses
language sustainment “skype with language instructor” opportunities for FAOs from DLI Continuing Education
    1.  Korean II:   Wednesdays, 15Feb – 23May  1400-1600 PST
    2.  Hebrew I:    Wednesdays, 28Mar – 27Jun  1000-1200 PST
    3.  Chinese II:  Thursdays,  12Jul – 18Oct  1400-1600 PST
    4.  French I:    TBD
    5.  Korean II:   Wednesdays, 1Aug – 1Nov    1400-1600 PST
    6.  Russian III: Thursdays,  9Aug – 15Nov   1400-1600 PST
    7.  Arabic II:   Wednesdays, 5Sep – 12Dec   1000-1200 PST
Notes:  2/2 DLPT is language requirement for entry.
Course I topics include: Piracy, maritime security, humanitarian assistance, border security, peacekeeping, energy & health.
Course II topics include: Security issues, multilateral organizations, aviation, environment, popular culture, foreign aid and investments.
For details/registration: 
POC:  Ms. Annette Stewart 831 242-5363
e.  Monterey FAO Culture Ambassador Program (CAP):
Who:    FAOs/RAOs in training
What:   opportunity to volunteer & support foreign officers at NPS + Presidio of Monterey
Where:  Monterey, CA
When:   TBD.  Meet & Greet 13Feb 1700-1800
POC:    Ms. Charlie Orsburn ( 831 656-2215
        Maj Hector Lopez ( 571 431-8335
Details attached.  Good opportunity to establish friendships with foreign officers in your region.
f.  FAOweb portfolio update:
The Walmart of language sustainment + regional study tools designed & built for the Joint FAO/RAO community is FAOweb.  Access as secure as on-line banking, availability as convenient as your iPad, smart phone, or home internet, and as responsive as we make it.  Reference MARADMIN 215/11 to create an account; contact  831 656-7576 if you lost/forgot login details.  Details attached.
g.  FAO Association policy lunch:  Senator Chuck Hagel
Who:    any FAOs/RAOs
What:   “Political Military Affairs Implications of U.S. Defense Strategy 2012”
Where:  Washington, DC; Fort McNair Officer’s Club
When:   Thu, 16 Feb  1130-1300
Notes:  $25 for FAOA Members.  $30 for non-members.
h.  Photo exhibition on overseas service:
Who:    any Marine
What:   Photo Exhibition on overseas service
Where:  State Department
When:   photo submission deadline:  20Feb 2012
        VIP opening celebration:  Nov 2012
Note:   PLU is always interested in your “photos from the front”, showing FAOs/RAOs in action.  We’ll update our website with your photos & captions to better tell your stories & answer the question, “what has a FAO/RAO done for you lately?”     
i.  post-career job opportunity announcements:
We all take the uniform off someday.  I’ll advertise job opportunities keyed towards FAO/RAO skill sets for your consideration as they percolate up.  Our network of language, regional & culture professionals is growing, and I keep our “civilian FAOs” on the point of contact list.
  1.  Intel Ops Specialist/GS-14:  
IG slot at Dept of State.  Eligible candidates include all government employees and veterans.  Frankly, the downside of the job is the travel.   Expect to travel every inspection cycle (quarter), except summer.    The actual TDY time per cycle averages 4-5 weeks, but can last up to 7 weeks.   For example the upcoming Paris inspection is scheduled to last seven weeks, but our portfolio should be completed in about four weeks.   The good news is that we leave when we finish.  The best fit is a former FAO, with embassy tours and controlled collection experience.  
      If I can answer any questions, send me a note or call.    I am here through the end of February, which coincides with the announcement's closing date.
            Chuck Rowcliffe
Semper Fi
Ladies, gents,
Updates today:
a.  FBI Korean course
b.  National Language Service Corps
c.  SOFTS language courses
d.  Hotspots: you might deploy here next
e.  Notes from the Edge
a.  FBI Korean course:
Who:    Korean FAOs
What:   Korean translation (T) workshop
        Korean consecutive interpretation (CI) workshop
Where:  FBI building, Washington, DC
When:   27-29 Feb 2012 (T)
        29Feb-2Mar 2012 (CI)
        Registration DEADLINE:  Fri, 13 Jan.
Why:    practical training in translation or consecutive interpretation skill sets.
Details: course is free.  no PLU funding available for TAD.
Contact MSgt Ahmed ( 703 614-1161) for a seat, or Ms. JoAnn Cooper (
b.  National Language Service Corps (NLSC):
Who:    language-capable Marines
What:   opportunity to support Federal agencies during crisis response & relief efforts with language skills
        - interaction with diverse communities within U.S. borders
        - assistance to friendly/allied nations during crisis/emergency response
Where:  volunteer in place. 
When:   as coordinated
Details:  3/3/3 DLPT proficiency required.  National Security Education Program (NSEP) is the DoD sponsor for NLSC.
          Great opportunity to contribute after taking off the uniform; from the Reserves; or on-line.
c.  SOFTS language courses:
Who:    all FAOs/RAOs + FASs/RASs
What:   free language courses with Special Operations Forces Teletraining System (SOFTS)
        Following languages have classes beginning in the next 45 days:  Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Indonesian, Farsi, Polish, Dari, Pashto, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swahili...
Where:  on-line
When:   see website
Details: Free, real-time language & culture training anywhere in the world via broadband internet.  Classes open to all; SOF personnel have priority.  Establish an account & sign up for classes anytime.
d.  Hotspots: you might deploy here next:
Marine Corps Times article worth a read. 
e.  Notes from the Edge:
For your information...
The Strategic Vision Group (SVG) analyzes long-range alternative future security environments and reports future force implications in order to assist CMC and senior leadership to posture the Marine Corps for future success.  As part of this process SVG analysts cover broad portfolios ranging from conventional sources (think tanks, academia, national and international forums) to more unusual fora (World Future Society, TED etc). 
We are chartered as a "deep" futures group (10 years past the FYDP) and work with alternative analysis and alternative futures. The intent of the group is not to be predictive in nature but rather to highlight plausible alternatives to the accepted baseline future and associated thinking. Our goal is to "widen the aperture" and ideally improve decision processes and risk management.
"Notes From The Edge" is a small sampling of SVG scanning that we hope will provoke discussion and expand your current paradigm of the future.  We seek to avoid "group think" (the collective paradigm of the Washington centric military industrial community)and properly contain "programmatic/political think" (where the future is the necessary depiction required to justify programs of record). We hope to broaden your perspective concerning both the detail and general nature of "alternative futures"; and not necessarily to change current understanding of the most probable future.
We know that the leaders who will prepare our Corps for the challenges of the emerging future are today's Colonels and Lieutenant Colonels.  Their advice to senior leadership will be critical in determining how ready and resilient our Corps emerges from today's challenges.  As such, you are our principal customers and the target of our insight.  Colonels as the Senate of the Corps are the best hope for melding solutions that get us through the crisis of the moment while preparing us for the challenges of our possible futures.
We look forward to your comments, thoughts, and ideas concerning the form and future of this product. 
With best intent.....
Mr. James R. Trahan
Deputy Director, Strategic Vision Group Bldg 3300, MCCDC, Quantico Va 22134
Work: 703-432-8126
Cell: 540-446-9414
Semper Fi all,
Updates today:
a.  JFSSPP LATAM + Africa Course
b.  Chinese + Russian + Korean BLTS courses
c.  TLS selects
d.  FY13 promotions
e.  FAO billet description database
f.  ICT funding update
g.  FAS Beta Test orders update
h.  POC list update
a.  JFSSPP LATAM + Africa Course:
The following Marines were accepted to the Africa Course (6-17Feb12: Monterey/DC)
    1.  Maj Joe Lee (8245)
    2.  Maj Blas Avila (8245)
    3.  Maj James Kimber (8245)
The following Marines were accepted to the LATAM Course (19-30Mar12:  Monterey/Brazil)
    1.  LtCol Rene Orellana (8241)
    2.  LtCol Eugene Wittkoff (8241)
    3.  Maj Anthony Waters (8241)
Near East Course (11-22Jun12:  Monterey/TBD) info paper + application coming soon.
Eurasia Course (16-27Jul12:  Monterey/Belgium) info paper + application coming soon.
Asia Course (20-31Aug12:  Monterey/Japan) info paper + application coming soon.
New Course Operations Manager:  LtCol(ret) Bob Lucius ( 831 656-1810  Glasgow Hall Rm 347)
b.  Chinese + Russian + Korean BLTS courses:
Who:   FAOs
What:  Advanced language classes / skype with DLI instructors on Broadband Language Training System
Where: any internet connection
When:  Chinese course (17Jan - 24Apr) Tuesdays 1400-1600 (PST)
       Russian course (19Jan - 26Apr) Thursdays 1400-1600 (PST)
       Korean  course (15Feb - 23May) Wednesdays 1400-1600 (PST)
Why:   language sustainment
Details:  it's free. 5 student limit per instructor.  2/2 DLPT or better pre-requisite.
Contact Ms. Annette Stewart ( 831 242-5363)
c.  TLS selects:
MARADMIN 739/11 was released 20Dec11.
6 FAOs + 1 RAO were selected for Top Level School (TLS)
LtCol Edward Jeep       (8247) Air War College
LtCol Michael Samarov   (8240) Air War College
LtCol Ian Clark         (8228) Naval War College
LtCol Ivan Monclova     (8241) Naval War College
LtCol Seth Folsom       (8246) Marine Corps War College
LtCol Jon Duke          (8244) National Intelligence Fellowship, DC
LtCol John Christopher  (8242) Security Studies Program, MIT
d.  FY13 promotions:
ALNAV 076/11 was released 2Dec11.
1 FAO was selected for promotion to Col on the FY13 Active Reserve list.
LtCol Agileo Ylanan Jr.  (8248)
1 FAO was missed on my announcement for promotion to Maj.
Capt Chad Brooks  (8247)
e.  FAO billet description database:
Those of you in FAO/RAO billets, I need your help to develop an updated database of billet descriptions.
I know where the assignments are, but need straight facts in describing the jobs.  Please include information that you wish you had when first assigned to that billet, to set the next Marine up for success.  Include billet details, unit address, point of contact email/phone, and tips for the next guy.  I'll assemble the digital library here & distribute as Marines get assigned to FAO/RAO billets.  If your billet is not currently coded FAO/RAO and there is a compelling case for making it so, let me know.  Thanks!
f.  ICT funding update:
Word is trickling down the budget analyst chain that we should get our next chunk of funding to reimburse ICT travel/tuition claims in about a week.  Hang in there!
Also need you to start talking to your monitor about next duty assignments in the operating forces/PMOS & let us know.
g.  FAS Beta Test orders update:
MMEA-85 got funding today for your orders to NPS.  Expect to see weborders by COB tomorrow or Monday.
GySgt Hodges, yours will be direct to 15MEU.  GySgt Plummer, your PCA will be direct to 24MEU. 
GySgt Morales, yours will be to NPS to execute the full Beta Test; then to 15MEU in 2013.
h.  POC list update:
updated list attached.  As always- let me know if you see missing/incorrect info.
Semper Fi!  Happy 2012
FAO/RAO Community,
updates today:
a.  Critical Language Program training in DC
b.  Africa culture awareness courses in Paris
c.  NATO Regional Cooperation Course (NRCC) in Rome
d.  CSRS seminar in Geneva
e.  Bangladesh courses
f.  FSI courses
g.  Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies courses in DC
h.  Asia Pacific Center courses in Hawaii
a.  Critical Language Program training in DC
Who:    any FAO/RAO + FAS/RAS
What:   10-week training opportunity sponsored by ODNI for introductory language training
Where:  DC metro area
When:   06Feb-16Apr 2012
        07May-17Jul 2012
        18Jun-27Aug 2012
Why:    opportunity from Office of Director National Intelligence (ODNI) & extended to the FAO/RAO + FAS/RAS community
Details: 10 languages include  Arabic / Bengali / Chinese / Dari / Hindi / Pashto / Persian Farsi / Punjabi / Sindhi / Urdu
See attached "Marketing Flyer-ODNI..."
Contact Mr. Rusty Shughart ( 703 874-8387 or Ms. Celia Durall (
b.  Africa culture awareness courses in Paris:
Who:    French-speaking FAOs/RAOs
What:   Africa culture awareness courses
Where:  Rueil-Malmaison, France  (suburb of Paris)
When:   Spring 2012
        Courses 1 to 3 days
Why:    Opportunity to learn from extensive French experience in Africa
Details: no PLU funding available (except ICT FAOs)
-       Regional courses include: West Africa / Central Africa / East Africa
-       Country courses include: Djibouti / UAE / Gabon / Senegal / Morocco / Tunisia / Leganon / Qatar
Contact Maj Howard Beasey (PLU-5) if interested: 703 692-4367
c.  NATO Regional Cooperation Course (NRCC):
Who:    senior officers (LtCol +)
        company grade opportunity to attend as course assistant/intern
Where:  Rome, Italy
When:   05Mar-11May 2012 or
        01Oct-08Dec 2012
Why:    study & participate in high level security challenge discussions, network & represent USMC in NRCC.  Certificate awarded by PhD faculty.
Details: no PLU funding available
-     Course fee ($200) + apartment lodging ($5,000) + meals ($5,000) + travel ($2,000 est.) = $12,200
-     Simultaneous 3-way interpretation into English, French, and Arabic
-     Class trip to JFC Naples or NATO HQ
-     Eligibility:  any MOS
-     Limited to 4 seats
-     Suspense date for Mar class:  25Jan2012
-     Fact sheet + point paper + calling msg attached.  NATO Defense College brochure available on request.
Contact Ms. Mary Lou Farah (course assistant): 
d.  CSRS seminar in Geneva:
Who:    any FAO/RAO
What:   Center for Stabilization and Reconstruction Studies (CSRS) seminar: MANAGING NATURAL RESOURCES DURING POST-CONFLICT REINTEGRATION AND RECOVERY
Where:  Geneva, Switzerland
When:   27Feb-2Mar2012
        Application deadline: 15Jan
Why:    opportunity to learn about post-conflict issues from leading security/governance communities. 
Details: no PLU funding available
-       Details attached (NRMDDR Workshop announcement)
-       Applications are accepted via the CSRS online system:
Contact Ms. Graseilah Coolidge,, +1.831.656.3359 or Mr. Nick Tomb,, +1.831.656.1829
e.  Bangladesh courses:
Who:     any FAO/RAO
What:    course offerings from Bangladesh Army/Navy
Where:   Bangladesh
When:    see below
         Suspense: 6 Jan 2012
Details: no PLU funding available
         Associated costs include transportation + food
Courses include:
  - Platoon Commander Course 41 (08Apr-03May) Capt/Maj
                                (07Oct-01Nov) Capt/Maj
  - Mid Career Course 1         (12Feb-05Apr) Capt/Maj
                                (05Feb-28Mar) Capt/Maj
  - Bomb/IED Disposal course 14 (29Jul-18Oct) Capt/Maj
  - UN Military Observer course (08Apr-17May) Capt/Maj
  - UN Logistic Officer course  (02Sep-20Sep) Capt/Maj
Contact LtCol Bill DeLorenzo/PLU-2 ( and Maj Rob Ibarra/MARFORPAC ( (808) 477-8889 to RSVP & coordinate seats.
f.  FSI courses:
Who:    any FAO/RAO + FAS/RAS
What:   Intensive Regional Area Studies courses  (listings attached)
Where:  Arlington, VA
When:   see attached listings
Details: no PLU funding available (except FAOs + FASs)
Courses include:
        - France (1 week)
        - Mexico Border Issues (1 week)
        - European Union (1 week)
        - Iraq: Society, Religion, Politics (1 week)
        - Islam: Formation, Institutions, Modernity, and Reform (1 week)
        - Oil, Resources and Geopolitics in Eurasia (1 day)
        - Islam: the rise of religion in Eurasia (1 day)
        - regional courses (2 weeks)
Contact Worf or Mr. Nimish Verma to coordinate seats.
g.  Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies courses in DC:
Who:    Spanish-speaking FAOs/RAOs
What:   Strategy and Defense Policy Course
Where:  Ft. McNair, Washington, DC
When:   12-30Mar 2012
Why:    3-week survey course designed to help participants develop/expand competence in analyzing, planning and resource management in security/defense sector.  Must have completed command and staff course or equivalent. 
Details: no PLU funding available
-       Applications accepted until 13 Jan
Contact Mr. Van Beall (Registrar) at (202) 685-4586 or (866) 294-6374
Who:    Spanish-speaking FAOs/RAOs
What:   Perspectives on Homeland Security and Defense Course
Where:  Ft. McNair, Washington, DC (week 1)
        Colorado Springs, CO       (week 2)
When:   16-27Apr 2012
Why:    2-week course designed to analyze and compare the nature, scope, and perspectives on homeland security and defense, and visualize ways to increase regional cooperation in order to respond to natural and man-made threats throughout the Western Hemisphere.  This course will be in Spanish, is designed for a multi-country audience and will use a comparative approach, where the US approach/doctrine is presented as "one" approach.
Details: no PLU funding available
-       Applications accepted until 30 Jan
Contact Mr. Van Beall (Registrar) at (202) 685-4586 or (866) 294-6374
What:   Caribbean Defense and Security Course
Where:  Ft. McNair, Washington, DC
When:   16-27Jul 2012
Why:    2-week course designed to highlight issues and challenges confronting small nations in the Caribbean region.
Details: no PLU funding available
-       Applications accepted until 10 Feb
Contact Mr. Van Beall (Registrar) at (202) 685-4586 or (866) 294-6374
h.  Asia Pacific Center courses in Hawaii:
Who:    any FAO/RAO
What:   Asia-Pacific Orientation Course (APOC)
Where:  Honolulu, Hawaii
When:   23Jan-27Jan 2012
        30Jul-03Aug 2012
Why:    highlight issues in the region
Who:    any FAO/RAO
What:   Comprehensive Security Responses to Terrorism course
Where:  Honolulu
When:   23Feb-23Mar 2012
Who:    any FAO/RAO
What:   Advanced Security Cooperation course
Where:  Honolulu
When:   02May-05Jun 2012
        27Sep-31Oct 2012
Who:   any FAO/RAO
What:  Comprehensive Crisis Management course
Where: Honolulu
When:  16Aug-18Sep 2012
Admissions info for all is on our website at  There is also more detail on each course available there.  Anyone who hits a "register now" button will be asked to provide some basic information and our registrar will contact them with information.
They all run about 4 weeks and are 90% international.  Target audience is Major-Colonel.  With travel and per-diem here, usual cost is $10-15k per person.
3 FAOs/RAOs on the island have volunteered a guestroom to fellow FAOs/RAOs to offset lodging costs.
Contact Capt Doug Krugman ( 808-971-4072 or LtCol Mike Mollohan ( 
Happy New Years!  May we all finish 2012 a little bit wiser & better looking; or at least wiser.
Semper Fi