United States Department of Veterans Affairs


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Image of Forum Forum: Brings useful information derived from health services research to the attention of both VA clinicians and managers. FORUM also introduces questions, observations, comments and criticism raised by VA clinicians and managers to health services researchers.

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10-2012: Quality Measurement and the Ubiquitous Electronic Health Record;Moving toward a Patient-centered Performance Management System; Validating the AHRQ Patient Safety Indicators...

08-2012: Transforming Pain Management Services for Veterans, VA Pain Management and Research: From Good to Great, Research Highlights, HSR&D and QUERI Hold National Meeting

05-2012: In this issue: PTSD, suicide

10-2011: VHA Transformation Challenges and Lessons; Relational Coordination: Harnessing the Transformative Power of Relationships to Improve VA Health Care; Caregivers; Diabetes; Telehealth

08-2011: Transforming VA Health Care, Transparency and Public Reporting of Quality and Safety, Using VA Databases, Value-Based Purchasing in VA, Resource Use Measurement, Special Journal Supplement on Women's Health

05-2011: Post-Deployment Injuries, Challenges of Co-Occurrence of Post-Deployment Health Problems, Traumatic Brain Injury, Pain, Women's Health, HSR&D National Meeting, USH Award

10-2010: Access, Rural Veterans, Telehealth, SOTA, Women's Health Research Consortium

08-2010: Patient-Provider Communication,Exam Room Computing and the Physician-Patient Relationship,Clinician-Patient Communication Behaviors,Communication to Prevent Diagnostic Errors,The Case for Communication Intervention

05-2010: Research and Prevention of Health Care- Associated Infections, Crucial Opportunities for Addressing HAIs, Research Highlights

12-2009: Opportunities for Ensuring a Safe Environment, Research Highlights, Organizational Profile

08-2009: Change in Health Care

06-2009: Comparative Effectiveness Research (CER)

10-2008: Women's health: PTSD, ambulatory care, military sexual trauma

07-2008: Access Issues, Research Opportunities, Advanced Clinic Access, Telehealth Technologies, Mental Health

04-2008: VA Responds to the Needs of Aging Veterans, Defining Better Care for Aging Veterans, Finding Better Ways to Support

11-2007: VA’s Performance Measurement Makeover

pdf logo 07-2007: The Challenges of Inpatient Flow in VA

pdf logo 05-2007: Mental Health Issues in Returning OIF/OEF Veterans

pdf logo 11-2006: VA Ambulatory Care

pdf logo 08-2006: Quality Enhancement Research Initiative (QUERI)

pdf logo 05-2006: Screening: Balancing the Benefits and Harms

pdf logo 11-2005: Meeting the Challenges of Veterans with Chronic Illnesses

pdf logo 08-2005: New Veterans and New Challenges

pdf logo 06-2005: Veteran Health Care: Meeting Tomorrow’s Challenges

pdf logo 11-2004: Patient-Centered Care

pdf logo 05-2004: Coordinating Care for Veterans

pdf logo 10-2002: The Cost of Providing VA Care

pdf logo 06-2002: Mental Health Care

pdf logo 02-2002: HSR&D at 25: Celebrating the Past and Anticipating the Future

pdf logo 10-2001: Patient Safety

pdf logo 06-2001: Access to Care

pdf logo 11-2000: Quality Enhancement Research Initiative (QUERI)

pdf logo 06-2000: Special Populations and the VA

pdf logo 03-2000: HSR&D’s Career Development Program

pdf logo 11-1999: Information Management

pdf logo 06-1999: HSR&D in the 21st Century

pdf logo 11-1998: National VA Surgical Quality Improvement Program