
About ACUS

The Administrative Conference of the United States is an independent federal agency dedicated to improving the administrative process through consensus-driven applied research, providing nonpartisan expert advice and recommendations for improvement of federal agency procedures.


Administrative Conference of the United States
1120 20th St. NW Suite 706 South
Washington, DC 20036 (Map)
202.480.2080 | | LinkedIn profile

About the Chairman

Paul R. Verkuil's picture
Paul R. Verkuil

Paul R. Verkuil (Ver-kile), the tenth Chairman of the Administrative Conference of the United States, was sworn in by Vice President Biden on April 6, 2010. The Conference was revived by Congress in 2009 after a 15-year hiatus.... Read full bio »

About the Assembly

The Assembly is the name given to the full Conference membership, which consists of the Chairman, the Council, and both Voting and Non-Voting Members.

The Council

Namesort descending Agency Title
Preeta D. Bansal HSBC General Counsel for Litigation and Regulatory Affairs
Boris Bershteyn Office of Management and Budget General Counsel
Ronald A. Cass Cass & Associates, PC President
Mariano-Florentino Cuéllar Stanford Law School Stanley Morrison Professor of Law
Julius Genachowski Federal Communications Commission Chairman
Theodore B. Olson Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher Partner
Thomas E. Perez Department of Justice Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights
Thomasina V. Rogers Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission Chairman
Jane C. Sherburne BNY Mellon Senior Executive Vice President and General Counsel
Paul R. Verkuil Administrative Conference of the United States Chairman