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General Energy and Environment

Energy Challenge
Teams of college engineering students design energy efficiency and waste-minimization concepts that have real applications in the pulp and paper industry.

P3: People, Prosperity, and the Planet Student Design Competition for Sustainability
The Environmental Protection Agency's P3 – People, Prosperity, and the Planet—Program is a unique college competition for designing solutions for a sustainable future. P3 offers students quality hands-on experience that brings their classroom learning to life.

National Clean Energy Business Plan Competition
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) National Clean Energy Business Plan Competition is designed to build regional networks of student-focused business creation contests across the country.

Hydrogen / Fuel Cells

Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Competitions for Students and Teachers
Check out these contests on hydrogen and fuel cells.

H2U Student Contests
This contest challenges university teams to develop and design a hydrogen application.


American Solar Challenge
To compete in the American Solar Challenge, university teams, companies, and clubs from around the world build solar-powered cars and race them across the country.

Solar Decathlon
Find out more about this DOE competition where teams of post-secondary students compete to construct the best energy-efficient, solar-powered houses.

Technologies and Engineering

EcoCar Challenge
Currently underway, EcoCAR is a DOE-sponsored, three-year competition that challenges university students to re-engineer a Saturn Vue donated by GM, using advanced vehicle technologies.

The Doctor Bernard S. Baker Award for Fuel Cell Research
This award recognizes exceptional undergraduate and graduate students pursuing research in a fuel cell-related field.

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« February 2013 »
EcoCAR Challenge