Judiciary/Gun Control/Law Enforcement

I have been and will continue to be a defender of the right of the American people to keep and bear arms, a fundamental right guaranteed in the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution.  When considering firearms legislation, I have a twofold mission. The first is to stop any new legislation that would limit the right to own firearms by law-abiding citizens. The second is to ensure that old legislation and current laws which harm Second Amendment rights are addressed appropriately. I have continually supported legislation that would stop the curtailing of the Second Amendment both in National Parks and in Washington, D.C. Imaginary lines should never take away our Constitutional rights.    
I believe that the founders of our nation established a strong nation by creating three equal branches of government.  Members of the Judiciary Branch should be impartial and should judge cases based on facts. I do not believe the president should appoint, nor the Senate confirm, activist judges. 

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