Foreign Relations

The ever-increasing interdependency of the world requires that we maintain a strong voice in the world community.  As a member of international organizations like the United Nations, the United States must demand that the organizations meet their original intent and do so in a fiscally responsible manner.  I am committed to protecting and upholding the sovereignty of our nation and maintaining the ultimate authority of the United States Constitution over any international organization which our nation joins. 
Foreign assistance programs, when administered correctly, can be a useful tool for our nation.  Strong international allies with good infrastructures and governments that follow the rule of law help make the world a safer place.  The United States has an opportunity through international aid programs to assist other nations in developing a strong and independent economy.
When looking at opportunities to help people around the world, I have been especially impressed by the work of Muhammad Yunus and his work with the Grameeen Foundation and Greg Mortenson’s work in Afghanistan, chronicled in his book Three Cups of Tea.  Doctor Yunus has been a leader in microfinance and microcredit efforts to help the poorest of the poor.  Mr. Mortenson has shown the world the impact one person can have on the future by building schools.
I am also impressed by the work the United States has accomplished under President Bush’s President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, also known as PEPFAR.  Through my role as a member of the Senate Health Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee and my previous role as a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, I was able to work on the original PEPFAR creation and its reauthorization.  I have had the opportunity to travel to Africa and have seen where this program has made direct impacts in people’s lives.  Unlike many foreign assistance programs which do not impact those directly on the ground, PEPFAR can teach people how to avoid contracting the HIV/AIDS disease and provide countries with the ability to care for their citizens already infected.

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