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Operator Information

Pipeline Operator Information

The operator information available below includes operators with hazardous liquid, gas transmission, and/or gas gathering pipelines who have submitted one or more PHMSA-required annual reports for the 2006-2011 time period. Gas distribution assets are not currently included in these reports. A report may be accessed on a particular operator which provides basic mileage, incident, inspection, and enforcement information covering the last five years. Mileage and incident information is provided for all of the hazardous liquid and/or gas transmission and gathering pipelines operated by a particular operator, whether they involve assets which are inspected by PHMSA (referred to as "Federally-inspected") or assets which are inspected by one of PHMSA's partner state agencies (referred to as "State-inspected"). Inspection and enforcement information, however, is only provided for those assets which are inspected by PHMSA. More information about state agencies and their authorities with respect to "State-inspected" pipelines is available.

Note: New operators who have not yet filed their initial mileage submission to PHMSA are not included in this operator information.

Operator information is gathered from multiple sources including operator reported (1)(2), and internal PHMSA data.(3)(4)(A)

Important Notice: Currently, these reports are only available for hazardous liquid, gas transmission, and gas gathering operators, and do NOT, at this time, include system mileage or incidents for any gas distribution operator. These reports have recently been modified to show ALL incidents that have been reported to PHMSA by an operator during the time period shown. We will continue to improve these reports and we welcome your feedback.

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  1. Operators with no mileage or State(s) of Operation listed are typically operators of regulated pipeline facilities such as tank farms, terminals, or storage facilities, and do not operate any associated pipelines.


  1. Pipeline transmission mileage reported as "in service" to National Pipeline Mapping System - December 15, 2011
  2. Operator specifics are obtained from self-reported annual reports over the years 2006-2011. Unless otherwise noted, the most recently submitted reports is/are used as the basis for the information here. Raw data files are available from the PHMSA Data and Statistics page. Please note that PHMSA's Office of Pipeline Safety is continually checking the quality and accuracy of these reports, therefore data presented here may change as we receive supplementary information from the operators. Ascertainment date: Nov 29, 2012.
  3. PHMSA Safety Monitoring and Reporting Tool (SMART) for the Pipeline Safety Enforcement Tracking System as of January 11, 2013.
  4. PHMSA Safety Monitoring and Reporting Tool (SMART) for the Pipeline Inspection Tracking System as of January 5, 2013.

For comments and questions on the information presented on this site, please send us feedback.

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