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Middleboro Cumberland River Basin, Ky.

FACT SHEET (As of August 2012)

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 Middleboro Cumberland River

      Basin, Ky.

US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS                                                                            BUILDING STRONG®

                                                                                             FACT SHEET

                                                                                      (As of August 2012)

AUTHORIZATION: 1936 Flood Control Act (PL 74-738) and 1938 Flood Control Act (PL 75-761)

TYPE OF PROJECT: A local flood risk management project composed of a canal and levee system

LOCATION: At Middleboro, Ky., on Yellow Creek, a tributary entering the Cumberland River approximately 660 miles above its mouth

PROJECT PHASE: In operation since 1938

CONGRESSIONAL INTEREST: Rogers (KY-5), McConnell (KY), Paul (KY)




The unique aspect Middleboro city’s flooding problems stem from its location in what is thought to be a meteor crater.  Surrounded by mountains of the Cumberland Plateau, the 3-mile depression created by the meteor strike is the recipient of several streams that run down 1500-foot mountain slopes into the valley. 


The project diverts Bennett’s Fork around and downstream of the City of Middleboro commercial center where it intersects with Yellow Creek.  The flood risk reduction project includes 5.5 miles of levee and a diversion channel. The project has been in operation since 1938. In 2001, a major project for 5.2 miles of channel widening and deepening of the Yellow Creek and Little Yellow Creek waterways that run through a major portion of the city’s northern border. Additionally, a non-structural component consisting of 18 structures (2 evacuations, 14 demolish and replace and 2 raises) was conducted. The work included the development of 4 significant retaining walls where the channel routes in proximity to highways and structures and threatening to undercut the foundations of the facilities. 


The project will protect the City of Middleboro in the event of a flood like the 1977 flood.  Although flood levels varied during that flood, the 1977 flood event was the equivalent of the 67-year event.


IMPORTANCE: Over $416 million of flood damages prevented since 1938.


BUDGET ($): Estimated operation and maintenance cost is shown below.


Federal Funds Data


     Allocation for FY 2012


     President’s Budget for FY 2013


For more information regarding the Middleboro Cumberland River Basin, KY; contact Tom Hale CELRN-OP-EKY-A, Phone (606) 679-6337,

Corps Corps of Engineers Flood Preparedness Kentucky Middleboro Nashville District O&M U.S. Army Corps of Enigneers Nashville District USACE Yellow Creek