Law Enforcement
Alaska Region   


What We Do

The Office of Law Enforcement is an integral part of the overall Service program in Alaska. Enforcement activities support the regional and national interests and objectives of the Service in the sound management of the Nation's fish and wildlife resources, by regulating human activities that may have an adverse effect on wildlife populations. International conservation efforts are also achieved by enforcement of treaties and U.S. laws to help foreign countries protect their indigenous wildlife species.

Wildlife law enforcement in Alaska presents extraordinary challenges to special agents and wildlife inspectors working in the field. The geographical area of Alaska consists of 1,593,438 square miles of expansive tundra, diverse flora/fauna, and remote mountain ranges unparalleled by any other region of North America. Many communities in the state are not situated near the state's limited road system, and Service officers can only reach them by using aircraft, boat, or snow machine. The complexity of enforcing federal wildlife laws in Alaska is further complicated by the large number of unresolved and contentious legal issues involving the use of fish and wildlife resources by different interest groups.

Special agents are involved in a wide variety of activities that may include meeting with Alaska Natives and other residents of isolated rural communities to explain, and gain support for federal laws and Service policy; conducting surveillance of migratory waterfowl hunters; investigating allegations of illegal guiding activities on and off Service lands; and conducting complex covert operations.

Wildlife inspectors monitor the import and export of wildlife, including parts and products, and taking appropriate enforcement action when illegal activity is discovered. Their responsibilities also include identifying wildlife parts and products, verifying the authenticity of wildlife permits, collecting fees, and promoting public outreach. Inspections are conducted at Alaska's land, air, and ocean ports of entry, including express mail and air cargo facilities. Inspectors are stationed at the Anchorage International Airport. Inspectors, in conjunction with U.S. Customs and Border Protection, also inspect wildlife shipments at the ports of Fairbanks, Alcan, Juneau, Dalton Cache, and Skagway.

Last updated: March 26, 2010
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