Womack Army Medical Center
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Family Advocacy Program
Mission Statement
Types of Abuse
Mandated Reporters
Reporting Spouse, Child, Elder Abuse
Social Work Services
Treatment Groups
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Department of Social Work Brochure

Types of Abuse

  • Physical:  Child, Spouse or Elder Abuse

    • Definition:  Physical Abuse - Use of physical force that causes bodily injury.  Violence that is used to intimidate, control or force the spouse to do something against his or her will.

  • Emotional Abuse
    • Definition:  Emotional -- A pattern of acts or omissions, such as violent acts that cause observable injury, that adversely affect the psychological well-being of the victim.

    • Psychological -- A pattern of behavior involving one or more of the following behaviors: explicit threats of violence, extremely controlling, extreme jealousy and isolating behaviors.

  • Elder/Child Neglect
    • Neglect (Elder/Child) -- Failure to meet a family member’s legal and moral obligations or duties.  Common examples include failure to provide adequate food, medical treatment, lack of supervision, deplorable conditions in the home. 

  • Sexual Abuse of Spouse, Child or Elderly
    • Child Sexual Abuse -- Sexual activity with a child for the purpose of sexual gratification of the alleged offender or some other individual.
    • A child cannot consent to  have sex with an adult
    • Partner Sexual Abuse - Forced sex or coercing a partner to engage in undesired sexual activity