American Kids Inspire an AW2 Veteran

By Robert Jackson, AW2 Veteran

For Robert Jackson, adjudicating the 2010 FOE God, Flag, and Country Oratory Program offered him a chance to serve his community and be inspired by American youth.

A few years ago, I started speaking at corporate functions, sporting events, colleges, K-12 grade schools, and other similar events.

Recently, I had the honor of speaking at the Fraternal Order of Eagles (FOE) International Conference held in Louisville, KY, where I had the honor, as an AW2 Soldier, to judge their God, Flag, and Country Oratory Program.

This program is a competition that started with FOE and the American Legion in 1967. Luckily, the FOE organization kept the program going after all these years. The God, Flag, and Country Oratory Program gives 10- to 15-year-old children a deeper understanding of the significance of the “God, flag, and country” ideal. At the same time, it makes them aware of the American Heritage of this ideal while demonstrating to them why it is so meaningful today.

The contest also provides a way for the children to build up their confidence and public speaking skills. Each contestant has three minutes to compete and say why the “God, flag, and country” ideal is important. I saw many contestants compete and I must say–I was blown away.

I watched numerous 10- to 15-year-old children compete against each other within certain age groups. With tears in my eyes and chills down my spine, I sat with a warm heart while I attempted to judge the hardest competition I had ever seen.

I was also asked to speak to the members present and share a motivating message. During my speech, I told them that I was the one that was motivated.

After hearing an 11-year-old child explain that our nation does have hope for the future or listening to a 14-year-old child discuss the fact that some of our brothers and sisters will not make it home, but that their sacrifice will be remembered–I was moved and the tears and chills once again returned.

Not only do I feel that this program will inspire wounded servicemembers and their Families, but it will also make them aware of a community program that will allow their kids to share their pride for their parents’ and their Families’ sacrifice.

“People helping people” is FOE’s motto and they support this motto by helping many different charities. In Iowa for example, one of these initiatives is the construction of a $25 million diabetes research center at the University of Iowa.

I suggest you spread the word about the God, Flag, and Country Oratory Program to servicemembers and their Families. It is another avenue for AW2 Veterans to serve their communities out of uniform and give them that selfless service feeling again.

To find out more about FOE and their charities, take a look at the FOE website.

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  1. SGT (Ret.) Deal, Brandon R. says:

    Thank you for the work that you have done, and I hope will continue to do, with our younger generations. These children benefit greatly from seeing soldiers like us, whom have lost many things physically, mentally, and emotionally, out and about telling the story of how much we love out country. For them to see us in this light will ensure that we will have a Military force to protect out Great Nation. LDRSHIP, an acronym that means nothing to those who don’t know. LDRSHIP, an acronym that means everything to those that do.

  2. combat boots says:

    Wow. Now that is an inspirational story!

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