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Technical Service Center

Client Support and Technical Presentations Office


Group Manager: Christi Young (CYoung@usbr.gov), 303-445-2561

TSC Business Manager: Tom Luebke (TLuebke@usbr.gov), 303-445-2600

Secretary: Andrea Moore (AMoore@usbr.gov), 303-445-2952

Mailing address: Bureau of Reclamation, Box 25007, 86-68010, Denver, CO 80225-0007
Physical location: Denver Federal Center, West 6th Ave. & Kipling, Denver, CO 80225, Bldg. 67, 7th Floor
Group Fax No.: 303-445-6356

Client Liaisons

Name Group* Phone
Elisabeth (Bitsy) Cohen 86-68130 3247
Paula Engel 86-68212 2732
Mike Horn 86-68220 2203
Dan Maag 86-68170 3084
Dianne Parson 86-68010 2302
Connie Svoboda 86-68460 2152
Jacque Wright 86-68010 2604

Budget and Program Analysts

Name Phone
Janice Carson 3466
Andrea Moore 2952
Susan Ocana 3178
Emily Rademacher 3445
Elizabeth Snodgrass 2720

*Group numbers shown here because some client liaisons are serving on collateral duty from other TSC groups.

To find out which client liaison and program assistant serves your region or client group, see our Client Support cross-reference table.


Writers and Editors

Name Phone
Patty Alexander 2574
Glenna Berg 2577
Deena Larsen 2584
Teri Manross 2587
Tyna Petersen 2573

Editorial Assistants

Name Phone
Sharon Leffel 2585
Susan Ward 2690

Visual Information Specialist

Name Phone
Cindy Gray 303-445-2615

Technical Operations Assistant

Name Phone
Andrea Moore 303-445-2952

TSC Records Liaison

Name Phone
Jim Bailey 303-445-2704




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