Updated 01/31/2013 03:48 AM   |   ID# 1757

Filing an application on behalf of someone else

I am an advocate, an attorney, or a representative.  Can I file an application for benefits on behalf of someone else?

Yes.  You can complete an online application for benefits on someone's behalf at Applying for Social Security Benefits.

If you are completing the application information with the individual applying for benefits, click on the button on the first page of the Internet application that reads:  I am helping someone who wants to apply for benefits and is with me. When the application is complete, the claimant must sign the application electronically by clicking the SIGN NOW button at the end of the application.

You are not allowed to sign an application on behalf of an individual.  If you are completing an online application on behalf an individual who is not with you, click on the button that reads:  I am helping someone who is not with me, and therefore cannot sign the application at this time.  

When the application is complete, click the FINISH button at the end of the application.  A paper application will be mailed to the individual so that they can review, sign, and return it to Social Security.

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