


Web Manager University (WMU) Is Now DigitalGovU

Web Manager University, the federal government’s training program for web, new media, and citizen engagement is now DigitalGov University (DGU).

Why change? Why now? We’ve seen a huge growth in agencies needing to increase skills and knowledge of digital media and citizen engagement to deliver better results and create a more open and innovative government.

It’s not just web and new media professionals who need these critical skills. Program managers want to know how to better use the web, social media, mobile, and other tools to deliver a more compelling customer experience. So we’ve changed the name to reflect a broader scope and to emphasize that anyone who wants to use digital media can benefit from the training.

This broad curriculum includes training in:

  • Social media
  • Citizen engagement
  • Mobile
  • Web management
  • Plain language
  • Challenges and Prizes
  • Managing call centers
  • Emerging technologies

Last year, we had more than 10,000 class attendees, both online and in-person — a testament to the growing demand for this type of practical, cost-effective training.

According to Training Manager Sandra Sheard, classes are designed to meet the needs of government program managers, web and new media professionals, CIO and IT staff, senior leaders, and anyone who wants to use digital media to deliver a great customer experience.

Follow Twitter #DigitalGovU for course-related tweets; for broader view of what is happening you’ll find timely and relevant bites  @GovNewMedia. Email more your thing? Contact the team at DigitalGovU@gsa.gov to ask questions or share ideas.

And please join us for the annual Government Web & New Media Conference, May 16-17 in Washington, DC. This is the largest gathering of government web and new media professionals in the U.S, attracting over 500 attendees, and we’re more than half way there with current registration!

Comments, questions, ideas on how DGU can better serve your training needs? Tell us; we’re here to listen.

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