U.S. Department of Justice

Jail Standards and Inspection Programs: Resource and Implementation Guide

Publication year: 2007 | Cataloged on: Jun. 19, 2007

Library ID

  • 022180


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  • 2007
  • 64 pages.

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  • Jail Standards and Inspection Programs: Resource and Implementation Guide

Thumbnail preview ANNOTATION: “The purpose of this guide is to give information that will help states and state jail-related organizations to develop or update jail standards and inspection programs" (p. v). This publication contains the following sections: introduction; role and purpose of jail standards; jail standards and liability; key elements of jail standards and inspection programs; strategies for developing and implementing jail standards programs; technical assistance and resources available from the National Institute of Corrections; topics of litigation; summary of state standards and inspection programs; profiles of three organizational models of standards programs; example of a group charter for a jail standards planning committee; excerpted sections of enabling legislation for Nebraska Jail Standards; and Competency Profile of a Detention Facility Inspector.

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