106.1 - Metal (Inorganics) Constituents in Natural Matrices (liquid and solid forms)

Also see:

105.13 Lead in Paint, Dust, Soil
108.2 Metal Constituents in Fossil Fuels (liquid forms)
108.3 Sulfur and Mercury in Fossil Fuels

108.6 Fossil Fuel Trace Elements (solid forms)
110.1 Foods and Beverages
110.3 USA/Canada Collaborative Materials
111.2 Ores
111.4 Clay
111.5 Rocks and Minerals
111.7 Soils, Sediments, and Sludges
These SRMs and RM are for analysis of materials of health or environmental interest. [Also see Categories 105 and 111.]

PLEASE NOTE: The tables are presented to facilitate comparisons among a family of materials to help customers select the best SRM for their needs. For specific values and uncertainties, the certificate is the only official source.

- Certified values are normal font
- Reference values are italicized
- Values in parentheses are for information only

Detail - Detail    Certificate - Certificate    Report of Investigation - Report of Investigation    MSDS - MSDS    Data Files - Data Files    Questionaire - Questionnaire

  SRM Description Unit Size     Elemental Composition
Detail Certificate MSDS 1640a
Now Selling
Trace Elements in Natural Water 1 bottle x 250 mL   22 elements certified
7 reference values
Detail Certificate MSDS 1641d
Now Selling
Mercury In Water 10x10 mL   1 element certified
Detail Certificate MSDS 1643e
Now Selling
Trace Elements in Water 250 mL   29 elements certified
(1 information value)
Detail Certificate MSDS 1646a
Now Selling
Estuarine Sediment 70 g   20 elements certified
Detail Certificate MSDS 1648a
Now Selling
Urban Particulate Matter 2 g   24 elements certified
8 reference values
(6 information values)
Detail Certificate MSDS 1944
Now Selling
New York/New Jersey Waterway Sediment 50 g   9 elements certified
20 reference values
Detail Certificate MSDS 1946
Now Selling
Lake Superior Fish Tissue 5 x 7-9 grams   3 elements certified
9 reference values
Detail Certificate MSDS 1947
Now Selling
Lake Michigan Fish Tissue 5 x 8 grams   8 elements certified
Detail Certificate MSDS 2385
Now Selling
Slurried Spinach 4x70 g   7 elements certified
Detail Certificate MSDS 2387
Now Selling
Peanut Butter 3 x 170 g   9 elements certified
plus numerous non-elemental constituents
Detail Certificate MSDS 2451
Now Selling
Fine Carbon (Activated) - From Cyanide Ore Leaching 100 g   1 element certified (Hg)
1 reference value (Au)
Detail Certificate MSDS 2583
Now Selling
Trace Elements in Indoor Dust 8 g   5 elements certified
Detail Certificate MSDS 2584
Now Selling
Trace Elements in Indoor Dust 8 g   5 elements certified
10 reference values
Detail Certificate MSDS 2586
Now Selling
Trace Elements in Soil (contains lead from paint) 55 g   4 elements certified
18 reference values
Detail Certificate MSDS 2587
Now Selling
Trace Elements in Soil (contains lead from paint) 55 g   4 elements certified
14 reference values
Detail Certificate MSDS 2702
Now Selling
Inorganics in Marine Sediment 50 g   25 elements certified
8 reference values
Detail Certificate MSDS 2703
Now Selling
Sediment for Solid Sampling (Small, Sample) Analytical Techniques 5 g   22 elements certified
7 reference values
(9 information values)
Detail Certificate MSDS 2709a
Now Selling
San Joaquin Soil 50 g   19 elements certified
15 reference values
(10 information values)
Detail Certificate MSDS 2710a
Now Selling
Montana I Soil 50 g   22 elements certified
13 reference values
(13 information values)
Detail Certificate MSDS 2711a
Now Selling
Montana II Soil 50 g   25 elements certified
8 reference values
(12 information values)
Detail Certificate MSDS 2780
Now Selling
Hard Rock Mine Waste 50 g   12 elements certified
7 reference values
Detail Certificate MSDS 2781
Now Selling
Domestic Sludge 40 g   10 elements certified
Detail Certificate MSDS 2782
Now Selling
Industrial Sludge 70 g   10 elements certified
16 reference values
Detail Certificate MSDS 2783
Now Selling
Air Particulate on Filter Media 2 +2 Blnk (47 mm dia)   18 elements certified; 9 ref values
Detail Certificate MSDS 2855
Now Selling
Additive Elements in Polyethylene 3 bottles   Level I (12 info values)
Level II & III 7 cert values
1 ref value, (4 info values)
Detail Certificate MSDS 2976
Now Selling
Mussel Tissue (Trace Elements & Methylmercury) Freeze-dried 25 g   8 elements certified
20 reference values
(3 information values)
Detail Report of Investigation MSDS 8704
Now Selling
Buffalo River Sediment 50 g   25 reference values
Detail Report of Investigation MSDS 8785
Now Selling
Air Particulate Matter on Filter Media 3 filters   1 reference value
Detail Report of Investigation MSDS 8786
Now Selling
Filter Blank for RM 8785 filter   1 information value

- Certified values are normal font
- Reference values are italicized
- Values in parentheses are for information only