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Climate Change (Photo: Climate Change IIP Photo Gallery)

The Energy and Climate Partnership of the Americas will increase cooperation within the Western Hemisphere on energy and climate issues to enhance our energy security, reduce global greenhouse gas emissions, and build stronger relationships with our neigh

Energy and Climate Partnership of the Americas

"We must come together to find new ways to produce and use energy…So today, I'm proposing the creation of a new Energy and Climate Partnership of the Americas that can forge progress to a more secure and sustainable future." -President Barack Obama.

President Obama’s focus on renewable energy and climate change has brought environmental issues to the forefront of U.S. foreign policy.  His proposal for the Energy and Climate Partnership of the Americas will increase cooperation within the Western Hemisphere on energy and climate issues to enhance our energy security, reduce global greenhouse gas emissions, and build stronger relationships with our neighbors.

The United States and Colombia: Partners on Environmental Issues

Colombia is one of the five most biologically diverse countries on Earth, home to about ten percent of the world’s species. Colombia is the world leader in bird species richness, second in plant and amphibian diversity, and third in reptile species.

Colombia contains approximately six percent of the world’s forests, covering 75 percent of Colombia’s landmass. More than 40 percent of its territory is under some form of environmental protection, including 11 percent in national parks and formally protected areas.

U.S. support for the environment in Colombia focuses on reducing threats to biodiversity and from climate change through improved forest management, strengthening of protected areas and national parks, and improved environmental governance and sustainability in buffer zones.

The United States is working with Colombia through the Enhancing Capacity for Low Emission Development Strategies (EC-LEDS) program to support Colombia’s efforts to advance a low carbon development strategy.

To support Colombia’s National Strategy for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+), the U.S. is partnering with Colombia on forest monitoring and a REDD+ demonstration zone, which complements ongoing work on biodiversity and forest protection/management.

In addition, the U.S. has negotiated an Environmental Cooperation Agreement (ECA) with Colombia as a companion to the U.S.-Colombia Free Trade Agreement. 

USAID/Colombia’s has a 5-year bilateral Environment Strategy (2011—2016), which includes investments in environmental governance, biodiversity, and climate change—adaptation, mitigation, clean energy. For more information on USAID’s environment programs in Colombia, please visit the USAID/Colombia’s webpage:


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