United States Department of Veterans Affairs

About VA for Vets

Why Hire Vets Transcript



(Alice Muellerweiss)

Hiring managers, when looking to hire a Veteran, I challenge you to look beyond the stereotypes.

(Annie Spiczak)

Veterans come with a sense of purpose. They come with the knowledge, skills and abilities we're looking for and, most importantly, they have already given their service and sacrifice to our nation and they can continue that by working at the Department of Veterans Affairs.

(Gaye Broadway)

Veterans bring unique skills and attributes to the VA from their military background based on the training that they have received. In the Army we had military occupational specialties. Say you wanted to be a mechanic and you learned that through your trade. You can take that to any job that you have. As a nurse, you know, you go to nursing school and you learn your profession. By taking care of Veterans it is just giving back.

(Jon Palks)

The military teaches you to be task oriented. I think it instills a degree of discipline.

(Lee Becker)

The VA has a lot of things to get done for our Veterans that are coming back. And what better person to do that is a Veteran himself?

(Alma Holley-Jupiter)

People in the military learn to do what needs to be done, and so even though they may not have the exact thing or the exact equipment, they go ahead and take care of it. They make it happen.

(Orlando Jones)

A good reason to hire a Veteran is because Veterans represent only 1.6 percent of the total population. So, right there it says to me that you have a group of folks who are exemplary and exceptional. When you hire a Veteran, you hire someone who is multitasked. When you hire a Veteran, you hire a Veteran who understands time management, camaraderieship, teamwork.

(Annie Spiczak)

I work with Veterans every day. Either on my staff or through the application process, and I will tell you they are very dedicated, to each other and to their fellow Veterans. They're very passionate about the Veteran's causes and those Veterans that work for the Department of Veterans Affairs, they have a camaraderie with each other that you don't see any place else other than the military.

(Thor Wold)

Whenever you leave the military, one of the things that people will often most are complaining about is that they miss the community, that they miss the people, they miss the environment, they miss the sense of community, and the VA is a very nice gray area between the military and the civilian world and I think that working for the VA could benefit the Veteran just as much as the VA could benefit from having the Veteran.

(Gaye Broadway)

It’s kind of like the camaraderie, where as we still have that same ethic like we learned in the military that we are going to get the job done. We know the mission; we will ask questions; we make sure we have the clear guidance and direction. And we work together as a team. It's the team spirit.

(Orlando Jones)

When you hire a Vet, you're hiring one of your own. When you're hiring a Vet, I think you are hiring one of the best American citizens.

(Mary M. Santiago)

The Department of Veterans Affairs values our Veteran employees and are committed to hiring qualified Veterans to work at VA.

(Dennis O. May)

Through VA for Vets we are providing the resources that hiring managers need to effectively and efficiently fill open positions at VA with highly skilled and highly motivated Veterans. You are critical to helping us meet our goal of hiring more Veterans to serve our Veteran population and their families.

(Mary M. Santiago)

Hiring Veterans to work at VA is more than a leadership initiative. This is your opportunity to step up and do your part by supporting our Veterans.