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Forecast of HHS Small Business Contracting Opportunities

The HHS Small Business Contracting Opportunities Forecast for FY13 is currently unavailable while we are updating for fiscal year 2013.

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Public Law 100-656 requires the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to publish an annual “Forecast of HHS’ Contracting Opportunities”. The law emphasizes advance acquisition planning and HHS Operating Divisions (OPDIVs) with contracting opportunities participate in the Forecast.

The Forecast includes projections of all anticipated contract actions above $100,000 and it is for informational and marketing purposes only. It does not constitute a specific offer of commitment by HHS to fund, in whole or in part, the opportunities identified. This listing is not all-inclusive and additional information or opportunities will be added.  Direct any questions regarding a planned procurement to the HHS Small Business Specialists

See Federal Business Opportunities at for the Forecast of HHS opportunities above $25,000.

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 Last Updated: 10/16/2012