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On the Cloud:


NatCap Apps

NatCap Apps is our internal collaboration system powered by Google Apps. It includes many services, including Gmail, Docs, Calendar and many other programs secured under our own domain in the cloud. All members, including cadets, of Civil Air Patrol's National Capital Wing are authorized an account by submitting a request online below.

Primary Log-in Links

Additional Linked Apps

  • Google Video & Voice Plugin
  • Google Talk (desktop chat client)
  • Google Cloud Connect (plug-in for MS Office)
  • Google Apps Desktop
    The Google Apps Desktop features allow users to install Microsoft Windows desktop access points to Google Docs, Calendar, and Gmail. The desktop access points are pre-configured to work with NatCap Apps user accounts. These apps launch in a streamlined Google Chrome browser window. This update also allows users to set Gmail as their default e-mail program.