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Federal Highway Administration Research and Technology: Coordinating, Developing, and Delivering Highway Transportation Innovations



Safety Research and Development (R&D) Program


Research Focus Areas – The research focus areas of the Safety R&D program reflect current FHWA strategic focuses.

Comprehensive Approach to Safety – Data definition, data collection, analytical tools supporting data–driven safety decisions, and evaluation of safety treatments.

Human Factors – Examining drivers’ capabilities and limitations when interacting with the vehicle and the roadway to inform better roadway design. Other research topics include distraction, older drivers, traffic management centers, and the effects of changes in visibility.

Intersection Safety – Increasing our understanding of intersection safety, and establishing short– and long–term strategies for safety improvements. The design and evaluation of non–traditional intersections and interchanges, and development of systems to improve safety in or near intersections.

Pedestrians and Bicyclists Safety – Fostering professional awareness of pedestrian and bicyclist safety issues, developing and evaluating countermeasures, and providing engineering resources for practitioners at national, State, and local levels.

Roadway Departure – Research emphasizing keeping vehicles on the roadway, and minimizing the consequences of leaving the roadway. Advancing tools and technologies for crashes involving roadway departures and collisions with roadside hardware.

Speed Management – Research to develop and test engineering approaches to speed management, and to encourage wider adoption of appropriate travel speeds.

Visibility – Research to improve visibility on and along the roadway, and of traffic control devices.