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Statistics for Development Web

Month: Topic
Most popular
topic views:
Top contributors for
topic save and uploads:
Jan 2013 345 3 1  66 WebHome
 49 MeetingsAndConferences
 33 NetcdfConvention
 18 AtbdCentral
 12 20110322
 11 TopicTagSearch
 10 GppaWorkflow
  9 FilenameConvention
  9 UsersWorkshop2012
  7 MultiFileAttach
  7 WebCreateNewTopic
  4 TimHewison
Dec 2012 20 0 0   2 WebHome
  2 GppaWorkflow
  1 WebCreateNewTopic
  1 20121023
  1 GsicsOperationsPlan
  1 20100209
  1 FilenameConvention
  1 StandardVariableNames
  1 WebPreferences
  1 MeetingsAndConferences
  1 ImageRepository
Nov 2012 516 6 0  71 WebHome
 70 MeetingsAndConferences
 40 20121031
 32 20121128
 31 TopicTagSearch
 23 AtbdCentral
 20 GppaWorkflow
 16 NetcdfConvention
 14 20101012
 13 20110322
 12 20120305
  5 TimHewison
  1 AleksandarJelenak
Oct 2012 788 22 6  98 MeetingsAndConferences
 81 WebHome
 65 NetcdfConvention
 59 20121023
 50 FilenameConvention
 33 UsersWorkshop2012
 33 20121031
 29 TopicTagSearch
 28 20110622
 22 AtbdCentral
 21 20110322
 20 AleksandarJelenak
  7 TimHewison
  1 FangfangYu
Sep 2012 1542 11 5 227 TopicTagSearch
145 UsersWorkshop2012
126 MeetingsAndConferences
125 WebHome
 74 NetcdfConvention
 65 FilenameConvention
 41 ProcessingHistoryInIsoMetadata
 40 WebCreateNewTopic
 39 AtbdCentral
 33 MultiFileAttach
 30 20120305
 11 TimHewison
  3 FangfangYu
  2 AleksandarJelenak
Aug 2012 22 0 0   5 MeetingsAndConferences
  3 20120719
  2 WebHome
  1 UsersWorkshop2011
  1 AtbdCentral
  1 20120619
  1 20110622
  1 InstrumentInformation
  1 StandardVariableNames
  1 ProcessingHistoryInIsoMetadata
  1 20120305
Jul 2012 1183 24 6 154 20120719
131 WebHome
 97 MeetingsAndConferences
 78 TopicTagSearch
 46 NetcdfConvention
 36 StandardVariableNames
 33 ProcessingHistoryInIsoMetadata
 30 AtbdCentral
 27 FilenameConvention
 27 20120305
 25 MultiFileAttach
 23 TimHewison
  7 AleksandarJelenak
Jun 2012 1975 63 6 401 TopicTagSearch
147 WebHome
114 MultiFileAttach
111 NetcdfConvention
103 WebCreateNewTopic
 98 MeetingsAndConferences
 95 20120619
 76 FilenameConvention
 55 GsicsOperationsPlan
 36 GppaWorkflow
 27 AtbdCentral
 44 AleksandarJelenak
 14 FangfangYu
 11 TimHewison
May 2012 1332 31 4 152 WebHome
137 MeetingsAndConferences
106 GsicsOperationsPlan
 95 TopicTagSearch
 70 20120523
 43 WebCreateNewTopic
 42 StandardVariableNames
 41 20120305
 40 FAQ
 39 FilenameConvention
 36 AtbdCentral
 19 FangfangYu
 11 AleksandarJelenak
  5 TimHewison
Apr 2012 1189 8 2 177 WebHome
173 TopicTagSearch
128 MeetingsAndConferences
 70 WebCreateNewTopic
 49 20120417
 46 AtbdCentral
 46 NetcdfConvention
 33 20120305
 28 StandardVariableNames
 26 ProcessingHistoryInIsoMetadata
 22 GppaWorkflow
  5 FangfangYu
  5 TimHewison
Mar 2012 1696 54 5 309 TopicTagSearch
211 20120305
174 WebHome
142 MeetingsAndConferences
 31 NetcdfConvention
 30 AtbdCentral
 29 UsersWorkshop2011
 29 WebCreateNewTopic
 28 GdwgActions
 27 20120223
 26 MultiFileAttach
 43 TimHewison
 14 AleksandarJelenak
  2 ArataOKUYAMA
Feb 2012 1381 24 7 314 TopicTagSearch
139 MeetingsAndConferences
132 WebHome
 72 20120223
 62 AtbdCentral
 61 20120305
 53 UsersWorkshop2011
 47 NetcdfConvention
 32 ImageRepository
 25 FAQ
 21 WebChanges
 31 TimHewison
Jan 2012 959 10 1  81 WebHome
 72 MeetingsAndConferences
 63 WebCreateNewTopic
 60 20120117
 46 TopicTagSearch
 37 MultiFileAttach
 37 UsersWorkshop2011
 29 AtbdCentral
 27 20111213
 25 StandardVariableNames
 21 ProcessingHistoryInIsoMetadata
 11 TimHewison
Dec 2011 1858 15 5 150 WebHome
132 20111213
128 WebCreateNewTopic
105 WebSearch
104 MeetingsAndConferences
 99 MultiFileAttach
 78 TopicTagSearch
 54 ProcessingHistoryInIsoMetadata
 50 NetcdfConvention
 48 AtbdCentral
 45 FilenameConvention
 17 TimHewison
  3 FangfangYu
Nov 2011 963 14 6 119 WebHome
101 20111117
 83 MeetingsAndConferences
 53 TopicTagSearch
 46 AtbdCentral
 42 ProcessingHistoryInIsoMetadata
 37 20111026
 35 NetcdfConvention
 23 WebChanges
 22 MultiFileAttach
 21 UsersWorkshop2011
 16 TimHewison
  4 FangfangYu
Oct 2011 1350 12 2 116 20111026
112 TopicTagSearch
107 WebHome
 77 MeetingsAndConferences
 75 WebCreateNewTopic
 52 MultiFileAttach
 49 NetcdfConvention
 42 AtbdCentral
 38 ProcessingHistoryInIsoMetadata
 30 FilenameConvention
 28 WebChanges
 12 TimHewison
  1 ArataOKUYAMA
  1 AleksandarJelenak
Sep 2011 1736 13 22 216 UsersWorkshop2011
153 TopicTagSearch
126 WebHome
 90 WebCreateNewTopic
 67 ProcessingHistoryInIsoMetadata
 63 WebSearch
 60 MeetingsAndConferences
 40 AtbdCentral
 35 NetcdfConvention
 33 MultiFileAttach
 32 WebChanges
 26 TimHewison
  4 FangfangYu
  2 AleksandarJelenak
  2 AndrewHeidinger
  1 XiangqianWu
Aug 2011 3063 44 10 614 WebCreateNewTopic
505 TopicTagSearch
166 WebHome
156 UsersWorkshop2011
139 MultiFileAttach
120 20110809
116 WebSearch
 79 MeetingsAndConferences
 69 AtbdCentral
 66 NetcdfConvention
 40 20110726
 45 TimHewison
  4 LiYuan
  3 AleksandarJelenak
  2 FangfangYu
Jul 2011 2109 31 13 242 WebCreateNewTopic
197 TopicTagSearch
154 WebHome
142 20110726
126 MultiFileAttach
105 AtbdCentral
 59 MeetingsAndConferences
 55 UsersWorkshop2011
 44 ProcessingHistoryInIsoMetadata
 39 NetcdfConvention
 37 GppaWorkflow
 26 TimHewison
  7 RobertIacovazzi
  5 LiYuan
  3 ArataOKUYAMA
  3 FangfangYu
Jun 2011 1527 22 1 186 WebCreateNewTopic
122 WebHome
116 TopicTagSearch
105 MultiFileAttach
 61 AtbdCentral
 52 MeetingsAndConferences
 35 NetcdfConvention
 30 20100622
 25 20101012
 24 GsicsOperationsPlan
 23 UsersWorkshop2010
 11 TimHewison
  9 AleksandarJelenak
  3 FangfangYu
May 2011 4197 40 0 489 TopicTagSearch
424 WebStatistics
223 20110322
202 WebCreateNewTopic
195 WebHome
164 NetcdfConvention
154 AtbdCentral
148 MultiFileAttach
140 MeetingsAndConferences
137 MaterialMTSAT
107 20090714
 32 AleksandarJelenak
  8 TimHewison
Apr 2011 3351 15 4 317 TopicTagSearch
290 20100209
164 FilenameConvention
152 20090714
130 20100622
122 20100422
109 MultiFileAttach
109 WebCreateNewTopic
 96 20100609
 90 20110322
 89 UsersWorkshop2010
 10 AleksandarJelenak
  4 TimHewison
  3 FangfangYu
  2 RobertIacovazzi
Mar 2011 2016 111 68 447 TopicTagSearch
230 20110322
188 WebHome
117 MeetingsAndConferences
 75 NetcdfConvention
 60 MultiFileAttach
 54 DaejeonInformation?
 54 GsicsOperationsPlan
 43 ProcessingHistoryInIsoMetadata
 41 UsersWorkshop2010
 38 20110217
156 TimHewison
 10 AleksandarJelenak
  7 HiromiOwada
  4 AndrewHeidinger
  2 ArataOKUYAMA
Feb 2011 5295 20 6 3065 TopicTagSearch
194 20100209
180 WebHome
175 20110217
156 MultiFileAttach
117 WebCreateNewTopic
116 MeetingsAndConferences
112 20110322
 61 AtbdCentral
 52 GppaWorkflow
 50 StandardVariableNames
 10 HiromiOwada
  8 TimHewison
  7 RobertIacovazzi
  1 FangfangYu
Jan 2011 3249 40 6 1553 TopicTagSearch
148 WebHome
138 MeetingsAndConferences
128 MultiFileAttach
111 20100209
 94 20110322
 85 20110118
 83 WebCreateNewTopic
 64 GppaWorkflow
 56 AtbdCentral
 51 NetcdfConvention
 35 TimHewison
  6 RobertIacovazzi
  5 FangfangYu
Dec 2010 943 22 6 101 20101209
 90 WebHome
 68 MeetingsAndConferences
 35 ProcessingHistoryInIsoMetadata
 31 GppaWorkflow
 24 UsersWorkshop2010
 20 NetcdfConvention
 19 WebChanges
 19 20110118
 18 FAQ
 16 WebPreferences
 19 TimHewison
  9 HiromiOwada
Nov 2010 1307 18 4 125 TopicTagSearch
119 WebHome
100 MeetingsAndConferences
 69 20101118
 44 20101012
 44 WebCreateNewTopic
 42 WebChanges
 36 FAQ
 34 GppaWorkflow
 33 20100622
 32 UsersWorkshop2009
 22 TimHewison
Oct 2010 1727 22 5 190 WebHome
181 TopicTagSearch
114 MeetingsAndConferences
 99 20101012
 84 UsersWorkshop2010
 57 NetcdfConvention
 52 WebPreferences
 46 WebChanges
 45 StandardVariableNames
 39 UsersWorkshop2009
 33 GppaWorkflow
 25 TimHewison
  2 MarkRomer
Sep 2010 1840 26 15 340 TopicTagSearch
328 WebHome
159 WebCreateNewTopic
135 MultiFileAttach
129 WebLeftBarLinks
 78 UsersWorkshop2010
 52 WebPreferences
 47 ProductsTimeline
 44 ProcessingHistoryInIsoMetadata
 42 MeetingsAndConferences
 30 NetcdfConvention
 34 TimHewison
  5 AleksandarJelenak
  1 HiromiOwada
  1 WikiGuest
Aug 2010 2413 28 3 397 WebCreateNewTopic
316 TopicTagSearch
190 WebHome
115 MultiFileAttach
 72 TreeViewTest?
 71 MeetingsAndConferences
 71 20100810
 65 FAQ
 51 UsersWorkshop2010
 51 FilenameConvention
 51 WebStatistics
 25 TimHewison
  4 PeterMiu
  2 AleksandarJelenak
Jul 2010 2006 30 16 279 WebCreateNewTopic
196 WebHome
182 TopicTagSearch
 95 20100727
 66 MeetingsAndConferences
 64 FAQ
 53 WebPreferences
 45 NetcdfConvention
 43 20100622
 42 20090324
 40 WebStatistics
 33 HiromiOwada
 13 TimHewison
Jun 2010 2253 109 28 235 WebHome
219 20100622
154 MeetingsAndConferences
154 WebCreateNewTopic
138 TopicTagSearch
103 MultiFileAttach
 94 NetcdfConvention
 86 20100609
 82 FilenameConvention
 77 StandardVariableNames
 58 FAQ
 63 TimHewison
 33 HiromiOwada
 33 AleksandarJelenak
  4 XiangqianWu
  4 MarkRomer
May 2010 3138 78 9 640 TopicTagSearch
226 WebHome
150 MeetingsAndConferences
133 StandardVariableNames
117 FAQ
107 GppaWorkflow
107 WebCreateNewTopic
 93 FilenameConvention
 91 AtbdCentral
 76 NetcdfConvention
 74 TestMultiUpload?
 49 AleksandarJelenak
 21 RobertIacovazzi
 12 TimHewison
  3 HiromiOwada
  2 FangfangYu
Apr 2010 2833 144 16 415 WebHome
272 20100422
202 MeetingsAndConferences
183 TopicTagSearch
148 WebCreateNewTopic
121 GppaWorkflow
118 FAQ
 68 TreeViewTest?
 63 20100413
 57 WebTopicList
 57 WebSearch
 85 AleksandarJelenak
 64 TimHewison
  4 HiromiOwada
  3 RobertIacovazzi
  2 XiangqianWu
  2 FangfangYu
Mar 2010 1501 36 5 126 WebHome
102 20090714
 98 WebCreateNewTopic
 84 20100209
 83 GppaWorkflow
 53 UsersWorkshop2009
 48 WebPreferences
 48 MeetingsAndConferences
 44 20090527
 42 WebChanges
 36 20090623
 29 AleksandarJelenak
 10 TimHewison
  2 RobertIacovazzi
Feb 2010 1839 231 74 721 20100209
185 WebHome
113 MeetingsAndConferences
 87 NetcdfConvention
 70 FilenameConvention
 61 WebPreferences
 58 ProcessingHistoryInIsoMetadata
 56 WebCreateNewTopic
 36 WebChanges
 35 20091201
 30 TreeViewTest?
151 HiromiOwada
 85 AleksandarJelenak
 61 TimHewison
  4 RobertIacovazzi
  4 FangfangYu
Jan 2010 1460 94 10 189 WebCreateNewTopic
129 WebHome
114 EquationTest?
 77 20100209
 63 NetcdfConvention
 59 FilenameConvention
 50 ProcessingHistoryInIsoMetadata
 49 MeetingsAndConferences
 47 WebStatistics
 46 WebPreferences
 29 UsersWorkshop2009
 81 AleksandarJelenak
 23 TimHewison
Dec 2009 1898 146 5 750 WebCreateNewTopic
170 ProcessingHistoryInIsoMetadata
170 WebHome
 70 WebPreferences
 46 WebStatistics
 43 FilenameConvention
 43 EquationTest?
 42 WebLeftBar
 37 NetcdfConvention
 32 MeetingsAndConferences
 24 WebLeftBarLinks
151 AleksandarJelenak
Nov 2009 1386 80 2 146 ProcessingHistoryInIsoMetadata
109 20090527
 95 20090714
 92 UsersWorkshop2009
 90 WebHome
 76 20090623
 76 WebCreateNewTopic
 74 20090512
 63 20090324
 60 WebStatistics
 39 MeetingsAndConferences
 77 AleksandarJelenak
  5 TimHewison
Oct 2009 2674 742 17 536 WebCreateNewTopic
185 WebHome
163 ProcessingHistoryInIsoMetadata
132 WebChanges
120 WebSearch
109 AtbdComponentTemplate
108 AtbdCentral
104 UsersWorkshop2009
 90 WebTopicList
 81 AtbdStepTemplate
 73 AtbdStp1Prc1Lvl3ClsIReeGL
674 AleksandarJelenak
 65 HiromiOwada
 10 RobertIacovazzi
 10 TimHewison
Sep 2009 1093 327 37 126 WebHome
118 WebChanges
 86 WebCreateNewTopic
 83 CreateAtbdStepTwo
 63 WebTopicList
 60 NetcdfFilenames?
 54 CreateAtbdStepOne
 53 UsersWorkshop?
 50 AtbdMainTemplate
 46 AtbdCentral
 41 AtbdStepTemplate
265 AleksandarJelenak
 99 TimHewison
Aug 2009 380 16 0  71 WebHome
 32 WebCreateNewTopic
 27 WebMeetings?
 26 AtbdComponentTemplate
 22 NetcdfConvention
 18 AtbdJma?
 14 StandardVariableNames
 14 WebPreferences
 10 NetcdfFilenames?
  8 WebStatistics
  7 WebTopicList
 16 AleksandarJelenak
Jul 2009 1359 224 8 198 AtbdMtsatAirs
153 WebCreateNewTopic
102 WebMeetings?
 80 AtbdMtsatAirsStep2
 61 20090714
 60 AtbdMtsatAirsStep2bCompiiiVer005
 56 WebHome
 56 AtbdMtsatAirsStep2bCompiiiVer006
 54 AtbdTesting?
 45 NetcdfFilenames?
 37 WebChanges
215 HiromiOwada
 17 AleksandarJelenak
Jun 2009 820 35 7  94 WebCreateNewTopic
 92 WebHome
 89 NetcdfFilenames?
 65 20090527
 65 WebMeetings?
 61 NetcdfConvention
 53 StandardVariableNames
 51 WebStatistics
 47 20090623
 22 WebChanges
 17 20090512
 22 AleksandarJelenak
 16 TimHewison
  2 HiromiOwada
  2 FangfangYu
May 2009 964 50 9 144 WebHome
101 NetcdfConvention
 98 WebMeetings?
 90 NetcdfFilenames?
 58 StandardVariableNames
 57 20090512
 46 WebCreateNewTopic
 36 WebChanges
 35 LeoLeoIntercalSnoAtbd
 31 20090527
 26 WebTopicList
 30 AleksandarJelenak
 28 TimHewison
  1 RobertIacovazzi
Apr 2009 1188 139 9 159 WebHome
123 LeoLeoIntercalSnoAtbd
 87 WebTopicList
 86 WebCreateNewTopic
 85 WebMeetings?
 74 NetcdfConvention
 73 LeoLeoIntercalSnoHome
 57 TestForBob?
 50 NetcdfFilenames?
 43 20090324
 40 WebChanges
 69 RobertIacovazzi
 46 AleksandarJelenak
 33 TimHewison
Mar 2009 760 77 1 165 NetcdfFilenames?
146 WebHome
 96 NetcdfConvention
 35 HowToRegister
 30 EquationTest?
 25 WebCreateNewTopic
 25 WebPreferences
 24 WebSearch
 21 WebTopicList
 19 WebChanges
 19 WebLeftBar
 78 AleksandarJelenak
Feb 2009 667 179 14 172 Trash.GSICSCFMetadataForGsicsFiles?
123 WebHome
 88 WebPreferences
 70 WebCreateNewTopic
 50 NetcdfConvention
 41 EquationTest?
 31 WebTopicList
 14 WebSearch
 13 UsefulLinks
 12 WebStatistics
  9 HowToRegister
189 AleksandarJelenak
  4 MarkRomer
Dec 2008 268 55 1  76 WebHome
 57 EquationTest?
 34 LeoLeoIntercalSnoHome
 32 HowToRegister
 15 WebPreferences
 13 WebTopicList
 12 UsefulLinks
 10 WebStatistics
 10 WebChanges
  5 WebCreateNewTopic
  3 MeetingMinutes20081008?
 49 AleksandarJelenak
  5 RobertIacovazzi
  2 MarkRomer
Oct 2008 104 19 0  48 WebHome
 25 MeetingMinutes20081008?
 17 WebPreferences
  7 WebTopicList
  3 WebCreateNewTopic
  2 WebChanges
  1 WebNotify
  1 WebStatistics
 16 AleksandarJelenak
  3 Main.admin

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  • Suggestion: You could archive this topic once a year and delete the previous year's statistics from the table.
Topic revision: r792 - 20 Jan 2013 - 12:49:12 - WikiGuest

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