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News > Commentary - CHAPLAINS' CORNER: Everybody needs somebody sometime!
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 "When I was younger, I used to think I could handle anything that life or the military could throw at me." --Chaplain (Maj.) Craig Benson
A Full-time Reserve Chaplain
Chaplain (Maj.) Craig Benson stands in front of the base chapel at March Air Reserve Base, April 2. Chaplain Benson arrived at March ARB last month and is the first of six new Active Guard Reserve chaplains assigned to the most active bases across the United States. (U.S. Air Force Photo/2nd Lt. Zach Anderson)
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CHAPLAINS' CORNER: Everybody needs somebody sometime!

Posted 10/29/2011   Updated 10/14/2011 Email story   Print story


Commentary by Chaplain Craig Benson
452 AMW Chaplain Office

10/29/2011 - MARCH AIR RESERVE BASE, Calif. -- Do you remember the popular Dean Martin song, "Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime?" It is a catchy title and tune, but we can create another important truth by replacing the word "loves" with the word "needs." The nugget of wisdom I have learned over the years is that we all need somebody sometime to help us through the tough times of life...and that includes you and me!

When I was younger, I used to think I could handle anything that life or the military could throw at me. I worked through the challenges that came my way and for some reason felt I had to endure those tough times all by myself. I remember the stress, worry, increased heart beats and sleepless nights. Not much fun! But I was going to get through it, somehow, all by myself.

Back then, my strategy for dealing with personal crises only made things worse. With my "I can handle everything by myself" attitude, I ignored the very people who cared about me the most - my family, friends and co-workers. I actually prided myself on not asking for help or advice from others! I believed these were signs of weakness, but I was clearly wrong to think this. A friend of mine said I had a "pride issue." Looking back, I would call that attitude "very stupid and dangerous."

Since then, I have slowly learned to deal with my "pride issues." I first had to realize that experiencing tough times, whether with people, money, emotions or just life in general, is not a sign of weakness. It is really a fact of life that we all have to deal with at some time and in some way.

Next, I had to learn to reach out to others. Even if they couldn't provide relief from my tough situation, it was encouraging to have them by my side to help me all the way through the difficulty.

I am living proof that "everybody needs somebody sometime." I've been there, felt the pain, confusion and loneliness, and now I want to be there to help others through their tough times.

There is no need to go down the path of pride like I did. I encourage you to be that "somebody" who reaches out to others for help or advice and to be there for those who "need somebody sometime."

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