NVC Contact Information

If you have specific questions about a case, please contact the NVC.

By E-mail

The NVC’s e-mail address is NVCINQUIRY@state.gov.

E-mail is the NVC’s preferred method of communication.

Note: Use your personal e-mail account to contact the NVC. If you click on the email address above and your computer does not automatically connect to your personal email, copy and paste the above e-mail address into an e-mail using your personal e-mail account.

In order to ensure a prompt response:

  • Enter your NVC Case Number or USCIS Receipt Number in the Subject Line of the e-mail.
  • Provide the applicant’s name and date of birth and the petitioner’s name and date of birth.
  • If the petition is employment-based, include the employer's company/organization name.
  • Provide the attorney of record’s name, law firm and address (if applicable).

By Phone

Customer Service Representatives are available to respond to case  inquiries.

Telephone number: (603) 334-0700

Hours: Monday through Friday from 7:00 AM to 12:00 AM (Eastern Time)

You must include the following information to receive a case specific response:

  • Your NVC Case Number or USCIS receipt number
  • The applicant’s name and date of birth and the petitioner’s name and date of birth
  • If you are an attorney, include the name of the law office requesting the information

Note: This service requires the use of a touch-tone telephone.

By Postal Mail

Written questions about a case should be sent to:

National Visa Center
Attn: WC
31 Rochester Ave. Suite 200
Portsmouth, NH 03801-2915

Forms, documents, and photographs should be sent to:

National Visa Center
Attn: DR
31 Rochester Ave. Suite 100
Portsmouth, NH 03801-2914