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Jobs, Taxes, and the Economy

Jobs, taxes and the economy

Jobs, taxes and the economy

Washington has pursued jobs-killing policies, such as a government takeover of health care, a national energy tax, union ‘card-check,’ and a financial regulatory bill that enshrines us as a bailout nation.  These factors have injected uncertainty into the economy, causing nearly $2 trillion in private capital that should be at work creating jobs to stay on the sidelines.

I believe that no nation can spend, borrow, and bailout its way to prosperity. Americans want paychecks, not more unemployment checks. Our economy will not fully recover until Washington stops threatening and punishing job creators with laws and regulations that discourage economic growth.
You may be certain that I will continue to work to keep taxes low on American families and business.  I know that at a time when families are struggling to pay their mortgages, their health care premiums, and to send their kids to college, the last thing we should do is raise taxes.

  • Uncertainty in the economy has prevented a more robust economic recovery and sustained job creation.  One of the largest causes of this uncertainty are misguided regulations imposed on small businesses, which is why I have cosponsored legislation to require congressional review of any government regulations that have a significant impact on the economy or burden small businesses (H.R. 10).
  • According to a recent study by the Federal Reserve, almost $2 trillion in liquidity is sitting on the sideline in our economy, instead of being used to create jobs and foster economic growth.  I support the Republican Path to Prosperity Budget which embraces a pro-growth tax reform by lowering individual and corporate tax rates while eliminating the confusing and burdensome tangle of loopholes, making the tax code fairer, flatter, and simpler for families and small businesses.

December 12, 2012 Hensarling Statement on Federal Reserve’s Announcement of Additional Stimulus

October 26, 2012 Hensarling Statement on New GDP Report

October 5, 2012 Hensarling Statement on September Unemployment Report

September 7, 2012 Hensarling Statement on President Obama’s Failure to Meet Legal Deadline, Explain Defense Cuts

September 7, 2012 Hensarling Statement on Latest Unemployment Report

September 4, 2012 Hensarling Statement on U.S. Debt Reaching $16 Trillion

July 27, 2012 Hensarling Statement on Second Quarter GDP Report

July 26, 2012 Hensarling Statement on House Effort to Reduce Red Tape for America’s Job Creators

June 28, 2012 Hensarling Criticizes SCOTUS Decision, Calls for Full Repeal

June 1, 2012 Hensarling Says 3 ½ Years Into Presidency, Obama’s Policies “Still Failing”

June 1, 2012 Hensarling Statement on May 2012 Unemployment Report

May 17, 2012 In Case You Missed it: Hensarling on CNN’s Starting Point

May 4, 2012 Hensarling Statement on April 2012 Unemployment Report

April 20, 2012 Hensarling Statement on CBO Report Confirming President Obama’s Budget Would Hurt Economy

March 29, 2012 Hensarling Statement on Passage of House GOP “Path to Prosperity” Budget

March 23, 2012 Hensarling Statement on Second Anniversary of President Obama’s Federal Takeover of Health Care

March 7, 2012 Hensarling Leads Floor Debate on JOBS Act

February 29, 2012 Hensarling Statement on Bernanke Testimony before the House Financial Services Committee

February 17, 2012 Hensarling Statement on Third Anniversary of Failed ‘Stimulus’ Bill

February 7, 2012 Hensarling Floor Statement on the Budget and Accounting Transparency Act of 2012

January 6, 2012 Hensarling Statement on Latest Unemployment Report

January 4, 2012 Hensarling Condemns President’s Unprecedented ‘Recess Appointment’ of CFPB Director

December 13, 2011 Hensarling on the Middle Class Tax Relief & Job Creation Act

December 2, 2011 Hensarling Statement on Latest Unemployment Report, House GOP Plan for America’s Job Creators

November 30, 2011 Hensarling Statement in Support of the Workforce Democracy and Fairness Act

November 18, 2011 Hensarling Calls for Passage of Balanced Budget Amendment (VIDEO)

November 3, 2011 Hensarling Statement on House-Passed Access to Capital Bills to Boost Job Creation

October 13, 2011 Hensarling Statement on South Korean President Lee Myung-bak’s Visit to Congress

October 12, 2011 Hensarling Statement in Praise of House-Passed Free Trade Agreements to Create Jobs, Growth

October 6, 2011 Hensarling Statement in Support of Cement Sector Regulatory Relief Act of 2011

October 4, 2011 Hensarling Responds to President Obama’s Remarks in Mesquite, Texas

September 13, 2011 Hensarling Encourages Americans to Speak Out About a Balanced Budget Amendment

September 8, 2011 Hensarling Response to the President’s Address to Congress

August 1, 2011 Hensarling Statement on Revised Budget Control Act of 2011

July 30, 2011 Hensarling Statement on Reid Plan Vote

July 29, 2011 Hensarling Statement on Passage of the Budget Control Act of 2011

July 18, 2011 Hensarling Responds to President Obama’s Threat to Veto Cut, Cap and Balance Legislation

July 11, 2011 Hensarling Response to the President’s Press Conference on Debt Limit Negotiations

July 11, 2011 Hensarling Response to the President’s Press Conference on Debt Limit Negotiations

June 29, 2011 Hensarling Discusses Jobs, Economy in Forney

June 22, 2011 Hensarling Statement on Long-Term CBO Outlook

June 15, 2011 Hensarling Speaks on House Floor About Job Creation

May 31, 2011 Hensarling Statement in Opposition to Raising Debt Limit Without Spending Cuts

May 26, 2011 Hensarling Statement on GOP Plan for America’s Job Creators

May 6, 2011 Hensarling Statement on Latest Jobs Report

April 28, 2011 Hensarling Discusses Federal Debt Crisis

April 18, 2011 Hensarling Statement on S&P Downgrade of America’s Long-term Credit Rating from “Stable” to “Negative”

April 14, 2011 Hensarling Statement on House Republicans’ “Path to Prosperity” Budget

April 13, 2011 Hensarling Statement on the President’s Deficit Speech

April 7, 2011 Hensarling Statement on Passage of the Troop Funding Bill and House Republican Efforts to Keep the Government Open

April 5, 2011 Hensarling Statement on Senate Passage of 1099 Repeal and House Measures to Reverse Job-Destroying Regulations

April 5, 2011 Hensarling Statement on the House Republican Budget Proposal: “Path to Prosperity”

April 4, 2011 Hensarling Statement on Spending Negotiations

March 30, 2011 National Taxpayers Union Recognizes Hensarling As One Of The Top Spending Reducers In The House

March 23, 2011 Hensarling Statement on One-Year Anniversary of ‘Obamacare’

March 23, 2011 Hensarling Discusses Federal Debt & Spending Cuts: Congressman Discusses Recent Spending Cuts and Need for Fiscal Sanity

March 18, 2011 Hensarling Re-Introduces Legislation to End Taxpayer Funded Bailout of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

March 17, 2011 Hensarling Statement on House Vote to Defund NPR

February 17, 2011 Hensarling Statement on Two Year Anniversary of the Failed Stimulus

February 15, 2011 Congressman Hensarling Highlights House Majority’s Commitment to Creating a Better Environment for Job Growth

February 8, 2011 Hensarling Discusses Jobs, Spending Cuts

September 15, 2010 Hensarling Comments at GOP Leadership Stakeout

August 30, 2010 Hensarling Wins Defender of Economic Freedom Award

June 24, 2010 Hensarling & Ryan: A Road Map To America's Future