Eisenhower Army Medical Center
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Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP)

Location: 2nd Floor, Room 110
EFMP Case Coordinator/Special Needs Advisor: (706) 787-9300
Appointments for overseas deployment screening or enrollment: (706) 787-7300

The Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) is a mandatory U. S. Army Human Resources Command Program. The EFMP, working in concert with other military and civilian agencies, is designed to provide a comprehensive, coordinated and multi-agency approach for medical, educational, community support, housing, and personnel services to exceptional family members (EFM).

The purpose of the EFMP is to ensure that the special needs for the EFM are available in the projected area of assignment prior to permanent change of station.

Fort Gordon is located approximately 10 miles from the Medical College of Georgia (MCG) and Children’s Medical Center (CMC) in Augusta, GA. Most specialty and subspecialty medical care is available through TRICARE at MCG and CMC.

Please contact the EFM Case Coordinator/Special Needs Advisor at (706) 787-9300 or DSN 773-9300 about the availability of medical services.

The EFMP manager in Army Community Services on Fort Gordon may be contacted at (706) 791-4872/3579 or DSN 787-4872/3579 for assistance with community services, i.e., special education services, workshops, support groups, relocation assistance.