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Air Evacuation

Location: Room 1O-17
Phone: (706) 787-8868/0097

In order to be Air-Evacuated to or from Eisenhower Army Medical Center, you must have proper authorization from your physician and the Air Evacuation Office in your local Medical Treatment Facility. Your physician will prepare the AF 3899 and complete a Narrative Summary (specify Air-Evac). Ensure that your physician has signed the narrative summary; you or those who are assisting you will submit the form to your local Air Evacuation Office. Upon acceptance of completed, signed AF 3899 you will be entered into the United States Transportation Regulating and Command & Control Evacuation System.

Any treatment or medication that your physician prescribes for in-flight use must be listed on the AF 3899, even if you are able to self medicate.

Medication requirements are:

CONUS = 5-day supply of medications issued from your local pharmacy

OCONUS = 7-day supply of medications issued from your local pharmacy

Your local Air Evacuation Office will notify you if you are on the confirmed travel list, usually NLT 2200 hours the night before flight.

During travel to and from the airport and while onboard a Medical Evacuation airplane, your treatment will be provided by medical personnel staffing the ambulance or aircraft. Please listen carefully and follow their instructions as they have specialized training in transporting patients with unique needs. Just like flying on a commercial airplane, seat belts or other forms of physical restraints are required at all times during the flight to ensure your safety. Air turbulence may cause major disruption onboard a plane transporting patients so you must follow instructions carefully as the onboard medical staff is highly experienced in dealing with emergencies.

Upon arrival, a military shuttle will greet you at Augusta Regional Airport and transport you to EAMC. If you are not admitted for inpatient care, you will be transported to the Warrior Transition Battalion for further disposition.