USAID Impact Photo Credit: Nancy Leahy/USAID

Rajiv Shah

Dr. Rajiv Shah serves as the 16th Administrator of USAID and leads the efforts of more than 8,000 professionals in 80 missions around the world.


My 2012 Annual Letter: Elevating Development within America’s Foreign Policy

About a year ago, I decided to write an annual letter to share some of the work our Agency does saving lives and improving human welfare around the world. I also wanted to describe some of the priorities we’ve set and tough choices we’ve made in order to deliver meaningful results for and on behalf [...]

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An Alliance for Global Development

Originally posted on the White House Blog.  When Prime Minister Cameron meets President Obama in Washington today it will have been ten months since our two countries signed a new Partnership for Global Development. The partnership outlines specific areas where we are focusing our collective efforts, reaffirming our commitment to saving lives and improving human [...]

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Nothing about us without us.

One year ago—on the 100th anniversary of International Women’s Day—we committed to updating a 30-year-old policy on women in development and provide new guidance for how to better integrate gender equality and female empowerment initiatives across our work. We also promised to develop new indicators and evaluation systems to accurately measure the impact of our [...]

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USAID Administrator Rajiv Shah Honors the Life, Memory of U.S. Rep. Donald M. Payne

A statement on the passing of a true advocate of USAID’s work, Rep. Donald M. Payne of New Jersey. “There have been few greater friends of USAID than Rep. Donald M. Payne. Mr. Payne beat the drum of dignity and civil rights for women and girls from Rwanda and Afghanistan to Colombia and Morocco. He [...]

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FY13 Budget: Making Smart Investments

The Fiscal Year 2013 International Affairs budget, which was released on February 13, showcases President Obama’s commitment to making smart, efficient investments to help those in the greatest need while helping to create economic opportunity and safeguarding American security. It is important to remember that these numbers represent lives around the world that can be [...]

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Haiti “A Country Undeniably on the Move”

Originally posted in The Miami Herald It’s been two years since one of the most deadly natural disasters of the modern era devastated one of the poorest countries in the world. Even with an unprecedented international response in partnership with the Haitian government, the sheer scale of the 7.0 earthquake—which killed 230,000 people and displaced [...]

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World AIDS Day: New Advances Are Critical to Achieving the Vision of an AIDS-free Generation

Featured on Huffington Post For the first time since the AIDS virus surfaced, devastating communities and overwhelming nations, the world has the tools and knowledge to ensure an entire generation is born free from its scourge. By building on a strong legacy of progress and bipartisan support and relying on proven interventions and new breakthroughs, [...]

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Shah: In defense of smart foreign assistance

As featured on CNN’s Global Public Square This week more than 2,000 government, civil society and private sector leaders have gathered in Busan, South Korea with one goal: to improve the quality and effectiveness of development aid. The setting is especially significant; 50 years ago, South Korea was largely a country of peasant farmers. It [...]

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Share Hope by Helping Us Reach 13 Million Forwards

Right now, 13.3 million people are in need of emergency assistance in the Horn of Africa, more than the populations of New York and Los Angeles combined.  To help raise awareness, we have dedicated today – Wednesday, November 9th – FWD>Day.  Today, we want to help 13.3 million people forward facts about the crisis to [...]

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Embracing Enlightened Capitalism

For decades, strengthening country institutions and developing human capital have been the bread and butter of the development community. Over time, USAID and others have helped countries develop accountable government and civil society services while investing in the health and education of developing country populations. While there is no recipe for reliably delivering sustainable, broad-based [...]

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