Export.gov Buttons


Interested in sharing Export.gov with your friends and customers? Share them with the new Export.gov buttons.

Buttons are graphic elements that usually include an image, a short message, and a link for more information. Buttons are often created to be shared, and include HTML code that allows them to be posted on a Web site. You can copy and paste the code below each button below to embed these into your web site, social network profile, and blogs.

Export.gov Buttons

Go to Export.gov

Helping U.S. Companies Export

Copy the code below for this Export.gov button (375x90):
<a href="http://www.export.gov" title="Go to Export.gov - Helping U.S. Companies Export www.export.gov"><img src="http://www.export.gov/images/buttons/exportgov375x90_f1.jpg" style="width:375px; height:90px; border:0px;" alt="Go to Export.gov &mdash; Helping U.S. companies export. www.export.gov" /></a>


Go to Export.gov

Helping U.S. Companies Export

learn how exporting can help grow your business.

Copy the code below for this Export.gov button (250x250):
<a href="http://www.export.gov" title="Go to Export.gov - Helping U.S. Companies Export – Learn how exporting can help grow your business. www.export.gov"><img src=" http://www.export.gov/images/buttons/exportgov250x250_f1.jpg " style="width:250px; height:250px; border:0px;" alt="Go to Export.gov &mdash; Helping U.S. companies export. &mdash; Learn how exporting can help grow your business www.export.gov" /></a>


Go to Export.gov

Copy the code below for this Export.gov button (171x29):
<a href="http://www.export.gov" title="Go to Export.gov www.export.gov"><img src=" http://www.export.gov/images/buttons/exportgov_f1.jpg " style="width:171px; height:29px; border:0px;" alt="Go to Export.gov www.export.gov" /></a>