San Diego Export Assistance Center

We are the export office of the International Trade Administration working on behalf of U.S. business to promote trade and investment, to help U.S. organizations compete at home and abroad.

ITA supports President Obama’s recovery agenda and the National Export Initiative to sustain economic growth and support American jobs. Our experienced staff of international trade specialists provide business persons face-to-face counseling at no charge. We are able to meet with you personally, confidentially and as frequently as necessary to define and analyze your opportunities and win international sales.

To schedule a meeting with a trade specialist please click here.


ACCESS 2013 conference at the San Diego Marriott La Jolla

May 1 – 2, 2013

In May, regional experts from Africa, the Middle East and South Asia will convene in San Diego, California for the two-day ACCESS 2013 conference at the San Diego Marriott La Jolla. ACCESS 2013 is a unique opportunity to hear directly from U.S. Commercial Service Officers serving in some of the world’s fastest growing economies. ACCESS 2013 can help your company identify new export markets and opportunities in Africa, the Middle East and South Asia.

ACCESS 2013 Speakers and Agenda

Thank you to our main sponsor for making this Trade Forum possible.

Complying with U.S. Export Controls Seminar March 27-28, 2013 – San Diego Marriott La Jolla, CA

Registration and Information are available on the Bureau of Industry website. Please click the banner ad.

The San Diego/Baja California Border Trade Office Located in San Diego

Recognizing the ongoing business potential the northwest Mexico market offers U.S. exporters, the San Diego Export Assistance Center has created the San Diego/Baja California Border Trade Office.

Foreign Service Officer Geoffrey Bogart, a veteran of U.S./Mexico trade and former Commercial Consul in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, has been assigned to San Diego to lead this initiative.

With almost 900 maquiladora (assembly) operations, Baja California has more of these plants than any other state in Mexico.  To increase their worldwide competitiveness, many of these companies are aggressively seeking local suppliers from Southern California and the border region to meet their needs. The Border Trade Office can help exporters tap in to this huge market.

For more information about business opportunities in Baja California, and how the Border Trade Office can assist, please contact:

Geoffrey Bogart, Commercial Officer, San Diego Export Assistance Center

9449 Balboa Avenue, Suite 111 San Diego, CA 92123

For general information about export opportunities throughout Mexico, please visit the Commercial Service Mexico’s website at:

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