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Export Requirements for Ukraine
UA-29 (Jun 15, 2012)

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Eligible/Ineligible Products
  1. Eligible product
    1. Fresh/frozen poultry, including mechanically separated poultry, giblets and poultry products. (Note: Export of poultry giblets is possible only in cases where an import permit has been granted by the Ukrainian Veterinary Service. The responsibility for such a transaction, including the risk of rejection, rests completely with the importing and exporting parties.).
    2. Pork Casings
    3. Beef and beef products, including bone-in, boneless, offal, and processed products, derived from cattle less than 30 months of age produced under an approved AMS Export Verification (EV) Less Than 30 (LT30) months of age program. Information about the program for Ukraine and a list of LT30 approved establishments can be obtained from AMS' Web site.

      Effective March 19, 2012, a Statement of Verification (SOV) is no longer required as part of the export certification process for Ukraine. FSIS inspection personnel will continue to verify the eligibility of the establishment and product. The unique product identification system can be accessed by authorized FSIS inspection personnel from FSIS' Intranet site. Details of the Export Verification program can be accessed from the Export Verification (EV) Programs Additional Requirements page on the AMS' Web site.

      If FSIS inspection personnel become aware of concerns that an AMS approved LT30 establishment is not properly executing its Quality Control Program, export certification should not be issued for the product in question and AMS should be notified at  ARCBranch@usda.gov. Inspection personnel should include their immediate supervisor or should be included in the message:
      • Establishment name, address, and establishment number
      • Product type, product code, and quantity of product
      • Date of production, lot number, and shift
      • Date and nature of observation
      • Name of country product is intended for export
      • Export certificate number (if applicable)
      • Any other information to verify claim
      • Name of inspection official

      Veal and veal products are not subject to the LT30 program.
    4. Pork and pork products.
  2. Ineligible product
    1. Fresh/frozen poultry derived from birds that were treated with antibiotics for the purpose of growth promotion and increased productivity.
    2. Fresh/Frozen poultry meat derived from birds raised on Rose Farm, Goldsboro, North Carolina, and slaughtered on or after May 3, 2008, is ineligible. Meat derived from birds from this farm slaughtered prior to May 3, 2008, is eligible.

  Documentation Requirements
  1. Fresh/frozen poultry
    1. Obtain FSIS Form 9060-5, Meat and Poultry Export Certificate of Wholesomeness.
    2. Obtain FSIS Form 9460-1 (03/27/03), Veterinary Certificate for Poultry Meat Exported to Ukraine.
  2. Pork Casings
    1. Obtain FSIS Form 9060-7 (08/26/2011)*, Animal Casings Export Certificate for Countries Requiring Ante-mortem, Post-mortem, and Fit for Human Food Statements.
    2. Obtain FSIS Form 9460-2 (8/3/2005), Veterinary Certificate for Natural Casings for Export of Pork Casing to Ukraine.
  3. Beef and beef products
    1. Obtain FSIS Form 9060-5, Meat and Poultry Export Certificate of Wholesomeness. Include slaughter dates in the "Remarks" section in day/month/year format. Date ranges are acceptable.
    2. Obtain FSIS Form 9460-3 (01/18/2012), Veterinary Certificate for Beef, and Beef Products Exported to Ukraine. These certification statements are included on FSIS 9460-3.
  4. Pork and pork products
    1. Obtain FSIS Form 9060-5, Meat and Poultry Export Certificate of Wholesomeness. Include slaughter dates in the "Remarks" section in day/month/year format. Date ranges are acceptable.
    2. Obtain FSIS Form 9460-4 (01/18/2012), Veterinary Certificate for Pork, and Pork Products Exported to Ukraine. These certification statements are included on FSIS 9460-4.

Additional Requirements
  1. In order for FSIS to issue FSIS 9460-1 (03/27/03), plant management must provide certification to FSIS issued by an APHIS accredited industry veterinarian that states that the poultry meat was derived from birds that were not treated with antibiotics for the purpose of accelerating growth and increasing productivity.
  2. Poultry must be labeled to indicate a 12 month shelf life.
  3. Poultry flock health certification.  As of July 1, 2008 plant management must present, on a weekly basis, a Flock Health Certification document (example of flock health certificate) from an APHIS Accredited Veterinarian.

Plants Eligible to Export

All Federally inspected establishments are eligible to export to Ukraine. However, beef products must originate from AMS EV approved establishments.

UA-29 (Jun 15, 2012)



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