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Export Requirements for Taiwan

TW-117 (Feb 15, 2013)

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Eligible/Ineligible Products
  1. Eligible product.
    1. Deboned and bone-in beef derived from (1) cattle born and raised in the United States, (2) cattle raised in the United States for at least 100 days prior to slaughter, or (3) cattle legally imported into the United States from a country deemed eligible by Taiwan to export deboned beef to Taiwan. (Presently, Australia and New Zealand can export to directly to Taiwan with no restrictions.)
    2. The following fresh and/or frozen beef products: bones with meat, hanging tenders, tongues, penis, testes, tails, tendons, and skirts (diaphragm), derived from cattle less than 30 months of age slaughtered on or after April 1, 2010.

      Note: For items in A2, exporters are advised to work closely with the importers to ensure that import permits are issued by the Bureau of Foreign Trade (BOFT) of the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA).
    3. Beef or beef products of cattle from Canada fed less than 100 days prior to slaughter in the United States is limited at this time to deboned beef derived from animals less than 30 months of age.
    4. Eligible deboned, bone-in beef, and beef products in A.2 must be produced under an approved AMS program for beef to Taiwan. For more information on AMS official listings and dates, see C. and D. of the Documentation Requirements below.

      If FSIS inspection personnel become aware of concerns that an AMS approved EV establishment is not properly executing its EV program, export certification should not be issued for the product in question and AMS should be notified at Inspection personnel should include their immediate supervisor on messages to AMS. The following information should be included in the message:
      • Establishment name, address, and establishment number
      • Product type, product code, and quantity of product
      • Date of production, lot number, and shift
      • Date and nature of observation
      • Name of country product is intended for export
      • Export certificate number (if applicable)
      • Any other information to verify claim
      • Name of inspection official
    5. As a temporary market transition measure, U.S. exporters will ship only U.S. deboned and bone-in beef products from cattle less than 30 months of age. AMS has set up a voluntary Quality System Assessment (QSA) Program to verify that beef from participating plants will be from cattle less than 30 months of age. Exporting establishments may choose to participate in the AMS Quality System Assessment (QSA) Program that verifies that the beef being certified is from cattle less than 30 months of age. At this time, Taiwan will not accept at ports of entry shipments of beef without the QSA program statement in the Remarks section of the FSIS 9060-5 as described in the Documentation section, and Taiwan quarantine authorities will return shipments without the statement to the owner/agent of the product. A list of QSA-approved establishments and their approval dates can be obtained from the AMS website.

      Eligible deboned beef must be derived from animals slaughtered on after the QSA program approval date of the slaughter establishment. Certain beef and beef products derived from certain categories of cattle imported from Canada are ineligible. See B. Ineligible Products.

      More information about the status of other beef products will be provided as it becomes available.
    6. Protein-free beef tallow. This product does not have to be produced under an EV program.
    7. Poultry meat and poultry meat products loaded on board a vessel on or after May 16, 2011 are eligible for export to Taiwan. See State restrictions in Ineligible Product section below for specifications for poultry product loaded on or after May 16.
    8. Pork and pork products, including pork uteri prepared under sanitary conditions and eligible to bear the mark of inspection.
    9. Pork suckling pigs up to 8 kilograms (fresh/chilled/frozen) with head, skin, ears, tail and feet but with no entrails are eligible for export to Taiwan.
    10. Poultry offal including testes (fries)
    11. Product imported from third countries may be exported to Taiwan provided that the original country of origin is eligible to export to Taiwan and a copy of the original export certificate accompanies FSIS certification.
  2. Ineligible Product
    1. Beef and beef products of cattle from Canada other than those identified in A.2.
    2. The following beef products: skull, brain, eyes, spinal cords, internal organs and ground beef.
    3. Other ruminant products not identified in A.
    4. Any poultry meat and/or meat products sourced from birds hatched and/or raised in Saskatchewan, Canada will not be eligible for export to Taiwan.
    5. Poultry and poultry products slaughtered or processed in the States below must be produced and shipped in accordance with the effective dates below. Poultry and poultry products may not transit States currently under restrictions unless sealed.

      New York - All poultry meat and poultry meat products loaded on-board vessel on or after January 10, 2013 are ineligible. Any poultry meat or poultry meat products loaded on-board vessel on or before January 9, 2013, are eligible for export to Taiwan.

      Nebraska - Poultry meat derived from birds slaughtered on or after August 15, 2011 is eligible for export to Taiwan.

      Missouri - Poultry meat derived from birds slaughtered on or after June 27, 2011 is eligible for export to Taiwan.

      Minnesota - Poultry meat derived from birds slaughtered on or after October 4, 2011 is eligible for export to Taiwan.

      Pennsylvania - All poultry meat and meat products loaded on-board vessel on or after February 6, 2013 are ineligible. Any poultry meat or meat products loaded on-board vessel on or before February 5, 2013, are eligible for export to Taiwan.

    1. Other meat products such as offal products and game meat are subject to entrance providing the importer has obtained a license from the relevant Taiwan authority.
    2. Taiwan monitors meat and poultry products for the presence of E. coli, Salmonella, and Listeria. Although product is not held based on the results of microbiological testing, the testing may cause occasional delays in the movement of product.
    3. Taiwan does not restrict hermatically sealed (canned) product made in or made with raw pork or poultry meat sourced from the United States. Certification may be issued for these products.

Labeling Requirements
  1. Packing dates (including year, month and day) must appear on all shipping container (i.e., box) labels of product exported to Taiwan.
  2. All import shipments of pre-packaged (consumer ready) foods will need to have a Chinese language label before applying for import inspection. Exporters are advised to work with their importer prior to shipping product to Taiwan to avoid unnecessary delays.  Chinese language labeling is not required for sample product, but samples must be identified on the label and in the "Remarks" section of FSIS Form 9060-5 as "Samples - Not for Sale"
  3. Labeling that shows a country of destination other than Taiwan may cause the product to be detained at the port of entry.

Documentation Requirements
  1. Obtain FSIS Form 9060-5. All FSIS certificates must be dated and signed by an FSIS veterinarian.

    Note: The 12/14/2006 version or the 07/21/10 version of Form 9060-5 must be used for beef and beef product derived from cattle slaughtered on or after November 2, 2009 to avoid delayed/refused entry.
  2. Obtain Certificate for Export to Taiwan--FSIS Form 9285-1 (04/11/2000), Certificate for Export to Taiwan for all products exported to Taiwan.
    1. Complete one FSIS Form 9285-1 (04/11/2000) for each establishment producing product listed on FSIS Form 9060-5.
      1. Indicate species for each item.
        1. List all species represented in a product in the Species column, e.g., franks made with pork and chicken, "pork" and "chicken" would be listed in the Species column.
        2. For whole birds containing giblets or when packed with cut-up whole birds, the statement, "Contains Giblets" must be listed in the description of the item on FSIS Form 9285-1. (Note: Any whole birds containing giblets or when packed with cut-up whole birds certified on or after February 27, 2009, will require the statement, "Contains Giblets".
      2. Indicate the date (or range) of slaughter, manufacture, or processing for each item.
        1. Slaughter dates are required for all fresh/frozen products.
        2. Manufacturing or packing date is required for each prepared cut or by-product (including primal parts, PD (S) FT and freeze dried products) or processed products
        3. Slaughter and manufacturing (or packing) dates must include the month, day and year. To avoid confusion, the month should be spelled out or abbreviated. If dates cover several days within one single month, listing a hyphenated date such as January 15-23, 1994 is acceptable. However, if the time period covers more than one month, the dates should be listed separately such as, for example, January 28-31 and February 1-3, 2000.
    2. FSIS Form 9285-1: Taiwan regulatory authorities will not accept this certificate endorsed by the veterinarian after the consignment has shipped. U.S. exporters should ensure that the products do not ship until after the certificate is signed by the veterinarian.

      Note: FSIS Form 9285-1 (04/11/2000) contains a block at the bottom of the form to be completed by the exporter or shipper. The FSIS veterinarian may sign the certificate without this bottom block completed and the exporter is responsible for its accuracy. Failure to complete this block may result in detained product.
  3. Deboned and bone-in beef from eligible establishments and as set out above with slaughter dates on or after the establishment's QSA program approved date. See AMS website for the official listing and approval date.
    1. Slaughter dates (month/day/year) must be included on FSIS 9285-1. Product must be derived from cattle slaughtered on or after the approval date on the USDA approved establishment list located on the AMS website.
    2. In addition to FSIS 9060-5 and FSIS 9285-1, obtain an FSIS letterhead certificate with the following certification statements:
      1. The beef or beef products were derived from cattle born and raised in the 50 States of the United States and the District of Columbia, from cattle legally imported into the 50 States of the United States and the District of Columbia from a country deemed eligible by Taiwan to export beef or beef products to Taiwan, or from cattle raised in the 50 States of the United States and the District of Columbia for at least 100 days prior to slaughter.
      2. The beef or beef products of cattle from Canada fed less than 100 days in the 50 States of the United States and the District of Columbia shall be limited to deboned beef derived from animals less than 30 months of age for export to Taiwan.
      3. The beef or beef products were derived from cattle that were slaughtered in meat establishments certified by USDA as eligible to export beef or beef products to Taiwan and that passed ante-mortem and post-mortem inspection conducted by USDA personnel under the supervision of the resident designated veterinary representative.
      4. The beef or beef products were derived from cattle that were not subjected to a stunning process, prior to slaughter, with a device injecting compressed air or gas into the cranial cavity, or to a pithing process.
      5. The beef or beef products were produced and handled in a manner as to prevent contamination from SRMs, mechanically recovered meat (MRM)/mechanically separated meat (MSM), and from advanced meat recovery product (AMR) from the skull and vertebral column of cattle 30 months of age and over at the time of slaughter, in accordance with FSIS regulations.

      Exporters are advised to work with their importers to assure that copies of completed and signed FSIS 9060-5, FSIS 9285-1, and the FSIS letterhead certificate for boneless and bone-in beef are distributed as necessary to facilitate clearance in Taiwan.

      Note: As a temporary market transition measure, U.S. exporters will ship only U.S. beef and beef products from cattle less than 30 months of age. AMS has set up a voluntary Quality System Assessment (QSA) Program to verify that beef from participating plants will be from cattle less than 30 months of age. Exporting establishments may choose to participate in the AMS Quality System Assessment (QSA) Program that verifies the beef being certified is from cattle less than 30 months of age. Participation in this program is not required for issuance of the FSIS 9060-5. However, for establishments that do participate in the AMS QSA Program, the following statement may appear in the Remarks section of the FSIS 9060-5: "The beef or beef products were produced at a verified establishment under the USDA Less than 30 Month Age - Verification USDA Quality System Assessment (QSA) Program for Taiwan." A list of QSA approved establishments can be obtained from the AMS web site.

      Warning: Exporters are hereby warned that shipments of beef without the QSA Program statement referenced above will not be accepted for port-of-entry inspection in Taiwan at the time, and any such shipment will be returned to the owner/agent by Taiwan quarantine authorities.

      FSIS personnel can view eligible product lists by establishment in outlook at: Public Folders/All Public Folders/OFO/Export Verification Program.

      For this product, AMS will no longer provide an SOV letter, and such a letter is no longer required to issue the certificate.
  4. Fresh and/or frozen beef products - bones with meat, hanging tendons, tongues, penis, testes, tails, and skirts - obtain FSIS Form 9060-5, FSIS Form 9285-1, and FSIS Letterhead Certificate with the following certification statements:
    1. The beef or beef products were derived from cattle born and raised in the 50 States of the United States and the District of Columbia, from cattle legally imported into the 50 States of the United States and the District of Columbia from a country deemed eligible by Taiwan to export beef or beef products to Taiwan, or from cattle raised in the 50 States of the United States and the District of Columbia for at least 100 days prior to slaughter.
    2. The beef or beef products of cattle from Canada fed less than 100 days in the 50 States of the United States and the District of Columbia shall be limited to deboned beef derived from animals less than 30 months of age for export to Taiwan.
    3. The beef or beef products were derived from cattle that were slaughtered in meat establishments certified by USDA as eligible to export beef or beef products to Taiwan and that passed ante-mortem and post-mortem inspection conducted by USDA personnel under the supervision of the resident designated veterinary representative.
    4. The beef or beef products were derived from cattle that were not subjected to a stunning process, prior to slaughter, with a device injecting compressed air or gas into the cranial cavity, or to a pithing process.
    5. The beef or beef products were produced and handled in a manner as to prevent contamination from SRMs, mechanically recovered meat (MRM)/mechanically separated meat (MSM), and from advanced meat recovery product (AMR) from the skull and vertebral column of cattle 30 months of age and over at the time of slaughter, in accordance with FSIS regulations.

    Note: For items in D, exporters are advised to work closely with the importers to ensure that import permits are issued by the Bureau of Foreign Trade (BOFT) of the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) effective April 1, 2010.
  5. For fresh/frozen boneless beef derived from animals under 30 months of age with slaughter dates on or before November 1, 2009. See the AMS Website for the official listing and approval dates.
    1. In addition to FSIS 9060-5 and FSIS 9285-1, obtain an FSIS letterhead certificate with the following certification statements:
      1. The boneless beef was derived from cattle under the age of thirty months slaughtered in the United States.
      2. The feeding of ruminants with meat and bone meal and greaves derived from ruminants has been banned and the ban has been effectively enforced.
      3. Antemortem inspection is carried out on all bovines.
      4. Cattle from which the meat originates were not subjected to a stunning process, prior to slaughter, with a device injecting compressed air or gas into the cranial cavity or to a pithing process.
      5. The following material was excluded from products prepared for export to Taiwan: brain, skull, eyes, trigeminal ganglia, spinal cord, vertebral column (excluding the vertebrae of the tail, the transverse processes of the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae, and the wings of the sacrum), dorsal root ganglia, the tonsils and the distal ileum of the small intestine.
      6. The exported beef to Taiwan fulfilled all of the required conditions described in the Export Verification Program. The exported beef to Taiwan has been handled at an establishment with an approved EV Program in such a way as to prevent contamination with ineligible specified risk materials.

    A Statement of Verification letter from AMS is not required.*

    The slaughter date or range of slaughter dates on FSIS Form 9285-1 must be no later than November 1, 2009.
  6. Protein-free beef tallow - The following statement must be in the remarks section of FSIS Form 9060-5. The statement should be based upon laboratory results for the consignment indicating an insoluble impurities level below 0.15% by weight.

    "The maximum content of insoluble impurities in the tallow does not exceed 0.15 percent in weight."
  7. Poultry Meat Products loaded on board on or after May 16, 2011 - In addition to FSIS 9060-5 and FSIS 9285-1, obtain an FSIS Letterhead Certificate.

    See guidelines for completing the FSIS Letterhead Certificate for Poultry Meat Products.
  8. Hermatically sealed poultry products - obtain FSIS Form 9060-5 and FSIS 9285-1.

    Note: Exporters should work with the importer to obtain Taiwan Food and Drug Administration updated import requirements prior to exporting.
  9. Poultry exported to Taiwan and subsequently re-exported to Japan must include the following statement, upon request by the exporter, in the "Remarks" section of FSIS Form 9060-5 or on an FSIS letterhead certificate (which is signed by the same FSIS veterinarian signing the export certificate), providing that the poultry complies:

    "There have been no outbreaks of fowl pest (fowl plaque) for at least 90 days in the United States. Further, in the area where birds for export (meat) were produced (such an area being within a minimum radius of 50 kilometers from the production farm), Newcastle disease, fowl cholera, and other serious infectious fowl diseases, as recognized by the United States, have not occurred for at least 90 days."
  10. Additional Statements for Ostrich and Emu. The following statements must be placed in the remarks section of FSIS Form 9060-5 for ostrich and Emu products destined for Taiwan (Republic of China):

    "The ostrich meat originated from ostriches which were born in the United States and raised for more than 28 days on a farm prior to slaughter."

    "The United States is free of foot-and mouth disease, rinderpest, contagious bovine pleuropneumonia, African swine fever and highly pathogenic avian influenza."

    Prior to importing ostrich and/or Emu meat, the importer must obtain a license from Taiwan's Board of Foreign Trade (BOFT) and prior approval from the Council of Agriculture (COA).
  11. Casings
    1. Casings Originating and Processed in the U.S. - Obtain FSIS Form 9060-7 (8/26/2011), Animal Casings Export Certificate for Countries Requiring Ante-Mortem, Post-Mortem, and Fit for Human Consumption Statements.
    2. Casings Originating in the U.S. and Processed in Mexico - The following conditions must be met:
      1. Casings must originate from animals slaughtered in the U.S.
      2. Casings must be processed in one of the following Mexican Establishments:

        TIF # 46
        DeWied International, S.A. de C.V.
        Piedras Negras, Coah.

        TIF # 130
        Empaques M.C.H., S.A. de C.V.
        Zaragoza, Coah.
      3. When returned from Mexico, the casings must be accompanied by an official Mexican certificate (Form 27) issued at one of the establishments listed above. The certificate must indicate that casings originated from animals slaughtered in the U.S.
      4. Obtain FSIS Form 9060-17 (7/19/2001), Animal Casings Export Certificate for Countries Requiring Ante-Mortem, Post-Mortem, and Fit for Human Consumption Statements (For Casings Processed in Mexico).
  12. The grade label (e.g., "U.S. Choice" or "U.S. Prime") of beef graded USDA Choice or higher must be indicated on FSIS Form 9060-5 as part of the product description or in the "Remarks Section".
  13. Inedible Meat and Poultry Product - Export certification of inedible products, other than technical animal fat (9 CFR 351) and certified pet food (9 CFR 355), is no longer provided by FSIS. Exporters should contact APHIS field offices to obtain information about certification of inedible products. A list of APHIS offices is available at APHIS' Web site.

Plants Eligible to Export

All Federally inspected establishments are eligible to export to Taiwan. However, establishments producing deboned beef must participate in an AMS EV program. The list of AMS EV approved establishments can be obtained from AMS' Website.

TW-117 (Feb 15, 2013)
United States Department of Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection Service