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Export Requirements for Singapore

SN-76 (Feb 14, 2013)

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Eligible/Ineligible Products
  1. Eligible Products
    1. Fresh/frozen boneless beef derived from animals less than 30 months of age. Beef derived from cattle imported from Canada is not eligible. Knives, steels, and other tools, excluding carcass splitting saws, used to sever and remove the spinal cord must be used exclusively on carcasses of animals less than 30 months of age. Eligible beef must be produced under an approved AMS Export Verification (EV) program for beef to Singapore. Information about the EV program for Singapore and a list of BEV approved establishments can be obtained from AMS' Web site.

      Effective March 19, 2012, a Statement of Verification (SOV) is no longer required as part of the export certification process for Singapore. FSIS inspection personnel will continue to verify the eligibility of the establishment and product. The unique product identification system can be accessed by authorized FSIS inspection personnel from FSIS' Intranet site. Details of the Export Verification program can be accessed from the Export Verification (EV) Programs Additional Requirements page on the AMS' Web site.

      If FSIS inspection personnel become aware of concerns that an AMS approved EV establishment is not properly executing its EV program, export certification should not be issued for the product in question and AMS should be notified at Inspection personnel should include their immediate supervisor on messages to AMS. The following information should be included in the message:
      • Establishment name, address, and establishment number
      • Product type, product code, and quantity of product
      • Date of production, lot number, and shift
      • Date and nature of observation
      • Name of country product is intended for export
      • Export certificate number (if applicable)
      • Any other information to verify claim
      • Name of inspection official
    2. Pork and pork products derived from animals slaughtered in the U.S.
    3. Lamb and lamb products
    4. Sheep/lamb casings imported from New Zealand or Australia.
    5. Poultry and poultry products.
  2. Ineligible Products
    1. Beef and beef products, including offal, hanging tenders, are ineligible, with the exception of fresh/frozen boneless beef from animals slaughtered in the United States and collagen casings derived from bovine hides.
    2. Products imported into the U.S. from third countries are not eligible to be exported to Singapore. This includes imported natural casings with the exception of sheep/lamb casings imported from New Zealand and Australia.
    3. Beef and beef products imported from Canada are not eligible for direct re-export or for re-export after processing in the U.S.

Processing with Antimicrobial treatments*

Effective February 14, 2013, fresh/frozen meat and poultry and processed meat and poultry products certified for export to Singapore can only be treated with the following antimicrobial agents. These agents must be used in accordance with FSIS Directive 7120.1.*
  1. Acetic acid
  2. Blend of lactic acid, citric acid and potassium hydroxide
  3. Ammonium hydroxide
  4. Citric and Hydrochloric acid solution adjusted to pH 0.5-2
  5. Lactic acid
  6. Sodium hypochlorite
  7. Calcium hypochlorite
  8. Peroxyacetic acid

Labeling Requirements
  1. Shipping cartons of all fresh/frozen meat and poultry products must bear slaughter or production dates (month and year format, code dating is not acceptable).
  2. All import of poultry and poultry products must not exceed one year from the day of slaughter till the date of import.
  3. All products names listed on FSIS Form 9060-5 must include species. If not normally indicated in the label name such as "Prosciutto," it must be added in parenthesis after the name, e.g., "Prosciutto (pork)."

Documentation Requirements

Certification Requirements
  1. Obtain FSIS Form 9060-5, Meat and Poultry Certificate of Wholesomeness.
    1. All frozen meat and poultry and meat and poultry products exported to Singapore must include the following statement in the "Remarks" section:

      "The product was frozen under USDA supervision."

      Acceptable methods of verifying the above statement:
      1. product was frozen at the producing establishment, at the exporting establishment, or
      2. Product was frozen "off premises" and an "Off-Premises Freezing Quality Control Certificate for Product Shipped to Singapore" certificate is provided to FSIS as industry certification of freezing procedures. This form does not accompany product to Singapore. An Example (PDF Only) of this form is presented in PDF format which can be downloaded or printed from the Internet.
  2. Effective April 15, 2012, the commercial seal number must be entered into the "Remarks" section on FSIS Form 9060-5. In the event a USDA seal is recorded in the Remarks section of FSIS Form 9060-5, this supersedes the requirement for a commercial seal number, thus a commercial seal is not needed. Air shipments are exempt from requiring a container seal number.
    1. If the commercial seal number is known at the time that the product is certified for export, the exporter should indicate the number in block 14 on FSIS 9060-6, Application for Export Certificate. In addition, the seal number should be included in the "Remarks" on of FSIS Form 9060-5.
    2. If the commercial seal number is NOT known at the time that the product is certified for export:
      1. The applicant completes FSIS Form 9060-6, Application for Export to include all required information, and in block 14, enters the company name, contact person, address, and phone number of the company that will load and seal the container. FSIS will then provide the FSIS Form 9060-5, allow product to be stamped with the export stamp, perform export inspection, and allow shipment of the product without signing FSIS Form 9060-6, FSIS Form 9060-5 and the corresponding FSIS Form 9435-1 (9/93).
      2. The unsigned certificates are to be held by the original applicant. When the commercial seal number is obtained, they are to be entered in block 14 of FSIS Form 9060-6 and in the "Remarks" on FSIS Form 9060-5.
      3. The applicant then requests signature of the completed FSIS Form 9060-6 by the same FSIS inspection office that provided export inspection. FSIS Form 9060-5 and the corresponding FSIS Form 9435-1 (9/93) can then be signed by an FSIS veterinarian.
  3. Obtain FSIS Form 9435-1 (9/93). When completing the FSIS Form 9435-1 (9/93), please check to ensure that the following information is correctly reflected on the certificate:
    1. production dates on the certificate agree with production dates indicated on the product;
    2. date of manufacture is prior to date of certification;
    3. establishment number on the certificate agrees with establishment number indicated on the product; and
    4. the export certificate number on the certificate agrees with the export certificate number stamped on the carton(s); in addition, the following requirements must be met:
      1. Correct manufacture and slaughter dates (with the month spelled out) must be listed on the FSIS Form 9435-1 (9/93), where requested.

        1. Frozen beef, mutton and poultry must arrive in Singapore within six months of slaughter. Product arriving in Singapore dated 6-12 months from time of slaughter will be subject to automatic detention and subject to tests before sale. Product arriving in Singapore dated later than 12 months from time of slaughter will not be allowed entry.
        2. Frozen pork must arrive in Singapore within three months of slaughter. Product arriving in Singapore dated 3-6 months from the time of slaughter will be subject to automatic detention and subject to tests before sale. Products arriving in Singapore dated later than 6 months from the time of slaughter will not be allowed entry.
        3. Processed pork, beef, mutton and poultry must arrive in Singapore within three months of manufacture. Product arriving in Singapore dated 3-6 months from time of manufacture will be subject to automatic detention and testing before sale. Product arriving in Singapore dated later than 6 months from time of manufacture will not be allowed entry. Also, prior approval from the Primary Production Department (PPD) is required for specialty products (processed pork, beef, mutton and poultry) which reflect manufacturing dates beyond the permissible time frame.
  4. FSIS Form 9060-5 and FSIS Form 9435-1 and all supplementary statements must be dated and signed by the same veterinarian.  DVM or an equivalent degree must be typed or printed after the signature.
    1. Fresh/frozen boneless beef
      1. The export applicant must provide information about the consignment that includes specific product identification information, production date, number of boxes, manufacturer, and the statement "Product meets EV Program requirements for Singapore" in Block 14 of FSIS Form 9060-6.
      2. The date of slaughter must be included on FSIS 9435-1 in month/day/year format. Range of dates is acceptable. The slaughter date must be on or after the approved date on the AMS list of BEV Singapore approved establishments.
      3. In addition to FSIS 9060-5 and 9435-1, obtain an FSIS Letterhead Certificate (PDF Only) with the following statements:
        1. The boneless beef cuts were derived from cattle that were less than thirty (30) months of age.
        2.  The product was derived from cattle that were born, raised and slaughtered in the USA or imported from countries approved by the Government of Singapore.
        3. The product was not derived from suspect or confirmed BSE cases, or suspect or confirmed progeny or cohorts of BSE cases, as described in the Terrestrial Animal Health Code adopted by the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE).
        4.  The product was derived from cattle that were slaughtered in the USA, using methods which did not include a stunning process with a device injecting compressed air or gas into the cranial cavity, or to a pithing process.
        5. The product was derived from cattle that were subject to ante-mortem and post-mortem inspection.
        6. Specified risk materials (tonsils, distal ileum, brains, eyes, spinal cord, skull and vertebral column) have been cleanly removed from products shipped to Singapore without contamination of the meat.
      4. Information about U.S. processor self-certification requirements can be obtained from the U.S. Meat Export Federation at or 303-623-6328.
    2. Poultry and poultry products - Obtain FSIS Form 9060-5 and FSIS Form 9435-1. Include information from A and C above in this section (documentation requirements). In addition, the following statements must be included in the "Remarks" section of FSIS Form 9060-5, or on an FSIS Letterhead Certificate (PDF Only).
      1. The birds from which the meat was sourced were not vaccinated against notifiable (H5 and H7) subtypes of avian influenza, as defined by the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE).
      2. There have been no outbreaks of HPNAI involving commercial poultry in the zone (state) of origin in the six months prior to slaughter.
      3. The poultry from which the meat was derived were born, raised, and slaughtered in the United States, or were legally imported as day old chicks from countries with equivalent poultry health status.
    3. Fresh (chilled) pork - Trichinae testing must be done prior to entering the following statement in the "Remarks" section of FSIS Form 9060-5:

      "Each carcass from which the meat was derived was tested for Trichina with negative results."

      Laboratories conducting Trichinae analysis must be certified under an Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) laboratory certification program. Information about the program can be obtained from AMS' Website.

      Note: Pork bacon products - Trichinae testing requirements do not apply to bacon products.
    4. Pork Casings: The following addition statements must be typed in the "Remark's" section of the FSIS Form 9060-7 (08/26/2011) or on an accompanying FSIS Letterhead Certificate (PDF Only).
      1. The hog casings originated in the United States of America.
      2. The hog from which the casings were derived from were slaughtered on ______________.
      3. The establishment control number of the U.S. slaughterhouse____________.
      4. The establishment control number where the casings were prepared and stored__________.
      5. The casings were processed between (date of slaughter) and (date of packing on the package)
      6. The USA is free from the foot-and-mouth disease, African swine fever, classical swine fever, swine vesicular disease and Teschen disease.
      7. Casings were packed
        1. So that each package containers products derived from a single species of animal only.
        2. They were not exposed to contamination before export, they are packed in clean new or disinfected packaging containers
        3. Each barrel is numerically marked and contains establishment numbers.
        4. Hog casings were stored for not less than 30 days after the slaughter of the animals from which they were derived.
    5. Sheep/Lamb Casings imported from New Zealand or Australia: Obtain FSIS Form 9060-18 (8/25/2011) and place in the "Remarks" the date the product was packed while in the establishment (pack date).

      Also obtain FSIS Letterhead Certificate (PDF Only) with the following statements indicated below.
      1. The ovine casings in this consignment were derived from animals originating and slaughtered in New Zealand or Australia at establishment number(s)______________________, on (date or date range)_________________.
      2. The casings were processed and/or stored at U.S. establishment number(s) ____________________________.
      3. The animals from which the casings were derived received ante mortem and post mortem inspection and were free from disease at the time of slaughter.
      4. New Zealand and Australia are recognized by the OIE as free of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD).
      5. Casings were packed:
        1. so that each packaging container contains casings derived from a single species of animal only;
        2. so that the casings are not exposed to contamination before export;
        3. in clean, new or disinfected packing containers; and
        4. so that the official establishment number of the establishment where the casings were packed is readily visible on the outer wrapping or package.
    6. Ostrich Meat Certification. The following additional statements must be typed in the "Remarks" section on FSIS Form 9060-5:

      "The birds were raised in the U.S. and did not come from indigenous and/or protected populations."

      The Country of Origin must be stated.
    7. Processed Products
      1. Canned meat and poultry products. The following additional statement must be typed on FSIS Form 9060-5 for canned meat and poultry products:

        "The canned meat (poultry) products described herein were manufactured and inspected in accordance with section 318.300 through 318.311 (section 381.300 through 381.311 for poultry) of the USDA regulations and have been subjected to a temperature of not less than _____ degrees C for a period of not less than _____ minutes. This sterilizing process would have a sterilizing value (Fo) of _____ minutes."
      2. Canned pork and beans which are not amenable to the Meat Inspection Act may be certified under Part 350 of the regulations (Certification Service). The product must be accompanied by a declaration from the manufacturer stating:
        1.  the meat content of the product (including fat);
        2. that the product has been prepared from sound and wholesome ingredients;
        3. that the product has been heated to (degrees centigrade) for ____ minutes and;
        4. that every portion of the contents has been heated to a temperature of not less than 100° C.

        The above declaration must be countersigned by an MPI veterinarian stating that he/she has no reason to doubt the truth of the manufacturer's declaration and that he/she is satisfied with the cleanliness and manufacturing practices of the processing plant. This certificate may be typed on a company letterhead. The certificate should include "MPI Veterinarian" under the veterinarian's signature. FSIS Form 9060-5 should not be issued.
    8. Pork Products: If the raw pork originates in Canada the following additional statement must be typed in the "Remarks" section on FSIS Form 9060-5:

      "Raw pork ingredients were imported legally from Canada, from Establishment Number _________________ and Address___________________________________."
    9. Product Destined to Ship Stores. Singapore inspection officials exempt shipments consigned to ship stores from local import regulations providing the consignment does not enter the country. Product entering Singapore will be subjected to inspection in accordance with local regulations and will require the additional certification as if it were entering domestic commerce. Each shipment consigned to ship stores should be accompanied by FSIS Form 9060-5 with a statement in the "Remarks" section that indicates: "Product destined to Ship Stores."
    10. Singapore requires importers of meat and poultry products to be officially registered. This is presented for information for U.S. exporters.

Other Requirements
  1. Singapore performs microbiological testing on raw, fresh/frozen and cooked product. A preview of the bacteriological analytical guidelines often used by Singapore is available on FDA's Website. Contact the FSIS' Office of International Affairs, Export Programs Staff, at (202) 720-0082 for a copy of Singapore's Microbiological Specification for Imported Meat.
  2. Weights - when product originates from two or more establishments, the weights and numbers of cartons must be divided to accurately reflect the amount of product originating from each establishment.
  3. Fresh (Chilled) pork
    1. Product must be derived from barrows or gilts produced from rations containing no garbage or swill. Most U.S. commercial swine production and slaughter operations do not employ these practices and export certification may generally be provided unless there are known instances of their use.*
    2. Fresh (chilled) pork must have a shelf life of at least 6 weeks.
  4. Fresh/frozen pork must be treated to destroy trichinae by one of the methods in Section 318.10.

    Note: Trichinae treatment requirements do not apply to pork bacon products
  5. Reinspection of Ready-to-Cook Duck carcasses with head and feet. Defect descriptions, criteria, and procedures described in MPI Directive 9180.1 will be used with the sampling plan and its limits below:

    Sample Size Acceptable Numbers (Maximum) Major Total
    10 3 30
    Absolute Limit Per Subgroup 4 34
    Tightened Criteria 2 27

    Cumulative sampling not required - random 10-bird samples will be used.
  6. Export Shipments to Singapore Transiting Foreign Ports
    1. Meat and poultry shipments from the United States to Singapore may be transshipped through a foreign port providing the following conditions are met:
      1. The consignment must be shipped in a refrigerated van container (reefer) sealed with an official USDA seal.
      2. Containers may be sealed at the origin plant or at ports, i.e., in the container staging yards or on the container ships.
      3. The serial number of the seal must be recorded on the export certificate or on the modified FSIS Form 7350-1, whichever the exporter requests.
      4. The inspection officials in the transit port must certify the following statement on the original export certificate or on the modified FSIS Form 7350-1:

        "Container has remained under refrigeration in the container yard within the port area of (city) throughout its stay in (city)."
      5. The consignment must not stay in the transit port for more than 14 days.
      6. The temperature of the container must be recorded throughout its journey from the U.S. to Singapore and the temperature record chart must be provided for examination in Singapore.
      7. The steamship lines shall:
        1. contact inspection officials in Singapore to obtain agreement on proposed transit ports and procedures. (transit ports currently approved are Hong Kong, Japan, and Keelung [Taiwan]);
        2. arrange with transit port inspection authorities for transit shipment supervision and certification;
        3. notify MPI personnel, in advance, when containers will be ready for sealing at U.S. port area;
        4. provide seamen to assist the MPI inspector in sealing the containers on the container ship and;
        5. forward (or the exporter forwards) the original export certificate or the FSIS Form 7350-1, as applicable to the transit port for certification, and subsequently, to the importer in Singapore.
      8. The exporter must obtain the required documentation, arrange for the sealing of the containers with local inspection personnel (when the procedure has not previously been established) and fulfill the conditions which apply to transit shipments.
      9. Seal number(s) will be recorded by inspection officials on the original export certificate or on the FSIS Form 7350-1, as applicable.

Plants Eligible to Export

All Federally inspected establishments are eligible to export to Singapore.  However, establishments producing boneless beef must participate in an AMS BEV program. The list of AMS BEV approved establishments can be obtained from AMS' Website.

SN-76 (Feb 14, 2013)
United States Department of Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection Service