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Requirements for Processed Egg Products
Requirements for All Countries
Access export requirements for processed egg products pertaining to all countries. Countries with additional requirements are listed below.

Countries with Additional Requirements
In addition to the requirements for all countries, the countries listed below have additional requirements, as determined by communication with appropriate government officials in each respective country.

Eligible Plant Lists
Eligible plant lists for pasteurized egg products are pending final at this time. The list will be added to these requirements as soon as further information is obtained.

Requirements for All Countries
At the request of an exporter, FSIS will issue FSIS Form PY-200, provided the egg products meet FSIS requirements. Additionally, the following certification statement may be included on the PY-200 upon the request of the exporter.

  • "The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, certifies that no cases of lethal avian influenza (fowl plague) and no cases of exotic Newcastle disease have been reported in commercial laying flocks in the State of origin where the shell eggs originated and/or were processed for the 6 months preceding departure of this consignment. The shell eggs used to produce the product covered by this certificate originated in (name of state(s))."

FSIS does not permit statements on the FSIS Form PY-200 related to egg products other than those listed in the FSIS Export Library.

Prior to shipping egg products, exporters should be advised to have their importers confirm that the importing country will accept the certification statements indicated on the PY-200.

Countries with Additional Requirements

Last Modified: February 25, 2013



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