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Export Requirements for The Philippines
RP-48 (Dec 27, 2012)

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Eligible Products
  1. Eligible Products
    1. Meat and meat products. All beef, beef offals, and processed beef products are eligible for export to the Philippines regardless of production date. AMS Export Verification (EV) program requirements have been removed for these products.
    2. Poultry and poultry products (except as indicated in the Ineligible section below).
    3. Poultry feet produced under sanitary conditions, but not eligible for the official inspection legend (previously referred to as the Hong Kong standard). See Processing Requirements.
  2. Ineligible Products
    1. All poultry and poultry products derived from birds raised or slaughtered in Polk County, Missouri after April 4, 2011, and on or before August 24, 2011 are ineligible. Poultry and poultry products from birds raised or slaughtered in Polk County, Missouri, before April 4, 2011 and on or after August 25, 2011, are eligible.

Labeling Requirements
  1. Poultry feet produced according to the procedures in Processing Requirements.
    1. Feet must be labeled accurately i.e., "chicken feet," "turkey feet," or "duck feet" and the label must include the statement: FOR EXPORT ONLY.
    2. The following must be printed on the shipping container:
      1. "Packed under sanitary supervision of USDA"
      2. the establishment number
      3. the name and address of the establishment or distributor, and
      4. the statement, "Product of USA".

        Note: Use of official inspection legend is prohibited.
  2. Labeling that reflects a previous country of destination other than the Philippines, e.g. a Russian language sticker, is prohibited as it will cause product to be detained.
  3. The production or slaughter date of beef product must be included on the product label.

Processing Requirements
  1. Poultry feet that do not bear the mark of inspection may be exported to the Philippines provided the establishment has procedures in place to remove and exclude from export poultry feet originating from condemned carcasses or poultry feet obviously unfit for human food. In addition, the following conditions must be met:*
    1. Feet must be removed after dressed poultry receives final wash, before entering the evisceration room or immediately after transfer from picking to the eviscerating conveyor line.
    2. Feet must be handled sanitarily, packed in clean containers, and frozen promptly. Plant management shall cooperate in proper handling of this product and instruct plant employees to reject any feet obviously unfit for food. Feet from condemned carcasses or poultry feet obviously unfit for human food must be removed and excluded from export.*
    3. Feet must be scaled and toenails removed.
    4. Plants in which feet are removed in the picking room must ensure that feet are not contaminated during collection.
    5. The hock joint areas must be observed for swellings and abnormalities that might affect product wholesomeness or product packaging operation.
    6. Feet shall be prepared and packed in shipping cartons in a separate room under sanitary conditions and refrigerated until frozen.

Documentation Requirements

Certification Requirements
  1. Meat and meat products, and poultry and poultry products - Obtain FSIS form 9060-5 - Meat and Poultry Export Certificate of Wholesomeness.
    1. Beef and beef products - In addition to FSIS Form 9060-5, obtain an FSIS Letterhead Certificate with the following statements:

      "The meat or meat products were not derived from the following specified risk materials: the brain, skull, eyes, trigeminal ganglia, spinal cord, vertebral column (excluding the vertebrae of the tail, the transverse processes of the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae, and the wings of the sacrum), and dorsal root ganglia of cattle 30 months of age and older, and the tonsils and distal ileum of the small intestine of any cattle regardless of age."

      "The meat or meat products were not derived from non-ambulatory disabled cattle offered for slaughter."
    2. Beef meat products derived from beef imported from Australia or New Zealand. The following certification statement must be included in the "Remarks" section of FSIS Form 9060-5 for beef meat products derived from beef imported from Australia or New Zealand:

      "The beef product was derived from beef that was legally imported into the United States from Australia or New Zealand."

      In addition, the product must be accompanied by copies of the health certificates issued by Australian or New Zealand inspection officials.
    3. Poultry exported to the Philippines for further processing and subsequently exported to Japan - Upon the request of the exporter, the following information must be provided on an FSIS letterhead certificate:
      1. Statements for all poultry intended for re-export to Japan:

        "The meat and/or meat products described herein were processed under sanitary conditions in accordance with laws and regulations of the United States. The laws and regulations of the United States have been deemed to be equivalent to the inspection laws of Japan."

        "There have been no outbreaks of fowl pest (fowl plague) for at least 90 days in the United States. Further, in the area where birds for export (meat) were produced (such an area being within a minimum radius of 50 kilometers from the production farm), Newcastle disease, fowl cholera, and other serious infectious fowl diseases, as recognized by the United States, have not occurred for at least 90 days."
      2. Poultry is restricted for export to Japan from certain States for specific periods. Certification must be provided that poultry did not originate from or transit unsealed through these States during the restricted periods relative to each affected State. Obtain the appropriate FSIS Letterhead Certificates from the Japan requirements.
  2. Poultry feet (produced according to the Processing Requirements section), oil sacs, and tongues - Obtain FSIS Form 9060-5, Meat and Poultry Certificate of Wholesomeness.*
    1. Special certification procedures
      2. The following statement should be entered in the "Remarks" section of the unchecked FSIS Form 9060-5 when the requirements in the Processing Requirements section are met:

        "This certifies that the poultry feet specified above come from birds that were subject to official ante-mortem inspection and handled in a sanitary manner while in FSIS inspected establishments, with verification by FSIS of plant processing requirements as defined by the Philippines to be fit for human consumption."*

        Note: The procedures in the Processing Requirements section and the above documentation procedure is implemented by agreement and neither the procedure nor the above statement is applicable to other countries unless specified in the FSIS Export Library.
  3. Importers must apply for an import permit (a veterinary quarantine clearance) prior to importing product.

Plants Eligible to Export

All federally inspected establishments are eligible to export to the Philippines.

RP-48 (Dec 27, 2012)



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