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Export Requirements for Peru

PE-33 (Jan 14, 2013)

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Eligible/Ineligible Products
  1. Eligible Products
    1. Fresh/frozen pork.
    2. Fresh/frozen ovine meat of Australian origin.
    3. Fresh/frozen bovine meat of Australian origin. Establishments where non-conforming product is also present is subject to an approved AMS Export Verification (EV) Program.
    4. Fresh/frozen poultry and poultry products.
    5. Processed (multi-ingredient) poultry and poultry products.
    6. Beef and beef products. The vertebral column (including the transverse process of the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae, the wings of the sacrum, and the vertebrae of the tail) must be removed from animals 30 months of age and older. Also, the meat cannot be derived from animals imported from Canada for immediate slaughter. Eligible beef and beef products must be produced under an approved AMS Export Verification (EV) program for beef to Peru. Veal is not subject to an approved EV program; however, an EV program is necessary if the facility also handles non-conforming product in which case the EV program is required to ensure control of the non-conforming product. Information about the EV program for Peru and a list of EV approved establishments can be obtained from AMS' Web site.

      Effective March 19, 2012, a Statement of Verification (SOV) is no longer required as part of the export certification process for Peru. FSIS inspection personnel will continue to verify the eligibility of the establishment and product. The unique product identification system can be accessed by authorized FSIS inspection personnel from FSIS' Intranet site. Details of the Export Verification program can be accessed from the Export Verification (EV) Programs Additional Requirements page on the AMS' Web site.

      If FSIS inspection personnel become aware of concerns that an AMS approved EV establishment is not properly executing its EV program, export certification should not be issued for the product in question and AMS should be notified at Inspection personnel should include their immediate supervisor on messages to AMS. The following information should be included in the message:
      • Establishment name, address, and establishment number
      • Product type, product code, and quantity of product
      • Date of production, lot number, and shift
      • Date and nature of observation
      • Name of country product is intended for export
      • Export certificate number (if applicable)
      • Any other information to verify claim
      • Name of inspection official
    7. Salted pork casings.
  2. Ineligible Products
    1. Fresh/frozen sheep/lamb and sheep/lamb products, with the exception of product of Australian origin.

Labeling Requirements*

Packing Date(s): Peru requires packing dates for all meat and poultry products. The requirement applies to shipping container labels. The date should be in the format of DD/MM/YY.*

Documentation Requirements

  • Certification of Product. Peru requires a separate FSIS Form 9060-5 for each species of product to be exported. The product description indicated on Form 9060-5 must be reflected exactly as it is on the product container. Failure to follow this procedure could result in delayed entry upon arrival.
  • All certificates must be signed by an FSIS veterinarian.
  • All certificates must be error free; that is, no erasures, no line-outs, no pen and ink changes, or any other type of amendments.
  • Exporters should verify that a valid import permit has been issued to the importer prior to shipment.

  1. Poultry Products
    1. For fresh/frozen poultry products, obtain FSIS Form 9060-5 - Export Certificate of Wholesomeness. Additionally, the following certification statements must be placed in the "Remarks" section of FSIS Form 9060-5 or on an accompanying FSIS letterhead certificate.
      1. The meat was derived from poultry which were born, raised and fed in the United States.
      2. The meat was derived from areas recognized by Peru as free of avian influenza and Newcastle disease, as defined by the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE).
      3. The birds from which the products were derived were bred on farms which are not under official quarantine for the control or eradication of poultry diseases and where no epidemic outbreak caused by infectious illness that affect the species has been encountered at the slaughterhouse.
      4. The meat was derived from federally certified slaughter facilities, operating under permanent supervision of the Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS).
      5. The meat was derived from birds that were officially given an ante-mortem and post-mortem inspection by FSIS inspection officials.
      6. The meat is fit for human consumption.
      7. The meat has been handled, cut and stored under proper hygienic conditions.
      8. The meat or meat packages are marked with the establishment number of the producing establishments including the name, address, and date of labeling.
      9. The means of transport, handling and loading conditions meet the hygiene requirements of the United States.
      10. The slaughter or processing plant where the meat was processed has a HACCP system in place.
      11. The meat is transported in containers or thermo refrigerated vehicles that are monitored to assure that they maintain appropriate refrigerated or frozen temperatures.
      12. Trucks and containers have been properly washed and disinfected.
    2. Processed (multi-ingredient) poultry and poultry products, obtain FSIS Form 9060-5 - Export Certificate of Wholesomeness. Additionally, the following certification statements must be placed in the "Remarks" section of FSIS Form 9060-5 or on an accompanying FSIS Letterhead Certificate.
      1. The processing facility where the product was produced has implemented the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) system, and is formally approved by the governmental authorities in the United States to export to Peru./ La planta de elaboración, donde se fabrico el producto tiene implementado el Sistema de Análisis de Peligros y Puntos Críticos de Control (HACCP); y esta oficialmente autorizado por la Autoridad Oficial Competente de Estados Unidos.
      2. The product was produced with inputs of slaughtered birds under official sanitary inspection, which had a favorable result ante-mortem and post-mortem to discard presence of infectious diseases./ El producto fue elaborado con insumos de aves sacrificadas bajo inspección sanitaria oficial, que tuvieron resultado favorable a una inspección ante–mortem y post–mortem para descartar enfermedades infecciosas.
      3. The poultry meat and poultry meat products for export to Peru were not derived from birds slaughtered in the context of any poultry disease control or eradication program./ La carne de aves y productos de la carne de aves para ser exportadas a Perú, no derivan de aves sacrificadas dentro del contexto de ningún programa de control o erradicación de enfermedades aviares.
      4. The region (county or counties) from which the birds originate is considered free of notifiable Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza and Newcastle Disease as defined by the Terrestrial Animal Health Code of the World Organization for Animal Health./ La región de la que proceden las aves se declara libre de Influenza Aviar altamente patógena y la enfermedad de Newcastle según la definición del Código Sanitario para Animales Terrestres de la Organización Mundial de Sanidad Animal.
      5. The product is fit for human consumption./ El producto es apto para el consumo humano.
      6. The meat of meat packages are marked with the establishment number of the producing establishment including the name, address and date of packing./ Los envases están etiquetados con el número, nombre y dirección del establecimiento, productor y fecha de envasado.
      7. Packing and packaging materials for product transportation are of first use and were not exposed to contamination./ Los envases y embalajes para transportar el producto, son de primer uso y no han estado expuestos a cualquier fuente de contaminación.
  2. Pork Products
    1. For de-boned meat, refrigerated or frozen meat, channels, half channels and cuts of porcine species, obtain FSIS Form 9060-5 - Export Certificate of Wholesomeness. Additionally, the following certification statements must be placed in the "Remarks" section of FSIS Form 9060-5 or on an accompanying FSIS letterhead certificate.
      1. The meat was derived from animals that were born, bred, fattened and slaughtered in the United States or were legally imported.
      2. The United State is free of foot-and-mouth disease, classical swine fever, swine vesicular disease, and African swine fever.
      3. The meat was derived from animals that originated in areas which are not under quarantine or restricted conditions due to a disease control and no epidemic outbreak has occurred at the slaughter plant from any infectious diseases that may affect the species.
      4. The meat was derived from federally certified slaughter and processing facilities operating under permanent supervision of the Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) with a HACCP system in place.
      5. The processing (or slaughter) plant is in an area where no epidemic outbreak has occurred from any infectious diseases that may affect the species, in the six months prior to slaughter.
      6. The meat was derived from animals that were officially given an ante-mortem and post-mortem inspection by FSIS inspection officials.
      7. The pork meat used in these products was subjected to one or more of the treatments specified in 9 CFR Section 318.10(c) for the destruction of trichinae.
      8. The product carries the official mark of inspection and information identifying the manufacturer, packer or distributor.
      9. The product is fit for human consumption.
      10. The product is packaged in an authorized container marked with the packing date.
      11. The meat is transported in containers or thermo refrigerated vehicles that are monitored to assure that they maintain appropriate refrigerated or frozen temperatures.
      12. Trucks and containers have been properly washed and disinfected.
    2. For matured, partially cooked (scalded), or cooked pork ham, obtain FSIS Form 9060-5 - Export Certificate of Wholesomeness. Additionally, the following certification statements must be placed in the "Remarks" section of FSIS Form 9060-5 or on an accompanying FSIS letterhead certificate.
      1. The meat was derived from animals that were born, bred, fattened and slaughtered in the United States or were legally imported.
      2. The United States is free of foot-and-mouth disease, classical swine fever, swine vesicular disease, and African swine fever.
      3. The meat was derived from federally certified slaughter and processing facilities operating under permanent supervision of the Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) with a HACCP system in place.
      4. The processing (or slaughter) plant is in an area where no epidemic outbreak has occurred from any infectious disease that may affect the species, in the six months prior to slaughter.
      5. The meat was derived from animals that were officially given an ante-mortem and post-mortem inspection by FSIS inspection officials.
      6. The pork meat used in these productrs was subjected to one or more of the treatments specified in 9 CFR Section 318.10(c) for the destruction of trichinae.
      7. Carcasses are properly stuck and hung to allow thorough bleeding prior to the de-boning process which removes all bones to the hoof and blood vessels.
      8. The product is labeled in such a way that it can be identified.
      9. The product is fit for human consumption.
      10. The product was packed in new boxes which are marked with the pack date. The product was transported in sealed ocean vessel containers equipped in a manner to assure preservation of the product.
      11. Trucks and containers have been properly washed and disinfected.
    3. For cooked pork sausage or similar cooked pork products - obtain FSIS Form 9060-5 - Export Certificate for Wholesomeness. Additionally, the following certification statements must be place in the "Remarks" section of the FSIS Form 9060-5 or on an accompanying FSIS letterhead certificate.
      1. The meat was derived from animals that were born, bred, fattened and slaughtered in the United States or were legally imported. /La carne fue derivada de animales que fueron nacidos, criados, cebados y faenodos en los Estados Unidos de América o fueron legalmente importados.
      2. The United States is free of foot-and-mouth disease, classical swine fever, swine vesicular disease and African swine fever. / Los Estados Unidos de América está libre de fiebre aftosa, peste porcina clásica, enfermedad vesicular del cerdo y peste porcina africana.
      3. The meat was derived from federally certified slaughter and processing facilities operating under permanent supervision of the Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) with a HACCP system in place. /La carne proviene de mataderos e instalaciones de procesamiento certificados por el gobierno federal, que operan bajo permanente supervisión del Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) y tienen implementado un Sistema HACCP.
      4. The processing (or slaughter) plant is in an area where no epidemic outbreak has occurred from any infectious disease that may affect the species, in the six months prior to slaughter. /La planta de procesamiento o matadero está en un área donde no han ocurrido brotes epidémicos ni enfermedades infecciosas, que afecten a la especie, en los seis meses previos al sacrificio.
      5. The meat was derived from animals that were officially given an ante-mortem and post-mortem inspection by FSIS inspection officials. / La carne fue derivada de animales que fueron oficialmente sometidos a inspección ante mortem y post mortem por oficiales de inspección de FSIS.
      6. The pork meat used in these products was subjected to one or more of the treatments specified in 9 CFR Sec. 318.10(c) for the destruction of trichinae. / La carne de cerdo utilizada en estos productos fueron sometidos a uno o más de los tratamientos especificados en la Sección 318.10(c), de 9CFR para la destrucción de la triquina.
      7. Carcasses are properly stuck and hung to allow thorough bleeding prior to the de-boning process which removes all bones to the hoof and the blood vessels. / Las carcasas fueron sujetas y colgadas apropiadamente para permitir el desangrado antes de ser sometidas a procedimiento de deshuesado, que remueve todos los huesos hasta la pezuña y los vasos sanguíneos.
      8. The product is labeled in such a way that it can be identified. / El producto está marcado de manera que pueda ser identificado.
      9. The product is fit for human consumption. / El producto es apto para consumo humano.
      10. The product was packed in new boxes which are marked with the pack date. The product was transported in a manner to assure preservation of the product. / El producto fue empacado en cajas nuevas, donde consta la fecha de empaque. El producto fue transportado de manera que aseguren la preservación del producto.
      11. Trucks and containers have been properly washed and disinfected. / Los contenedores o camiones de transporte fueron lavados y desinfectados.
    4. For edible offal products from refrigerated or frozen porcine species - obtain FSIS Form 9060-5 - Export Certificate of Wholesomeness. Additionally, the following certification statements must be placed in the "Remarks" section of FSIS Form 9060-5 or on an accompanying FSIS letterhead certificate.
      1. The meat was derived from animals that were born, bred, fattened and slaughtered in the United States or were legally imported.
      2. The United States is free of foot-and-mouth disease, classical swine fever, swine vesicular disease, and African swine fever.
      3. The meat was derived from federally certified slaughter and processing facilities operating under permanent supervision of the Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) with a HACCP system in place.
      4. The processing (or slaughter) plant is in an area where no epidemic outbreak has occurred from any infectious diseases that may affect the species, in the six months prior to slaughter.
      5. The meat was derived from animals that were officially given an ante-mortem and post-mortem inspection by FSIS inspection officials.
      6. The product is fit for human consumption.
      7. The product was packed in authorized containers bearing the mark of inspection that includes the number of the facility, the date of packing and the name and address of the processing facility.
      8. The product is transported in containers or thermo refrigerated vehicles that are monitored to assure that they maintain refrigerated or frozen temperatures.
      9. Trucks and containers have been properly washed and disinfected.
    5. For salted pork casings - Obtain FSIS Form 9060-7 (08/26/2011), Animal Casings Export Certificate for Countries Requiring Ante-mortem, Post-mortem, and Fit for Human Food Statements. Additionally, a FSIS Letterhead Certificate must accompany the product certifying the following:
      1. The casings derive from animals that were born, raised, fattened and slaughtered in the United States or from animals that were legally imported into the United States./ Proceden de animales nacidos, criados, cebados y faenados en los Estados Unidos o de animales que fueron importados legalmente.
      2. The United States is recognized as a country free from foot-and-mouth disease, swine vesicular disease, African swine fever, and classical swine fever./ Estados Unidos es reconocido come un país libre de Fiebre Aftosa, Enfermedad Vesicular del Cerdo, Peste Porcina Africana y Peste Porcina Clásica.
      3. The casings have been salted for a period lasting at least 60 days prior to shipment./ Las tripas han permanecido en salazón por un periodo de por lo menos 60 días antes de su embarque.
      4. The slaughterhouse where the animals were slaughtered is officially authorized to export meat by the competent authority of the United States and endorsed by the Animal Health Authority of Peru, has implemented a HACCP system./ El matadero donde fueron faenados los animales está oficialmente autorizado para la exportación de carne por la Autoridad Competente del país exportador y avalado por la Autoridad de Sanidad Animal del Perú, el cual tiene implementado un Sistema HACCP.
      5. The processing and slaughter plant is in an area where no epidemic outbreak has occurred from any infectious disease transmissible though the product in the six months prior to slaughter./ El matadero y la planta de procesamiento está en un área donde no han ocurrido brotes epidémicos ni enfermedades infecciosas trasmisibles a través del producto en los seis meses previos al sacrificio.
      6. The casings were conditioned in stockinettes, leak-proof containers, or special boxes of first use, as required, marked with the number, name and location of the casings facility, and the packing date. / Las tripas fueron acondicionadas en estoquinetes, recipientes a prueba de goteo, o cajas especiales, de primer uso, según sea el caso y en los que figure número, nombre y ubicación del establecimiento de origen de las tripas, y la fecha de empaque.
      7. The means of transport, handling and loading conditions meet the hygiene requirements of the United States. / Los medios de transporte, manipuleo y condiciones de la carga cumplen con los requerimientos de higiene de los Estados Unidos.
  3. Sheep (Ovine) Products
    1. For fresh/frozen ovine meat of Australian origin, the following statements must be provided in the "Remarks" section of FSIS Form 9060-5 or on a separate FSIS letterhead certificate:
      1. All of the ovine meat exported to Peru is originally from Australia. Before being imported to the United States, it has met the sanitary requirements demanded in Australia.
      2. The exporting country is free of Aphthous Fever, bovine plague, plague of the small ruminants.
      3. The facility, where the ovine meat has been stored, is located in an area where there have not been epidemic outbreaks caused by infectious and contagious illnesses that may affect this species.
      4. The meat has been vacuum-sealed. The official inspection and the slaughterhouse of Australian origin are identified.
      5. The meat is fit for human consumption.
      6. The meat is packaged in drip-proof containers that indicate the date of packing.
      7. The means of transport, handling and loading conditions meet the hygiene requirements of the United States.
  4. Beef Products
    1. For fresh/frozen bovine meat of Australian origin, the following statements must be provided in the "Remarks" section of FSIS Form 9060-5 or on a separate FSIS letterhead certificate:
      1. All of the bovine meat exported to Peru is originally from Australia. Before being imported to the United States, it has met the sanitary requirements demanded in Australia.
      2. The country of origin is free of Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD), Bovine Pest and Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE).
      3. The United States is free of Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) and Bovine Pest.
      4. The facility, where the bovine meat has been stored, is located in an area where there have not been epidemic outbreaks caused by infectious and contagious illnesses that may affect the species.
      5. The meat has been vacuum-sealed. The official inspection and the slaughterhouse of Australian origin are identified
      6. The meat is fit for human consumption.
      7. The meat is packaged in drip-proof containers that indicate the date of packing.
      8. The means of transport, handling and loading conditions meet the hygiene requirements of the United States.
    2. For beef and beef products. In completing the FSIS Form 9060-6, Application for Export, the following statement must be included: “The product meets EV requirements for Peru.” Obtain FSIS Form 9060-5, Meat and Poultry Export Certificate of Wholesomeness. Additionally, the following certification statements must be provided on an accompanying FSIS letterhead certificate.
      1. The United States has an active BSE surveillance program which meets or exceeds international standards established by the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE).
      2. The meat or meat products were derived from animals that were officially given an ante and post mortem inspection by Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) inspection officials.
      3. The meat or meat products were produced and handled in a manner which ensures that such products do not contain and are not contaminated with the following specified risk materials: for cattle 30 months of age and older, the brain, skull, eyes, trigeminal ganglia, spinal cord, vertebral column, and dorsal root ganglia; and for cattle regardless of age, the tonsils and distal ileum of the small intestine.
      4. The meat or meat products were produced and handled in a manner which ensures that such products do not contain and are not contaminated with mechanically separated meat from the skull and vertebral column from cattle over 30 months of age.
      5. The meat or meat products were derived from federally certified slaughter or processing facilities, operating under the supervision of the FSIS.
      6. The slaughter or processing plant where the meat was processed has a HACCP system in place.
      7. The meat or meat products are fit for human consumption.
      8. The meat or meat products were packed in authorized containers bearing the mark of inspection that includes the number of the facility, and labeled to include the name of the product, lot number, net weight, and date of packing.
      9. The meat or meat products are transported in containers or thermo refrigerated vehicles that are monitored to assure that they maintain appropriate refrigerated or frozen temperatures.
      10. Trucks and containers have been properly washed and disinfected.
      11. The feeding of ruminants with ruminant origin meat-and-bone meal and greaves is prohibited in the United States, and this prohibition has been effectively enforced.
      12. The meat or meat products were obtained from cattle that were not subjected to a stunning process, prior to slaughter, with a device injecting compressed air or gas into the cranial cavity, or to a pithing process.
      13. The meat or meat products were not derived from animals imported from Canada for immediate slaughter.

Plants Eligible to Export

All Federally inspected establishments are eligible to export to Peru. However, beef products must originate from AMS EV approved establishments.

PE-33 (Jan 14, 2013)
United States Department of Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection Service