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Export Requirements for Mauritius
MP-5 (Oct 25, 2004)

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Eligible/Ineligible Products
  1. Eligible
    1. Fresh/frozen red meat and meat products
    2. Fresh/frozen poultry and poultry products  (Exotic Newcastle Disease restrictions have been lifted)*

Documentation Requirements
  1. An import permit must be obtained from the Mauritian Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Natural Resources; Veterinary Services.
  2. Red Meat
    1. Obtain FSIS form 9060-5 (Export Certificate of Wholesomenss). The import permit number and date issued must be typed in the "Remarks"; section.
    2. The following statements are to be provided on an FSIS Letterhead Certificate:
      1. No part of the consignment of meat/meat products were derived from animals slaughtered because of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) or suspicion of BSE.
      2. In respect of fresh bovine bone-in meat, fresh bovine meat was derived from bovines which are not from holdings in which BSE has been confirmed in the previous two years.
      3. In respect of fresh bovine boneless meat, fresh meat from which during the cutting process obvious nervous and lymphatic tissue has been removed.
      4. During the cutting process, all obvious nervous and lymphatic tissue has been removed.
      5. All animals slaughtered for meat/meat products to be shipped to Mauritius were derived from an area known to be free from restrictive measures due to infectious notifiable diseases, particularly Rinderpest, Foot and Mouth disease, Contagious Bovine Pleuro-pneumonia and Anthrax for the last six months.
      6. The animals were subjected to ante-mortem inspection by a qualified Veterinary Surgeon and found to be free from the symptoms of all infectious and contagious diseases including BSE.
      7. That the carcasses, on post-mortem inspection, were found to be free from diseases and that having been unconditionally passed were sound and wholesome in all respect for human consumption.
      8. The carcasses, meat/meat products were prepared, and handled and processed and packed in a sanitary manner with all necessary precautions taken to prevent any danger to human health.
      9. The animals were slaughtered within a period of 1 year prior to the date of shipment and the meat/meat products were deboned, packed, processed or prepared in establishments which have been approved for export purposes and where the necessary precautions for the prevention of danger to human health are taken.
      10. That the products (in the case of frozen beef) were held in a cold storage for a period of not less than two weeks after slaughter and that all precautions were taken to prevent contamination, whilst in cold storage and in transit and that it is in a sound marketable condition at the time of shipment.
  3. Poultry Meat
    1. Obtain FSIS form 9060-5 (Export Certificate of Wholesomenss). The import permit number and date issued must be typed in the "Remarks"; section.
    2. The following statements are to be provided on an FSIS Letterhead Certificate:
      1. The poultry meat was derived from flocks originating from farms that are known to the Government to have been free for the past 12 months from all notifiable diseases of species especially Newcastle disease and Avian Influenza.
      2. Salmonella enteritidis, phage-type 4, is not present in the United States.
      3. The consignment does not contain any meat derived from poultry that have been slaughtered as part of a disease eradication programme.
      4. The processing was carried out in an abattoir approved by (name of the EC Country)
      5. The cooked, ready-to-eat product was produced under controls of the FSIS Microbiological Monitoring Program. (This statement is to be included only for cooked, ready-to-eat products.)
      6. The products do not contain harmful levels of residues of antibiotics, hormones (synthetic or natural) and arsenical derivatives.
      7. The products have undergone Veterinary inspection throughout processing and storage, and have been found to be unconditionally fit for human consumption.
      8. The poultry products have been processed and stored for not more than six months prior to shipment at a temperature not higher than -20 degrees Celcius.

Other Requirements
  1. Date of processing and expiration date should be printed in English or French.
  2. Transhipment of meat or poultry is not allowed.

Plants Eligible to Export
  1. All federally inspected red meat plants are eligible to export to Mauritius.
  2. Poultry establishments approved for export to the United Kingdom, Germany, Belgium and Greece are eligible to export to Mauritius.

MP-5 (Oct 25, 2004)



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