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Export Requirements for Colombia

CO-55 (Feb 21, 2013)

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Eligible/Ineligible Products
  1. Eligible
    1. Pork and pork products.
    2. Protein-free tallow (0.15% maximum insoluble impurities), products derived from protein-free tallow and gelatin and collagen exclusively obtained from hides and skins.
    3. Poultry and poultry products, except as indicated in B. Ineligible.
    4. Beef and beef products. The vertebral column (including the transverse process of the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae, the wings of the sacrum, and the vertebrae of the tail) must be removed from animals 30 months of age and older. Also, the meat cannot be derived from animals imported from Canada for immediate slaughter. Eligible beef and beef products must be produced under an approved AMS Export Verification (EV) program for beef to Colombia. Veal is not subject to an approved EV program; however, an EV program is necessary if the facility also handles non-conforming product in which case the EV program is required to ensure control of the non-conforming product. Information about the EV program for Colombia and a list of EV approved establishments can be obtained from AMS' Web site.

      Effective March 19, 2012, a Statement of Verification (SOV) is no longer required as part of the export certification process for Colombia. FSIS inspection personnel will continue to verify the eligibility of the establishment and product. The unique product identification system can be accessed by authorized FSIS inspection personnel from FSIS' Intranet site. Details of the Export Verification program can be accessed from the Export Verification (EV) Programs Additional Requirements page on the AMS' Web site.

      If FSIS inspection personnel become aware of concerns that an AMS approved EV establishment is not properly executing its EV program, export certification should not be issued for the product in question and AMS should be notified at Inspection personnel should include their immediate supervisor on messages to AMS. The following information should be included in the message:
      • Establishment name, address, and establishment number
      • Product type, product code, and quantity of product
      • Date of production, lot number, and shift
      • Date and nature of observation
      • Name of country product is intended for export
      • Export certificate number (if applicable)
      • Any other information to verify claim
      • Name of inspection official

      Rendered beef fat is not subject to the EV Program.
  2. Ineligible
    1. Goat and sheep and by-products.
    2. Imported poultry and poultry products and meat derived from birds that have not been in the U.S. for at least 21 days.

Labeling Requirements
  1. In addition to U.S. labeling requirements, the following information must appear in Spanish on the carton.  If not in Spanish on the carton, the English text of the label must be translated into Spanish on the exporter's letterhead and be presented at the time of importation into Colombia.
    1. Name of the product
    2. List of ingredients (if a multi-ingredient product)
    3. Net weight (in metric units. May be in English only)
    4. Producer name and address (May be in English only)
    5. Origin country
    6. Lot number (May be in English only)
    7. Expiration date (day/month/year format). (May be in English only)
    8. Conditions of storage
    9. Date of packaging

Packaging Requirements
  1. Meat and poultry products must be packaged according to U.S. requirements.
  2. Shipping containers must be sealed; commercial seals are acceptable.

Documentation Requirements
  1. Meat and meat products - Obtain FSIS Form 9060-5, Meat and Poultry Certificate of Wholesomeness.
  2. Poultry and poultry products- Obtain FSIS Form 9060-5, Meat and Poultry Export Certificate of Wholesomeness. Additionally, the following statements must be typed in the "Remarks" section or provided on an FSIS letterhead certificate (PDF Only):
    1. The meat was derived from birds which were at least 21 days in the U.S. / La carne proviene de aves que han estado al menos 21 días en los Estados Unidos.
    2. The US meets OIE standards for avian influenza surveillance and the poultry farms have demonstrated the absence of infection with notifiable avian influenza through a verifiable system of serologic surveillance. / EE.UU. cumple con los estándares de la OIE sobre vigilancia de influenza aviar y las granjas avícolas han demostrado la ausencia de infección de influenza aviar de declaración obligatoria con un sistema verificable de vigilancia serológica.
    3. The fresh or frozen poultry meat and poultry meat products were derived from birds that since hatching or at least during 21 days have been in a zone or compartment free of Newcastle disease (as defined by the OIE). / La carne de aves fresca o congelada, así como los productos de carne de aves proceden de aves que permanecieron desde su nacimiento o durante por lo menos veintiún (21) días en una zona o compartimento libre de la Enfermedad de Newcastle (tal como las define la OIE).
    4. The fresh or frozen poultry meat and poultry meat products were derived from birds that originate from a zone or compartment free of notifiable avian influenza (as defined by OIE). / La carne de aves fresca o congelada, así como los productos de carne de aves provienen de aves que proceden de una zona o compartimento libre de Influenza Aviar de declaración obligatoria (tal como las define la OIE).
    5. Fresh chilled or frozen poultry meat and poultry meat products that originate from a zone identified by ICA Colombia as restricted due to a report of notifiable avian influenza within the previous three months are derived from flocks and farms under systematic surveillance for notifiable avian influenza within the National Poultry Improvement Plan's H5/H7 Avian Influenza Monitored Program. / La carne de aves fresca o congelada o los productos de aves los cuales originan de una zona identificada por ICA como restringida debido a un reporte de influenza aviar de declaración obligatoria dentro de los tres meses previos provienen de bandadas o granjas bajo vigilancia sistemática para Influenza Aviar de declaración obligatoria (tal como las define la OIE) en el Programa de Monitoreo de Influenza Aviar del Plan Nacional de Mejora de Aves de Corral (National Poultry Improvement Plan H5/H7 Avian Influenza Monitored Program).
    6. The slaughter or processing plants where the poultry products were produced and/or processed comply with the necessary conditions established by FSIS and are officially authorized and operate under the supervision of the competent authority of the United States that has a system recognized as equivalent by the Colombian competent authority. / Las plantas de sacrificio o de procesamiento en las cuales los productos avícolas fueron producidos y/o procesados cumplen con las condiciones necesarias establecidas por FSIS, y están oficialmente autorizadas y operan bajo la supervisión de la autoridad competente en EE.UU, cuyo sistema es reconocido como equivalente por la autoridad colombiana competente.
    7. The poultry meat or offal was not derived from birds slaughtered in the context of a poultry disease control or eradication program. / La carne de aves o despojos comestibles no se derivan de aves que haya sido desechadas o descartadas como consecuencia de un programa de erradicación de una enfermedad aviar transmisible.
    8. The conditions of handling, storage and transportation of the products comply with the hygienic requirements of the United States including the necessary precautions to avoid contamination of the product. / Las condiciones de manipulación, almacenamiento y transporte de los productos cumplen con los requerimientos de higiene de Estados Unidos de América incluyendo las precauciones necesarias para evitar la contaminación del producto.
    9. The product has been packed, and labeled with the name and address of the establishment in which the product was processed and officially inspected. / El producto ha sido empacado y rotulado con el nombre y la dirección de la planta en la cual el producto fue procesado y oficialmente inspeccionado.
    10. The meat is fit for human consumption. / La carne es apta para el consumo humano.
    11. Cooked poultry products have been heat processed to destroy avian influenza and Newcastle virus by cooking to an internal temperature in accordance with OIE established procedures for the inactivation of the mentioned disease viruses in meat. / Los productos cocidos de carne de aves han sido procesados térmicamente de forma suficiente para destruir los virus de influenza aviar y de Newcastle, por cocción a una temperatura interna central de acuerdo con lo establecido por la OIE en los procedimientos para la inactivación de los virus de dichas enfermedades en la carne.
    12. The poultry meat exported to Colombia was derived from federally certified slaughter and processing facilities operating u nder the permanent inspection of the Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS). The poultry meat was derived from slaughterhouses that adhere to the performance standards for Salmonella which have been verified by FSIS through monitoring of the pathogen reduction and HACCP programs, implemented in the slaughterhouses. / La carne de pollo que sea exportada a Colombia se deriva de mataderos e instalaciones de procesamiento certificadas federalmente que operan bajo la inspección permanente del Servicio de Inocuidad e Inspección de los Alimentos (FSIS). La carne de pollo se deriva de mataderos que se adhieren a las normas de desempeño sobre Salmonella verificadas por el FSIS por medio del monitoreo de programas de reducción de patógenos y HACCP, implementados en los mataderos.

    Note: For Avian Influenza inactivation, the internal temperatures and cooking times are 60.0°C (140°F), 507 seconds; 65.0°C (149°F), 42 seconds; 70.0°C (158°F), 3.5 seconds; 73.9°C (165°F), 0.51 seconds.

    For Newcastle virus inactivation, the internal temperatures and cooking times are 65.0°C (149°F), 39.8 seconds; 70.0°C (158°F), 3.6 seconds; 74.0°C (165.2°F), 0.5 seconds; 80.0°C (176°F), 0.03 seconds.
  3. Rendered Beef Fat - Obtain FSIS Form 9060-5, Meat and Poultry Certificate of Wholesomeness.  Additionally, the following statements must be typed in the "Remarks" section of the FSIS Form 9060-5 or provided on FSIS Letterhead certificate:
    1. The product consists of de-proteinized fat, and the content of non soluble impurities does not exceed 0.15% its weight;
    2. The processing plant that manufactured this product is under permanent official sanitary inspection;
    3. A representative sampling of the product was taken for microbiological testing with negative results;
    4. The manufacturing process of this product is sufficient to destroy pathogenic bacteria, and the packaging of the product is designed to prevent contamination; and
    5. The product doesn't represent any risk for animal and human health and is used without any restrictions in the country of origin.
  4. Pork Lard and/or Pork Tissues - Obtain FSIS Form 9060-5, Meat and Poultry Certificate of Wholesomeness.  Additionally, the following statements must be typed in the "Remarks" section of the FSIS Form 9060-5 or provided on FSIS Letterhead certificate (PDF Only):
    1. The origin country is free from Foot and Mouth Disease, swine vesicular disease, African swine fever, Teschen Disease, and hog cholera./EL PAIS DE ORIGEN ES LIBRE DE AFTOSA, ENFERMEDAD VESICULAR PORCINA, FIEBRE PORCINA AFRICANA, ENFERMEDAD DE TESCHEN Y COLERA PORCINA.
    2. The product was obtained from animals born, raised and fed in the United States or Canada./El PRODUCTO PROVIENE DE ANIMALES NACIDOS, CRIADOS Y CEBADOS EN LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS O CANADA.
    3. The slaughtered animals came from holdings that are not under official quarantine or restrictive movement of animals for control or eradication of livestock diseases affecting swine./LOS ANIMALES SACRIFICADOS PROVINIERON DE ESTABLECIMIENTOS QUE NO ESTAN EN CUARENTENA OFICIAL O RESTRINGIDOS EN EL MOVIMIENTO DE ANIMALES PARA CONTROL O ERRADICACION DE ENFERMEDADES PECUARIAS QUE AFECTEN A LOS PORCINOS.
    4. The product was obtained from animals given both ante-mortem and post-mortem inspection and found that they were in good health conditions./El PRODUCTO SE OBTUVO DE ANIMALES QUE RECIBIERON INSPECCION ANTE-MORTEM Y POST-MORTEM Y EN AMBOS SE HALLO QUE ESTABAN EN BUENAS CONDICIONES DE SALUD.
    5. The product was produced in a process whose temperatures exceed 100 degrees Celsius./EL PRODUCTO SE PROCESO A TEMPERATURAS QUE EXCEDEN 100 GRADOS CENTIGRADOS.
    6. The processing plant is under official sanitary control./LA PLANTA DE PROCESAMIENTO ESTA BAJO CONTROL SANITARIO OFICIAL.
    7. Microbiological tests done on dehydrated representative samples of the product showed negative to pathogens./LAS PRUEBAS MICROBIOLOGICAS HECHAS A MUESTRAS REPRESENTATIVAS DESHIDRATADAS DEL PRODUCTO FUERON NEGATIVAS A PATOGENOS.
    8. This product is consumed without restrictions in the exporting country and therefore it does not represent a risk (of infection) for human and animal health./ESTE PRODUCTO SE CONSUME SIN RESTRICCIONES EN EL PAIS EXPORTADOR Y POR LO TANTO, NO REPRESENTA UN RIESGO (DE INFECCION) PARA LA SALUD HUMANA Y ANIMAL.
  5. Pork Casings - Obtain FSIS Form 9060-7 (08/26/2011), Animal Casings Export Certificate for Countries Requiring Ante-mortem, Post-mortem, and Fit for Human Food Statements. Additionally, a FSIS Letterhead Certificate (PDF Only) must accompany the product certifying the following:
    1. The pork casings come from animals slaughtered in the United States / Las tripas de cerdo provienen de animales sacrificados en los Estados Unidos.
    2. The United States is free of Foot-and-Mouth Disease, Classic Swine Cholera, Porcine Vesicular Disease, and African swine fever / Estados Unidos es libre de fiebre Aftosa, Peste Porcina Clásica, Enfermedad Vesicular Porcina y Fiebre Porcina Africana.
    3. The pork casings have been pickled (salted) for a minimum of 60 days prior to shipping / Las tripas han estado en salmuera (saladas) por un mínimo de 60 días antes del embarque.
    4. The pork casings originate at federally certified slaughterhouses and processing plants that operate under continuous inspection by the Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) / Las tripas se originan en plantas de sacrificio y procesamiento certificadas federalmente que operan bajo la inspección permanente del Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS).
    5. That the animals have been subject to ante mortem and post mortem inspection by a veterinarian from the official animal health service / Que los animales han sido sometidos a inspección ante y post mortem por un médico veterinario del servicio de sanidad animal official.
    6. The processing plant is located within a zone where there has not occurred any outbreak of infectious disease epidemic that affects the species in the six (6) months prior to slaughter / La planta de procesamiento (o degüello) esta localizada en una zona donde no ha ocurrido ningún brote epidémico de enfermedades infecciosas que afecten la especie, en los (6) meses anteriores al sacrificio.
    7. That the manufacturing, packing, transportation, handling, and storage processes for the products comply with the hygiene requirements of the U.S.A. including the precautions required to prevent contamination of the product / Que el proceso de elaboración, empaque, transporte, manipulación y almacenamiento, de los productos cumplen con los requerimientos de higiene de EE.UU., incluyendo las precauciones necesarias para evitar la contaminación del producto.
    8. That the product is fit for human consumption / Que el producto es apto para consumo humano.
    9. The label will contain the FSIS plant number, and production date / El rotulo contiene el numero FSIS de la planta y la fecha de producción.
    10. The trucks and containers have been properly washed and disinfected with approved chemicals as authorized by the official animal health service of the United States / Se ha lavado y desinfectado apropiadamente los camiones y contenedores con productos autorizados por el servicio oficial de sanidad animal de los Estados Unidos.
  6. Fresh/frozen pork and pork meat products - Obtain FSIS Form 9060-5, Meat and Poultry Export Certificate of Wholesomeness. Additionally, the following statements must be typed in the "Remarks" section of the FSIS Form 9060-5 or provided on an FSIS Letterhead Certificate (PDF Only):
    1. The meat was derived from animals which were at least three (3) months in the U.S. or Canada or since birth in the case of animals less than three months old. / La carne proviene de animales que han estado al menos tres (3) meses en los Estados Unidos o Canada, o desde su nacimiento en caso de animales con menos de 3 meses de edad.
    2. The slaughtered animals come from holdings which are not under official quarantine or restrictive movement of animals for control or eradication of livestock diseases. / Los animales sacrificados provienen de establecimientos que no estan en cuarentena oficial o con movimiento restringido de animales con el proposito de controlar o erradicar enfermedades del ganado.
    3. The means of transport, handling and loading conditions meet the hygiene requirements of the U.S. / Las condiciones de manejo, cargue y transporte reunen los requerimientos higienicos de los Estados Unidos.
    4. The animals have been slaughtered under hygienic conditions, and the carcasses have been refrigerated to 2-6 degrees Celsius (32-42 degrees Fahrenheit) prior to cutting. / Los animales fueron sacrificados en condiciones higienicas y las canales se refrigeraron a temperaturas entre 2 y 6 grados centigrados (32-42 grados Fahrenheit) antes de su procesamiento.
    5. The meat or meat packages are marked with the establishment number of the producing establishment. / La carne o los paquetes estan identificados con el numero del establecimiento que los produjo.
    6. The meat was produced according to the U.S. Pathogen Reduction/HACCP Systems regulation. / La carne se produjo de acuerdo con las normas del sistema de los Estados Unidos para la reduccion de patogenos/HACCP (Analisis de Riesgo y Control de Puntos Criticos).
    7. The meat was received from the slaughter and processing of clinically healthy swine, which originate from premises and localities free from infectious animal diseases, including swine vesicular disease and African swine fever. / La carne provino del sacrificio y procesamiento de cerdos clinicamente sanos que se originaron en granjas y localidades libres de enfermedades animales infecciosas, incluidas la enfermedad vesicular del cerdo y la fiebre porcina africana.
    8. The products were subject to a freezing process or other process that guarantees the destruction of the parasite (Trichinella spiralis). / Los productos fueron sometidos a proceso de congelamiento u otros procesos que garantizan la destruccion del parasito (Trichinella spiralis).
  7. Beef and beef products - In completing the FSIS Form 9060-6, Application for Export, the following statement must be included: "The product meets EV requirements for Colombia." Obtain FSIS Form 9060-5, Meat and Poultry Export Certificate of Wholesomeness. The following statements must be provided on a FSIS letterhead certificate (PDF Only).
    1. The United States has an active BSE surveillance program which meets or exceeds international standards established by the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE). / Que los Estados Unidos tiene un programa activo de vigilancia de EEB que cumple o excede los estandares internacionales establecidos por la Organizacisn Mundial de Sanidad Animal (OIE).
    2. The meat or meat products were derived from animals that were officially given an ante and post mortem inspection by Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) inspection officials. / Que la carne y sus productos fueron derivados de animales que fueron inspeccionados ante mortem y post mortem por un inspector oficial del Servicio de Inocuidad e Inspeccisn de los Alimentos (FSIS).
    3. The meat or meat products were produced and handled in a manner which ensures that such products do not contain and are not contaminated with the following specified risk materials: for cattle 30 months of age and older, the brain, skull, eyes, trigeminal ganglia, spinal cord, vertebral column, and dorsal root ganglia; and for cattle regardless of age, the tonsils and distal ileum of the small intestine. / Que la carne y sus productos fueron producidos y manipulados de manera tal que asegura que dichos productos no contienen y no han sido contaminados con los siguientes materiales especmficos de riesgo: para bovinos de 30 meses de edad y mayores, encifalo, craneo, ojos, ganglio trigimino, midula espinal, columna vertebral y ganglios de la ramz dorsal; y para bovinos de cualquier edad, las ammgdalas y el mleon distal del intestino pequeqo.
    4. The meat or meat products were produced and handled in a manner which ensures that such products do not contain and are not contaminated with mechanically separated meat from the skull and vertebral column from cattle over 30 months of age. / Que la carne y sus productos fueron producidos y manipulados de manera tal que asegura que dichos productos no contienen y no han sido contaminados con carne mecanicamente separada del craneo y de la columna vertebral de bovinos mayores de 30 meses de edad.
    5. The meat or meat products were derived from federally certified slaughter or processing facilities, operating under the supervision of the FSIS. / Que la carne y sus productos provienen de plantas de sacrificio o de procesamiento certificadas por las autoridades federales, que operan bajo la supervisisn del FSIS.
    6. The slaughter or processing plant where the meat was processed has a HACCP system in place. / Que la planta de sacrificio o de procesamiento donde se process la carne tiene establecido un Sistema de Analisis de Peligros y Puntos Crmticos de Control (HACCP).
    7. The meat or meat products are fit for human consumption. / Que la carne y sus productos son aptos para el consumo humano.
    8. The meat or meat products were packed in authorized containers bearing the mark of inspection that includes the number of the facility, and labeled to include the name of the product, lot number, net weight, and date of packing. / Que la carne y sus productos fueron empacados en contenedores autorizados que tienen el sello de inspeccisn que incluye el nzmero de la planta, y una etiqueta que incluye el nombre del producto, el nzmero del lote, el peso neto y la fecha de empaque.
    9. The meat or meat products are transported in containers or thermo refrigerated vehicles that are monitored to assure that they maintain appropriate refrigerated or frozen temperatures. / Que la carne y sus productos son transportados en contenedores o vehmculos termo refrigerados que son monitoreados para asegurar que se mantienen temperaturas apropiadas de refrigeracisn o de congelacisn.
    10. Trucks and containers have been properly washed and disinfected. / Que los camiones y contenedores han sido lavados y desinfectados en forma apropiada.
    11. The feeding of ruminants with ruminant origin meat-and-bone meal and greaves is prohibited in the United States, and this prohibition has been effectively enforced. / Que la alimentacisn de los rumiantes con harinas de carne y hueso y chicharrones de origen rumiante esta prohibida en Estados Unidos y esta prohibicisn ha sido efectivamente implementada.
    12. The meat or meat products were obtained from cattle that were not subjected to a stunning process, prior to slaughter, with a device injecting compressed air or gas into the cranial cavity, or to a pithing process. / Que la carne y sus productos provienen de bovinos que no fueron aturdidos antes de ser sacrificados mediante inyeccisn de aire o gas comprimido en la bsveda craneana, ni mediante corte de midula.
    13. The meat or meat products were not derived from animals imported from Canada for immediate slaughter. / Que la carne y sus productos no son derivados de animales importados de Canada para sacrificio inmediato.
  8. Additional certification requirements:
    1. The following statement must be provided by the exporter or agent on company letterhead:

      "The containers or transportation vehicles have been washed and disinfected."
    2. All FSIS export certificates accompanying the product must be signed by an FSIS veterinarian. The veterinary degree (DVM or equivalent) must be indicated after the signature.

      Note: An import license may be required, depending on the product and the point of entry.  Exporters are advised to check with their importing agent regarding this issue.

Plants Eligible to Export

At this time, all Federally inspected establishments are eligible to export to Colombia. However, beef products must originate from AMS EV approved establishments. Colombia will only recognize those establishments that are listed in the on-line USDA FSIS Meat, Poultry and Egg Product Inspection Directory. In addition to being listed in the FSIS Meat, Poultry and Egg Product Inspection Directory, the establishment number on the product label must be registered with the National Institute for the Surveillance of Food and Medicines in Colombia. More information about establishment registration can be obtained from the Foreign Agricultural Service's Global Agricultural Information Network Report.*

CO-55 (Feb 21, 2013)