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Export Requirements for People's Republic of China

CH-115 (Feb 21, 2013)

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Eligible/Ineligible Products
  1. Eligible
    1. Poultry and poultry products.
    2. Sheep/lamb casings intended for processing (selection for size and quality) in China and subsequent re-export.
    3. Pork and pork products, including natural casings, with pack dates on or after March 24, 2010.

  2. Note: Exporters are advised that importers must have a valid import license to allow entry of meat and poultry and meat and poultry products. Exporters should work closely with their importer to assure that the proper licenses have been obtained.
  3. Ineligible
    1. Beef and beef products and tallow.
    2. Sheep/lamb meat.
    3. Sheep/lamb casings other than those described in A.
    4. Poultry feet produced according to the "Hong Kong" standard.
    5. Powdered chicken. Effective immediately, export certification should not be issued for this product.
    6. Edible animal fats for all species. Effective immediately, export certification should not be issued for this product.
    7. Specific State restrictions for poultry and poultry products:

      Kentucky - All fresh/frozen and heat treated poultry and poultry products derived from poultry raised or slaughtered in the State of Kentucky from March 31, 2009 through December 12, 2010 are ineligible. All poultry and poultry products that were shipped prior to March 31, 2009, will be subject to Avian Influenza testing before being released. Poultry and poultry products derived from birds raised or slaughtered in the State of Kentucky on or after December 13, 2010 are eligible.

      Virginia - Effective June 20, 2007, all poultry and poultry products originating from Virginia are ineligible.

      Arkansas - Effective May 9 2008, all poultry and poultry products originating from Arkansas are ineligible. Poultry product shipped before May 9, 2008 may be allowed to enter China after avian influenza tests show that they are qualified.

      Idaho - All poultry and poultry products originating from Idaho from September 3, 2008 through December 12, 2010 are ineligible. Poultry product shipped before September 3, 2008 may be allowed to enter China after avian influenza tests show that they are qualified. Poultry and poultry products derived from birds raised or slaughtered in the State of Idaho on or after December 13, 2010 are eligible.

      Pennsylvania - Poultry and poultry products derived from birds slaughtered from July 1, 2008 through January 14, 2010, and on or after December 23, 2011 are eligible. Poultry and poultry products derived from birds slaughtered on or after January 15, 2010 and before December 23, 2011 are not eligible.

      Texas - Poultry and poultry products derived from birds slaughtered on or after January 15, 2010 and before December 23, 2011 are not eligible. Poultry and poultry products derived from birds slaughtered on or after December 23, 2011 are eligible.

      Minnesota - Poultry and poultry products derived from birds slaughtered on or after October 28, 2011 and before December 18, 2012 are not eligible. Poultry and poultry products derived from birds slaughtered on or after December 18, 2012 are eligible.

      New York - All poultry and poultry products shipped on or after January 28, 2013, from the State of New York are ineligible for export to China.*

      Poultry from eligible States may not transit the above restricted States even if the truck, container, or railcar is sealed.

Labeling Requirements
  1. Edible poultry feet - poultry feet from only inspected and passed birds. Containers must bear inspection legend.
  2. Exterior Label (information may appear on an independent label or be present somewhere on the primary display panel): (Chinese and English).
    1. Product name
    2. Country of origin
    3. Establishment number
    4. Production date
    5. Expiration date or storage period
    6. Storage temperature
    7. Country of destination
    8. Net weight (English)
    9. Inspection legend (English)
    10. Name and address of Company (English)
    11. Production Lot number (as defined by the exporter)
    12. Specification (refers to packaging type)
  3. Inner Label: English and/or Chinese
    1. Product name
    2. Country of origin
    3. Establishment number
    4. Production Lot number (as defined by the exporter)

    For additional details please contact the U.S. Meat Federation or the U.S. Poultry and Egg Export Council.

    There are no restrictions on the label size, color, size of the wording, or any other format characteristics as long as the label is legible and easy to read.

Documentation Requirements
  1. Pre-notification

    China's Administration for Quality Supervision, Inspection, and Quarantine (AQSIQ), requires advance electronic notification of all scheduled meat and poultry shipments. It is the responsibility of the exporter, or their designated agent, such as the exporting establishment, to ensure that proper notification is provided. China has agreed to use the USDA's Electronic Trade Document Exchange (eTDE) system to receive certificates prior to arrival of the product in China. The eTDE system will allow for the relevant certificates to be viewed in a pdf format on the eTDE system by registered AQSIQ inspection officials.

    The required certificates for prior notification include FSIS Form 9060-5, Meat and Poultry Export Certificate of Wholesomeness, FSIS Form 9295-1, Meat and Poultry Export Certificate of Wholesomeness for Export to the People's Republic of China, and the appropriate FSIS letterhead certificate, as designated in the documentation section of the FSIS export library.

    These documents can be provided by either the exporter or the exporting establishment designated on FSIS Form 9060-5. In order to upload certificates into the eTDE system, individual users will need to obtain an account with USDA eAuthentication, then register this account, as well as in the user's company, in the eTDE system. Detailed instructions for registration and fact sheets on the eTDE system are available on the USDA Web site at

    AQSIQ expects all certificates to be pre-notified using the eTDE system. It's not clear whether shipments that are not pre-notified using eTDE will experience additional delays at China's ports of entry. Therefore, exporters are encouraged to register to use the eTDE system as soon as possible to eliminate the possibility of additional delays for this reason.

    Exporters must use one of the following statements in Block 14 of the FSIS Form 9060-6, Application for Export Certificate:

    "This certificate will be notified to the People's Republic of China through the eTDE system."

    "This certificate will not be notified to the People's Republic of China through the eTDE system."

    Note: Replacement certificates must be notified to the People's Republic of China using the same process in which the original export certificate was notified.

    When an applicant does not notify the People's Republic of China though the eTDE system, the Public Health Veterinarian (PHV) signing these certificates must follow the procedures listed in FSIS Notice 03-13 Part IV, to enter the certificate information into FSIS's Public Health Information System (PHIS). The time required by the PHV to record this information in PHIS will be included in the reimbursable time charged to the establishment or exporter.

    AQSIQ requires that all certificates not available in the eTDE system be individually verified for authenticity by FSIS. For certificates not made available in the eTDE system, a pdf copy of the signed certificates (FSIS Form 9060-5, FSIS Form 9295-1, and applicable FSIS Letterhead Certificates) must be submitted by the exporter or the exporting establishment to FSIS at the following e-mail address: Product line items entered on FSIS Form 9060-5 is limited to 15 items for certificates submitted to the ChinaCertificates mailbox. E-mail submissions must follow the exact format shown below or the certificates will not be processed and resubmission will be required:
    1. Format for the subject line of the email: "<Enter unique MPH or MPI Six-Digit Export Certificate Number> <Enter Establishment Number where the certificate was issued>". Example: MPI-XXXXXX Est XXXX.
    2. Each email must contain only one PDF-formatted attachment of the signed FSIS Form 9060-5 export certificate and corresponding FSIS Form 9295-1 and FSIS Letterhead Certificate if applicable (i.e., one email for each set of signed export certificates).
    3. The attachment must use the following naming format: "[MPH-XXXXXX (or MPI-XXXXXX)].pdf".

    Note: Pre-notification requirement does not apply to natural casings.
  2. Fresh/frozen meat and poultry and meat and poultry products. Obtain FSIS Form 9060-5, Meat and Poultry Export Certificate of Wholesomeness and FSIS Form 9295-1 (1/12/2004), Meat and Poultry Export Certificate of Wholesomeness for Export to the People's Republic of China.

    FSIS Form 9295-1 is a watermarked form and must be ordered from the FSIS Field Supply Center. Photocopies of this form must not be used to certify product intended for China.
  3. Fresh/frozen pork and pork products - obtain FSIS Form 9060-5 and FSIS Form 9295-1 (1/12/2004), Meat and Poultry Export Certificate of Wholesomeness for Export to the People's Republic of China. In addition, obtain a bilingual Additional Certificate with the following statements. The FSIS inspector must apply the export stamp showing the corresponding export certificate number to the bottom of the Additional Certificate.
    1. Influenza A/H1N1 is a disease that is included in United States animal disease surveillance activities.
    2. The pork meat and/or meat products were derived from pigs which were determined to be healthy on official ante-mortem (pre-slaughter) inspection, with no clinical signs of systemic disease, including A/H1N1.
    3. Pork meat and meat products will not be a source of A/H1N1 infection when they have been handled as required by USDA regulations which are compatible with good hygienic practices recommended by the WHO, FAO, Codex Alimentarius, and the OIE.
  4. Pork Casings: Obtain FSIS Form 9060-7 (08/26/2011). In addition, obtain a bilingual Additional Certificate with the following statements. The FSIS inspector must apply the export stamp showing the corresponding export certificate number to the bottom of the Additional Certificate.
    1. Influenza A/H1N1 is a disease that is included in United States animal disease surveillance activities.
    2. The pork meat and/or meat products were derived from pigs which were determined to be healthy on official ante-mortem (pre-slaughter) inspection, with no clinical signs of systemic disease, including A/H1N1.
    3. Pork meat and meat products will not be a source of A/H1N1 infection when they have been handled as required by USDA regulations which are compatible with good hygienic practices recommended by the WHO, FAO, Codex Alimentarius, and the OIE.
  5. Fresh/frozen poultry and poultry products, including poultry feet. The following statement must be included in the Remarks section of FSIS Form 9060-5 and FSIS Form 9295-1:

    "The poultry meat/poultry meat product was produced on or after November 9, 2004."
  6. Poultry Feet
    1. Poultry feet bearing the mark of inspection - Obtain FSIS 9060-5 - Meat and Poultry Certificate of Wholesomeness, and FSIS Form 9295-1 (1/12/2004), Meat and Poultry Certificate of Wholesomeness for Export to the People's Republic of China.
  7. Sheep and Lamp Casings - obtain FSIS Form 9060-7 "Animal Casings Export Certificate for countries requiring Ante-mortem, Post-Mortem, and Fit for Human Food Statements" (08/26/2011).*
  8. Pork or poultry exported to the Peoples Republic of China for further processing and subsequently exported to Japan - Obtain FSIS Form 9060-5, Meat and Poultry Export Certificate of Wholesomeness and FSIS Form 9295-1 (1/12/2004), Meat and Poultry Certificate of Wholesomeness for Export to the People's Republic of China. Upon the request of the exporter, the following information must be provided either in the "Remarks" section of FSIS Form 9060-5 and FSIS Form 9295-1 (1/12/2004) or on an FSIS letterhead certificate (which is signed by the same FSIS veterinarian signing the export certificate):
    1. All products - Statements for products intended for re-export to Japan:

      "The meat and/or meat products described herein were processed under sanitary conditions in accordance with laws and regulations of the United States. The laws and regulations of the United States have been deemed to be equivalent to the inspection laws of Japan."
    2. For pork only, also include the following statement:

      "The USA is free of hog cholera; vaccination against hog cholera is prohibited; and importation of pigs vaccinated against hog cholera is prohibited."

      The following are also required for pork products:
      • Name, address, and establishment number of the slaughter (If product is quarter, half, or whole carcass) or processing plant (if packaged product).
      • "Date (Month/Year) of Slaughter and Inspection," if product is quarter, half, or whole carcass or "Date (Month/Year) of Manufacture," if cuts or processed products, i.e., pack date

      Note: Listing of dates in the "Remarks" section of FSIS Form 9060-5 must be identified as shown above to be consistent with the term used on FSIS Form 9290-1 (11/01//2012)
    3. Poultry products
      1. For poultry only, also include the following statement:

        "There have been no outbreaks of fowl pest (fowl plague) for at least 90 days in the United States. Further, in the area where birds for export (meat) were produced (such an area being within a minimum radius of 50 kilometers from the production farm), Newcastle disease, fowl cholera, and other serious infectious fowl diseases, as recognized by the United States, have not occurred for at least 90 days."
      2. Poultry is restricted for export to Japan from certain States for specific periods. Certification must be provided that poultry did not originate from or transit through these States during the restricted periods relative to each affected State. Obtain the appropriate statements from the Japan requirements.
  9. The number of the ocean vessel container and the number of the shipper's commercial seal (Not a USDA seal) applied to the container must be indicated in the "Ocean/Air Cargo Container Number(s)" and "Seal Number" blocks on the FSIS Form 9295-1 (1/12/2004).
    1. If the container and seal numbers are known at the time that the product is certified for export, the exporter should indicate the numbers in block 14 on FSIS 9060-6, Application for Export Certificate. Also, the numbers should be included in the appropriate blocks on the FSIS Form 9295-1 (1/12/2004).
    2. If the container and seal numbers are NOT known at the time that the product is certified for export:
      1. The applicant completes FSIS form 9060-6, Application for Export to include all required information, and in block 14, enters the company name, contact person, address, and phone number of the company that will load and seal the container. FSIS will then provide the FSIS Form 9060-5, allow product to be stamped with the export stamp, perform export inspection, and allow shipment of the product without signing FSIS Form 9060-6 FSIS Form 9060-5 and the corresponding FSIS Form 9295-1 (1/12/2004).
      2. The unsigned certificates are to be held by the original applicant. When the container and seal numbers are obtained, they are to be entered in block 14 of FSIS Form 9060-6 and in the appropriate blocks on the FSIS Form 9295-1 (1/12/2004).
      3. The applicant then requests signature of the completed FSIS Form 9060-6 by the same FSIS inspection office that provided export inspection. FSIS Form 9060-5 and the corresponding FSIS Form 9295-1 (1/12/2004) can then be signed by an FSIS veterinarian.
    3. If additional space is needed in the "Ocean/Air Cargo Container Number(s)" block in the case of multiple containers certified with a single certificate, an FSIS letterhead certificate indicating the container and seal numbers should be issued. The letterhead certificate should also indicate the certificate number, the date of the certificate, and the signature of the same veterinarian signing the FSIS 9060-5 and FSIS 9295-1 (1/12/2004) certificates.
  10. All FSIS export certificates and additional certification statements must be dated and have the signature and title of an FSIS veterinarian.
  11. For poultry products only, FSIS export certificates may indicate a Hong Kong importer as the consignee for product destined to the Peoples Republic of China.

Note to Exporter

Chemical Residue and Microbiological Limits. U.S. meat and poultry products may be rejected due to inconsistencies between U.S. and Chinese residue and microbiological standards for these products.  Specific information regarding China's residue and microbiological limits can be obtained from the FSIS Office of International Affairs, Export Programs Staff, (, FAX (202) 720-7990, Phone (202) 720-0082).

PRC requires heat treatment of all packing material made of conifer materials as a preventive measure against pinewood parasites. This includes wood pallets. The ISPM 15 standard adopted by China and Form PPQ 553 is no longer needed. For more information about wood packing material, visit the USDA, APHIS Website at For China specifically, visit the USDA, APHIS Website at

Plants Eligible to Export

All Federally inspected establishments are eligible for export to the Peoples Republic of China except for the plants identified in the Plants Not Eligible to Export section below.

Est. 18079, Smithfield Packing Co., Tarheel, NC - Pork and pork products including heart and livers, with the exception of kidneys, stomach, intestine and bungs, that are produced on or after August 1, 2012 are eligible for export to China. Kidneys, stomach, intestine and bungs and other pork by-products produced on or after September 18, 2012 are eligible for export to China.

Plants Not Eligible to Export

Meat and poultry and meat and poultry products produced or stored at the establishments listed below are not eligible for export to China until further notice. Meat and poultry products produced at other establishments from raw materials originating from these establishments are also not eligible for export to China.

Est. 791, Hatfield Quality Meats, Hatfield, PA, effective August 15, 2007.
Est. 995, Swift Pork Company, Louisville, KY, effective May 7, 2008.
Est. P-7100, Tyson Foods Inc, Nashville, AR, effective June 6, 2007.
Est. 17564, Indiana Packers Corp., Delphi, IN, effective August 15, 2007.
Est. 31559, Meadowbrook Farms Cooperative, Rantoul, IL, effective May 7, 2008.
Est. 5804, John Morrell & Co., Sioux City, IA, effective August 3, 2009. 
Est. P-20245, Equity Group-KY Division, LLC, Albany, KY, effective August 3, 2009.
Est. P-667, Mountaire Farms of Delmarva, Selbyville, DE, effective August 3, 2009.

Est. 13597, Seaboard Foods, Guymon, OK - Product packed after May 17, 2010 and before June 21, 2010 is eligible for export. Product packed on or after June 21, 2010 is not eligible for export.

Unless specifically identified as restricted in the list, hog casings are not affected by the Chinese delistment actions and remain eligible for export from the applicable establishments listed above.

CH-115 (Feb 21, 2013)