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Export Requirements for Chile

CI-46 (Feb 21, 2013)

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Note: Effective February 21, 2013, Chile will require that shipments of fresh or frozen pork be accompanied by FSIS Form 9060-5 and the new bilingual FSIS Letterhead Certificate to Export Frozen or Chilled Pork Meat to Chile (PDF Only).*

Between now and April 1, 2013, Chile will accept the previous versions of the FSIS Letterhead Certificate for the Export of Pork and Pork Products to Chile. Shipments arriving on or after April 1, 2013 must be certified with the new documentation requirements.*

Eligible/Ineligible Products
  1. Eligible Product
    1. Poultry Products - Fully cooked poultry products, canned poultry products, and raw frozen or chilled poultry meat are eligible for export to Chile, except products indicated in the Ineligible section.
    2. Pork and pork products.
    3. Beef which has been USDA AMS graded and beef by-products with the exception of items listed in the Ineligible products below. Ground beef and trimmings are eligible. The following beef by-products are considered eligible: Kidneys, heart, liver, intestines, stomachs, beef cheek meat (masseter muscle), tongue, thymus (sweetbreads), and brains.
    4. Protein-free fats originating from beef.
  2. Ineligible Product
    1. Frozen and chilled poultry meat from the State of Arkansas slaughtered on or after June 13, 2008 and before September 23, 2008 is ineligible for export. Frozen and chilled poultry meat from the State of Arkansas slaughtered before June 13, 2008 and after September 23, 2008 is eligible for export.
    2. The following beef by-products are considered inedible by Chilean Food Health Regulations – urinary bladder, spleen, lips, penis. FSIS does not provide export certification of inedible products, other than technical animal fat (9 CFR 351) and certified pet food (9 CFR 355). Exporters should contact APHIS field offices to obtain information about certification of inedible products. A list of APHIS offices is available at APHIS' Website.
    3. Sheep and goat meat products are not permitted entry from countries with scrapie. Scrapie is present in the U.S.

  Processing Requirements
  1. Fully Cooked Poultry Products
    1. The birds from which these fully cooked products are produced must be slaughtered in a federally inspected slaughter establishment.
    2. Fully cooked poultry products must be heated to the following minimum internal temperatures and cooking time(s):
      1. 70° C for 82 seconds
      2. 74° C for 40 seconds
      3. 80° C for 29 seconds

Labeling Requirements
  1. Beef labeling

    Cartons must have the following labeling information:
    1. Name of cut in English and Spanish. Equivalent Chilean beef cut nomenclature must be provided on carton and product labels; a comparative beef nomenclature chart can be obtained from the FTA text. See page 28 to 33 and please read point 4 of Annex 3.17. The USDA, in collaboration with Chilean officials, developed an additional resource that contains names in English and Spanish for other cuts not mentioned in the beef nomenclature chart found in the FTA text. That resource is available on the AMS Web site.
    2. Establishment number, name, and address of the establishment where the product was packed.
    3. Product certified for export on or after February 1, 2012, must include gross weight, net weight, and number of cuts in the carton. Product weights must be stated in metric units.
    4. Day, month, and year of slaughter or packing.
    5. USDA quality grade designation (cartons must contain only cuts of the same grade). According to the FTA text, only beef that has been graded by AMS may be exported to Chile. See page 28 to 33 and please read point 6 of Annex 3.17.
    6. Equivalent Chilean grade designation must be provided on carton and product labels; grade designation comparison tables can be obtained from the FTA text. See page 28 to 33 and please read point 6 of Annex 3.17.
    7. Equivalent Chilean grade designation is not required for ground beef and trimmings.

    The protective covering of the individual beef cuts inside the box must have the following labeling information:
    1. Name of the cut.
    2. Establishment number, name, and address where the product was packed.
    3. Day, month, and year of slaughter or packing.
    4. Product certified for export on or after February 1, 2012, must include USDA quality grade designation (the protective covering in which the cuts are placed must have the grade or grade shield on it).

    Note: Applying labeling features to inner bags either requires inclusion of all required features in accordance with 9 CFR 317.2 or sketch approval for the deviation (absence of some features) according to 9 CFR 317.7 if all required features are not included. Labeling of inner bags can be done by using pressure sensitive labels which adhere to the inner bags. If pressure sensitive labels are used, they should stick well to the inner bag and not fall off when attached to vacuum-packaged or bagged products.

Documentation Requirements
  1. Certification:
    1. Beef and beef by-products - Obtain FSIS Form 9060-5, Export Certificate of Wholesomeness and the following FSIS Letterhead Certificate (PDF Only). Product certified for export must have the USDA grade designation as well as the name of cut in Spanish and its equivalent Chilean grade designation included in the Product as Labeled entry on the FSIS 9060-5 and the Name of the Product entry on the FSIS Letterhead Certificate.
    2. Pork and pork products

      Shipments of fresh or frozen pork must be accompanied by FSIS Form 9060-5, Export Certificate of Wholesomeness, and the following FSIS Letterhead Certificate (PDF Only)*.

      Fresh/frozen pork must be derived from carcasses that tested negative for trichinosis OR was subject to a freezing process or other process according to 9 CFR 318.10 that guarantees the destruction of the parasite (Trichinella spiralis). Note: On the FSIS Letterhead Certificate, the non-applicable trichinae treatment must be struck through.*

      The establishment must also have an acceptable control program to identify and segregate pork found to be trichinae-free.  Laboratories used to conduct the analysis must participate in the Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) Trichinae Analysis and Laboratory Certification Program. Information about the program can be obtained from AMS' website.
    3. Raw Frozen/Chilled Poultry and Cooked poultry products.
      1. Obtain FSIS Form 9060-5.
      2. "FSIS Letterhead Certificate (PDF Only) to Export Frozen or Chilled Poultry Meat to Chile" must accompany FSIS Form 9060-5. A guideline (PDF Only) has been developed to assist with the preparation of this letterhead certificate.
      3. For poultry that have been vaccinated with a killed AI virus vaccine, an additional USDA letterhead certificate (PDF Only) must be completed. A signed statement by the APHIS accredited industry veterinarian responsible for the flock of origin allows this addendum letterhead to be certified by the FSIS signing veterinarian. A guideline (PDF Only) has been developed to assist with the preparation of this letterhead certificate.
      4. For cooked poultry products, an additional bilingual FSIS Letterhead Certificate (PDF Only) to export cooked poultry products to Chile must be completed. The required internal temperature and times that need to be included on the bilingual FSIS Letterhead Certificate are listed under the processing requirements A.2 (a, b, or c) section.
    4. Canned Meat and Poultry Products
      1. Obtain FSIS form 9060-5.
      2. The bilingual FSIS Letterhead Certificate (PDF Only) to Export Canned Meat and Poultry Products to Chile must accompany FSIS Form 9060-5.
  2. Casings
    1. Obtain FSIS Form 9060-7 (08/26/2011) - Animal Casings Export Certificate for Countries Requiring Ante-mortem, Post-mortem, and Fit for Human Food Statements. In addition, effective November 11, 2011, FSIS Letterhead Certificate (PDF Only) for Pork Casings exported to Chile must accompany FSIS Form 9060-7.
    2. Sheep casings are not permitted entry into Chile due to the presence of scrapie in the U.S.
  3. All export certificates accompanying the product must be signed by an FSIS veterinarian.

Plants Eligible to Export

All federally inspected red meat and poultry establishments are eligible to export to Chile.

CI-46 - (Feb 21, 2013)