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Landsat Missions

USGS LandsatLook Viewer

Initial Release: July 23, 2012

Using the LandsatLook Viewer
Known Issues
Contacting the USGS


The LandsatLook Viewer uses ArcGIS Server technology. For more information:

Basemap attribution:

Name: World Topographic Basemap,
Credits: Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, TomTom, Intermap, iPC, USGS, FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), and the GIS User Community
For more information:

National Geographic:
Name: National Geographic World Map
Credits: National Geographic, Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, UNEP-WCMC, USGS, NASA, ESA, METI, NRCAN, GEBCO, NOAA, iPC
For more information:

References to non-U.S. Department of Interior (DOI) products do not constitute an endorsement by the DOI.


The USGS LandsatLook Viewer ( allows comprehensive searching and downloading of full-resolution LandsatLook images, along with access to Level 1 Data Products.

LandsatLook Viewer

Figure 1. LandsatLook Viewer

Using the LandsatLook Viewer

You can find your area of interest by the text-based search tool in the upper right or by panning and zooming around the globe. The Select Scene button will activate when you zoom in to a 1:1M resolution or closer. The default scene search uses TM and ETM+ imagery from 1999 to present at 20% cloud cover. Using the tools in the Advanced Query section, you can modify the default parameters: years of coverage, cloud cover ranges, and sensor selection.

Returned Query

Figure 2. Returned Query

The viewer will return all applicable scenes according to the criteria. The total scenes returned will appear in the upper right corner of the Display menu (In this example, 441). Because the Landsat archive has many scenes over one location, only a small subset of scenes will display on top of the stack of images (in this example, 3). The other 338 scenes are stored so you can change the scenes viewed easily without conducting multiple searches. You can view all scenes by clicking the Metadata button in the menu (for one scene at a time) or the Table button for a list.

The Enhancements can be selected to change the appearance of the display. The selected Enhancements will be retained when Exporting Display, however will not remain when you choose to Download Images or Download the Full Scene (Level 1 Data Product).

Percent Clip:
This enhancement removes the very darkest and lightest colors. This can actually change the colors of the image.
This enhancement computes the average of the image and then reassigns colors based on a calculation of the Standard Deviation. This tends to brighten the image without changing the colors.

Display Menu

Figure 3. Display Menu

In the Metadata popup, you can click Show Footprint to display it on the main interface, or Zoom To, or quickly Add selected scenes to the Cart. (Night scenes may also display in the Metadata box. These can be added to the Cart, but will not be displayed in the map interface).

Metadata Box Display

Figure 4. Metadata Box Display

To see the results in list format, click the Table button at the bottom of the Display box.

Clicking the Showing: box, you can change the view to see the Query Results, the scenes currently Displayed, or see what scenes you have in the Cart.

The Query Results table shows all images returned, regardless of what is displayed. There may also be night images displayed in the table, they will not be displayed on the map interface. The Export Display button will return a file of exactly what you are seeing in your viewer.

Query Results Table Box

Figure 5. Query Results Table Box

The Displayed table shows just what is in your view. This may be larger than you expect, since there may be small portions of images included in your view. If you only want one image to display at a time, zoom in closer.

Displayed Results Table Box

Figure 6. Displayed Results Table Box

Each selection provides actions at the top of the box. For example, after selecting a scene in the list, the buttons at the top become available to use:

Query Results with Scene Selected

Figure 7. Query Results with Scene Selected

The Add to Cart button places the selected scenes in the Cart. The items will remain in the Cart while additional queries are done and other scenes are selected.

After completing queries and scene selections, change the Showing: dropdown to Cart to display all items currently ready to download.

You can Remove scenes from the Cart, Export the current Display image, Get the LandsatLook Image (Download the Geographic Reference Bundle), or Get Landsat Data - Download the Full Scenes (Level 1 Product). Clicking the Get Landsat Data will direct you to the USGS Registration Service, which will require login credentials, in order to download the Level 1 Product.

Cart Display

Figure 8. Cart Display

When you have completed downloading the selected files, click Remove from Cart to clear and close the box to return to the query interface.

Known Issues

These known issues exist within the initial (July 23, 2012) release of the LandsatLook Viewer:

  1. Internet Explorer 8.x does not display the interface correctly

Contacting the USGS

Questions or feedback about the LandsatLook Viewer can be directed to USGS EROS Customer Services: